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Hey, man! My name is Stephanie, but you can call me Steph. This link is about me. I was born June 23, 1986, and I'm now 11 years old. My favorite music artists and groups are Hanson, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Robyn, Natalie Imbruglia, K-Ci &JoJo (All My Life) etc..... I like basically ANY music, as long as it's on my local radio station...which is rock, pop, and all that. Anyway.....I LOVE riding rides, hanging out with friends, talking, being kinda outgoing and wild. I play softball, basketball, and I LUV swimming!!! Also I play the piano. A talent I have is talking in alot of different voices...I do millions!! On the internet, and stuff like that. Kasey is also one of my best friends on the net, along with Katie, Raia, Brittany, Felicia, and I think that's mostly it. I LOVE writing, so this is going to be sort of long. I like to update this page. We're updating it a lot. Now I'm listening to Celine Dion. Guess what? I got a boat, no, not a sailboat, it's a cabin cruiser. It has this sunpad on top, where you can ride on it. I love it, but it's not summer, so I can't ride it. Does anyone out there love
HANSON like me? I have "Middle of Nowhere," "Snowed In," and "Cried." I got "Middle of Nowhere" like May 10th, and "Snowed In" the day after it was released. I LOVE "Tulsa, Tokyo, and the Middle of Nowhere!!!!" I got that for Christmas, along with three Hanson t-shirts, and a calendar. Wanna see the Hanson merchanise out there and all the stuff I have? Then go here. If u r out there Hanson,,,,hi,,,,,I hope I meet you. (yeah right, like I ever will) My favorite kind of car is a
Porsche. My dad has an '83 911 one. Our Porsche looks exactly like the one above. Exactly. It has a CD player in it. =). I like how fast it goes!!! Hey, visit Anna's Hanson Place! It's AWESOME!!!!
Like the way I am? Well...

e-mail me
Come back soon to see more Hanson stuff!!

gr8 links

~*~my tribute 2 hanson w/pics~*~
~*~tribute 2 friends~*~
~*~remember these people~*~
~*~hanson family photo album~*~

12 facts about me

  • ~*~Christian~*~
  • ~*~luv riding rides~*~
  • ~*~luv Hanson~*~
  • ~*~won D.A.R.E. essay overall in my county~*~
  • ~*~named after stevie nicks~*~
  • ~*~play basketball, softball, and swim and cheerlead~*~
  • ~*~luv water~*~
  • ~*~am the listener to friend's probs~*~
  • ~*~have many net friends~*~
  • ~*~never puked on a ride~*~
  • ~*~like listening to music~*~
  • ~*~not a fan of hank williams~*~ ewww
