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by Megan Eaton

Disclaimer: Remember WENN and all of these great characters were created by Rupert Holems, is produced by Metltzer Productions, and were broadcast on American Movie Classics. No copyright infringement intended.

Author's note: This takes place after "All’s noisy on the Pittsburgh Front." This might contain some spoilers. Starts right off where the episode ended, so we are in Victor’s office just after he asked her to decide. And now to our story.....

When she saw Victor enter the room, her heart sank. Here Scott was, telling her everything she already knew. She didn’t know how she felt when he told her he was going into the army. She never thought Scott would leave. When he left, he had always come back, but this time he meant it. She stood there, all confused about what might happen to Scott. She really didn’t have time to react to what Victor was saying. What Scott said about going into the army rang in her ears. Then, all of sudden, the two most important men in her life were fighting over her.

Who would she pick? Both of them were good looking, strong, and capable, but there was one thing that stuck out in her mind. Victor...that kiss he gave her when he was on his way out. She felt in him that he meant it. When she pulled away, she knew it hurt him.

When he asked that question, she thought Maybe I do. I just don’t know. He’s been away for so long. I only see him once and while. Sure, that’s because he’s got the government, and all of those ideas. So he needs to be with them more than me. Then there’s me, all alone when he was in London, worried sick about him. Alone on a Friday night, taking care of the station. I know every little thing about him. I love him, but he’s always gone. The relationship has gone nowhere. We had a few dinner dates here, and a few movies there, but nothing really happened. He thinks we should be like this. Maybe were are supposed to, but it doesn’t feel right.

Standing there all confused and broken hearted, she said, "I can’t do this now. You two have to sort this out. I can’t make a decision. Too much has happened too fast." She left the room, as confused as she’d ever been in her life. Leaving the two men she loved behind.

She headed towards the writer's room and stopped to tell Gertie that she didn’t want to be disturbed. She entered the writer's room and locked the door behind her, sat down, and began to work on the evening scripts.

All of a sudden, the whole thing hit her, and she started to cry as hard as she could. She didn’t understand how she could possibly love Scott and Victor at the same time, but she did.

She heard a knock on the door. "Who is it? I’m really quite busy." She tried to hide the fact that she was crying, and started to type as fast as she could.

A man's voice asked, "Betty, are you O.K.?"

"I’m fine, Mackie. Thanks for asking." She heard him walk down the hall, then thought I’m not fine. She got up, unlocked the door, and called for Mackie. He was happy that she finally wanted to talk. He knew something was wrong since he and Jeff heard her on the phone.

Mackie came into the writers room. "Betty, what’s bothering you? You know you can tell me anything."

"I know, Mackie. It’s just since Victor came back, I thought things could get back to the way they were before he left. We sort of talked a lot after work, and I started to fall in love with him. I didn’t know if he loved me, but he went to London, and I missed him so much. you couldn’t believe, Mackie. Then he died. You saw how that affected me. Scott took care of all us. He was a big help, especially to me. If it wasn’t for him, I’m sure the station and I wouldn’t have gotten through it.When Pruitt fired him, I thought he was out of my life forever. He told me he loved me, and maybe I did love him."

"Just before Victor left today, he had kissed me. I sort of pushed him away. Is this making any sense?"


"Victor’s been in Washington so much. We’ve tried to go on a few dates, but the government keeps getting in the way. I always expect and anticipate that he’ll be sent back. It's so annoying."

"Scott told me he enlisted today, and how much he loved me. We were both upset. Then Victor came into the office when I think we were about to kiss. They’ve asked me to choose between them. I don’t know what to do. I think I love them both, so I just left them in the office to decide who’s staying here and who’s going to London."

"Betty, I think you should take some time for yourself and sort out your feelings for both of them."

"Who should I send to London? I know whoever goes to London will be safe, but that person will be wondering what’s going on here, and I don’t have much time."

"Betty, from what you've told me, I get the opinion that you might want things to work out with Victor. We've all seen how you two look at each other. You might want to send Scott off to London and tell him that you think you love Victor more and want to try it out. You’ll keep in touch with him and will still think about him. At least he wouldn’t get injured or blown up."

