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Modern website!

Modern website!


I'm glad you found my website, and I am happy to be using the web. I enjoy listening to music
and learning about computers. I have a news center, weather, horoscope, entertainment, e-mail, and a search engine on this web page, that's free to use from the web.
The computer is used in businesses and companies. In engineering CAD (computer automated
design) is used to make schematics, and to make orthographic projections.
CNC (computer numeric control) is now being used, in machine shops, to make parts that are manufactured, by entering the 3-dimensional, X, Y quadrantal and Z-axis specifications, that is given to the computer, to be used to controlling milling machines, lathes and etc., to make parts and objects. In modern manufacturing plants, computers are used to create bar code descriptions, for product identification. Semi and fully automated machines use computers to do the functions, to complete the operation, given.
The ROM (read only memory), program functions of the operation are stored in the hard drive.
RAM (random access memory), is entered to the computer, on a template selection, and/or on a data display area, where the information needed is saved, to complete the operation.
CPU (central processor unit), the computer reads the information, that is entered, and the stored on the hard drive, to the computer; to control the machine, to complete the operation, that was given to the computer.

The future is here to stay, there are Magazine and CD stores on the internet, an ways to make living, and working; faster, easier and more enjoyable.


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My Favorite Links - please visit them

BOOK Store____titles, dummies, peoples weekly, etc., plus {free book mark}
'Radio Garden' Radio Stations
Dr Koop network
Free Email
FREE 50 MB website
Games - play Asteriods, Checkers and more
Learning HTML code____(web clip art)
Popular Science
Main Links Page____(Bikini Girl Of The Day) (superfast 95/98)
Mason Shoes
MUSIC CD Store____ the best CD shop on the web (visit artist's web sites)
My Awards - an Pok'emon cartoon
My Favorite Things____ with Hit Box, Country Grapevine, an view/search homepages
My Information - and keyboard shortcuts
Romance Search
Space in 1999 - dream story
Startrek - spaceships
The Fishing Page
Vitamins,Nutrients and Exercise
Web News - Prime TV listings an Celebrity (links to Evel Knieval and Jenny McCarthy)
Link to: The Modern Website!

My Shopping List
