This chapter comes from the 34th edition of the "Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living," copyright by Russ Walter. To read the rest of the book, look at


Our lives are often dominated by math.


Funny math

Math can be funny.


Torture your friends by giving them these puzzles about arithmetic.

Apples If you have 5 apples and eat all but 3, how many are left? Kids are tempted to say “2,” but the correct answer is 3.

Birds If you have 10 birds in a tree and shoot 1, how many remain in the tree? Kids are tempted to say “9,” but the correct answer is 0.

Corners If you have a 4-sided table and chop off 1 of the corners, how many corners are left on the table? Kids are tempted to say “3,” but the correct answer is 5.

Lily pads In a lake, a patch of lily pads doubles in size every day. It takes 48 days for the patch to cover the lake. How long would it take for the patch to cover half the lake? Kids are tempted to say “24 days,” but the correct answer is 47 days.

Baseball A bat and a ball cost a total of $1.10. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? Kids are tempted to say “10¢,” but the correct answer is 5¢.

Seven How do you make seven an even number? Remove the “s”.

Eggs Carl Sandberg, in his poem Arithmetic, asks this question:

If you ask your mother for one fried egg for breakfast, but she gives you two fried eggs and you eat both of them, who’s better in arithmetic: you or your mother?

Missing dollar Now that you’ve mastered the easy puzzles, try this harder one:

On a nice day in the 1940’s, three girls go into a hotel and ask for a triple. The manager says sorry, no triples are available, so he puts them in three singles, at $10 each. The girls go up to their rooms.

A few minutes later, a triple frees up, which costs just $25. So the manager, to be a nice guy, decides to move the girls into the triple and refund the $5 difference. He sends the bellboy up to tell the girls of their good fortune and move them into the triple.

While riding up in the elevator, the bellboy thinks to himself, “How can the girls split the $5? $5 doesn’t divide by 3 evenly. I’ll make it easier for them: I’ll give them just $3 — and keep $2 for myself.” So he gave the girls $3 and moved them into the triple.

Everybody was happy. The girls were happy to get refunds. The manager was happy to be a nice guy. And the bellboy was happy to keep $2.

Now here’s the problem: each girl spent $10 and got $1 back, so each girl spent $9. Altogether, the girls spent $9+$9+$9, which is $27, and the bellboy got $2. That makes $29. But we started with $30. What happened to the missing dollar?

Ask your friends that question and see how many crazy answers you get!

Here’s the correct answer:

At the end of the story, who has the $30?

The manager has $25, the bellboy has $2, and the girls have $3.

Adding what the girls spent ($27) to what the bellboy got ($2) doesn’t give a meaningful number. But that nonsense total, $29, is close enough to $30 to be intriguing.

Here’s an alternative analysis:

The girls spent a net of $9+$9+$9, which is $27.

$25 of that went to the manager, and $2 went to the bellboy.

Ten sticks Arrange 10 sticks (or pencils or pens) like this:


That’s 4 then 3 then 2 then 1.

Here’s the puzzle: move just 1 stick, so you have the reverse order: 1 then 2 then 3 then 4.

Here’s the solution: move the second stick, to fill the gap before the last stick:


Warning: when you set up that trick for your friends, make sure the gap before the last stick is narrow enough so it gets completely filled when you move a stick there.

Ten coins Try this task:

Arrange 10 coins so they form 5 rows, each containing 4 coins.

“5 rows of 4 coins” would normally require a total of 20 coins, but if you arrange properly you can solve the puzzle. Hint: the rows must be straight but don’t have to be horizontal or vertical. Ask your friends that puzzle to drive them nuts.

Here’s the solution:

Draw a 5-pointed star. Put the coins at the 10 corners.

Running A teacher told her 3rd-grade students to solve this problem:

If Sue runs around the track twice, and John runs around the track 4 times more than Sue, how many times does John run around the track?

The teacher thought the answer is 6, but some parents disagree, because “4 times more than” is vague:

If it means “4 more times than,” the answer is 2+4, which is 6.

If it means “4 times as often as,” the answer is 2 times 4, which is 8.

If it means “400% more times than,” the answer is 2 + 400% of 2, which is 2+8, which is 10.

If it means “4 times after,” the answer is just 4.


Courses in statistics can be difficult. That’s why they’re called “sadistics.”

Lies Statisticians give misleading answers.

For example, suppose you’ve paid one person a salary of $1000, another person a salary of $100, another person a salary of $10, and two other people a salary of $1 each. What’s the “typical” salary you paid? If you ask that question to three different statisticians, they’ll give you three different answers!

One statistician will claim that the “typical” salary is $1, because it’s the most popular salary: more people received $1 than any other amount. Another statistician will claim that the “typical” salary is $10, because it’s the middle salary: as many people were paid more than $10 as were paid less. The third statistician will claim that the “typical” salary is $222.40, because it’s the average: it’s the sum of all the salaries divided by the number of people.

Which statistician is right? According to the Association for Defending Statisticians (started by my friends), the three statisticians are all right! The most common salary ($1) is called the mode; the middle salary ($10) is called the median; the average salary ($222.40) is called the mean.

But which is the “typical” salary, really? Is it the mode ($1), the median ($10), or the mean ($222.40)? That’s up to you!

If you leave the decision up to the statistician, the statistician’s answer will depend on who hired him.

If the topic is a wage dispute between labor and management, a statistician paid by the laborers will claim that the typical salary is low (just $1); a statistician paid by the management will claim that the typical salary is high ($222.40); and a statistician paid by the arbitrator will claim that the typical salary is reasonable ($10).

Which statistician is telling the whole truth? None of them!

A century ago, Benjamin Disraeli, England’s prime minister, summarized the whole situation in one sentence. He said:

There are 3 kinds of lies:

lies, damned lies, and statistics.

Intransitive voting Suppose you have 3 numbers, called A, B, and C. If A is bigger than B, and B is bigger than C, then A is bigger than C. That’s because “bigger” is transitive.

But voting is not transitive. Here’s why.

Suppose A, B, and C are candidates in an election. Suppose most voters prefer A over B and prefer B over C. You can’t conclude most voters prefer A over C.

For example, suppose you have 3 voters.

Voter 1 prefers candidate A over B over C.

Voter 2 prefers candidate C over A over B.

Voter 3 prefers candidate B over C over A.

Here’s the result.

Voters 1 & 2 both prefer A over B; so most voters prefer A over B.

Voters 1 & 3 both prefer B over C; so most voters prefer B over C.

Voters 2 & 3 both prefer C over A; so most voters do not prefer A over C.


A course in “logic” is a blend of math and philosophy. It can be lots of fun — and also help you become a lawyer.

Beating your wife There’s the old logic puzzle about how to answer this question:

Have you stopped beating your wife?

Regardless of whether you answer that question by saying “yes” or “no,” you’re implying that you did indeed beat your wife in the past.

Interesting number Some numbers are interesting. For example, some people think 128 is interesting because it’s “2 times 2 times 2 times 2 times 2 times 2 times 2.” Here’s a proof that all numbers are interesting:

Suppose some numbers are not interesting.

For example, suppose 17 is the first number that’s not interesting. Then people would say, “Hey, that’s interesting! 17 has the very interesting property of being the first boring number!” But then 17 has become interesting!

So you can’t have a first “boring” number, and all numbers are interesting!

Surprise test When I took a logic course at Dartmouth College, the professor began by warning me and my classmates:

I’ll give a surprise test sometime during the semester.

Then he told the class to analyze that sentence and try to deduce when the surprise test would be.

He pointed out that the test can’t be on the semester’s last day — because if the test didn’t happen before then, the students would be expecting the test when they walk into class on that last day, and it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore. So cross “the semester’s last day” off the list of possibilities.

Then he continued his argument:

But once you cross “the semester’s last day” off the list of possibilities, you realize the surprise test can’t be “the day before the semester’s last day” either, because the test would be expected then (since the test hadn’t happened already and couldn’t happen on the semester’s last day). Since the test would be expected then, it wouldn’t be a surprise. So cross “the day before last” off the list of possibilities.

Continuing in that fashion, he said, more and more days would be crossed off, until eventually all days would be crossed off the list of possibilities, meaning there couldn’t be a surprise test.

Then he continued:

But I assure you, there will be a test, and it will be a surprise when it comes.

Think about it.

Mathematicians versus engineers

The typical mathematician finds abstract concepts beautiful, and doesn’t care whether they have any “practical” applications. The typical engineer is exactly the opposite: the engineer cares just about practical applications.

Engineers complain that mathematicians are ivory-tower daydreamers who are divorced from reality. Mathematicians complain that engineers are too worldly and also too stupid to appreciate the higher beauties of the mathematical arts.

To illustrate those differences, mathematicians tell 3 tales.…

Boil water Suppose you’re in a room that has a sink, stove, table, and chair. A kettle is on the table. Problem: boil some water.

An engineer would carry the kettle from the table to the sink, fill the kettle with water, put the kettle onto the stove, and wait for the water to boil. So would a mathematician.

But suppose you change the problem, so the kettle’s on the chair instead of the table. The engineer would carry the kettle from the chair to the sink, fill the kettle with water, put the kettle onto the stove, and wait for the water to boil. But the mathematician would not! Instead, the mathematician would carry the kettle from the chair to the table, yell “now the problem’s been reduced to the previous problem,” and walk away.

Analyze tennis Suppose 1024 people are in a tennis tournament. The players are paired, to form 512 tennis matches; then the winners of those matches are paired against each other, to form 256 play-off matches; then the winners of the play-off matches are paired against each other, to form 128 further play-off matches; etc.; until finally just 2 players remain — the finalists — who play against each other to determine the 1 person who wins the entire tournament. Problem: compute how many matches are played in the entire tournament.

The layman would add 512+256+128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1, to arrive at the correct answer, 1023.

The engineer, too lazy to add all those numbers, would realize that the numbers 512, 256, etc., form a series whose sum can be obtained by a simple, magic formula! Just take the first number (512), double it, and then subtract 1, giving a final result of 1023!

But the true mathematician spurns the formula and searches instead for the problem’s underlying meaning. Suddenly it dawns on him! Since the problem said there are “1024 people” but just 1 final winner, the number of people who must be eliminated is “1024 minus 1,” which is 1023, so there must be 1023 matches!

The mathematician’s calculation (1024-1) is faster than the engineer’s. But best of all, the mathematician’s reasoning applies to any tournament, even if the number of players isn’t a magical number such as 1024. No matter how many people play, just subtract 1 to get the number of matches!

Prime numbers Mathematicians are precise, physicists somewhat less so, chemists even less so. Engineers are even less precise and sometimes less intellectual. To illustrate that view, mathematicians tell the tale of prime numbers.

First, let me explain some math jargon. The counting numbers are 1, 2, 3, etc. A counting number is called composite if you can get it from multiplying a pair of other counting numbers. For example:

  6 is composite because you can get it from multiplying 2 by 3.

  9 is composite because you can get it from multiplying 3 by 3.

15 is composite because you can get it from multiplying 3 by 5.

A counting number that’s not composite is called prime. For example, 7 is prime because you can’t make 7 from multiplying a pair of other counting numbers. Whether 1 is “prime” depends on how you define “prime,” but for the purpose of this discussion let’s consider 1 to be prime.

Here’s how scientists would try to prove this theorem:

All odd numbers are prime.

Actually, that theorem is false! All odd numbers are not prime! For example, 9 is an odd number that’s not prime. But although 9 isn’t prime, the physicists, chemists, and engineers would still say the theorem is true.

The physicist would say, slowly and carefully:

1 is prime. 3 prime. 5 is prime. 7 is prime.

9? — no.

11 is prime. 13 is prime.

9 must be just experimental error, so we can ignore it. All odd numbers are prime.

The chemist would rush for results and say just this:

1 is prime, 3 is prime. 5 is prime. 7 is prime.

That’s enough evidence. All odd numbers are prime.

The engineer would be the crudest and stupidest of them all. He’d say the following as fast as possible (to meet the next deadline for building his rocket, which will accidentally blow up):

Sure, 1 is prime, 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, 9 is prime, 11 is prime, 13 is prime, 15 is prime, 17 is prime, 19 is prime, all odd numbers are prime!

Goldbach’s conjecture

Now most textbooks define “prime number” to be “a non-composite number greater than 1.” In 1742, Christian Goldbach made a guess (called Goldbach’s conjecture), which in modern jargon is:

Every even integer greater than 2 is the sum of 2 primes.

For example:

Even integer     Sum of 2 primes

  4                  =    2 + 2

  6                  =    3 + 3

  8                  =    3 + 5

10                  =    3 + 7

12                  =    5 + 7

14                  =    3 + 11

16                  =    3 + 13

18                  =    5 + 13

20                  =    3 + 17

22                  =    3 + 19

24                  =    5 + 19

26                  =    3 + 23

28                  =    5 + 23

30                  =    7 + 23

Is it really true that every even integer greater than 2 is the sum of 2 primes? Mathematicians still don’t know! It’s the oldest famous unsolved math problem! If you want to become famous, prove Goldbach’s conjecture or find an exception. So far, computers have checked every even integer less than 4´1018; none of those integers are exceptions.

Why proofs?

Unlike physicists, chemists, engineers, and other scientists, mathematicians don’t trust a bunch of experiments. Mathematicians demand proofs. Here are 2 examples of why.

Euler’s lucky number Try computing x2-x+41, when x is different integers. Is x2-x+41 always prime?

For example:

02-0+41 is 41, which is prime.

12-1+41 is 41, which is prime.

22-2+41 is 43, which is prime.

32-3+41 is 47, which is prime.

42-4+41 is 53, which is prime.

52-5+41 is 61, which is prime.

Every x you try (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., up to 40) gives a result that’s prime. Pretty impressive, huh? So maybe x2-x+41 is always prime?

That’s enough evidence to convince a lazy scientist or engineer, but not a mathematician, because when x is 41, x2-x+41 is not prime: it’s divisible by 41.

That example was discovered by Euler, who called 41 a
lucky number.

Here’s a different way to express the problem:

41 is prime.

41+2 is prime.

41+2+4 is prime.

41+2+4+6 is prime.

41+2+4+6+8 is prime.

That pattern keeps going, so even 41+2+4+6+8+10+12+14+…+78 is prime.

But 41+2+4+6+8+10+12+14+…+78+80 is not prime, because mathematicians can prove 2+4+6+…+2x is x(x+1),

                                    so 2+4+6+…+80 is “40 times.41,”

                              so 41+2+4+6+…+80 is 41+40.41, which is divisible by 41.

Regions in a circle Try this experiment. Draw a circle. Put 4 points (dots) on the circle (not in the circle). Draw segments (short lines) connecting each of those 4 points to the other 3 points, like this:





Those point-to-point segments are called chords. Now the circle is divided into 8 regions (areas). So 4 points produced 8 regions.

What happens if you have more points, or fewer points? Try it! You get these results:

How many points  How many regions in the circle

1                                   1

2                                   2

3                                   4

4                                   8

5                                 16

So it seems that each time you add a point, the number of regions doubles. It seems that if p is number of points, the number of regions is 2p-1. It seems 6 points should generate 32 regions. But they don’t! If the 6 points are equally spaced, they generate just 30 regions; if the 6 points are not equally spaced, they generate 31 regions; but they never generate 32.

