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Title - A

The Adventures of The Crimson Blade - Set a few months after "All Noisy On the Pittsburgh Front." When the WENN program The Crimson Blade ends on three cliffhangers, Betty and Maple wonder how they would have written the endings.
The American Lieutenant, by Kevin Schultz - Two German officers are having problems with a certain American prisoner of war.
The American Patient, by Emma Redmer - Gertie's newest play about an amnesiac patient and the nurse who falls in love with him.
The Anniversary, by Rebecca Immich - An old enemy hold the WENN staff hostage in this hysterical comedy!
The Art of Romance, by Britt Graves - Won't Betty ever give Scott another chance at a date?
At a Bar Called O'Malley's, by Katy Campbell - Scott is determined to win Betty back after Pruitt fires him.

Last Updated November 14th, 2002

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