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*SMILE* Life's Wrinkles

A smile can bring, The Sun in a ray of
It's a gift so bright, It can Light up a
child's life, when a puppy is near...
A Smile never grows old....
It carries life's wrinkles.....
Not in a bad way.. a wrinkle
line from, all your years of smiles.
Be happy at heart your face carries such

For Life did not get you down, Nor a person
took you to the frown of darkness...
You fought to keep that *Smile* You are
one of a kind!

Take Pride in who you are.. No matter
what others think and say...
They only have wrinkles of despair....
Live knowing, Life is a Gift! and each smile
is... A Wonderful Wrinkle! We are happy to
count upon our face!

Written By:
Lisa Angel

My Reasons to *SMILE*

I am 24 years Old here, Same as, My Nicole
is now *Smile*

I'm 3 years old here

Ken & I 43 Here, Nicole 17, Tina 10

I'm 20 years old here

Nicole 20 years old, Tina 14 years old here

My Family - Brothers, Sister & My Mom

My Family; Sisters and Brothers Children, and My Girls, Next to Nina (My Mom) *SMILE*

Guestbook by The Site Fights

<a href="src="/nj/lisasworld3/images/Nat_King_Cole_Smile_kr.wav" target="_new">src="/nj/lisasworld3/images/Nat_King_Cole_Smile_kr.wav</a>


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Lady Lisa Angel - Tubes By Angel Tubes