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the 'Fantabulousa Omipallonis' page

Bona evening m-loves, Having pollaried to a few of my dolly old chums, I realised that it was about time that I up-dated and re-vamped my web page. Give your mincies a treat and varda what I have to say this week... I'll begin by adding a few more bona words for you to learn. Hold tight and here goes: 1. Pollari - (gay) speak, language, talk. 2. Varda - look, see. 3. Varded - looked, saw. 4. Dolly - lovely. 5. Mincies - eyes. 6. Fantabulousa - fabulous. 7. Omipallonis - gays. 8. Lallies - legs. 9. Riah - hair. 10. Lattie - house. 11. Hettie - Heterosexual. 12. Omi - man. 13. Pallone - woman. 14. Eek - face. 15. Naff - bad. 16. Bona - good. 17.*Hobson - voice. 18.*Nanty- no. This little lot should keep you going until my next up-date. Look out for more of the same over the next few weeks. So, now I suppose I should give you another taster of who I am. Very friendly is the first thing that springs to mind. "Hello to Dave!" Then there is the fact that I really do look sooo much younger than I really am. I haven't got a portrait in the attic, I don't have an attic. There really ought to be an up side to lookin so young but I haven't found it yet. My star sign is Aries -birth date 19.04.72 That makes me really old. To conclude, I'm an only child and my idea of the perfect man would have to be Craig Doyle (Tomorrow's World & the Holiday programme). To all those of you who were wondering, I am now a fully qualified Radio presenter and Loiuse Atkins was a wonderful interview guest. Hello to Putz, Dave J, Sep, Janice, Lee, Ian, Peter, 'A', Rich, Squeaky Amanda, Michelle, Clive, Maxine, Tony, Steve, L.C., Jean, Kate, Louise, Lady Louise, Anne D, Marian thanx for blurting it out can you say it LOUDER next time?!, Gareth 1 & Gareth 2, Charlie, Nick, the Vikster, Yeez and absolutely every one of the NICE people that I Know.....HELLO!!! Bye 4 now m-loves. XXX Last updated: 7.12.98 Much love to all my friends, they know who they are, John-Martin. XXX

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