If the points are very irregularly spaced (so no 3 chords meet each other at the same spot inside the circle), here’s the result:

How many points  How many regions in the circle

  0                                      1

  1                                      1

  2                                      2

  3                                      4

  4                                      8

  5                                    16

  6                                    31

  7                                    57

  8                                    99

  9                                  163

10                                  256

The number of regions is not always 2p-1; instead, the number of regions can be proved to be always p(p-1)(p2-5p+18)/24+1, which by coincidence just happens to equal 2p-1 when p is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

What’s the formula when the points are equally spaced, so 6 points create just 30 regions? I haven’t yet met a mathematician smart enough to create that formula. As far as I know, that problem is still unsolved.


Every few years, authors of math textbooks come out with new editions, to reflect the latest fads. Here’s an example, as reported (and elaborated on) by Reader’s Digest (in February 1996), Recreational & Educational Computing (issue #91),
John Funk (and his daughter), ABC News Radio WTKS 1290 (in Savannah), and others:

Teaching math in 1960: traditional math

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What’s his profit?

Teaching math in 1965: simplified math

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What’s his profit?

Teaching math in 1970: new math

A logger exchanges a set L of lumber for a set M of money. The cardinality of set M is 100. Each element is worth $1. Make 100 dots representing the elements of M. The set C (cost of production) contains 20 fewer points than set M. Represent the set C as a subset of set M and answer this question:
what’s the cardinality of the set P of profits?

Teaching math in 1975: feminist-empowerment math

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. Her cost is $80, and her profit is $20. Your assignment: underline the number 20.

Teaching math in 1980: environmentally conscious math

An unenlightened logger cuts down beautiful trees, desecrating the precious forest for $20. Write an essay explaining how you feel about that way to make money. How did the forest’s birds and squirrels feel?

Teaching math in 1985: computer-based math

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His production costs are 80% of his revenue. On your calculator, graph revenue versus costs. On your computer, run the LOGGER program to determine the profit.

Teaching math in 1990: Wall Street math

By laying off 40% of its loggers, a company improves its stock price from $80 to $100. How much capital gain per share does the CEO make by exercising his options at $80? Assume capital gains have become untaxed to encourage investment.

Teaching math in 1995: managerial math

A company outsources all its loggers. The firm saves on benefits; and whenever demand for its products is down, the logging workforce can be cut back easily. The average logger employed by the company earned $50,000 and had a 3-week vacation, nice retirement plan, and medical insurance. The contracted logger charges $30 per hour. Based on that data, was outsourcing a good move? If a laid-off logger comes into the logging company’s corporate headquarters and goes postal, mowing down 16 executives and a couple of secretaries, was outsourcing the loggers still a good move?

Teaching math in 2000: tax-based math

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. After taxes, why did he bother?

Teaching math in 2005: profit-pumping math

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His production cost is $120. How did Arthur Anderson determine that his profit margin is $60?

Teaching math in the future: multicultural math

Un maderero vende un camión de madera para $100. Su coste de producción es $80….

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill (who was England’s prime minister) said:

I had a feeling once about Mathematics — that I saw it all. Depth beyond Depth was revealed to me: the Byss and the Abyss. I saw — as one might see the transit of Venus or even the Lord Mayor’s Show — a quantity passing through infinity and changing its sign from plus to minus. I saw exactly why it happened and why the tergiversation was inevitable — but it was after dinner and I let it go.

Terrorist mathematicians

A colleague passed me this e-mail, forwarded anonymously:

A teacher was arrested because he attempted to board a flight while possessing a ruler, protractor, and calculator. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales believes the man’s a member of the notorious Al-gebra movement. The man’s been charged with carrying weapons of math instruction.

“Al-gebra is a problem for us,” Gonzales said. “Its followers desire solutions by means & extremes and sometimes go off on tangents in search of absolute values. They use secret code names like ‘x’ and ‘y’ and refer to themselves as “unknowns,’ but we’ve determined they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval, with coordinates in every country.”

When asked to comment on the arrest, President George W. Bush said,
“If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He’d have given us more fingers and toes.” Aides told reporters they couldn’t recall a more intelligent or profound statement by the President.


These letters appeared on the Internet.

Dear Algebra,

Please stop asking us to find your x. She’s never coming back, and don’t ask y.


Dear Math,

I’m not a therapist. Solve your own problems.

Euclid poems

2 famous poems have been written about Euclid.

In 1922, Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote this poem praising him and titled “Euclid alone has looked on Beauty bare”:

Euclid alone has looked on Beauty bare.

Let all who prate of Beauty hold their peace,

And lay them prone upon the earth and cease

To ponder on themselves, the while they stare

At nothing, intricately drawn nowhere

In shapes of shifting lineage; let geese

Gabble and hiss, but heroes seek release

From dusty bondage into luminous air.

O blinding hour, O holy, terrible day,

When first the shaft into his vision shone

Of light anatomized! Euclid alone

Has looked on Beauty bare. Fortunate they

Who, though once only and then but far away,

Have heard her massive sandal set on stone.

But back in 1914, Vachel Lindsay wrote this simpler poem, titled just “Euclid”:

Old Euclid drew a circle

On a sand-beach long ago.

He bounded and enclosed it

With angles thus and so.

His set of solemn greybeards

Nodded and argued much

Of arc and of circumference,

Diameter and such.

A silent child stood by them

From morning until noon

Because they drew such charming

Round pictures of the moon.

Like many poets, Vachel Lindsay committed suicide.


On the beach

Here’s my very abridged version of Arthur Koestler’s story about an event on the beach:

“What are you doing with your stick in the sand?”

“I’m drawing triangles.”

“Why, after drawing one, do you wipe it out with your hand then draw a new one just like the other?”

“I don’t know. I believe these triangles have a secret. I want to discover it.”

“Do you suffer from bad dreams?”


“What’s the dream?”

“I dream my wife and I watch athletic games where my friend Porphyrius performs. He throws the discus but in the wrong direction, so it hits my wife on the head. She faints, with a mysterious smile on her lips.”

“I noticed that while you told your dream, your hand inadvertently drew in the sand. When you mentioned yourself, you drew a straight line. When you mentioned Porphyrius, you drew a second one at right angles to the first; and when you mentioned your wife, you completed the triangle by drawing the hypotenuse. You can solve the triangle’s secret by asking about your wife’s private life.”

Pythagoras stomped on the last figure he drew then walked away. He felt relieved; the dark urge to draw triangles in the sand had left him forever; and so the Pythagorean Theorem was never found.

Arthur Koestler committed suicide.

For the full version of that Pythagoras story, labeled “Pythagoras and the Psychoanalyst,” read Clifton Fadiman’s anthology, “Fantasia Mathematica.”

Pseudo-geometry theorems

Modern math: the number of horn blasts in a traffic jam equals the sum of the squares at the wheels.

Proof that a line is a lazy dog:

Take your pen and draw a line on your paper.

Now you have an ink-lined plane. But a inclined plane is a slope up, and a slow pup is a lazy dog.


Michael O’Donoghue was one of the founding writers of National Lampoon magazine, which in 1974 (or thereabouts) published a poster he invented. The poster shows a photo of a beautiful, bikinied girl jumping for joy at the beach, with this caption:

“How do I like my guys? Well, all I can do is tell you about Bill. I guess I love him because he’s all man. I guess I need him because he needs me. I guess I respect him because he knows CALCULUS!”

It’s true! Gals all over campus are “getting with” the big swing to MATH, because they realize a guy who knows his numbers is a guy you can count on. So why not:

ADD to your income

SUBTRACT dreariness from your life

MULTIPLY your opportunities for advancement

DIVIDE and conquer the girl of your dreams

Sign up for CALCULUS! You’ll be glad you did. And so will she.

After National Lampoon magazine, Michael O’Donoghue started a newer form of comedy: in 1975, he became Saturday Night Live’s first head writer.

Math frustration

Math can be frustrating. Here’s my feeling:

Pick any number from 1 up to 10.

Double that number. Then double again.

Then multiply by the square root of pi.

If you can do it, go pluck out your eye.

Pluck it out faster and faster and faster.

If you can’t do it, kid, you’re a disaster.

Fry it with roots of the old mango tree.

God is in heaven. A math guy is He.

Algebra 2 is like algebra 1:

Double the trouble. So go get your gun,

Fill it with methods you need to remember.

If you forget them, repeat next September.

Calculus, next, can be really a hoot.

Infinitesimals crawl in your boot,

Climb up your leg and go into your crotch,

Go to the limit and then up a notch,

All while your calculus prof tells you fate

Makes your life hell when you go integrate.

Kid, if you don’t feel such vectors amusing,

Switch to biology. It’s much more soothing.



Emotional integers

Because of our culture, certain integers make people emotional.

This old man

Kids sing a counting song whose first verse is:

This old man, he played 1.

He played knick-knack on his thumb,

With a knick-knack, paddywhack. Give a dog a bone.

This old man came rolling home.

There are 10 verses, all similar, except for changing “1” to other numbers and changing the word that rhymes:

he played 1… on his thumb

he played 2… on his shoe

he played 3… on his knee

he played 4… on his door

he played 5… on his hive

he played 6… with his sticks

he played 7… up to heaven

he played 8… on his gate

he played 9… on his spine

he played 10… once again

As a result, kids associate 1 with thumb, 2 with shoe, 7 with heaven, etc. So 7 is considered a heavenly place to be!

English digits

What do these digits have in common:

1, 2, 4, 6, 8

Answer: they all sound like English words:

1 sounds like “won” (the past tense of “win”)

2 sounds like “to” and “too”

4 sounds like “for” and “fore”

6 sounds like “sics” (as in “he sics his dog on you”

8 sounds like “ate”

Do you speak a non-English language? In your language, which digits sound like words? Please tell me!

Here are other associations from our culture….


If somebody calls you a “zero,” that person thinks you’re worthless, a loser. Trump thinks most Democrats are “losers,” so Democrats should retaliate by proudly wearing badges that say “0.”

When a rocket is going to blast off, people say:

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blast off!

So 0 is the blast-off number!

Some people hate negative numbers: they’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.


If somebody calls you “number 1,” it means you’re the winner, the best, the boss. Since “one” is pronounced the same as “won,” you can have fun saying this:

If you’re number one, you won.

But “1” is also the symbol for being single, unmarried, unattached, and lonely. A famous song begins by singing:

One is the loneliest number you’ll ever do.

That song, titled “One,” was written by Harry Nilsson in 1968 and sung by Three Dog Night in 1969, which you can hear here:

Try this experiment.

Pick any positive integer.

Do this procedure: if that integer is even, divide it by 2; but
if that integer is odd instead, triple it then add 1. That procedure gets you a new integer.

Using that new integer, do that procedure again, to get an even newer integer.

Keep doing that procedure repeatedly, to keep getting newer & newer integers.

No matter what positive integer you start with, it seems you’ll eventually get 1. Mathematicians have tested that for many positive integers but haven’t figured out how to prove it for all integers: the search for a proof is still unsolved.

Here are examples of that procedure:

If you start with 1, you got 1.

If you start with 2, which is even, you divide the 2 by 2, so you get 1.

If you start with 3, which is odd,

the procedure gets you 10 (the 3 tripled + 1), which gets you 5 (because you divide by 2), which gets you 16, which gets you 8 then 4 then 2 then 1.

If you start with 4, which is even, you get 2 then 1.

If you start with 5, you get 16 then 8 then 4 then 2 then 1.

If you start with 6, you get 3 then 10 then 5 then 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.

If you start with 7, you get 22 then 11 then 34 then 17 then 52 then 26 then 13 then 40 then 20 then 10 then 5 then 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.

If you start with 8, you get 4, 2, 1.

If you start with 9, you get 28 then 14 then 7, which you saw leads to 1.

If you start with 10, you get 5, which you saw leads to 1.

If you start with 11, you get 34 then 17 then 52 then 26 then 13 then 40 then 20 then 10 then 5 then 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.

If you start with 12, you get 37 then 112 then 56 then 28 then 14 then 7, which you saw leads to 1.

If you start with 13, you get 40 then 20 then 10, which you saw leads to 1.

If you start with 14, you get 7, which you saw leads to 1.

If you start with 15, you get 46 then 23 then 70 then 35 then 106 then 53 then 160 then 80 then 40 then 20 then 10, which you saw leads to 1.

That unsolved problem (“Do all positive integers lead to 1?”) is called the 3x+1 problem (because odd numbers are tripled then you must add 1). It’s also called the Collatz conjecture., because it was first mentioned by Lothar Collatz in 1937.

Computers have shown that every positive integer less than 5´260 leads to 1, but what about integers that are even bigger? Unknown!

Some numbers are really horrible. For example, if you start with 27, you need 111 steps to finally get to 1; and you might feel discouraged along the way, since at one point you get up to 9232 before coming back down toward 1.



If somebody is called the “number 2,” that person is the main assistant to the “number 1.” For example, that person might be the vice-president or secretary or administrative assistant or “COO” (Chief Operating Officer).

But a group of 2 is considered heartwarming & productive. People say “It takes 2 to tango.” It takes 2 people (a male + a female) to create a child. A famous song joyfully recommends “tea for 2” so “we can raise a family.” So 2 is better than 1.

2 is part of you, since your body has 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 nostrils, and 2 lungs. If you’re female, you get a bonus: 2 breasts. People say “There are 2 sides to every question.” By holding up a mirror, you can make anything become 2.

Computer circuits use the binary number system (based on the number 2) instead of the decimal system (based on the number 10) because most things in life have just 2 states: for example, an electric circuit is either on or off; magnetic poles are either north or south; a card is either whole or has a hole punched through it. If you give a computer a math problem written in the decimal system, the computer translates it into the binary system, does the computation in binary, then converts the answer back to the decimal system so you can understand it.

2 tablespoons make an ounce. 2 cups make a pint. 2 pints make a quart.

2 U.S. Presidents were named “Adams,” 2 were named “Harrison”, 2 were named “Johnson,” 2 were named “Roosevelt,” and 2 were named “Bush.” Some people think Trump is 2 much to handle.

2 is pronounced the same as “to” and “too” but stupidly spelled “two.” A text saying “I like U2” is praising either you or an Irish rock band.


3 is the number of the Christian Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. There are also 3 feet in a yard, 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon, and 3 colors on a traffic light (green, yellow, and red). Shamrocks, poison ivy, and many other plants have 3 leaves.

If somebody asks you whether a certain statement is true, there are 3 possible answers: “true,” “false,” or “indeterminate” (which means “not enough information to decide yet”).

In many cultures, even numbers (such as 2) are female, but odd numbers (such as 3) are male. That’s because 2 represents a woman + her child, or her 2 breasts, or the other symmetries in her body, whereas a man’s body is similar but adds a prick.

Michelin makes tires but also judges which restaurants to travel to. Michelin awards the best restaurants 3 stars: «««. So in the Michelin guide, a 3-star restaurant means “the best” (because it’s better than 2-star or 1-star or unmentionable). Chefs are proud to be called “3-star.”

There are 3 guys in the standard joke (such as “3 guys walk into a bar. The first guy said… The second guy said… But the third said…”). Example of a standard joke:

Bill Clinton, while President, was flying on an airplane with his wife Hillary and daughter Chelsea. Bill said, “If I throw a hundred-dollar bill out the window, I could make somebody happy.” Hillary said, “If I throw 100 one-dollar bills out the window, I could make 100 people happy.” Chelsea said, “If I throw you both out the window, I could make a million people happy.”

