Cast Bios:



Birthday  9/12/77

Cast director

Been going to RHPS for 4 years, Has  been performing for 2 years

Performed as : Brad, Riff, Dr. Scott, Eddie, Crim, Janet, and soon to be Frank. 

Hobbies include Playing with Boobies,  this hell we call the Edison Cast and member of the gestapo

email is

"Oh, Hell"," I'm gonna get myself in trouble"


Name: Auntie John

Birthday:April 4th

Position on the board (if any): Top, definitely a top. But, I'm willing to learn.

How long have you been going to RHPS (not Necessary Edison): I used to go to the Middlesex Mall during my formative years, or, what I like to refer to now as the "Persimmon Period" of my art.

Part(s)that you play: Brad, Janet, Rocky (during his latter beer-drinking phase), Riff, Crim,Eddie, Dr. Scott I'm willing to do Frank if I could get my MAN-BREASTS into the costume. I'm a few thousand Thigh-Master crunches behind Columbia. I refuse to play Magenta until I can afford that WONDERFUL patent-leather French Maid Outfit!

Hobbies:  Local music scene, late 70's early 80's Punk/Alterna/Wacky, 90's music that i s n't contrived, spanking, computers, collecting shiny things, running withscissors, light B&D, making toast (lots of toast), making straight guys cry, making straight guys beg, making straight guys roll-over, making straight guys order pizza

email is

That comes with my INTRODUCTORY PACK

Quote:   Just 'cause your head's in the toilet, DON'T BLOW BUBBLES!


Name :  Gordon

Birthday: Once a year> well if you really want to know it is 09/27/73

Position on the baord: Producer

How long have you been going to RHPS 6 years last april, performing for about 2 years

Part(s) thast you play:  Riff, Eddie, Dr, Scott, Crim, Columbia, Magenta, Brad, and Frank ( when  he plays Frank, He makes people wonder if he is straight)

Hobbies : Collecting records, cd's, and memoribaillia of Heavy metal / Hard Rock bands, such as AC/DC,  Aerosmith, Anthrax, Black Sabbath, Exdous, Fear Factory ,Guns &Roses ( when they were good,) Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Kiss, Life Of Agony, Metallica ( not this Selloutaica crap) Megadeth, Motorhead, Motley Crue ,   Ozzy Osbourne, Pantera, Primus, Ramones, Slayer, Twisted Sister,and of course, Van Halen ( With Diamond David Lee Roth) And Iwork in a record store, also wants to get more tattoos currentally has 5, and member of the gestapo

email is

Quote : " Oh Shit Fuck" ," Don't look at me, I own a Mac coimputer" , " So.... Do you take it up the hooper hole or what", " Oh My", "I see nothing"


Name : Raymond Smith A.K.A. " Bubba"

Age : 29

How long have you been going to RHPS : 12 Years

Parts that has performed as:  Crim, and soon to be Frankm ( Yeah Right)

Hobbies : Sacraficing Virgins to our lord cain and hang out at the mall

Favoriate Colour: ROYGBIV

Sex : Yes Please

Quote : Just Let me hit him once Gordon!

Favoriate Song : The theme from thre Pebbles and Bam Bam Show

Favoriate Show: Anything thing that did not have Bob Newhart

Name : Paul Grisafe A.K.A. ' Benadict Arnold" or " tea Bag"

Where ever there's a cast opverthrough, he'll be there.  He has beeninvolved in casts overthrough in Teaneck and edison

How long have you been going to RHPS- 2 years

Parts played Eddie, D.R. Scott, Brad, Riff,and Occasionally frank.

Hobbies are Vampire and Teaneck brotherhood and Edison Gestapo.Paintball, and Liz

Fav link

Quotes : Only fight the battles we can win",   Bah weep Granna weep Ninny Bahm"

Occupation: Lord of Stock, Vampire, and saving the world

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