"Mackie, you’re right. I've been putting this off. I knew I had to make a decision sooner or later. I just didn’t want to make it at all. How could I have let this happen?"

"Simple. Both of them came into your life when you least expected it. You never thought you would have to choose. Like you said, you didn’t know how you felt about Scott until just recently. It was just stuck in your heart, sitting there, until he said just the right thing. Then all of these feelings came that you didn’t know what to do with. You're stuck in the middle, having to choose between two people you love. Does that help?"

"Thank you, Mackie. That helps a lot. I guess I have to tell them my decision now. I hope they’ll appreciate it."

"They will, Betty, because they love you. Don’t worry," he said with a smile on his face, reassuring her that it’ll be all right. As they left the writer's room, they hugged. Betty marched towards the office to make a big decision.

Victor and Scott were standing there, staring at each other, about to fight, when Betty came in. They looked at her as if they were about to get some bad news. They sat, Betty on one side of the desk, Scott sitting in the chair across from her and Victor leaning near the radio.

As Betty began telling them her decision, Mr. Eldridge burst in. "Betty, come into the Green Room right away!"

"Mr. Eldridge, I’m in the middle of something here."

"We don’t need you here. We need you in the Green Room!"

"All right, Mr. Eldridge. I’m coming." She thought this was a good thing, delaying her horrid conversation with Scott and Victor just for a little while longer.

When she entered, there was nothing but smiles in the room, until she noticed that Eugenia and Mr.Foley were the center of attention. Mr. Foley started to speak, but Euginia was so happy that she burst right in. "Everyone, Mr. Foley and I have gotten engaged!"

Everyone was happy and surprised at this good news that they didn’t know what to say. Betty exclaimed "Congratulations, you two!. What a nice surprise!"

Jeff added, "Yes, it’s great! See, Hilary, they’re getting married."

Hilary said "Jeffery, I can’t I’m married to some..." Her voice drifted off.

"Congratulations!" shouted Scott as he checked his watch. "Oh, would you look at that military time. Betty, you were saying in the office."

"Oh, yes. I guess I guess we have to take care of that."

Everyone in the green room noticed Scott’s uniform and were completely surprised. All of a sudden, the smiles and laughing stopped. Hilary said, "Scotty, why are you wearing that uniform?"

"Well, Hilary, I enlisted in the army the day after Pearl Harbor." He left just saying that and went into the office with Victor and Betty.

They sat as before, but Betty wanted to make it as fast as possible and as painless as possible, for all of their sakes. She started to say, "I really never wanted to pick between you two. I really love you both. That’s not possible anymore with a war going on in Europe, and both of you are involved."

Both men looked so solemn. Scott interrupted. "While you were working on the scripts, Victor and I were talking. We thought that it wasn’t fair for us to make you decide. I’m going to take that job in London. After all, this is Victors’ station more than it’s mine. Even though you guys have become family to me."

"Scott..." whispered Betty.

"Betty, it’s for the best. What are the chances of me getting hurt? The only thing you have to worry about is what kind of trouble I can get myself into."

"I have to call Washington and tell them that I think you’ll be the better choice," Victor said.

While he called, Betty had a chance to be alone with Scott. They went into the writer's room to talk, but Victor understood. They had a lot to talk about.

"cott you don’t have to do this. Then again, maybe you do. Remember, I’ll always think of you, no matter what happens.”

"Betty, there are so many things I wish that could have happened. With the situation at hand, there’s nothing that can be done. I’ll always love you. If things don’t work out between you and Victor or whoever, I’ll be here."

"Hey, Betty, I love you." Scott grabbed her by the nape of the neck and forcefully thrusts their lips together. Maybe I do have a chance with her,Scott thought, not now but someday.

As they pulled away, they both had helpless looks on their faces, but one of unknown passion. As Scott lead Betty out, a tear ran down her cheek. Scott brushed it off. Betty gave him a kiss on his hand. As she did this they walked out, holding hands as if this was the last time they’d ever see each other.