Many jokes have 3 examples, such as:

The 3 biggest lies are “Black is beautiful,” “The check is in the mail,” and “Don’t worry, baby, I won’t cum in your mouth.”

A variant of that joke is:

The 3 biggest lies are “Black is beautiful,” “The check is in the mail,” and “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you.”

Joyce Kilmer wrote a poem whose main verses are:

I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree.

Poems are made by fools like me

But only God can make a tree.

John Atherton wrote a parody, whose main verses are:

I think that I shall never c

A # lovelier than 3.

Atoms are split by men like me,

But only God is 1 in 3.

Warren Buffett said:

There are 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can’t.

Similarly, many T-shirts say:

5 out of 4 people struggle with math.

Here’s a similar thought (from the Shoe comic on 11/12/2020):

“Describe yourself in 3 words.”



Since Independence Day (when the Declaration of Independence from England was signed) is July “the 4th,” Americans consider 4 to be patriotic, revolutionary, fiery, and full of firecrackers. The Irish consider 4 to be lucky, because finding a 4-leaf clover is a rare joy.

But the Chinese consider 4 to be unlucky, because in Chinese it’s pronounced “,” which sounds similar to “,” which is the Chinese word for death. So the Chinese try to avoid house numbers & phone numbers containing the number 4. In many Chinese apartment buildings & hotels, the floor above 3 is called “3A” or “5” instead of 4.

Japanese is similar: in Chinese-influenced Japanese (called Sino-Japanese), 4 and death are both pronounced “shi,” so 4 is unlucky, so some buildings don’t have a 4th floor: the floor above 3 is “3A” or “5.”

Fear of 4 is called “tetraphobia.”

A deck of cards has 4 suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades).

4 cups make a quart, and 4 quarts make a gallon, so those measurements are both 4tunate. Life would be even more 4tunate & simpler if we banned the word “pint,” which gets in the way.

A human has 5 fingers on each hand, but the typical
cartoon character (such as Mickey Mouse) has just 4 fingers on each hand (a thumb plus 3 more) and those fingers are all wide. That’s because 5 thin fingers take too long to draw and, Walt Disney said, look too much like a bunch of bananas. In the Simpsons, every character has 4 fingers per hand except God, who appears rarely and is powerful enough to have 5.

In 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt said everybody in the world should get 4 freedoms:

freedom of speech

freedom of worship

freedom from want

freedom from fear

He said the U.S. should protect those freedoms and oppose tyrants who squelch them. Norman Rockwell made 4 paintings to illustrate those 4 freedoms.

Maps The number 4 has tortured mathematicians because of the 4-color problem, which is this problem in topology (similar to geometry):

Can every map be colored using just 4 colors?


Here are the rules:

If 2 countries rub against each other (share a border), you must give them different colors. But if 2 countries are far away from each other (separated by another country or a body of water), you’re allow to give those 2 countries the same color.

Each country is assumed to be a single blob. No country is 2 separated blobs.

If 2 countries touch each other at just one point (or several points), it’s okay to give them the same color, unless they rub against each other (by sharing a border that’s a straight or squiggly line).

This map requires 4 colors, because each of its 4 countries rubs against the other 3:




                                          2            3



Does any map require 5 colors? In 1852, Francis Guthrie noticed that 4 colors seemed to always be enough, but he couldn’t prove it. In 1890, Percy Heawood proved that no map required more than 5 colors, but did any map require 5? In 1976, mathematicians at the University of Illinois finally proved no map requires more than 4 colors; 4 colors are always enough, so the
4-color problem became the 4-color theorem.

How many letters? 4 is the only number that’s as big as its spelling: 4 is spelled “four,” which has 4 letters. By contrast, “five” doesn’t have 5 letters; “six” doesn’t have 6 letters. Just “four” is so nice.

Here’s a more detailed analysis….

In English, “four” is the only number that has correct length: it contains 4 letters.

4 (“four”) contains 4 letters, so its length is 4. That’s correct!

All integers bigger than 4 contain insufficient letters:

5 (“five”)    has length 4, which is less than 5, so insufficient.

6 (“six”)      has length 3, which is less than 6, so insufficient.

7 (“seven”)  has length 5, which is less than 7, so insufficient.

8 (“eight”)   has length 5, which is less than 8, so insufficient.


All numbers less than 4 contain excessive letters:

3 (“three”)   has length 5, which is more than 3, so excessive.

2 (“two”)     has length 3, which is more than 2, so excessive.

1 (“one”)     has length 3, which is more than 1, so excessive.

0 (“zero”)    has length 4, which is more than 0, so excessive.

-1 (“minus one” or “negative one”) has length more than -1, so excessive.

½ (“one half” or “point five”)         has length more than ½,  so excessive.

.9 (“point nine”)                             has length more than .9,  so excessive.

All rational numbers lead to 4:

5 has length 4.

6 has length 3, which has length 5, which has length 4.

7 has length 5, which has length 4.

8 has length 5, which has length 4.

9 has length 4.

10 has length 3, which has length 5, which has length 4.

11 has length 6, which has length 3, which has length 5, which has length 4.

12 has length 6, which has length 3, which has length 5, which has length 4.

13 has length 8, which has length 5, which has length 4.

3 has length 5, which has length 4.

2 has length 3, which has length 5, which has length 4.

1 has length 3, which has length 5, which has length 4.

0 has length 4.

Four fours In the 1890’s, math nerds began having fun trying to solve this puzzle: compute each digit by combining four fours. So in the list below, make each equation become true by filling in the blanks, using just the symbols for addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (´ or * or ·), division (¸ or /), and parentheses.

0 = 4   4   4   4

1 = 4   4   4   4

2 = 4   4   4   4

3 = 4   4   4   4

4 = 4   4   4   4

5 = 4   4   4   4

6 = 4   4   4   4

7 = 4   4   4   4

8 = 4   4   4   4

9 = 4   4   4   4

Here’s a solution (using scientific order of operations):

0 = 4 - 4 + 4 - 4

1 = 4 / 4 + 4 - 4

2 = 4 / 4 + 4 / 4

3 =(4 + 4 + 4)/ 4

4 = 4 + 4 *(4 - 4)

5 =(4 * 4 + 4)/ 4

6 = 4 +(4 + 4)/ 4

7 = 4 + 4 -(4 / 4)

8 = 4 + 4 + 4 – 4

9 = 4 + 4 + 4 / 4

To continue much beyond 9, you must permit factorials:

“4 factorial” is written “4!” and means “1 times 2 times 3 times 4,” which is 24

You must also permit either square roots (Ö4 = 2) or shifted numbers (44 and .4). Then you get:

10 = 4 + 4 + 4 - Ö4       = (44-4)/4

11 = 4!/Ö4 - 4/4           = 4/.4 + 4/4

12 = 4*(4 - 4/4)

13 = 4!/Ö4 + 4/4          = 4! - 44/4

14 = 4 + 4 + 4 + Ö4      = 4(4-.4) - .4

15 = 4*4 - 4/4

16 = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4

17 = 4*4 + 4/4

18 = 4*4 + 4 - Ö4         = 44*.4 + .4

19 = 4! - 4 - 4/4

20 = 4*(4+4/4)

21 = 4! - 4 + 4/4

22 = 4*4 + 4!/4

23 = 4! + 4/4 - Ö4        = (4!*4 - 4)/4

24 = 4*4 + 4 + 4

25 = 4! - 4/4 + Ö4        = (4!*4 + 4)/4

26 = 4! + Ö4 + 4 – 4     = 4/.4 + 4*4

27 = 4! + 4 - 4/4

28 = 4! + 4 + 4 - 4

29 = 4! + 4 + 4/4

30 = 4! + 4 + 4 - Ö4     = (4+4+4)/.4

31 = 4! + (4!+4)/4

32 = 4*4 + 4*4

To continue past 32, the square root symbol isn’t good enough to bail you out, so you must permit .4 or something wacky, such as “4!!” (which is called “4 double factorial” and means “multiply just the even numbers up to 4,” so it’s “2 times 4,” which is 8).

Paul Dirac won a Nobel Prize for physics in 1933, but he liked math puzzles too. In the 1930’s, he invented a devilish way to construct every integer by using four fours! He cheated: he used logarithms. Here’s his method….

To write n by using four fours, put n square-root signs in front of 4, then write “log(Ö4)/4 log4” before all that.

For example, to write 7 by using four fours, put 7 square-root signs in front of 4, so you get ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ4, then write
“log(Ö4)/4 log4” before that, so you get:

7 = log(Ö4)/4  log4 ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ4

That’s because:

       log(Ö4)/4  log4 ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ4

   = log2/4     log4 ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ4                               (since Ö4 = 2)

   = log1/2     log4 ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ4                               (since 2/4 = 1/2)

   = log1/2     log4 ((((((41/2)1/2)1/2)1/2)1/2)1/2)1/2   (since Öa = a1/2)

   = log1/2     log4 4(1/2)(1/2)(1/2)(1/2)(1/2)(1/2)(1/2)       (since (ab)c = abc)

   = log1/2     log4 4((1/2)7)                                     (since aaaaaaa = a7)

   = log1/2     (1/2)7                                               (since loga ab = b)

   = 7                                                                      (since loga ab = b)

But writing numbers without using logarithms is still a challenge. The first difficult number is 99. Another is 113. To win, you must cheat.


A business that’s perfect, top-notch, is called “5-star.” The symbol “«««««” is the top rating on many Websites, such as Yelp, Trip Advisor, and Google. Many businesses (such as Home Depot) let customers rate individual products, with the top rating being “«««««.”

In business, “5” is a popular digit to put at the end of a price. For example, instead of charging $4, a business will charge $3.95.

5 is the number for drinking tequila, since the biggest holiday celebrated by Mexican bars in the United States is “Cinco de Mayo,” which means “5th of May,” which is the date “5/5”.

The alphabet has 5 vowels: a, e, i, o, and u.

To divide by 5, use this trick: divide by 10 (by moving the decimal point to the left), then double the result. For example, to divide 93 by 5, move the decimal point to the left (to get 9.3), then double it, to get the final answer, 18.6.

5 is the first number the French pronounce like an English word. In French:

      5 is written “cinq,”    pronounced like the English word “sank.”

      6 is written “six,”      pronounced like the English word “cease.”

      7 is written “sept,”    pronounced like the English word “set.”

      8 is written “huit,”    pronounced like the English word “wheat.”

1000 is written “mille,”   pronounced like the English word “meal.”


6 is the sexiest number.

The Latin word for 6 is “sex.” (By contrast, the Latin word for “sex” is “sexus,” which sounds like a demand for group sex.)

Likewise, the Icelandic word for 6 is “sex”. (By contrast, the Icelandic word for “sex” is “kynlíf,” which sounds like sex kin lif’ a man’s penis.)

Likewise, the Swedish word for 6 is “sex.” The Swedish word for “sex” is also “sex,” because Swedes like “sex” a lot.

The German word for 6 is “sechs,” which Germans pronounce similar to the English “sex.” (But the Germans have “sechs” just while they’re sleeping & coughing: the German “s” is pronounced like the English “z,” and the “ch” is pronounced like a cough.) The German word for “sex” is “Sex,” which the Germans always capitalize, because they like it a lot and capitalize all nouns.

The French word for 6 is “six,” same as the English word. (But the French pronounce it the same as the English word “cease,” which you should do if having sex with the wrong person, a common French activity.) The French word for “sex” is “sexe,” because the French like to be sexy.

Portuguese (spoken in Portugal & Brazil) say the days of the week in modified Latin. Since Friday is the 6th day of the week, it’s the 6th opportunity for a country fair, so Friday is called “sexta-feira.” That’s too long to fit on a calendar, so for Friday the calendars write just “sex,” tempting people to have sex every Friday.

Mathematicians call a number “perfect” if the sum of its factors equals the number itself. For example, the factors of 28 (the numbers that go into 28) are 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14; if you add them up, 1+2+4+7+14, you get 28, so 28 is called “perfect.”

The first “perfect” number is 6 (since 6=1+2+3). The next perfect number is 28 (since 28=1+2+4+7+14). The next perfect number is 496 (since 496=1+2+4+8+16+31+62+124+248). The next is 8128.

As you can see, very few numbers are perfect. Perfect numbers are rare.

Chinese consider 6 to be good because it’s pronounced “liù,” which sounds similar to “liū,”which is the Chinese word for “smooth sailing, nicely slick, calm, peaceful, trouble-free trip.”

Though Chinese consider 6 good and mathematicians consider 6 “perfect,” religious folks consider 6 “devilish,” a failed attempt to be perfect, since 6 is 1 less than 7, which religious folks consider perfect.

6 is devilish.

66 is even more devilish.

666 is even more devilish and the symbol for the devil himself. It’s mentioned in the final sentence of chapter 13 of the New Testament’s Book of Revelations.

In a game of dice, each die has 6 numbers. A Jewish star has 6 points. If a tough dog owner gets angry at you, he “sics” his dog on you.

6 is the only digit that becomes bigger if you turn it upside-down: it becomes 9.

6 is the jolly number! An old song about a British soldier’s pay begins:

I’ve got sixpence! Jolly, jolly sixpence!

I’ve got sixpence, to last me all my life!

Then he sings the math: 6=2+2+2:

I’ve got 2 pence to spend,

And 2 pence to lend,

And 2 pence to take home to my wife. Poor wife!

After more singing about his joy, the song takes a darker turn: he repeats the verse, except “six” becomes “four,” and “2 pence to take home” becomes “no pence to take home.” Then he repeats the song again, except “six” becomes just “two” (with appropriate math). Then he repeats the song again, except all the numbers become “no pence,” because all his money disappeared, so his jolliness becomes cynical, as he sings:

I’ve got no pence! Jolly, jolly no pence!

How sad!


Many people consider 7 to be perfect, since:

There are exactly 7 days in a week (because God created the world in 7 days, including a day of rest), 7 colors in the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), 7 notes in the musical scale (A through G),
7 continents (which from biggest to smallest are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia), and 7 seas (called “oceans,” which from biggest to smallest are Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic, which seems to be just 5, except that the Pacific & Atlantic are each divided into North & South, making the total be 7, so sailors can brag they “sailed the 7 seas”).

Literature loves to be perfect, so it loves to have 7:

Snow White lived with 7 dwarves. Sinbad the Sailor took 7 voyages. Shakespeare said there are 7 ages of man (infant then schoolboy then lover then soldier then judge then elderly then disappearing). There were 7 brides for 7 brothers. James Bond called himself 007.

When playing dice, people yell “7, come, 11!” because they win if 7 or 11 comes on the first roll.

7 is not a multiple or divisor of any other counting number from 1 to 10, so it’s the most unique of those counting numbers.

When you ask Americans “What’s your favorite number?” the answer is more likely to be “7” than any other number. (“3” gets second place, so “37” is also popular.)

In chemistry, a pH of 7 is neutral, like water: it’s neither acid nor base. So in chemistry, 7 is the safest number.

Seven is the easiest number to make even: just erase its “s.”

7 and 0 are the only digits that force you to say two syllables, to emphasize their bizarre importance.

