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EDISON NJ, April 27th, 2003

1. "Mean" Mark Mest managed by Ronnie Reigns defeated The Cremator by DQ. Mest grabbed a chair to use on Cremator. Mest got it taken from him and, to the fans delight, Cremator blasted Mark Mest into next week.

2. The BRAWL Unified American Heavyweight Champion, Jersey Hurricane managed by Stacey defeated "Canadian Pride" Tommy Force managed by Abe Yusef. This Match was set to be one half of the Double Main Event, however, Force claimed he had to catch a plane. So, Force and Abe came out to challenge Hurricane. before doing so Force subjected the crowd to the "Canadian National Anthem" and introduced a New Ref, Timmy Rivers. Force told everyone that rivers was a Canadian and he thought he'd get a fair match from a Canadian Offical. Needless, to say Force delivered a beating to Timmy Rivers after the match.

3. "the Voice of BRAWL Wrestling": Lou Brunnel conducted an Interview with BRAWL Commissioner, Kurt Schimmel.

4. "Edison Street Fight" for The Vacant Jersey State: J.C. The Outpatient defeated "Dangerous" Dom DeVitio. They used Street Signs, Tables, Chairs, Thumbtacks, Chains and anything else they could find. Dom had J.C. down and handcuffed, but Jersey Hurricane ran in to blast Dom and free J.C.. The finish came when Dom attempted to suplex J.C. off the top rope through a table. J.C. thwarted his attempt and Side Walk Slammed DeVito through the Table for the win. Shortly after this match took place it was announced that Mussolini was still the recognized Jersey State Champion. Foo Foo had signed for Mussolini to defend the Title at this show. Mussolini was unable to attend. So Commissioner Schimmel stripped Mussolini of the Title. However, a few days later it was discovered Mussolini had a document on file wih BRAWL that stated Foo Foo could not sign Title matches without his written consent. To the dismay of many, J.C. is not the officially recognized Champion. The Commissioner is currently trying to negotiate a match of Mussolini Vs. J.C. Due to all the controversy, May 1st, 2003 The Brawl Board of Directors officially vacated and abandonded the Title.

5. Mr. Meaner defeated "The Dark Warrior" Mason Storm. This is the first time the popular Mason Storm has ever lost by Pinfall in Brawl. This was also the only time he was defeated in singles competition. However, Mr. Meaner did use the ropes for leverage to gain the pin.

6. Lupas defeated Freak managed by Foo Foo by Count Out. When Lupas and Freak went out of the ring. Freak held Lupas so Foo Foo could hit him. Lupas ducked. Foo Foo hit Freak by accident with the Freak's Toliet Seat. Lupas rolled in for the win. After the match, Foo Foo berated Freak and slapped him. Freak bashed Foo Foo wih the Toliet Seat. Lupas and Freak then shook hands. From what we understand Freak and Foo Foo have already patched things up.

7. Lou Brunell interviewed J.C. The Outpatient.

8. Freak won a Battle Royal

9. "Former ECW Superstar" 911 managed by 411 defeated Stud Machine managed by Abe Yusef. After the match 911 got a hold of Abe. Dom DeVito ran in to save him, but was quickly chokeslamed.

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