Victor came out of his office and saw the looks on their faces. He wasn’t really sure what they had until then, but now he knew. "Scott, it's been oked with Washington you leave tomorrow. I’m sure you and Betty would like some time together."

“Oh, yes, Victor, we’ll talk about all of this later," Betty replied, while Victor gave her one of his I love you smiles. As Scott and Betty went into the Green Room, Victor went off to his office.

In the Green Room, Hilary was talking to Jeff about what had happened. "Jeffery, love, I married him to get back at you when I thought you were married to that Czechoslovackian from Prague. Then you told me it was all a scheme to protect Victor's life."

"Hilary, who did you marry?" asked Jeff

"That’s not important now. I’ve told him everything, and we both agree that you and I should be together. We have drawn up the papers."

Just then Scott and Betty went in. "Scotty, I thought you leaving," Hilary said.

"Victor got me a cushy job in London, so I wouldn’t see any combat. I leave tomorrow. Have you and Jeff settled everything?"

"To an extent," Jeff said.

"Everything’s been resolved," said Hilary.

"So, are you two getting married again?" Betty asked.

"Someday, I hope. I plan that it will be legal," Hilary said longingly."

"That’s right, Mittens," whispered Jeff.

Betty and Scott saw that they really loved each other now. What was past was past, and they were over it only the future was a head of them. Jeff and Hilary went off to do 'The Hands of Time', leaving Betty and Scott behind to talk.

In the studio, Mr. Foley was distracted by his bride to be, missing all of the sound effect cues. Jeff and Hilary just stared at them thinking of the time when they were like that.

The program continued. "Oh, Brent, when you married that other woman, I..." Elizabeth said.

"What did you do?" asked a confused Brent.

"I married another man," confessed Elizabeth.

Eugenia missed her cue here too. "Tune in tomorrow when you’ll hear Elizabeth say, 'But Brent, I didn’t know.' On the next sweeping episode of 'The Hands of Time.'" Mackie said, finishing what was left of the program.

They all looked at Eugenia and Mr. Foley exclaimed "Stop it!" They never heard them. They were both looking at each other like they were the only people in the room.

Eugenia walked in to the Green Room to get a cup of coffee, when she noticed Scott and Betty talking. Finally, after noticing what Scott had said earlier, she said, "Boy, do you look good in that uniform. Hi, Betty." They both smiled.

"Scott, what’s this about you going in to the army?" she asked.

"I’m not anymore, Eugenia. It turns out that Victor got me this swell little set up in London."

"Oh, really."

"Yeah, so I won’t get in to trouble." He winked at Betty.

"I was wondering, Betty, since it’s so late and all and we are playing are records, can Mr. Foley and I go home? If there isn’t anything you need us for?” asked Eugenia.

"Sure, Eugenia, and congratulations," said Betty.

"Thanks, Betty."

"That’s right, Eugenia. You and Mr. Foley. Who would have thought? Congrats," added Scott.

"We’ll see you tomorrow, won't we, Scott?"

"I’ll drop in before my plane leaves tomorrow."

Mackie came in to get some coffee as Eugenia left. "Well, Scotty, it seems like one of us guys at the station will see combat."

"No, Mackie. I got another thing in London," he said, smiling at Betty.

"Yeah, well, I guess I’d better get back on the air. The record's almost over. See you."

"Yeah, Mackie," Scott replied as the doors swung shut.

"Scott, I wish you two never put me in this situation," Betty said.

"Betty, I never wanted to, but it had to happen sooner or later. I’m just happy it later rather than sooner. I'll never regret what we had, or forget it," he said, as if he was trying to defend himself from the inevitable.

"Me, too. It’s nice we had this time together, in case I don’t get a chance to see you tomorrow," she said sadly.

"Are you kidding? I’ll make it a point," he said forcefully.

Betty went in the office to see what Victor was up to. Scott stayed in the Green Room, trying to remember every little detail of this station he called home.

Victor and Betty were about to leave when they remembered Scott was still there. Victor waited while Betty went to go look for him. Betty found Scott asleep on the couch in the Green Room. She stood there for a moment, looking at how peaceful he was, before waking him up. She kissed him on the forehead. He woke just then.