For more details about why 7 is popular, see Davy Derbyshire’s article, published online at The Daily Mail. It’s at —

but you can type just:

Also see Emma Taubenfeld’s article, published online at Reader’s Digest. It’s at:


The Chinese consider 8 to be a lucky number because it’s pronounced “bā,” which sounds similar to “fā,” which is the Chinese word for wealth. Even luckier is 88. Even luckier is 888.

Many “Chinese” businesses (in China or elsewhere, owned by ethnic Chinese) include “88” as part of their name (such as a Boston supermarket called “Super 88”) or part of their phone number (such as “toll-free 888-”). Sichuan Airlines paid $280,000 to get a phone number that contained many 8’s. For many airplanes flying to & from China, the flight number contains many 8’s.

Chinese try to get “8” as part of their house number and lottery number. Chinese try to get “8” as part of their license-plate number and pay thousands of dollars to snag a license plate that contains many 8’s. If you see a license plate with many 8’s on it, the driver is probably Chinese.

When reserving a table in a fancy restaurant, the Chinese request table 8. At a bride-to-be’s engagement party, she expects the group to pitch in to give her a gift of 8,888 yuan.

When the Olympics were held in Beijing, they began on 8/8/08 at 8:00:08:08PM (8 minutes and 8 seconds past 8PM). China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore all use the “8:00 time zone” (8 hours later than London).

There are 8 full planets in the solar system, since Pluto was downgraded to be called just a “dwarf planet.” (The other main dwarf planet is Eris.)

8 ounces make a cup. 8 bits make a byte.

The Jewish holiday of Hanukah lasts 8 nights.

According to the Beatles, a week has 8 days, not 7. Their song “8 Days a Week” says their love is bigger than 7:

Ain’t got nothing but love, babe, 8 days a week!

8 days a week, I love you!

In normal English, 8 is pronounced like “ate,” so 8 is the most popular number to stick at the end of a text-message word:

You are gr8, but don’t be L8!

That I’d h8, but that’s your f8!

That also creates this math horror:

Why does 6 fear 7? It’s because 6 heard “7 ate 9!”

But I once met a Texas girl who pronounced 8 as “ott.”


Optimists say 9 is the age when can begin calling yourself a “tween.” (Pessimists say you must wait until you’re 10.)

Hey, kids! Having trouble memorizing your multiplication tables? To multiply 9 by any digit (from 1 to 9), use this handy trick:

Put your hands in front of you, palms facing you, so you see all 10 fingers.

To multiply by 7 (for example), hold down your 7th finger (so it touches your palm). How many fingers are to the left of it? 6. How many fingers are to the right of it? 3. So the answer is 63.

Yes, 9 multiplied by 7 is 63.

Here’s that rule, expressed & defended algebraically:

To multiply 9 by n, hold down your nth finger. How many fingers are to the left of it? N-1. How many fingers are to the right of it? 10-n. So the answer is a 2-digit number, whose first digit is n-1, last digit is 10-n.

Yes, 9 multiplied by n is a 2-digit number whose first digit is n-1 and last digit is 10-n.

That’s because 9n = (n-1)*10 + (10-n).

Hey, guys! If you ask a German girl for a date, you’ll probably hear her say “9.” That’s because the German word for “no” is “nein,” which is pronounced the same as the English word “nine.”

I met a German girl.

I wished she would be mine.

I offered a good time,

But all she said was “9.”

A cat has 9 lives. The Supreme Court has 9 justices.

In Chinese, 9 (pronounced jiŭ) a means “a long time.” To say “forever,” say 99 (jiŭjiŭ). For example:

I love you 99.


Our whole number system is based on 10, because we have 10 fingers. We also have 10 toes.

A woman’s body has 10 major holes: 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth, 2 nipples, 1 urethra, 1 vagina, and 1 asshole.

She can get an extra asshole by marrying one.

If he upsets her, she can shed tears, using 2 extra holes: her tear ducts.

If you’re wonderful, you’re called a “perfect 10.” If you’re blasting into outer space, the countdown can begin at 10.

10 is the only number that becomes a word when spelled backwards: 10 becomes “net.”


To multiply 11 by a digit, just write the digit twice. For example, 11 times 7 is 77.

To multiply 11 by a two-digit number, write the two digits but put their sum between them. For example, to multiply 11 by 53, write the 5 and the 3 but also write their sum (8) between them, so you get 583. Exception:

If the sum begins with 1, carry the 1. For example, to multiply 11 by 87, write the 8 and the 7 and try to squeeze their sum (15) between them; but since the sum begins with 1, carry the 1, so the answer of “8 15 7” becomes “8+1, then 5, then 7,” which is 957. Yes, 11 times 87 is 957.

To compliment someone, say:

On a scale of 1 to 10, you’re an 11.

World War 1 ended in 1918 on the date of 11/11 at 11 o’clock. That’s when hostilities on the Western Front officially ended. That date became Armistice Day, whose name the U.S. later changed to Veterans Day, a holiday every year on 11/11.

Since “11/11” looks like four singles, China celebrates 11/11 as Singles Day, to celebrate singles who were smart enough to not get married yet and can therefore still shop around and buy presents for themselves. That holiday was invented in Nanjing University but popularized by Alibaba’s Websites (Tmall & Taobao) as an excuse to sell goods at a discount, earlier than America’s Black Friday sale.


12 months make a year. 12 inches make a foot. The typical jury has 12 jurors. 12 is how high you can get when you roll a pair of dice. 12 pennies made a shilling (until the British government changed that “12” to “5,” and Australian & New Zealand changed it to “10”). 12 anything make a dozen.

You see 12 numbers on a clock. Porn movies try to show 12 inches on a cock. (But the average guy’s erect cock is just 5 inches, according to surveys.)

Jesus had 12 apostles, who ate with him at the Last Supper (though Judas turned out to be a jerk, leaving just 11 apostles who were good). At Christmas, you can sing a song about “The 12 Days of Christmas.”

In Chinese, 12 can be pronounced “yāo èr.” When you mumble that, it resembles “yào ài,” which means “want love,” so 12 is the secret Chinese code for “want love.” Many Chinese weddings took place on December 12, 2012, because the Chinese write that date as 2012.12.12, which means “20 times want love, want love, want love!”

Math would be much simpler if we had 12 fingers. When I was a high-school kid, I did calculations that indicated 12 is the best number to use as a base for a number system. 12 is much better than 10! Specifically:

Of all numbers, 12 has the biggest percentage of factors that are less than its square root.

12’s square root is about 3.464. 12 has three factors that are less than its square root: 1, 2, and 3. Three divided by 3.464 is about .866. So 12 is 86.6% good. No other number is better.

By contrast, 10’s square root is about 3.16. 10 has just two factors that are less than its square root: 1 and 2. Two divided by 3.16 is about .63. So 10 is just 63% good.

Notice that in base 12:

1/3     would be written as .4 (because 1/3 is 4 twelfths)

1/4     would be written as .3 (because 1/4 is 3 twelfths)

1/6     would be written as .2 (because 1/6 is 2 twelfths)

1/12   would be written as .1 (because 1/12 is 1 twelfth)

Those answers are much simpler than in our stupid base-10-decimal system!

When I entered Dartmouth College as a freshman, I showed my research to the math department’s chairman (John Kemeny). After pausing just a few seconds, he scribbled on the blackboard a formal proof that my conclusion was correct: of all numbers, 12 has the highest factor-to-square-root ratio. I was blown away by his brilliance. Alas, I don’t remember what he scribbled.


13 is considered an unlucky number now because 13 people were sitting at the Last Supper (Jesus and the 12 apostles, 1 of whom decided to kill Jesus soon). But actually, 13 was considered an unlucky number before the apostles: in Norse mythology, 12 gods sat down to a feast that was interrupted by a gate-crasher and, in the ensuing scuffle, the most beloved god was killed. Historians view Christ’s “The Last Supper” as just copying the Norse legend. (Gee, I thought everything in the Bible was real and original. The apostles were plagiarists? How upsetting!)

If you’re afraid of the number 13, you have triskaidekaphobia (which comes from the Greek words for “three-and-ten fear”). To avoid scaring travelers, many hotels skip the 13th floor: the floor after the 12th is called the 14th or “floor 12½.”

The United States began with 13 states. Afterwards, more states joined and got luckier, until Trump made us feel unlucky again.

13 is the first number whose name ends in “teen.” So to be a “teenager,” you traditionally must be at least 13. If you’re 10, 11, or 12, you’re called a “pre-teen” or “tween.” (Exception: some psychologists call a 13-year-old a “tween” instead of a “teenager,” since the typical 13-year-old hasn’t reached puberty yet.)

13 is the age when a Jewish boy is considered to be an “adult,” old enough to be responsible for his actions, so he undergoes a ceremony & celebration on his 13th birthday, called “Bar Mitzvah,” which is Hebrew and means “Son of the Commandments.”

Since girls mature faster, girls can be “Bat Mitzvah” (daughter of the Commandments) a year earlier, when they’re 12; but that doesn’t matter much, since the Jewish religion doesn’t take women very seriously (hah!), so 13 is still considered generally the magic age to become a Jewish adult. A boy who dates such a girl can be called a “Bat man.”

When playing card games, there are 13 cards in each suit: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King.

In a perfect calendar, each of the 4 seasons would include 13 weeks, making a total of 52 weeks in the year.

13 is called a baker’s dozen. Why? Theories are at:


The French consider 14 to be patriotic & revolutionary, because Bastille Day (when the French stormed the Bastille) is July “the 14th”.

Chemistry students think 14 is the highest pH you can get (though you can get even higher if you try hard).


When chatting about weight, 16 ounces make a pound; but when chatting about volume, 16 ounces make a pint.

16 is the age when girls are considered to be sweetly sexy and somewhat adult. In many states, 16 is the age when a girl is allowed to get married. U.S. federal law says 16 is the age when a girl is mature enough to say “yes” to sex without having the male get jailed for “statutory rape” (having sex with a minor), so 16 is called the “age of consent.”

When a U.S. girl turns 16, people often throw a
“sweet-16 party.” “16 Candles” is a 1958 song about that birthday party, which you can hear here:

In Hispanic countries, girls mature faster (hah!), so they throw a “sweet-15 party” instead (called “quinceañera” in Spanish, “festa de debutantes” in Brazilian Portuguese).

16 tons” is the name of a song (written by Merle Travis, sung by Tennessee Ernie Ford & Johnny Cash) about a coal miner who’s overworked & underpaid. The chorus is:

You load 16 tons. What do you get?:

Another day older and deeper in debt.

Saint Peter, don’t you call me, ’cause I can’t go:

I owe my soul to the company store.


At age 17, a girl can blossom further. In 1962, the Beatles wrote a song about that, called “I Saw Her Standing There,” whose main thoughts are:

She was just 17.

You know what I mean.

The way she looked was just beyond compare.

So how could I dance with another,

When I saw her standing there?

My heart went “Boom”

When I crossed that room.

Aside from that song, 17 is a relatively boring number, so 17 is the number most commonly used in this joke:

Mathematicians can prove all numbers are interesting. Here’s how.

Suppose some number is not interesting. Then what’s the lowest uninteresting number? For example, suppose that number is 17. Hey, that’s interesting! So 17 is an interesting number!

That contradiction (the lowest uninteresting number is interesting) proves all numbers are interesting. So mathematicians have proved that all numbers are interesting, and math will always be interesting, and mathematicians will never go out of business.


The constitution’s 26th Amendment says you can vote in federal & state elections if you’re at least 18 years old. (Some states & towns are kinder: they let kids vote even if they’re just 17 or 16.)

Federal law says you must be at least 18 years old to buy cigarettes (but younger kids can smoke cigarettes if they receive them as a gift).

Many states make the buying age even higher: 21. Alaska has a compromise: 19.

Some states also ban kids under 18 from smoking in public.


21 is how old you must be to buy alcohol. So if you want to kill yourself legally, by getting drunk, you must be 21.


Catch-22” is Joseph Heller’s novel about the craziness of World War 2. The title refers to military rule 22, which seems simple but has a catch.

The rule says you can bomb just if you’re sane. But here’s the catch: to want to bomb, you must be a bit crazy. If you’re not feeling mentally well today and therefore reasonably ask to avoid bombing today, that request proves you’re reasonable, so you’re not insane, so you must bomb.

The term “catch-22” is now used to describe any contradictory rule. For example, Mary Murphy said:

To get work as an actor, you need an agent. But to get an agent, you must have worked.

When writing the novel, Heller wanted to call the rule “catch 18,” because 18 is the Jewish code number for “alive.” But his publisher rejected 18, because a novel by Leon Uris already had “18” in its title. 11 and 17 were rejected because movies already had those numbers in their titles (“Ocean’s 11” and “Stalag 17”). 14 was rejected because it wasn’t funny enough. So Heller eventually settled on 22.

Details about “Catch-22” are at:


23 is famous for being the number in the birthday surprise (which is also nicknamed the “birthday paradox”).

If you have at least 23 people in a room, probably at least 2 people in the room will have the same birthday as each other.

In that sentence:

“same birthday” means “same month and same day of the month,” though not necessarily born in the same year

“probably” means “the probability is greater than half”

the sentence means some people in the room probably have the same birthday as each other but not necessarily the same birthday as you

That statement is true for the number 23 but not for the number 22. You need at least 23 people to make the probability be more than half.

If you have a lot more than 23 people in the room, the probability of matching birthdays is a lot more than half. For example, if you have 367 people in the room, the probability of matching birthdays is 100%, since there are just 366 possible days in the year (including February 29), so 367 people would have a duplicate somewhere.

So next time you’re in a room holding at least 23 people, try this experiment: have each person shout a birthday. The probability is greater than half that somewhere in the room, 2 people’s birthdays will match each other. If the room holds a lot more people, the probability of success goes way up. If the people are all single, maybe they’ll get excited, and the matching people will marry.


24 hours make a day.

24 is number of the confusing President.

The first American President was George Washington.

The second was John Adams.

The 22nd was Grover Cleveland.

The 23rd was Benjamin Harrison.

Who was the 24th?

The President after Benjamin Harrison was Grover Cleveland again (who got reelected), so by that logic the 24th President was Grover Cleveland. Most historians agree that Grover Cleveland should be called “President #22 and President #24.”

But Grover Cleveland was just the 22nd person to become President. The 24th person to become President was William McKinley, who came after Grover Cleveland’s second term.

Confusing, eh?

24 is an important number to me because May 24th is
my birthday. When is yours?


December 25 is Christmas. Priests say yay for Jesus, and kids say yay for presents, so 25 is a yay day.

According to Men’s Health magazine, the typical woman wants to be 25 years old. More precisely:

Women under 25 (such as kids) want to be older, closer to 25 (so they can brag they’re more mature and get more privileges & pay).

Women over 25 (such as the elderly) want to be younger, closer to 25 (so they can brag they’re healthier, more athletic, and look traditionally beautiful).

Yeah, that’s sexist. So is America!


The alphabet has 26 letters, so 26 is the most literate number — if you speak modern English.

Some languages use fewer letters:

Greek and Korean alphabets have just 24 letters.

So did older English, which lacked J (used I instead) and U (used V instead).

Classical Latin used just 23 letters (no J, U, and W).

Some languages use more letters:

Modern Spanish uses 27 letters (the English 26 plus Ñ), according to new Spanish dictionary rules adopted in 2010.

