Letter to UN Center for Human Rights in New York May 13, 1992

The postal receipt never returned, nor was any response received.

Certified Mail Return Receipt P 270 308 505

233 West Grand Street
Apartment B-1
Elizabeth, NJ 07202
May 13, 1992

Center For Human Rights
United Nations
New York, NY 10017


While in Denmark last year, I submitted two communications by mail to your office in Geneva, one to the Committee Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, dated 31 October, 1991, and the other to the Human Rights Committee, dated 4 November, 1991. The first of these dealt with the failure of Denmark and Holland to fulfill their responsibilities under the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The second dealt with other human rights violations committed against me by Denmark. I have no confirmation that either one was received.

I am a citizen of the United States. Despite my assertion that I had left this country because of torture and persecution, Denmark forcibly deported me back here on 19 December, 1991.

I have enclosed copies of my letters to your Geneva office dated 23 December, 1991 and 17 January, 1992, respectively. I don't know whether they reached your offices. Agents of the United States have routinely and systematically interfered with proper delivery of my mail.

The electronic mental torture and other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment inflicted upon me since 1987 by agents of the United States continues with obscene intensity. My health has deteriorated sharply since mid-April, possibly because of poisoning with germ-warfare or chemical-warfare agents. Escape seems now only a remote possibility. My life is in jeopardy.

As of this writing, the trunks containing my most important documents have not been returned to me. A letter from the Dutch railway agency dated 10 February, 1992 and received by me in March confirms that the trunks were shipped from Amsterdam to Copenhagen on 18 December, 1991, arriving there the very morning that I was deported. As requested by the DSB office in Copenhagen, I have sent a bank money order dated 26 March, 1992 in the amount of 200 US dollars to DSB, instructing that the trunks be sent to me here. I fear and strongly suspect that my documents, arbitrarily withheld from me throughout my stay in Denmark, have been literally taken hostage because of the impact these documents might have in an election year here in America.

If my complaints were never received, please get in touch with me. I can provide copies, as well as proof that I was in Denmark when I wrote them. If the complaints have been received and are under consideration, please consider calling a halt to the intolerable treatment to which I am subjected and which endangers my very life.

If you need any further information or details, please feel free to get in touch.

Yours truly,
(original signed)
James H. Graf

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