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Spokes and Sailors...Perfect together



Hey people! This is my little Tribute to the PlayHanson people: Cyn, Dan, and Roy. Thanks for getting us all together, and we hope you're all happy and healthy in whatever you're doing right now!

Wanna know what's going on in who's life lately? Sure you do. So, go to the SailorJournalsSite. It's all there babes! :)

everything hanson loves this site!

PlayHanson's new page. :)


I've put the links to the first 200 Dreambooks on this page to make it easier to see everything here (it won't be as crowded). They are still all up, just on a different page. :-)

Just a quick reminder:

The dreambooks can only hold 50 messages each! Try not to go over. Just move to the next book. I've almost always got them made a few in advance. Thanks!


Read Dreambook
Sign Dreambook

You can also visit us all at Fantasy Land


Go here to play around. Answer the questions, Read the stories, HAVE FUN! :-) Thanks again!

Dreambook #201 Dreambook #202 Dreambook #203 Dreambook #204 Dreambook #205 Dreambook #206 Dreambook #207 Dreambook #208 Dreambook #209 Dreambook #210 Dreambook #211 Dreambook #212 Dreambook #213 Dreambook #214 Dreambook #215 Dreambook #216 Dreambook #217 Dreambook #218 Dreambook #219 Dreambook #220 Dreambook #221 Dreambook #222 Dreambook #223 Dreambook #224 Dreambook #225 Dreambook #226 Dreambook #227 Dreambook #228 Dreambook #229 Dreambook #230 Dreambook #231 Dreambook #232 Dreambook #233 Dreambook #234 Dreambook #235 Dreambook #236 Dreambook #237 Dreambook #238 Dreambook #239 Dreambook #240

Here are the first few e-mail addresses that I have. If you want yours up, just tell me what it is.

Just click on the name to e-mail the person

Sailor Moon

Sailor Jupiter (Janeway) aka Janebabes

Sailor Sweetheart aka Jazz

Sailor Star Healer aka Tink aka Isie

SailorGoldWingsDavidAndTay'sPrincess aka KT

Sailor Alena aka Belle

Sailor Chibi Moon aka Mags

Sailor Star Maker aka Jessie

Sailor Skeptic aka Ash aka Ashes aka Lucky

Sailor Silver Wings aka Terria

Sailor Star Fighter aka Andrea

Sailor Starshine aka Trish aka Princess Meg

Psychopath, everyone's favorite psychotic Hanson fan! :)

Sailor Galaxia Mrs. Tay Hanson #1 aka Linda aka Bambi aka Thumbalina

Sailor Midnight Mrs. Tay Hanson #2 aka Jes aka Esmerelda

Sailor Platinum Moon Zac's Princess aka Chrissy

Sailor Gold Star aka Hayley