Modern Swedish & Finnish use 29 letters (the English 26 plus Å, Ä, and Ö).

Modern Danish & Norwegian use 29 letters (the English 26 plus Æ, Ø, and Å).

Modern Vietnamese uses 29 letters (the English 26, minus F, J, W, and Z, plus Â, Ê, Ô, O’, U’, Ă, and Đ).

Modern Russian uses 33 letters.

I often feel overloaded. A day doesn’t contain enough hours to accomplish everything I’m supposed to. Sadly, I tell myself:

There are only 26 hours in a day.

Most people say “There are only 24 hours in a day,” but 26 sounds better and uses the fact that I’d get up 2 hours later each day if there were no clock to yell at me.


On a lunar calendar, each month has exactly 4 weeks, so 28 days. There are also 28 days in a normal menstrual cycle.

On a normal calendar (solar), February normally has 28 days. 29 days make a leap month. 30 make a banker’s month (since bankers usually say “you have 30 days to pay”). 31 make the longest month.

Like 6, 28 is perfect. So God made women be perfect!


February usually has 28 days but during leap years has 29, so 29 feels like a bonus, a leap up!


30 is the smallest number that’s the product of 3 primes: it’s “2 times 3 times 5.”


October 31 is Halloween. Scary!


32 is the icy number, because 32 degrees Fahrenheit is when water freezes.

In the 1950’s, a team of famous comedians (Carl Reiner, Mel Brooks, Neil Simon, and others) wrote skits for the TV show “Your Show of Shows.” They tried to decide which number is the funniest. They decided the funniest number to say is “32,” so they had a performer (Imogene Coca) often say “thiiirrrrty-twooo.” The studio audience laughed every time.


A yard is 36 inches. A full-size classical piano has 36 black keys.

Since 6 is the first perfect number, and 36 is 6 squared, 36 is the first squared perfection.

During the 1950’s, the ideal shape for a woman’s body — the shape considered the sexiest —consisted of a big chest (& breasts), slim waist, and wide hips (& ass). That’s called the hourglass figure. The extreme example was Marilyn Monroe, who at the height of her fame measured 36-22-36. Other examples are Katy Perry (36-25-36) and Hedy Lamarr (36-25-36). So 36 means “delightfully big boobs & buns.”


37 degrees Celsius is considered to be the “normal” temperature of a human. But that’s just an approximation. 36 degrees Celsius is a bit cold, 38 degrees is a fever, but anything more than 36 and less than 38 is okay.

If you convert “37 degrees Celsius” to Fahrenheit, you get exactly “98.6 degrees Fahrenheit,” so Americans are taught to strive for 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is no better than 98.5 or 98.7.


In the United States, a roulette wheel (used in gambling) has 38 pockets (where the ball could land). They’re numbered 1 through 36, plus 0, plus 00. So if you gamble on a number, your chance of winning is just 1 out of 38.

In Europe, a roulette wheel lacks 00, so your chance of winning is slightly better: 1 out of 37. Moral: if you want to gamble, go to Europe.

Chinese In Chinese slang, calling a person (male or female) “38” means “acting like an obnoxious woman.”

That’s partly because the Chinese are cynical about International Women’s Day, which is March 8, which is 3/8. It’s also because “three eight” is pronounced “sān bā,” which sounds similar to the Chinese word for “stupid” in some dialects.

The Chinese say “38” to refer to all kinds of obnoxious women: “gossipy” or “bitchy” or “a mean mama” or “too concerned about fashion” or “dumb like an American blonde” or “a man who acts too feminine.”


Traditionally, when you turn 40, you’re called “middle aged,” so 39 is the last year you can claim you’re “young.”

Jack Benny was an elderly comedian who, whenever people asked how old he was, would jokingly answer “39.” So 39 is the Jack Benny age.

For actresses, 39 is typically the last fuckable year (the last year you can be in a movie that shows you fucking), unless you’re lucky enough to look young when you’re even older, according to this cynical video, called “Last Fuckable Day”:


40 is the beginning of being “middle-aged.” Is being middle-aged good or bad?

An old expression is “life begins at 40.” That thought began in the 1800’s, was expressed more clearly in 1917, became a book title in 1932, and became a song in 1937. The basic idea is that, especially for women, the drudgery of raising kids can end when a woman turns 40; then she can relax! Details about that history are at:

40 is the smallest vaguely big number: the Bible and other ancient books often say “40” when they really mean just “many.” For example, the Bible says Noah experienced rain for “40 days and 40 nights,” but it means just “many days and many nights,” not exactly 40. More examples of “40” meaning just “many” are at:

A standard workweek has 40 hours. That’s considered “full time.” If you work more than 40 hours, your boss must pay you overtime.

The path around a Monopoly board has 40 spots to land on. (The most famous is Boardwalk; the most infamous is “Go To Jail.”)

40 is the most misspelled number. The correct modern spelling is “forty,” not “fourty” (which was an older spelling that started getting phased out about 200 years ago, in 1821). Dictionaries still have “four,” “fourteen,” and “four hundred” but not “fourty.”

A child says “40” when seeing “T T T T.” A proper British lady says “40” when you’ve invited to her house “for tea.”

The Wall Street Journal wrote an article saying that when the typical “expert” warns us a calamity might happen, he says there’s a “40% chance” it will happen. That way, if the calamity does happen, the expert brags he warned us; and if the calamity does not happen, the expert brags he said the chance was just 40%, which is less than half. So either way, the expert can brag, even if the expert is really an idiot.


Health departments require restaurant refrigerators to cool below 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why 41 instead of 40 or 42? Because “5 degrees Celsius” is a reasonably scientific rule (more reasonable than 0 degrees or 10 degrees), and “5 degrees Celsius” happens to be exactly 41 degrees Fahrenheit. So the “41 rule” is rough science that pretends to be precise.


The Japanese consider 42 unlucky, because in Japanese “four two” is pronounced “shi ni,” which sounds like the Japanese word for death.

New York City’s main numbered street is 42nd Street. It’s considered the center of New York’s excitement. It runs through Times Square (along with Broadway and 7th Avenue). “42nd Street” is the name of an exciting song, a dance number, a musical, and a movie; in them, the main line is:

Come and meet those dancing feet

On the avenue I’m taking you to: 42nd Street!

Where the underworld can meet the elite:

42nd Street!

In “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” (a novel by Douglas Adams), a supercomputer called Deep Thought spends 7.5 million years computing the “answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.” Its final answer is:


Truth imitates art! Mathematicians actually tried to make computers solve a difficult math problem about 42, and computers spent many days working on it. Here’s the problem:

Many integers can be written as the sum of 3 cubes. Here are simple examples:

  0 = 03 + 03 + 03

  1 = 13 + 03 + 03

  2 = 13 + 03 + 03

  3 = 13 + 13 + 13

  6 = 23 + (-1)3 + (-1)3

  7 = 23 + (-1)3 + 03

  8 = 23 + 03 + 03

  9 = 23 + 13 + 03

10 = 23 + 13 + 13

11 = 33 + (-2)3 + (-2)3

12 = 103 + 73 + (-11)3

15 = 23 + 23 + (-1)3

16 = 23 + 23 + 03

17 = 23 + 23 + 13

18 = 33 + (-2)3 + (-1)3

19 = 33 + (-2)3 + 03

20 = 33 + (-2)3 + 13

Can every integer be written as the sum of 3 cubes? No! Mathematicians proved: when dividing an integer by 9 gives a remainder of 4 or 5, that integer cannot be written as the sum of 3 cubes. (The proof requires this advanced-math thinking: when doing “arithmetic modulo 9,” whose only numbers are 0 through 8, the only cubes are 0, 1, and 8, and no trio of them makes 4 or 5.) But what about all the other integers? Nobody knows! The problem is still unsolved!

I showed you examples up to 20. Notice 12 was tricky: to get 12, you had to cube 10, 7, and -11. What about 21 and the other numbers up to 100? 74 and 33 are difficult, but the hardest turned out to be 42. In September 2019, using 1.3 million hours of computation, a collection of computers found the answer:

42 = 80,435,758,145,817,5153 + 12,602,123,297,335,6313 +


During the beginning of President Trump’s reelection campaign, he sent emails demanding a $42 donation from each of his supporters. Is that because he considers himself a supercomputer, the “answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything”? His competitor, Joe Biden, asked for just $3. Is that because Democrats are poorer?


During the 1950’s and 1960’s, the most popular kind of
phonograph record was 45rpm: it did 45 revolutions per minute. Folks would say:

Hey, let’s dance! Put on a 45!

Its diameter was 7-inch.

Trump was the 45th president, so people called him “45.” Toward the end of his reelection campaign, he requested $45 from each donor.


For many years (starting in 1912), the United States included 48 states. But in 1959, Alaska & Hawaii joined us and complicated who we are. We still say that the United States contains 48 “contiguous states” (or “conterminous states” or “lower states”), plus those 2 far-off weirdos.


Now the United States has 50 states. So does my brain: its 50 states vary from wonderful to horrible.

In the Danish language, 50 is the first crazy number. Most other numbers are reasonable. Here’s how to say numbers in traditional Danish:

1 en         10 ti

2 to       20 = 2 tens = tyve

3 tre      30 = 3 tens = tredive

4 fire    40 = 4 tens = fyrre

5 fem    50= 2½ twenties = (½ less than 3rd) of 20 = halv-tred-sinds-tyve

6 seks   60= 3    twenties = 3 of 20 = tre-sinds-tyve

7 syv    70= 3½ twenties = (½ less than 4th) of 20 = halv-fjerd-sinds-tyve

8 otte    80= 4    twenties = 4 of 20 = fir-sinds-tyve

9 ni       90= 4½ twenties = (½ less than 5th) of 20 = halv-fem-sinds-tyve

For 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90, modern Danes are too lazy to write or say the ending (“inds-tyve”) so they have just:

50 halvtreds

60 tres

70 halvfjerds

80 firs

90 halvfems

Danish kids memorize just those short forms, which are easy; most Danes don’t know the long forms they came from. Danes have trouble remembering how to spell “halvtreds,” “tres,” and “halvfjerds,” because in Danish the “d” in “ds” is silent: “ds” is pronounced as just “s”. To communicate with other Scandinavians (Norwegians and Swedes), Danish bankers write simpler words on checks, using base-10 instead of base-20:

50 = 5 tens = femti

60 = 6 tens = seksti

70 = 7 tens = syvti

80 = 8 tens = otti

90 = 9 tens = niti

More details are at:


A deck contains 52 cards (4 suits, each containing 13 cards). A year contains 52 full weeks (plus 1 or 2 days, depending on whether it’s a leap year). A full-size classical piano contains 52 white keys.


Heinz makes ketchup, pickles, and more. In 1896, Heinz began bragging that it made 57 varieties of pickles. Actually, it made more than 60 varieties of things, but Henry Heinz thought 57 sounded more upbeat, because 7 was a lucky number.

On a Heinz ketchup bottle, the ketchup will come out fastest if you tap the “57” on the label.

57 doesn’t seem to be divisible by anything, since its last digit is 7 (not 0 or 2 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 8). So 57 seems to be prime. But here’s a surprise: 57 is not prime: it’s “3 times 19.” Mathematicians jokingly call 57 the Grothendieck prime, because the mathematician Alexander Grothendieck is rumored to have mistakenly said 57 is prime, although others claim it was just Herman Weyl who said 57 is prime.


“Sixty” is the classic answer to this famous riddle

What five-letter word has six left after you take away two letters?

or this shorter version:

What 5-letter word becomes 6 after you subtract 2 letters?

Another correct answer is “sixth” but not “eight.”

60 seconds make a minute.

60 minutes make an hour. “60 minutes” is also the name of a CBS TV news show, so 60 minutes means investigation.

When you turn 60, you can brag you’re a sexagenarian, so can sound sexy, and keep bragging about that until you turn 70, when you become a shitty septic: a septuagenarian.


In American culture, 65 is the age when you’re supposed to retire.

When I was a kid taking tests, I needed to get a score of at least 65 to pass.


69 is the symbol for oral sex, since it’s the same shape as 2 people lying side-by-side, licking each other’s naughty parts.


70 is like 69 but means a sexual threesome, since it’s “69 plus 1 more.”

70 is the first big number the French language lost. In school, the French are taught no word for “70” or “80” or “90”.

Instead of saying “70,” the French are taught to say “60+10” (“soixante-dix”).

Instead of saying “80,” the French are taught to say “4 times 20” (“quatre vingts”).

Instead of saying “90,” the French are taught to say “4 times 20, plus 10” (“quatre-vingt-dix”). So to say “98” the French are taught to say “4 times 20, plus 10, plus 8” (“quatre-vingt-dix-huit”).

But French speakers got “liberated” in Switzerland & Belgium (and the Belgian Congo and a few villages in France & Canada). They got disgusted by classical French’s “40 times 20, plus 10,” so they invented a new word for 90: “nonante.”

For 70, they often say “septante.” For 80, they sometimes say “huitante” (or, more rarely, “octante”).

To laugh at the ridiculousness of classical French, they sometimes say “40+10” (“quarante-dix”) instead of 50 (“cinquante”), as a joke.


In Japan, you’re not called “elderly” until you turn 75.
If you’re between 65 and 74, you’re called “pre-old.”


76 is called the trombone number, because of the song
“76 Trombones” in the musical movie “The Music Man.”


86 means “out.” Examples:

When a chef says “86 the dumplings,” it means “we’re out of dumplings”: the dumplings are sold out, so the servers should stop promising them to customers.

When a bar or casino says “you’re 86’ed,” it means you’re being thrown out, onto the street: you’re banned.

A woman can say “I’m going to 86 my husband,” meaning “I’m going to get rid of him.”

On the desk of Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan’s governor), a sign says “86 45.” It means “get rid of the 45th president, Donald Trump.”

Why does 86 mean “out”? Here are many reasons:

A standard grave is 8 feet long, 6 feet under. So “I’m going to 86 you” can mean “I’m going to bury you.” In the same vein, the Mafia would execute a guy by driving him 80 miles away from the city, to a rural spot, then had him dig his own grave there, 6 feet under, where he got executed, so he got 80’ed then 6’ed.

During the Prohibition era, New York City cops raided Chumley’s bar often; but each time, because of bribery, the bar got warned in advance and told the customers to run out the 86 Bedford Street door (by yelling “86”) before the cops came in the Pamela Court door. So “86” can mean “get out.”

The German word for “not” is “nicht,” which in English became “nix,” so chefs would say “nix the dumplings,” meaning “we do not have dumplings anymore; cancel the dumplings.” Restaurant staff loved to invent secret slang when chatting with each other, so “nix” became “86,” because it rhymes with “nix.”

Whisky used to come in 2 strengths: 100 proof or 86 proof. If a customer was getting too drunk on 100-proof whisky, the bartender would cut him down to 86-proof whisky. So “86 him” means “cut him down.”

The U.S. Navy’s code for “trash” is “Allowance Type 6,” which is written “AT-6,” which is pronounced like “86.” So “86 it” means “throw it out.”

In the code used by engineers, an “86 device” is a device that purposely locks out another device until an investigator resets it. So “86” means “lockout.”

Details about the history of 86 are at:


A full-size classical piano has 88 keys. So to a pianist, 88 means full, complete, wonderful, not crap.

