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Local Chapter Constitution



The name of this society shall be the Rutgers University-Newark chapter of the Golden Key National Honor Society.


ARTICLE II - Purpose and Activities

Section A.

The purposes of the Society shall be:

  1. To recognize and encourage scholastic achievement and excellence in all undergraduate fields of study.
  2. To unite with collegiate faculties and administrators in developing and maintaining high standards of education.
  3. To provide recognition to students who are superior academically without requiring individual participation of members.
  4. To provide economic assistance to outstanding members by means of scholarships.

Section B.

Activities of the Rutgers University-Newark chapter shall be:

  1. Community Service Projects.
  2. Educational/Academic Programs.
  3. Other activities that are deemed necessary and worthwhile by the executive board.


ARTICLE III - Membership

Section A.

Membership into the Society shall be based on the following criteria:

  1. By invitation only to those undergraduates having attained a grade point average of 3.35.
  2. A prospective member must have successfully completed at Least sixty semester hours, or achieved the status of junior or senior, of which twenty-five semester hours are completed at Rutgers University-Newark.
  3. Before being considered a member of the Society, one must have paid, in full, the initiation and life membership fee.
  4. Golden Key will not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, handicap, sexual orientation, marital status, color, or national origin.

Section B. Active Membership

  1. Active membership shall be limited to persons officially connected with the university as faculty, staff or students.

Section C. Honorary Members

  1. The chapter may select up to five honorary members for each reception. Individuals who are not undergraduate students and have distinguished themselves in their fields of endeavor are selected to receive full rights and privileges of membership in the Society.
  2. Honorary members are welcomed and encouraged to participate in all Society activities.


ARTICLE IV - Officers

Section A.

Members of the executive board of the chapter shall be president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and any other office deemed necessary by the advisor and executive board.

Section B.

The term of office will be one year.

Section C.

Any student who meets the membership criteria and is endorsed by the collegiate advisor is eligible to hold office.

Section D.

Officers will be elected by a democratic process or appointed by he advisor.

Section E.

Voting rights are extended to the executive board members of each collegiate chapter.

Section F.

Responsibilities of each officer are as follows:


  1. Organize, plan and work to ensure the continuation and overall success of the chapter.
  2. Call meetings of the officers and delegate responsibilities as needed.
  3. Call meetings of the chapter members.
  4. Manage the planning of the reception.
  5. Meet with the other members of the executive board and the chapter advisor to determine the honorary members.


  1. Plan and organize the campus awareness process.
  2. Oversee the work of committees formed by the chapter.
  3. Assist the president in the completion of duties.


  1. Record the minutes of each executive board or chapter meeting and submit copies to each officer, advisor and the regional director.
  2. Mail to the national headquarters all of the member profiles and fees that were hand-delivered to the advisor's office no later than two days past the membership deadline.
  3. Serve as chapter archivist with the assistance of the chapter advisor.


  1. Transact all chapter correspondence.
  2. Prepare and deliver the reception invitations to the administrators and faculty.
  3. Prepare and mail information to the national headquarters for publications such as CONCEPTS and Key Notes.
  4. Act as the liaison between the chapter and the national student representative.


  1. Manage all financial transactions of the chapter.
  2. Prepare a budget for the chapter.
  3. Receive and distribute chapter funds.
  4. Submit an annual financial summary of expenditures to the national headquarters.
  5. Assist the vice president with the campus awareness process.


ARTICLE V - Chapter Conduct

Section A.

The Rutgers University-Newark chapter of the Golden Key National Honor Society adheres to the Student Organizations Handbook as well as other laws, rules and regulations governing the Rutgers University-Newark and its students.

Section B.

The Golden Key National Honor Society will adhere to the University alcohol policy.

ARTICLE VI - Advisor

Section A.

An outstanding member from the university faculty or staff is chosen to serve as the chapter advisor.

Section B.

The duration of the advisor's tenure is individually determined, but must be at least one academic year.

Section C.

Each advisor is to be considered as a lifetime honorary member whose responsibilities include:

  1. Assist in the preservation of the chapter.
  2. Obtain a list of prospective members including names and addresses that meet the predetermined membership criteria.
  3. 3. Guide students in the distribution of the certificates that were not issued at the reception and all Golden Key activities.
  4. Complete the Honorary Member Profile Form and submit it to the national headquarters.


ARTICLE VII - Meetings

Section A.

General membership meetings shall be held at least three times during the academic year.

Section B.

Executive board meetings shall be held at least on a bi-weekly basis.

Section C.

Non-participating honor society members are not required to attend any meetings, although they are encouraged to attend the reception as well as general membership meetings and Society functions.



Section A.

The initiation and life membership fee shall be $60.00 to be paid in full to the Golden Key National Honor Society. Eleven dollars of the fee shall be forwarded to the chapter for operational expenses. All chapter funds shall be kept in an account in the Associated Students Accounts Banking Service of the Robeson Center.

Section B.

In the event of dissolution of the chapter, funds in the chapter treasury will be placed on reserve for a period of one year. If after such a period, the chapter has not been re-registered and formed as a student organization and active society, funds in the chapter treasury shall be forwarded to the Golden Key International headquarters.


ARTICLE IX - Amendments

Amendments to the constitution or bylaws shall be presented by members of the chapter in writing and read at a regular meeting but shall not be voted upon until the next regular meeting and then only after informing each member of the proposed amendments. A majority of two-thirds of the members present and voting shall be required. All amendments to this constitution must be approved by the office of Student Activities. All constitutions must be approved by the appropriate Student Government and Dean of Students.