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The Realm of Lord Silverfang Blueice Bloodspray

This site may be closed, but Silverfang has returned! Check out Camp Wildwood for the former lord's new military training base.

Goodbeasts are swarming the sand, chanting, screaming. You awake, sweating feverishly, and look out one of the castle windows. A horde of squirrels, otters, mice, hedgehogs, moles, and any other goodbeast imaginable are charging at the castle. There is a banging on the giant timber door of the enormous structure. Then the chants and cheers are louder - they're inside! You rush downstairs with your weapon, you've got to fight! Apparently, your mates are thinking the same thing. They rush down with you and you meet the goodbeasts in a mighty wave. Lord Silverfang is in their midst, fighting with dagger, tooth, and claw. "Go! Get out of here! They outnumber us!" He shouts to his army. "I SAID GO! TAKE THE HAWKEYE, SHE'LL GET YOU AWAY QUICK ENOUGH!" Your mouth dry, you and the army rush out to the ships. You board the ship and take off, Silverfang's howls in your ears, louder than the goodbeasts. With heavy hearts, you leave the island, to set off and make a new colony, stronger than ever.

This club has been shut down. It may be temporary, but your Lord Silverfang Blueice Bloodspray was overwhelmed with too much work and complications. Perhaps the club will start up again, I'm not sure. I'm sorry to Blendfur, Shardra, and Heart Piercer, who were my most dedicated members. Lord Silverfang will dominate the goodbeasts, even though he is outnumbered 10,000 to 1. Pretty bad odds, but have faith in your lord. Return often. Perhaps you shall be rewarded.