In Chinese, 88 is a lucky number, because 8 is a lucky number, as I explained in my discussion of “8”. So in Chinese, a classical piano is a lucky instrument! The Chinese are trying to make Father’s Day be August 8, because August 8 is 8/8, which is pronounced bābā, sounding similar to the Chinese word for father (bàbà).


On June 4, 1989, China experienced the Tiananmen Square massacre, where the Chinese government massacred protesters. Now any mention of that date is censored on China’s Internet. “1989” is censored, and so is just “89.” In China, if you search for “89,” your results are censored, especially each year near June 4, to prevent further protests.


Where I live (the Northeast United States), a day is considered “hot” if its temperature is at least 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and a “heat wave” is defined to be 3 consecutive days of at least 90 degrees.

Other parts of the world define a “hot” day differently: “much hotter than what’s normal there.” Details are at:


When schoolkids get stuck on a long bus ride, they like to kill time (and annoy the bus driver) by singing:

99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer!

Take 1 down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall!

98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer!

Take 1 down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall!

The song continues until it reaches:

No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer!

Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall!

Then the song repeats. More details about the song are at:


On most school tests, a score of 100 means you’re perfect.


In college, the first course in a topic is numbered 101. For example, the first course in psychology is called “Psychology 101.” So 101 is the most elementary course, for beginners, such as freshmen. 101 means “elementary.”

101 is called the dalmatian number, because of the book & movies “101 Dalmatians.”


Instead of saying “try really hard” or “try your best” or “give it your all,” people say “Give it your 110%” or simply “Give it 110.”


144 is 12 dozen. It’s also called a gross.

If somebody disgusts you, you can say:

You’re 144. You’re a gross!

If you’re 72 years old, you can say:

I’m 72. I’m half a gross. When I turn 144, I’ll be completely gross!


A number (or word) is a palindrome if it’s the same forward as backwards. For example, 121 is a palindrome. So is 646.

A number is palindromable if, when you add the number to its reverse, you get a palindrome eventually. Examples:

56 is palindromable, because 56 + 65 is 121, a palindrome.

57 is palindromable, because 57 + 75 is 132,

but 132 + 231 is 363, a palindrome.

59 is palindromable, because 59 + 95 is 154,

but 154 + 451 is 605,

but 605 + 506 is 1111, a palindrome.

Is every counting number palindromable? Nobody knows! If you answer that question, you’ll become famous! Mathematicians have checked many numbers. All the numbers from 1 to 195 have been proved to be palindromable, but
nobody knows whether 196 is palindromable.

Some numbers require many steps to get to a palindrome. For example, the number 89 requires 24 steps to get to a palindrome. Mathematicians found huge numbers that require 289 steps to get to a palindrome.

A number that’s not palindromable is called a Lychrel number. The unsolved problem is: do Lychrel numbers exist? Details are at:


In the United States, dialing 211 gets you free help from United Way, the nonprofit that helps people in distress.


212 is the boiling number, because 212 degrees Fahrenheit is when water boils.

212 is the traditional area code for the main part of Manhattan, which is the most important place in the United States, according to Manhattanites.


360 seconds make an hour. A circle has 360 degrees.


On the usual calendar (solar), there are 365 days in the year, unless it’s a leap year, which has 366.


In the U.S., 411 is the phone number to call to get directory assistance, to speak to a human who’ll help you look up a phone number. So 411 means “give me information, please.” and are Websites to look up phone numbers.

Those services and Websites all charge money for the info.


420 is the secret slang number for marijuana. That tradition began in 1971, when students at California’s San Rafael High School met after school, at 4:20PM, to hunt for a field of marijuana. They didn’t find the field, but they had fun and starting saying “420” to mean “get together to smoke marijuana.” Details are at:

In honor of 420, April 20th (4/20) is celebrated every year as Weed Day. It’s also Hitler’s birthday.


“Fahrenheit 451” is a novel about book-burning, because the author (Ray Bradbury) thought 451 degrees Fahrenheit is the temperature at which book paper burns. Actually, book paper burns at a temperature somewhere between 424 & 475, depending on what the paper is made of.


How many grams are in a pound? The usual answer is: a pound is defined to be 453.59237 grams. That’s the official international definition, used in the United States, England, and most other countries, since July 1, 1959. It’s called the avoirdupois pound.

But many people in Germany define a “pound” (written “Pfund”) more simply: exactly 500 grams. That’s called the metric pound. It’s used in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and even in Denmark. It’s slightly heavier than an avoirdupois pound.

That confuses people. I remember a German woman who got on a scale and wondered why the scale reported she gained a lot of weight. The answer: the scale was using avoirdupois pounds, not the metric pounds she grew up with.

The same happens in China: the Chinese use the metric pound (which they called “jīn”), 500 grams. Half a jīn is 250 grams. In Chinese, if you want to call somebody stupid, you call him a “250,” which means “half a jīn,” which means he acts like he has just half a brain. If you’re too lazy to say “250,” say just “2” (which is pronounced “èr”). So “èr” means “acts stupid” (or “happily silly” or “trying to act funny but just being silly”).


In many parts of the United States, dialing 511 gives you info about traffic conditions.


In Chinese, 520 is pronounced “wŭ èr líng.” When you mumble that, it resembles the popular phrase “wŏ ài nĭ,” which means “I love you,” so 520 is the secret Chinese code for “I love you.” Every year on 5/20 (which is May 20), the Chinese celebrate an “I love you” day (similar to Valentine’s Day). That’s when you’re encouraged to express your love to the person you secretly or publicly admire: go out with that person, or propose marriage! It’s a popular day to give flowers, chocolates, and beyond, while mumbling “wŭ èr líng” or “wŏ ài nĭ.”

To be more dramatic, write this longer code: 5201314. It’s pronounced
wŭ èr líng yī sān yī sì.” When you mumble that, it resembles “wŏ ài nĭ yì shēng yí shì,” which means “I love you, one life, one world!” That’s a fancy way of saying “I love you forever!”


In Thailand, 555 is popular, because 5 is pronounced “ha,” so 555 is pronounced “ha-ha-ha.” In a Thai text message, “555” means “ha-ha-ha, funny, laughing out loud.”


On the math part of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the highest score you can get is 800, so that’s considered the “perfect” score and means you’re brilliant.

When I was a kid, I got that score myself, and so did all my friends. You get that score even if a few of your answers are wrong, because the 800 means just “you’re at least 3 standard deviations better than the norm.”


Before you dig a hole in your yard, the U.S. government requires you to phone 811, to make sure you don’t accidentally hit a cable or pipe hidden underground.

Exception: if you’re a dog burying a bone, you don’t have to phone 811.


In the U.S., 911 is the phone number to call in case of emergency (to get police or the fire department or an ambulance). 9/11 is also the date of the terrorist attack on the U.S. So 911 means danger, a desperate cry for help.

For milder help, dial 211 instead. That works in many parts of the United States and gets you a free phone counselor to help with homelessness, recovery, or any other kind of personal crisis. The counselor will refer you to a local organization to help you. So 211 means caring. Details are at


Wanna kill yourself? I have good news! In the U.S., starting in July 2022, the phone number for the national suicide hotline will be 988. Just dial 988 to avoid suicide. (Before then, you must dial 800-273-TALK.)


In China, young people complain about “996”: how they’re expected to work from 9AM to 9PM, 6 days a week. They’d rather be free to relax!


1001, like 40, is a vaguely big number, especially in Arabic, such as “1001 nights,” which means just “many nights,” not exactly 1001. Modern English books are sometimes titled “1001 Uses For…,” meaning just “many uses for….”


1089 is the magic number, because math magicians use it to create this trick.…

Write down any three-digit number “whose first digit differs from the last digit by more than 1.” For example:

852 is okay, since its first digit (8) differs from the last digit (2) by 6, which is more than 1.

479 is okay, since its first digit (4) differs from the last digit (9) by 5, which is more than 1.

282 is not okay, since the difference between 2 and 2 is 0.

Take your three-digit number, and write it backwards. For example, if you picked 852, you have on your paper:



You have two numbers on your paper. One is smaller than the other. Subtract the small one from the big one:




Take your answer, and write it backward:





Add the last two numbers you wrote:






Notice the final answer is 1089.

1089 is the final answer, no matter what three-digit number you started with (if the first and last digits differ by more than 1).

Here’s another example:

Take a number:                     724

Write it backward & subtract: -427


Write it backward & add:      +792


Here’s another example:

Take a number:                     365

Write it backward & subtract: 563



Write it backward & add:      +891


Yes, you always get 1089!

Proof To prove you always get 1089, use algebra: make letters represent the digits, like this.…

                             Hundreds Tens       Ones

Take a number:     A       B      C

Write backwards:  C       B      A

To subtract the bottom (C B A) from the top (A B C), the top must be bigger. So in the hundreds column, A must be bigger than C. Since A is bigger than C, you can’t subtract A from C in the ones column, so you must borrow from the B in the tens column, to produce this:

Hundreds Tens        Ones

A       B-1    C+10

C       B      A

Now you can subtract A from C+10:

Hundreds Tens        Ones

A       B-1    C+10

C       B      A


In the tens column, you can’t subtract B from B-1, so you must borrow from the A in the hundreds column, to produce this:

Hundreds Tens        Ones

A-1     B-1+10 C+10

C       B      A


Complete the calculation:

                      Hundreds Tens       Ones

Start with this: A-1     B-1+10 C+10

Subtract this:  C       B      A

Get this result: A-1-C   9      C+10-A

Backwards:     C+10-A  9      A-1-C

Get this total:  10      8      9

9, plus the 1 that was carried 


Don’t burn your arm I call 1089 the “don’t burn your arm” number, because of this trick suggested by Irving Adler in The Magic House of Numbers:

Tell a friend to write a 3-digit number whose first & last digits differ by more than 1. Tell him to write the number backwards, subtract, write that backwards, and add. Tell him to burn the paper he did the figuring on. Put your arm in the ashes. When you take your arm out, the number 1089 will be mysteriously written on your arm in black. (The way you get 1089 to appear is to write “1089” on your arm with wet soap before you begin the trick. When you put your arm in the ashes, the answer will stick to the soap.) The trick works — if you don’t burn your arm.

Variants That procedure (reverse then subtract, reverse then add) gives 1089 if you begin with an appropriate 3-digit number. If you begin with a 2-digit number instead, you get 99.

If you begin with a 4-digit number instead, you get 10989 or 10890 or 9999, depending on which of the 4 digits are the biggest. If you begin with a 5-digit number, you get 109989 or 109890 or 99099. Notice that the answers for
4-digit and 5-digit numbers — 10989, 10890, 9999, 109989, 109890, and 99099 — are all formed from 99 and 1089.


In Chinese, 1314 (pronounced yī sān yī sì) sounds like yī shēng yí shì, which means “1 life 1 whole life,” which means “my whole life.”


Christopher Columbus discovered “America” in 1492 on October 12, which Americans celebrates as “Columbus Day.”

On that date, Chris landed just on an island in the Bahamas. He thought he’d reached Japan. He didn’t reach American mainland until later trips, when he reached the coasts of Central America & Venezuela. He never got to North America.

He wasn’t the first to visit Americas. 491 years earlier, in the year 1001, Leif Erikson beat him.

But Leif got ignored, because he visited just Canada’s Newfoundland (which is unimportant?) was an ethnic Norse from Iceland (so he wasn’t “European”), and his settlers didn’t hang around long.

He’s called “Erikson” because he was the son of Erik the Red.

He got to Canada just because he was told about it by Bjarni Herjólffson, a merchant whose ship was blown off-course while traveling from Iceland to Greenland 16 years earlier, back in the year 985, and so accidentally spotted Canada. But since Bjarni had been in a rush to get to Greenland, Bjarni didn’t land in Canada; Leif gets the credit for being the first to set foot. Yes, he gets credit just by putting his foot down!

But the Native Americans before Chris & Leif beat them all.


A mile contains 1760 yards.


America’s “Declaration of Independence” from “evil England” was signed on July 4, 1776.


1922 is the only number having a joyous song. The song’s main line, sung joyously, is:

This is 1922!

The song is about life in 1922 and how wonderfully modern our lives became then, compared to previous years.

The song is in a musical comedy called “Thoroughly Modern Millie,” which takes place in 1922 and became a movie starring Julie Andrews. Here’s a sample verse, where she sings about the joys of living today (in 1922):

Everything today is thoroughly modern. (Bands are getting jazzier!)

Everything today is starting to go. (Cars are getting snazzier!)

Men say it’s criminal what women’ll do;

What they’re forgetting is: this is 1922!

You can hear the song (and see Julie Andrews enjoying 1922’s culture & fashion) at:

Another seductive year is 1928, which appeared in a song called “Let’s Misbehave,” written by Cole Porter in 1927. The song includes this thought:

Let’s misbehave!

We’ll be the great

Event of 1928!


In the United States, 2000 pounds is called a “ton” (or a “short ton”). In England, a ton is 2240 pounds instead (and called a “long ton”). In most other countries, a “tonne” (also called a “metric ton”) is 1000 kilograms instead, which is about 2205 pounds.

Those are weights. But the word “ton” is also used to describe the volume of a ship or freight car — and the explosive power of a bomb (such as a “megaton bomb”).

In Chinese restaurants, tons are edible and called “wontons.”


A mile contains 5280 feet.


To understand what’s unusual about the number 6174, you must learn how to find a number’s heart. Here’s how:

Write the number. For example:


Rearrange the digits, to put them in descending order:


Underneath, write that backwards (so the digits are in ascending order):


Subtract, to find the heart:

descending     9521

ascending    -  1259

                      8262 = the heart

Try this experiment. Write a 4-digit number that’s not a multiple of 1111. Find your number’s heart. (If the heart seems to be less than 4 digits, make it 4 digits by putting zeros in front.) Then take that heart and find its heart. Then find the heart of that. Then find the heart of that.

For example, starting with 1925, you get:

the heart of 1925 = 9521-1259 = 8262

the heart of 8262 = 8622-2268 = 6354

the heart of 6354 = 6543-3456 = 3087

the heart of 3087 = 8730-0378 = 8352

the heart of 8352 = 8532-2358 = 6174

the heart of 6174 = 7641-1467 = 6174

the heart of 6174 = 7641-1467 = 6174


No matter what number you start with, you’ll reach 6174 within 7 steps. So 6174 is where all hearts lead! It’s the heartiest 4-digit number!

6174 is called Kaprekar’s constant, because it was discovered by D.R. Kaprekar (an Indian mathematician) in 1946.

If you start with a 3-digit number (instead of a 4-digit number), you eventually get to 495 (instead of 6174).

By the way, each heart is a multiple of 9. (That’s because the heart is created by subtracting 2 numbers that have the same digits, so those 2 numbers have the same remainders when divided by 9.)


If you multiply together all the integers from 1 to 10 (1 times 2 times 3 times 4 times 5 times 6 times 7 times 8 times 9 times 10), you get 3,628,800. That’s called 10 factorial. Mathematicians write it with an exclamation point, like this:


By coincidence, it’s how many seconds are in 6 weeks.


