The Story

Chris or "John" in this case started calling 1-800-cookies a few months ago. John is a man who sells stolen lawn mowers and always trys to either get a discount off 3 cookies or wants to talk to the manager. We don't have the 1st call that chris made to 1-800 cookies so thats the reason were telling you about the whole operation. As we recover more pranks and as "John" calls more more will be up. Notice everytime we call 1-800-cookies its the same girl Nicole. She knows "john's" voice and she often likes to crack on him. Fun Fact- Chris gave Nicole his number (can be seen in Cookies1 sound) so she could call back and belive that its really a person "John" calling. SO chris gave her his number and for that week or so he would answer the phone like, "Yea, this is John." He also changed his answer machine saying "This is John, I got some stolen merch here..." She called back and was conviced that John was a real person....ok, 544v? Now I understand....

Cookies 1- This is the earliest recording of "John" we could find so far. Its cool how she is like, "You should pay taxes." (581 K, 5 Min)

Cookie 2- Another call where "John" tries to get discounts...Highlight is when she tells him to ride his lawn mower donw the street... (518 K, 4 min, 25 sec)

Cookies 3- Chris finnally gets to talk to the manager, Life is good. (851 k, 7 min 15 Sec.) 3/19/99

Cookies 4- Chris complains how he never got his catalog. Once, I went to sleep and it was cool. (213 k, 1 Min 49 sec.) 3/19/99


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