"Betty, I was just dreaming that. So, do you love me?" he asked sleepily.

"I was just....Victor and I were about to leave when I remembered you were still here."

"You and Victor..." he spoke softly.

"Well, I’d better go. Good night, Scott," she genuinely said.

"Good night, Betty Roberts," he said for the last time.

Scott was following her out when Victor said "Is everything all right? Are you ready to go now?"

"Yes Victor," Betty replied.


Hilary invited Jeff over for take out from the Chinese restaurant near the station, which she picked up on the way home. She freshened herself and set the table.

Jeff arrived soon after. "Jeffery, the man I married was Alan Ballenger. He was a mentalist who came after I got that phony letter from Pavla. Jeffery, the only reason I married him was to get back at you and so I could feel important again."

"Hilary, do you love him?”

"I did, but I always loved you. Alan knew that. He heard us the other day on the radio and realized that I should be with you."

"Hilary, are you sure? The one thing in my life that I don’t want is you regretting this, because you’ll take it out on me. I don’t want to be your target for the rest of my life."

"Jeffery, it’s all right. I love you and only you." They moved in closer and closer and kissed as if they werepassionately in love.


The next morning, there wasn’t a dry eye at the station, except for Victor, who almost felt bad for Betty, having to make a decision. Jeff, Hilary, Mackie, Maple, Euginia, and Mr. Foley went on the air to do the morning show, leaving time for Scott and Betty to say their good byes. Betty was in the writer's room working on a script and trying not to the day's events bother her, or end up in one of the scripts.

Scott walked in with a big smile and two cups of coffee. "Thanks, Scott," Betty said. "I really needed some. I couldn’t sleep last night."

"Why is that, Betty?"

"I kept thinking about you going off to London all alone, and if it was the right decision."

"Betty, I’ll be fine. You’ll see. I’ll write you and you’ll write me, won’t you?"

"Of course, Scott. I’ll miss you."

"I’ll miss my Betty Roberts, and all of the Betty Roberts that make this country great."

"Scott, be careful," she warned sadly.

"Don’t worry, Betty." With that, he left. A small tear ran down her face.

In the Green Room, Maple was reading a magazine. "Hiya, Scotty. Leaving today?"

"Yep, Mapes, in a few hours."

"Wow, Scotty. I’m gona miss you. What am I going to do?"

"Mapes, we’ll run into each other someday. Hey, it always happens."

"Yeah, that’s right. How’s Betty taking it?"

"She still doesn’t feel right about all this, but it’s only been one day."

"A girl needs time. Don’t worry, Scotty. She’ll be all right."

"You’re right, Mapes.”

The day continued as normal, until Scott had to leave. He went into the writer's room and said "Betty, I’ll never forget you as long as I live."


"I know what you are going to say. 'Be careful and take care.'"

"No, Scott. That’s not what I was about to say. I care for you, too."

As she said that, a tear ran down the side of her cheek. Scott gently wiped it away with his thumb and kissed her cheek as if it were the time they would ever see each other. Betty kissed him gently on the lips, not knowing if this was the right thing to do, but she felt she had to do it. As they parted, their eyes never left each other.

Out in the hall stood the whole gang. Gertie cried as she hugged him like a son.

Hilary said "Bye, Scotty. I’ll miss you." She was never one to show sadness in front of people. Jeff patted him on the back.

Maple gave him a sisterly hug and said, "Bye, Scotty."

Scott replied, "Love ya, Mapes."

Mr. Foley shook his hand. Euginia was trying to hold back tears, but couldn’t. She gave him a big hug. Then she went to get comfort from her fiancee.

Mr. Eldridge said, "Good luck, Scott. We'll be thinking about you."

Lastly, out came Victor from his office. "Be careful, if nothing but for Betty’s sake."

"Don’t let her worry," Scott said seriously.

"I won’t," answered Victor.

As he walked out proudly, Betty came out of her office. They exchanged one last glance as one of them went off to a war zone.

The End

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