No response was ever received.
76 Market Street, Apt. D5
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861-4445
United States of America
6 October, 1997
Working Group on Communications
Human Rights Committee
c/o UN Centre for Human Rights
Geneva Office
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Dear Working Group:
I am the author of the complaints listed on my attached "Human Rights Emergency" bulletin, as well as a "1503 communication" dated 30 January, 1997.
As indicated in my letters dated 25 August, 1997 to the High Commissioner for Human Rights and 9 September, 1997 to your New York office, no acknowledgment or action was ever forthcoming. Neither letter has as yet prompted a response. As so often in the past, obstruction has occurred, either before or after their delivery.
The European Parliament, on 19 June, 1987, cited as "flagrant violations of human rights and international law" such forced repatriations as those inflicted upon me by Denmark and the Netherlands (see the attached text). Both these States Parties have acceded to or ratified the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. My complaints are nevertheless ignored -- for nearly six years in the case of the Danish communication. Something has gone terribly wrong.
Please process my complaints. My life depends on it.
Yours truly,
(original signed)
James Henry Graf
Phone 732-324-7467