What’s a billion? In the United States, a billion has always been a thousand millions. It’s 1 followed by 9 zeros. It’s 109. Here’s the chart:

one                 1                                                                           = 100

thousand        1,000                                                                    = 103

million           1,000,000                                   = 1000 ´ 1000   = 106

billion            1,000,000,000                             = 1000 ´ 10002  = 109

trillion            1,000,000,000,000                      = 1000 ´ 10003  = 1012

quadrillion     1,000,000,000,000,000                = 1000 ´ 10004  = 1015

quintillion      1,000,000,000,000,000,000            = 1000 ´ 10005  = 1018

sextillion        1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000  = 1000 ´ 10006  = 1021


So the smallest counting number (positive integer) that includes sex is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Guys, beware: if a girl promises to include sex, she might just write that number and tell you to get lost.

In Great Britain, a billion used to be defined differently: a million millions. Here was the British chart:

one                 1                                                        = (million)0 = 100

million           1,000,000                                          = (million)1 = 106

billion            1,000,000,000,000                             = (million)2 = 1012

trillion            1,000,000,000,000,000,000                  = (million)3 = 1018

quadrillion     1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000  = (million)4 = 1024

quintillion      1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000     = (million)5 = 1030

sextillion        1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = (million)6 = 1036

So the British had to wait much longer to get sex! But in 1974 the British government officially decided to switch to the American definitions, to reduce international confusion, so even the British now define a billion to be 109. So do the Irish, Australians, and New Zealanders.

Unfortunately, most European countries (and Russia) still use the old British definitions and define a “billion” to be 1012.

Canada is a bilingual mess: Canadians who speak English define a billion to be 109 (like the Americans), but Canadians who speak French define a billion to be 1012 (like the French).

Details are at:

The Chinese use a totally different naming system, based on a name for 10,000 instead of 1,000:

yī      1

shí    10

băi    100

qiān  1,000

wàn  10,000

          100,000                is called 10        ´10,000,          shí    wàn

          1,000,000             is called 100      ´10,000,          băi    wàn

          10,000,000           is called 1,000  ´10,000,          qiān  wàn

yì      100,000,000

          1,000,000,000      is called 10        ´100,000,000, shí   yì

          10,000,000,000   is called 100      ´100,000,000, băi   yì

          100,000,000,000 is called 1,000  ´100,000,000, qiān yì

zhào 1,000,000,000,000

Though 100,000,000 is officially called “yì,” some folks say “wàn wàn” instead (which means 10,000´10,000), because yì (which means 100,000,000) sounds too much like yī (which means 1).


Famous irrationals

4 irrational numbers have become famous. Here they are.

Square root of 2

(which is about 1.4)

What number, multiplied by itself, is 2? The answer is called the “square root of 2.”

The answer is about 1.4, but not exactly (since 1.4 times itself is just 1.96, which is a hair less than 2). The square root of 2 is also about 99/70, but not exactly (since 99/70 times itself is 9801/4900, which is a teeny-weeny hair more than 9800/4900, which is 2).

The simplest way to draw the square root of 2, exactly, is to draw a square whose sides each have length 1. The length of the square’s diagonal will be exactly the square root of 2. That can be proved by the Pythagorean theorem.

But if you try to measure that diagonal, by using a ruler, you’ll see that the diagonal’s length is not any simple decimal or fraction.

The square root of 2 is not exactly any rational fraction (integer divided by an integer), so the square root of 2 is called irrational. Yes, the square root of 2 is irrational, just like the personalities of most mathematicians.

To prove the square root of 2 is irrational, mathematicians show the opposite leads to a contradiction, an absurdity (a technique called reductio ad absurdum, which means “reduction to the absurd”):

Suppose the square root of 2 were rational. Then it would be a fraction, which could be reduced to lowest terms, which we’ll call p/q.

Then “the square root of 2” = p/q.

Squaring both sides of that equation, we get 2 = (p/q)2. Then 2 = p2/q2. Then 2q2 = p2.

Then p2 is even (since it’s 2 times an integer). Then p is even (since if p were odd, p2 wouldn’t be even). Then p is 2 times some integer, which we’ll call k. Then p = 2k. Then p2 = 4k2. Then the equation at the end of the previous paragraph (2q2 = p2) can rewritten as 2q2 = 4k2. Dividing both sides of that equation by 2, we get q2 = 2k2. Then q2 is even, so q is even, so both p and q are even, so the fraction p/q was not reduced to lowest terms (since the numerator p and the denominator q can both be divided by 2), so we have a contradiction, so the assumption we started from (the square root of 2 being rational) is false, so the square root of 2 is irrational.

The square root of 2 can be computed in many ways. Here are 3 cute methods.

Multiply-forever method The square root of 2 is:

That means: multiply (1+1/1) by (1-1/3), then by (1+1/5), then by (1-1/7), etc., forever, or until you get tired. The longer you continue before you get tired, the closer you’ll be to the exact square root of 2.

Average-forever method Guess what the square root of 2 is. (Any guess bigger than 0 will work. For example, guess 1.5.) Call your guess “G.” Then get a better guess by averaging G with 2/G, so the better guess is:

Do that method repeatedly, so you get better & better guesses, closer & closer to the exact square root of 2.

Continued-fraction method Guess what “the square root of 2, minus 1” is; but make your first guess be .5. Call your guess “G.” Then get this better guess:

Do that method repeatedly, so you get better & better guesses, closer & closer to the exact “square root of 2, minus 1.”

Mathematicians write that method as a “continued fraction”:

Bragging Using those 3 methods (and others that are similar), mathematicians have computed the square root of 2 to many decimal places.

Here’s how they bragged:

In 1997, a team led by Yasumasa Kanada computed the square root of 2 to over 137 billion decimal places. (Actually, to 137,438,953,444 decimal places.)

The square root of 2 was computed to a trillion decimal places by Shigeru Kondo in 2010, 2 trillion by Alexander Yee in 2012, 10 trillion by Ron Watkins in 2016.

I’m sorry, but my book isn’t big enough to show you Ron Watkins’ 10 trillion decimal places. But here are the first 66 digits of the square root of 2:



(which is about 3.14)

In the Greek alphabet, the letter “p” is written as π. Americans lacking Greek typewriters write π as “pi” and pronounce it the same as the apple “pie” you eat, but Greeks pronounce π the same as the letter “p” and the American word “pee.” To be correct, American mathematicians ought to pronounce “π” as “pee”; but they’re scared of acting pissy and getting pissed on, so they say “pie.”

Mathematician define pi, written as π, to be a circle’s circumference divided by its diameter. (That “Greek p” letter, π, was chosen because a circle’s circumference is also called its “periphery,” and p stands for “periphery.”) Pi is also a semicircle’s curved length divided by its radius, so it’s also the curved length of a semicircle whose radius is 1. It’s also the area of a circle whose radius is 1.

Pi is about 3.14, but not exactly. Pi is about 22/7, but not exactly. Like the square root of 2, pi is irrational, so it can’t be written exactly as a decimal or fraction.

Here again are the first 3 digits of pi:


Hold them up to a mirror and see what they spell.

Nerds celebrate pi day every year, on March 14 (which is 3/14), by baking pies.

Here are the first 6 digits of pi:


Those digits are famous and often used as an approximation. That approximation is not exact, of course, but cynical engineers say it’s “close enough for government work.”

Nerds like to scream “3.14159,” so the football cheer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) includes “3.14159,” along with calculus & trigonometry:

E to the u, du, dx,

E to the x, dx.

Cosine, secant, tangent, sine,


Integral, radical, mu, dv,

Slip stick, slide rule, M.I.T!

Variants of that football cheer are used at other nerd universities also (RPI, Worcester Polytech, and Rice).

Pizza What’s the volume of a pizza whose radius is Z and whose altitude (height, thickness) is A? According to math, the volume of that “almost-flat cylinder” is “pi times the radius squared times the altitude,” so the volume is:


T-shirt Math nerds like to wear a T-shirt saying —

because it means “i eight sum pi”.

Computing pi Trigonometry says π/4 is the arctangent of 1, but calculus says the arctangent of x is


Here are other popular ways to compute π:

Using those formulas (plus better formulas that converge faster), mathematicians computed many digits of pi.

Year           How many digits of pi were computed correctly

  150 A.D.                                 5 digits, by Greeks & Romans

  480 A.D.                                 8 digits, by Zhu Chongzhi in China

1400                                       11 digits, by Madhava in India

1424                                       17 digits, by Jamshid al-Kashi in Iran

1596                                       20 digits, by Ludolph van Ceulen in Holland

1615                                       33 digits, by Ludolph van Ceulen in Holland

1621                                       36 digits, by Willebrord Snellius in Holland

1630                                       39 digits, by Christoph Grienberger in Austria

1699                                       72 digits, by Abraham Sharp in England

1706                                     101 digits, by John Machin in England

1719                                     113 digits, by Thomas Fantet in France

1789                                     127 digits, by Jurij Vega in Slovenia

1794                                     137 digits, by Jurij Vega in Slovenia

1844                                     201 digits, by Dase & Strassnitzky

1847                                     249 digits, by Thomas Clausen in Denmark

1853                                     441 digits, by Rutherford

1873                                     528 digits, by William Shanks in England

1946                                     621 digits, by D.F. Ferguson

1947                                     809 digits, by D.F. Ferguson, still no computer!

1949                                  2,038 digits, finally using a computer!

1954                                  3,094 digits

1957                                  7,481 digits

1958                                10,022 digits

1959                                16,168 digits

1961                              100,266 digits

1966                              250,000 digits

1967                              500,000 digits

1973                           1,000,000 digits, that’s a million digits!

1981                           2,000,000 digits, that’s 2 million digits!

1982                           8,000,000 digits, that’s 8 million digits!

1983                         16,000,000 digits, that’s 16 million digits!

1985                         17,000,000 digits, that’s 17 million digits!

1986                         67,000,000 digits, that’s 67 million digits!

1987                       134,000,000 digits, that’s 134 million digits!

1988                       201,000,000 digits, that’s 201 million digits!

1989                    1,000,000,000 digits, that’s a billion digits!

1991                    2,000,000,000 digits, that’s 2 billion digits!

1994                    4,000,000,000 digits, that’s 4 billion digits!

1994                   51,000,000,000 digits, that’s 51 billion digits!

1999                206,000,000,000 digits, that’s 206 billion digits!

2002             1,000,000,000,000 digits, that’s a trillion digits!

2009             2,000,000,000,000 digits, that’s 2 trillion digits!

2010            5,000,000,000,000 digits, that’s 5 trillion digits!

2011            10,000,000,000,000 digits, that’s 10 trillion digits!

2013           12,000,000,000,000 digits, that’s 12 trillion digits!

2014           13,000,000,000,000 digits, that’s 13 trillion digits!

2016           22,000,000,000,000 digits, that’s 22 trillion digits!

2019           31,415,926,535,897 digits, that’s pi times 10 trillion digits,

                                                             by Emma Haruka Iwao at Google

2020           50,000,000,000,000 digits, that’s 50 trillion digits,

                                                             by Timothy Mullican in Alabama

2021           62,800,000,000,000 digits, that’s 62.8 trillion digits,

                                                             by Thomas Keller in Switzerland


Memorizing pi Here are the first 32 digits of pi:


To memorize the first 7 of them, just memorize this sentence (by C. Heckman), and count how many letters are in each word:

How I wish I could calculate pi.

To memorize the first 8 digits, memorize this sentence instead (reported by Martin Gardner):

May I have a large container of coffee?

To memorize the first 9 digits, memorize this sentence instead (reported by Presh Talwalkar) —

How I wish I could calculate pi easily today.

or this (by M. Amling):

May I have a white telephone, or pastel color?

To memorize the first 31 digits, memorize this poem instead (by Michael Shapiro):

Now I will a rhyme construct,

By chosen words the young instruct.

Cunningly devised endeavour,

Con it and remember ever.

Widths in circle here you see,

Sketched out in strange obscurity.

In that poem, “endeavour” must be spelled with the British ending (“vour”), not the American ending (“vor”).

To memorize the first 32 digits, memorize this instead (by James Jeans & S. Bottomley):

How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics; and if the lectures were boring or tiring, then any odd thinking was on quartic equations again.

That’s as far as math guys can memorize without cheating, since the 33rd digit of pi is zero.

A group called “ASAP Science” wrote this song about the first 100 digits:

A group called “College Humor” created this longer video, where the singers gradually go insane and die:

A contest is held often, to see who can memorize and recite correctly the most digits of pi (after the decimal point). Here are the winners:

Year&month  How many digits    Person                          Country

1973 January         956                         Parsonnet, Brian              USA

1973 October       1111                          Graham, Fred                  Canada

1973 December   1210                         Pearson, Timothy            England

1974 June            1505                         Berberich, Edward C.      USA

1975 December   4096                         Plouffe, Simon                Canada

1977 March         5050                         Poultney, Michael John   England

1978 May            6190                         Archibald, Jamie             Canada

1978 June            9744                         Eberstark, Hans               Austria

1978 October     10000                         Sanker, David                 USA

1979 April         10625                         Fiore, David                   USA

1980 June          20013                         Carvello, Creithon          England

1981 July           31811                          Mahadevan, Rajan          India

1987 March       40000                         Tomoyori, Hideaki          Japan

1995 February   42195                         Goto, Hiroyuki               Japan

2005 November 67890                         Lu, Chao                         China

2015 March       70000                         Meena, Rajveer               India

2015 October     70030                         Sharma, Suresh Kumar   India

Here are details about the 3 recent winners:

In 2005, Mr. Lu Chou of China memorized and recited the first 67,890 decimal digits of pi. He recited them on camera, taking 24 hours plus 4 seconds. To win that contest, he wasn’t allowed to pause more than 15 seconds, so he couldn’t eat or got to the bathroom. He spent a year preparing for that. He actually memorized 100,000 digits and was planning to recite 91,300 of them; but on digit 67,891 he accidentally said 5 instead of 0, so he got credit for just 67,890 digits.

10 years later, in 2015, he was beaten by Mr. Rajveer Mina, a 21-year-old student in India. Rajveer recited 70,000 decimal digits of pi and talked faster: he recited them in just 9 hours plus 27 minutes, while blindfolded.

But Rajveer’s world champion title lasted just 7 months, because in October Mr. Suresh Kumar Sharma recited those same 70,000 digits plus 30 more.

Bible The Bible says pi is 3. Specifically, the Old Testament (first book of Kings, chapter 7, verse 23) says King Solomon made a circular metal object that had a diameter of 10 cubits and a circumference of 30.

But maybe the writer meant “30” was just an approximation? 31 would have been more accurate.

Indiana In 1897, Indiana’s House of Representatives passed a bill declaring that pi is exactly 3.2, not less, so textbooks must say pi is exactly 3.2, and schoolkids must learn that pi is exactly 3.2. The bill passed unanimously: all 67 congressmen voted yes.

Fortunately, Indiana’s senate rejected that bill, so the bill never became a law.

Here’s how that bill came about:

Edward J. Goodwin was an Indiana doctor. He was also an amateur mathematician who thought he proved pi is exactly 3.2, even though mathematicians before him proved it was not.

In 1894, he got his result published in The American Mathematical Monthly, which is a respected journal and now the most widely read math journal in the whole world. (Back then the journal was more permissive, so it published his research without checking whether it was correct.)

