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The Concepts of Reflexology
Imagine that the body is divided into 10 longitudinal zones, from the top of the head to the feet. Each of these zones is connected , and the equilibrium of the entire zone depends on the free flowing of energy. Tension in one part of the zone affects the entire zone.
Similarly applying pressure to an area in the hand or feet can release the tension in the relevant zone and restore equilibrium. The body map above helps reflexologists identify the correct area of the body to treat.
Can Reflexology Help Me?
Reflexology offers a safe, gentle, treatment which is non-invasive and drug free. It has been found to provide relief for a variety of conditions such as stress, tension, constipation, headaches, low energy, asthma, high blood pressure, heartburn and stomach disorders, PMS, anxiety and insomnia. Stress is a major contributor to illness, and reflexology can enable to body to take a break from stress by applying pressure to targeted zones on the feet or hands, thereby general relaxation can be achieved.
What Will I Feel?
Your Reflexologist will discuss your medical history with you and discuss any contra-indications to treatment.
During the treatment you should experience feelings of relaxation. The pressure applied to your feet and hands should be comfortable and pleasant. The therapist will not attempt to diagnose medical conditions, but rather will work on the entire zones of the feet as a whole treatment. Many different techniques will be used such as thumb and finger walking, rotating, and massage.
The therapist may use massage cream, oils or talc depending on your choice.

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