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For car rides, waiting rooms, or other times when there's nothing to do, here's some meaningless Yankee fun!

For the math-minded, here's a fun and comparatively involved game:
The Numbers Game
The point of the game is rather simple-- to form any number you can think of as a combination of the Yankees' jersey numbers. There are several variations. For a quick game, you can just pick numbers randomly and see who can total it first.
However, a more sophisticated way of playing is to start from 1 and progress in numerical order. You may use only 3 Yankees. (As the nunbers get higher, this may not be possible.) You also may not use the same arithmetic sign more than once.
For example, Jeter(2) X Knoblauch (11) - Brosius(18) = 4 is acceptable, but Cone (36) - Knoblauch (11) - O'Neill (21) = 4 is not.
If playing with several people, you can see who can reach the total fastest, and there will be an advantage for those who know that(for example) Ricky Ledee is #38, because they can use that, while people who don't know much beyond Jeter's #2 will be left puzzling.
But, this is also a game that can be played on one's own.

For an extra challenge, try not to use any one player on two consecutive numbers. This is especially tough for people like me, who like to use Jeter's convenient #2 in nearly every combination.

So, for starters, here's one way to get 1:
Joe Girardi (25) + Paul O'Neill (21) - Chili Davis (45) = 1

Have fun! :-)

Even stranger...GIDP Most baseball fans know that the abbreviation "GIDP" stands for "grounded into double play." But one day at the Stadium, my mind blanked, and this wacky game was born.
It's quite simple-- using the letters G-I-D-P, come up with a Yankee-related sentence. Give an introduction, see if anyone else can guess.
You can attempt to be serious: (Why does Steinbrenner have minor league teams? "George is developing players.")
Or you can be kind of silly: (What happens when Yankee catchers are playing a game of basketball? "Girardi intercepts dunking Posada.")
Just a way to pass the time!

Disclaimer: So this is totally pointless and random, and extremely silly. So what? Anything Yankees is fun to me!