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Golden Key National Honor Society



1. What is Golden Key?

· We are an academic honors association that recognizes the top achieving juniors and seniors in all academic fields

· Golden Key was founded on November29, 1977 at Georgia State University.

· As of June of 1998, the Society has chapters at more than 270 major colleges and universities in the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Canada, Australia and Malaysia.

2. What are the benefits of joining Golden Key?

· Undergraduate scholarships (Two per university. See question #7.)

· Graduate scholarship opportunities (Ten available. See question #7.)

· Career Assistance Reference (Publication listing corporate contacts.)

· Recognition among the top achieving juniors and seniors on your campus and internationally

· Opportunity to receive and be published in CONCEPTS (Award winning annual magazine)

· Leadership opportunities

· Opportunity to attend international conventions and regional conferences

· Opportunity to feature Golden Key on your resume

3. What are the requirements for membership?

· Semester system: Junior or senior status (>60 credits) and at least 25 credits at the current institution

· Quarter system: Junior or senior status (>70 credits) and at least 35 credits at the current institution

· Must be one of the top achievers ofyourjunior or senior class

· Full and part4ime students

· Traditional and non-traditional students

· GPA 3.35

4. Where does the membership fee go?

· The life time fee pays for your membership benefits such as certificate of membership, publications, national programs, regional conference, international convention and national support for each chapter

· $1 1.00 goes directly back to support local chapter operations.

· $2.00 goes to the two local scholarships awarded to the top junior and senior initiates during the reception/induction ceremony.

5. After graduation, will I continue to receive benefits?

Career Assistance Reference (Publication listing corporate contacts)

Ten $10,000 graduate scholarships (See question #7)

CONCEPTS (Award winning annual magazine.)

Lifetime membership

Circle of Honor (Alumni group with additional benefits.)

6. Now that I have received the letter of invitation, what do I do?

Stop by the information table. (Give dates, time and location)

Send in application to headquarters by deadline date.

Attend reception for all new members. (If unable to attend, pick-up certificate at advisor's


7. What scholarships are available through joining Golden Key?

Undergraduate (Junior Initiate)

· Newly inducted juniors only

· Scholarship is in the amount of one dollar for every new member that joins.

· Awarded at reception

How to apply: Complete member profile

Deadline: Membership deadline

Undergraduate (Senior Initiate)

· Newly inducted seniors only

· Scholarship is in the amount of one dollar for every new member that joins.

· Awarded at reception

How to apply: Complete member profile

Deadline: Membership deadline

Golden Key Scholar Award

· Ten $10,000 scholarships (Nine in US and one for Asia Pacific Region)

· Awarded at international convention in August

· Used for post-baccalaureate or professional study at accredited institutions of higher learning

· (Institution does not have to be in the U.S. or have a Golden Key chapter)

· Golden Key member does not have to be a U.S. citizen

· Golden Key member can apply up to five years alter graduation

· Applicants may continue to re-apply as long as they are eligible

· More information in Key Notes (seasonal international newsletter)

How to apply: Obtain a complete application from advisor

Deadline: Membership deadline

Art International

· $1,000 awarded to winners in each of six categories

· $100 awarded to ten finalists in each category

· Awarded at international convention in August

· More information in Key Notes (seasonal international newsletter)

February IS

How to apply: Submit slide to headquarters

Deadline: February 15

Performing Arts Showcase

· $1,000 awarded to winners in each of five categories

· Opportunity to perform at international convention in August

· More information in Key Notes (seasonal international newsletter)

How to apply: Submit videotape of performance to headquarters

Deadline: April 1

Literary Contest

· $1000 awarded to winners in each of three categories and submissions published in CONCEPTS

· More information in Key Notes (seasonal international newsletter) and CONCEPTS

How to apply: Submit entry to headquarters

Deadline: April 1

Student Scholastic Showcase

· Three students will receive $1,000 and present their research or scholarly work at international convention in August

· Open to students in all fields of study

· Application included in convention registration material which comes out in March

How to apply: Submit entry to headquarters

Deadline: April25

8. After I become a member, am I required to participate?

Opportunities to participate are available. Participation is purely voluntary.

9. The deadline has passed; can I still join?


Send your profile to international headquarters as soon as possible.

A blank certificate will be presented to you at the reception.

The completed certificate will be mailed to you.

  1. I have lost my letter of invitation; can I get another one from you?


Once you are verified to be at least a junior, have at least 60 credits at Rutgers-Newark and that you meet our GPA requirements. You will be send another letter of invitation. (Note: This can be done by looking at transcripts or grade reports or using on-line computer access. Extra letters of invitation are sent to advisors two days after the first mail date. The headquarters can forward more if needed.)

11. I meet Golden Key's requirements, but I haven't received a letter. Why?

The information was received from the registrar's office.

Have you recently moved, married?

Did you recently receive junior status?

Was you letter of invitation sent to your permanent address?

(See question #12.)

12. Are graduate students allowed to join?

Yes, if your undergraduate institution has a Golden Key chapter and if you would have met that chapter's membership requirements, you could join at that university. You will need to submit a copy of your transcript to the advisor of that chapter.


13. I'm already a member, but I have not heard anything from the Society since I joined. Why?

Do we have your correct address and phone numbers?

Does the international headquarters have your correct information?

You can contact our officers anytime for more information.