Female Imperial Officer (Admiral Daala)

I did this costume because I decided that Star Wars Costumers are some of the nicest people on earth. Seriously.  I ended up spending some of the most delightful hours at an anime convention with members of the 501st Legion, a group of really good Star Wars costumers. And I figured that I needed to join their ranks. (Or at least do a Star Wars costume so that I didn't feel out of place.)

And so of course I needed to create a costume.  I debated my possibilities. I'm about a foot too tall to be Leia.  And Amidala is brunette.  Not to mention that doing a good Amidala would take nearly forever. I wanted something that would turn out well without too much work.

For a while, I considered doing a Twi'lek dancer, as I am a dancer and what can be hotter than a Twi'lek dancer? But I wanted to do that costume with help from someone who understood latex, so that I didn't mess up the lek'ku several times.  And I'm an engineer.  So I always loved the uber-technological empire. So I figured, yeah, I'm meant to be an Imperial Officer.

The costume is modeled on Grand Moff Tarkin's.  To make it a bit cuter, I decided to go for a skirt instead of pants and fitted the jacket to fit my body.  It turned out really cute.  It was easy, cheap, and, best of all, it's handwashable.  Now I just need to start making my business suits like this.

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