Autumn's Visions
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Autumn's Visions

This is a "Work in Progress". It may change daily, until I get it right. This may go on for many years, because I enjoy constantly creating!

Please check out the Dream Story page, Book Reviews and the Magical Herbal.
You will find the links listed below.

Please sign my guest book.
Your input is important in the creation of this site!

I need some new dreams to add to my Dream Story page.I am particularly interested in recurring dreams.

I have created this site for visitors interested in healthy living with a natural, spiritual point of view.

I am very opinionated...It is my opinion that many web sites are created by opinionated people. If we weren't opinionated, why would we go through the bother of creating this page to express our opinions? I am also extremely optimistic- I believe in the power of positive energies. I was positive you would be reading this, and here you are! Seriously, I believe we can create through our positive thought. I would like people to look at life with wonder and realize that everything around us is there for us to make with it what we wish.

The old saying "every cloud has a silver lining" really does mean something. It is up to us to find the good in all situations. Sometimes that means riding through the bumps, and being patient, knowing that rewards shall follow. Sometimes that means looking optimistically ahead, and creating the best end results.

I believe that anything can be accomplished in life- if we try- so long as it harms none- and that includes ourselves!

Brightest Blessings to All!


The following is my opinion (as I said before- I am very opinionated...)

I wonder if anyone else has ever seen a Star Wars movie and thought about "the Force" and what it might be to them. Have you ever harnessed the power in yourself, even if just for an instance? There is a commercial out for the Discovery Channel that shows that moment when you acheive something ans feel that excitement of "discovery". That is what I mean by harnessing your power. It is very personal and when it happens, and you feel yourself creating, or causing something to happen, it is very powerful.

Summer is almost over. It is time to get your fall planting planned. This is a good time to look back over the last year and get your act together, too!
Try to make a list of things, right and wrong, that you did during the last 10 months. Pat yourself on the back for the triumphs, but don't get down on yourself for the mistakes. Try to picture yourself handling things differently. Keep these changes in mind and try to carry positive feelings with you into the new year ahead! Brightest Blessings-

If you would like to see any other pages, just click on a title:


Which season are you?

Other Informative Sites:

Medical Sites

Medsite Navigator- a medical and science search engine
New England Journal of Medicine Online
Doctor's Guide to Medical News

Alternative Medicine

Holistic Internet Resources
The Alternative Medicine Digest
Nature's Plus- Herbal Info
Holistic Medicine
The Modern Herbal
Herb Research Foundation


Alzheimer's and related dementias
Doctor's Guide to Alzheimer's
Another Great Alzheimer's site

Gifted Kids/Kid's Health/Family

The Family Internet
Gifted Children
Kids Food Cyber Club- a nutrition page for kids
Kids Health-an information site geared to kids; a site for answers to kids questions about health issues


Triple Moon Website- info,message boards,great catalog
Links to sites of many directions
Druantia's Cauldron- a new page featuring info and Poetry
Friends of the Silver Cord


Wildflowers Unique Books and Gifts
Gevalia Coffee and Tea (definitely worth every penny!)
The Enchanted Self -a book focusing on finding the positive person within each of us
Earthlink's Home Page- a GREAT Internet Provider! (if you sign with them, give them my email name!)

Thanks for stopping by! Go out and think about something positive in your life- Hey you are breathing, right? That's a good thing!

Stop in again!

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Visitors have enjoyed the Positive Energy of this site
since October 11, 1997

Don't Spam Me!! I will not read it, so don't waste your time trying to sell anything!

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Autumn TallGrass.

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