Then he tried to copyright his result and force everybody in the whole world to pay him a royalty for using pi as 3.2. But he had sympathy for schoolkids in Indiana and not make them pay, so he told Indiana’s lawmakers that he’d let schoolkids in Indiana (but not elsewhere) use his results free if the lawmakers passed a law saying he was great and his result was correct.

In 1897, The House representatives passed the law unanimously because they figured it was safe: it just said schoolkids wouldn’t have to pay if the House acknowledged Goodwin was great. The actual bill didn’t specifically mention “pi” and “3.2” but said the equivalent: it said the circumference divided by the diameter is the same as 4 divided by 5/4.

That proposed law got laughed at by newspapers, and a math professor from Purdue University convinced the senate to kill it.

More details about the whole affair are at:

Powers Is this number an integer:

Probably not. But nobody knows for sure, because the number is too big for today’s computers to compute accurately enough.

Tau Some mathematicians think tau is more useful than pi. Tau is the symbol τ, which is the Greek letter for t.

Some mathematicians define tau to be the circle’s circumference divided by its radius (instead of diameter), so tau would be twice as big as pi. Other mathematicians think tau should be the length of a 45-degree arc of a circle whose radius is 1, so tau would be a quarter of pi.

Such definitions of tau would make some math formulas shorter but make other math formulas longer.


Golden ratio

(which is about 1.6)

Here’s a puzzle for you:

I’m thinking of a number. If I square it (multiply it by itself), I get 1 more than the number I started with. What’s my number?

To solve that puzzle, the typical student might begin by guessing simple numbers, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, -1, -2, or -3. Each of guesses fails. Then the student might try fractions (such as ½) or mixed numbers (such as 1½). They fail also. No matter what normal number the student tries, the student will fail.

If you’re a teacher, you can give that puzzle to your students, then ignore them for the rest of the hour, while you pick your nose. I call that the “pick your nose” puzzle.

Eventually, the students will realize that if the puzzle has a solution, it must be wacky.

If the students studied algebra enough, they’ll eventually realize the problem can be rewritten this way:

Solve x2 = x + 1

If their algebra class included the “quadratic formula,” they’ll realize the problem can be solved by rewriting that equation as —

x2 - x - 1 = 0

then applying the quadratic formula, which gives this final result:

Since I feel negatively about negative numbers, I’ll ignore the negative choice, so my answer is:

Since that answer include a square root, it has the same annoying property as the square root of 2 and the square root of 5:
the answer is irrational (can’t be written as a simple decimal or fraction).

The answer is about 1.6, but not exactly. (If you square 1.6, you almost get 2.6, but not exactly: you get a hair less, 2.56.) A closer approximation to the answer is 1.618 (whose square is just a teensy-weensy hair less than 2.618). An even closer approximation is 1.6180339887.

The answer is called phi (which resembles pi and is a Greek letter whose symbol is j). It’s also called the golden ratio. Religious folks call it the divine proportion. I’ll explain why shortly.

Here’s another puzzle:

I’m thinking of a number. It’s 1 more than its reciprocal. What number am I thinking of?

Written in algebra, that becomes:

To solve that equation, multiply both sides by x, so you get
“x2 = x+1.” But that’s the same equation as the previous puzzle, so it has the same answer: phi.

Here’s the puzzle that forced mathematicians to get interested in phi:

If you draw a picture on a sheet of paper, what size should the paper be? For example, should it be square?

One group of ancient artists felt it should not be square: one side should be longer than the other. But how much longer? Should it be twice as long? 1½ times as long?

Those artists felt the long side (called the length) should be related to the short side (called the width) by this formula:

That formula can be rewritten as:

So “length/width” should satisfy this equation:

So “length/width” should be phi!

Yes, those artists insisted that the length should be phi times as long as the width. So the length should be about 1.6 times as long as the width. Those artists felt that ratio, “about 1.6 times as long as the width,” was golden, divine, and created paintings, sculptures, buildings, and books using that ratio. It’s called “phi” to honor Phidias, the ancient Greek sculptor who made Parthenon statues using phi, long ago (before 430 B.C.).

Though phi was mentioned by Euclid and other ancient Greeks, there’s a lot of controversy about which artists in which centuries (ancient & modern) really used it. Details about phi and its artistic controversies are at:

Does today’s technology use phi a lot? No. Phi is about 1.618, but people use these ratios instead:

Object                                                             Ratio

American letter-size sheet of paper, 8½"´11"      about 1.294

American legal-size sheet of paper, 8½"´14"      about 1.607 (close to 1.618)

American mass-market paperback book, 4¼"´7" about 1.607 (close to 1.618)

American trade-paperback book, 6"´9"              1.5

international-size sheet of paper (A4)                 Ö2 (which is about 1.414)

traditional computer monitor’s screen                 4:3 (which is about 1.333)

widescreen computer monitor’s screen               16:9 (which is about 1.778)

So according to that chart, the most artistically pleasant people are lawyers and crap-readers!

Like the square root of 2, phi can be written as a continued fraction; and phi’s is even prettier:

Here’s the proof:

Let x be that continued fraction. Since x = 1 + 1/x, and x is positive, x must be j.

So you can compute phi by using this method:

Make a reasonable guess (such as 1 or 2 or 1.5 or 1.6). Call it G. Then get a better guess by using this formula: better guess = 1 + 1/G.

Phi arises in trigonometry.

It’s twice the cosine of 36°. It’s half the secant of 72°. If you draw a 5-pointed star and then draw lines connecting each of its 5 points to each of the other 4 points, the ratios of many of the lengths are phi.

Phi arises in exponent equations.

Phi satisfies the equation xn + xn+1 = xn+2, for all n. Proof: start with phi’s equation (1 + x = x2) and multiply both sides of that equation by xn.


Phi arises in the Fibonacci series.

To create the Fibonacci series, write 0, then 1, then repeatedly do this: write the sum of the two most recent numbers. You get this series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, etc., where each number is created by summing the pair of numbers immediately before it. (For example, 8 is created by summing 3+5.) The numbers keep getting bigger. How much bigger? Twice as big? What’s the ratio? The further you write, the closer the ratio between adjacent numbers gets to phi.

One mathematician believed that in a perfectly proportioned woman, her total height divided by the height of her navel would be phi. (In other words, her total height would be about 1.6 times the height of her navel.) Ladies, go measure yourselves….

Euler’s number, e

(which is about 2.7)

In Switzerland long ago, in the year 1690, Jacob Bernoulli tried to solve a puzzle about a bank giving compound interest. His puzzle has tortured math students ever since, since his answer is discussed in most courses about calculus and most college courses about statistics (which are sadistic). His answer is called “e,” which should stand for “eek!” but actually stands for “Euler” (a Swiss mathematician who analyzed Bernoulli’s answer a lot).

Here’s the puzzle.

Suppose you deposit money in a ridiculously generous bank that gives you an interest rate of 100% per year! To keep things simple (and because you don’t trust the bank), suppose you deposit just $1. How much money will you have after 1 year?

The answer is you’ll have the $1 you deposited, plus $1 (which is 100%) in interest, so you’ll have a total of $2.

Suppose the bank is even more generous: it compounds your interest quarterly, so you get a quarter of 100% (which is 25%), 4 times per year, immediately redeposited. How much money will you have at the end of the year? Here’s the solution:

At the end of the first quarter, you’ll have the dollar you put in, plus 25 cents interest (which is ¼ of a dollar), so you’ll have $1.25.

At the end of the second quarter, you’ll still have that $1.25, plus 25% of that in interest (which is “.25 times $1.25,” which is 31.25 cents), so you’ll have $1.5625.

At the end of the third quarter, you’ll have that $1.5625, plus 25% of that in interest (which is “.25 times $1.5625,” which is 39.0625 cents), so you’ll have $1.953125.

At the end of the fourth quarter (which is the end of the year), you’ll have that $1.953125, plus 25% of that in interest (which is “.25 times $1.923125,” which is 48.828125 cents), so you’ll have $2.44140625.

Hey, that’s better than just $2!

Suppose the bank is even more generous: it compounds your interest monthly, so you get a twelfth of 100%, 12 times per year. At the end of the year, you’ll have slightly more than $2.61, which is even better!

Suppose the bank is even more generous: it compounds your interest daily, so you get a 365th of 100%, 365 times per year (if it’s not a leap year). At the end of the year, you’ll have slightly more than $2.71, which is even better, but just slightly, just 10 cents more.

Here’s the final puzzle: suppose the bank is super-duper generous: it compounds your interest continuously (every tiny fraction of every second of every minute of every hour of every day). At the end of the year, how much will you have? The answer is just very slightly more than $2.71. In fact, it will be this many dollars:


That number is called e. If the bank is mean, it will round that down to the nearest penny and give you just $2.71, the same as if it compounded interest just daily instead of continuously.

That number, e, which is about 2.718, shows up in many branches of math. From that banking example, you can see that e is what you get when you compute —

and n gets very big. Mathematicians say it’s “the limit of that expression, when n approaches infinity.” They write:

Mathematicians who are nervous about infinity write the equation this way instead (using “x” to stand for “1/n”) —

or this way, which looks cooler:

A faster way to compute e is to use this trick:

Unfortunately, e is irrational: its digits never end and never completely repeat. But e’s first 16 digits are easy to memorize, if you view them in pairs:

2.7  18  28  18  28  45  90  45

The 5 digits after that are 23536, which I memorize by saying to myself, “2 plus 3 is 5, but times 3 is 6.” That gives 21 digits. I was the only kid in my high school who was weird enough to memorize e. I was e-specially eerie.

The e has this weird property: if you grab a piece of graph paper and graph the function “y = ex,” you get a curve whose “slope up” at every point is the same as y. For example, at the curve’s point where y reaches 5, the curve’s “slope up” (rise divided by run) is also 5. That’s why e is fundamental to calculus, which is the study of slopes (which calculus calls “derivatives”).

Statisticians like to draw a “bell curve” showing most people & situations are middle-of-the-road. That bell curve is just a heavily modified version of “y=ex,” to make the curve symmetric.


Look closely

Let’s look closely at math’s wackiness.

Pythagorean theorem

The most amazing math discovery made by Greeks is the Pythagorean theorem. It says that in a right triangle (a triangle including a 90° angle), a²+b²=c², where c is the length of the hypotenuse (the longest side) and a&b are the lengths of the legs (the other two sides). It says that in this diagram —















c’s square is exactly as big (has the same area) as a’s square and b’s square combined.

The Chinese discovered the same truth, perhaps earlier.

Why is the Pythagorean theorem true? How do you prove it?

You can prove it in many ways. The 2nd edition of a book called The Pythagorean Proposition contains many proofs (256 of them!), collected in 1940 by Elisha Scott Loomis when he was 87 years old. Here are the 5 most amazing proofs.…

3-gap proof Draw a square, where each side has length a+b. In each corner of that square, put a copy of the triangle you want to analyze, like this:











Now the square contains those 4 copied triangles, plus 1 huge gap in the middle. That gap is a square where each side has length c, so its area is c².

Now move the bottom 2 triangles up, so you get this:











The whole picture is still “a square where each side has length a+b,” and you still have 4 triangles in it; but instead of a big gap whose area is c², you have two small gaps, of sizes a² and b². So c² is the same size as a²+b².

1-gap proof Draw the same picture that the 3-gap proof began with. You see the whole picture’s area is (a+b)². You can also see that the picture is cut into 4 triangles (each having an area of ab/2) plus the gap in the middle (whose area is c²). Since the whole picture’s area must equal the sum of its parts, you get:

(a+b)² = ab/2 + ab/2 + ab/2 + ab/2 + c²

In this proof, instead of “moving the bottom 2 triangles,” we use algebra. According to algebra’s rules, that equation’s left side becomes a² + 2ab + b², and the right side becomes 2ab + c², so the equation becomes:

a² + 2ab + b² = 2ab + c²

Subtracting 2ab from both sides of that equation, you’re left with:

a² + b² = c²

1-little-gap proof Draw a square, where each side has length c. In each corner of that square, put a copy of the triangle you want to analyze, like this:








The whole picture’s area is c². The picture is cut into 4 triangles (each having an area of ab/2) plus the little gap in the middle, whose area is (b-a)². Since the whole picture’s area must equal the sum of its parts, you get:

c² = ab/2 + ab/2 + ab/2 + ab/2 + (b-a)²

According to algebra’s rules, that equation’s right side becomes 2ab + (b² - 2ba + a²). Then the 2ab and the -2ba cancel each other, leaving you with a² + b², so the equation becomes:

c² = a² + b²

1-segment proof Draw the triangle you’re interested in, like this:




Unlike the earlier proofs, which make you draw many extra segments (short lines), this proof makes you draw just one extra segment! Make it perpendicular to the hypotenuse and go to the right angle:




The original big triangle (whose sides have lengths a, b, and c) has the same-size angles as the tiny triangle (whose sides have lengths x and a), so it’s “similar to” the tiny triangle, and so the big triangle’s ratio of “shortest side to hypotenuse” (a/c) is the same as the tiny triangle’s ratio of “shortest side to hypotenuse” (x/a). Write that equation:

a/c = x/a

Multiplying both sides of that equation by ac, you discover what a² is:

a² = xc

Using similar reasoning, you discover what b² is:

b² = yc

Adding those two equations together, you get:

a² + b² = (x+y)c

Since x+y is c, that equation becomes:

a² + b² = c²

1-segment general proof Draw the triangle you’re interested in, like this:




As in the previous proof, draw one extra segment, perpendicular to the hypotenuse and going to the right angle:




Now you have 3 triangles: the left one, the rightmost one, and the big one.

Since the left triangle’s area plus the rightmost triangle’s area equals the big triangle’s area, and since the 3 triangles are similar to each other (“stretched” versions of each other, as you can prove by looking at their angles), any area constructed from “parts of the left triangle” plus the area constructed from “corresponding parts of the rightmost triangle” equals the area constructed from “corresponding parts of the big triangle.” For example, the area constructed by drawing a square on the left triangle’s hypotenuse (a²) plus the area constructed by drawing a square on the rightmost triangle’s hypotenuse (b²) equals the area constructed by drawing a square on the big triangle’s hypotenuse (c²).

Which proof is the best? The 3-gap proof is the most visually appealing, but it bothers mathematicians who are too lazy to draw (construct) so many segments. (It also requires you to prove the gap is indeed a square, whose angles are right angles, but that’s easy.)

The 1-gap proof uses fewer lines by relying on algebra instead. It’s fine if you like algebra, awkward if you don’t. The 1-little-gap proof uses algebra slightly differently.

The 1-segment proof appeals to mathematicians because it requires constructing just 1 segment, but you can’t understand it until you’ve learned the laws of similar triangles. This proof was invented by Davis Legendre in 1858.

The 1-segment general proof is the most powerful because its thinking generalizes to any area created from the 3 triangles, not just square areas. In any right triangle:

The area of a square drawn on the hypotenuse (c²) is the sum of the areas of squares drawn on the legs (a² + b²).

The area of a circle drawn on the hypotenuse (using the hypotenuse as the diameter) is the sum of the areas of circles drawn on the legs.

The area of any blob (such as a square or circle or clown’s head) drawn on the hypotenuse is the sum of the areas of similarly-shaped blobs drawn on the legs.

That proof was invented by a 19-year-old kid (Stanley Jashemski in Youngstown, Ohio) in 1934.


To understand the concept of math ugliness, remember these math definitions:

The numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, etc., are called
whole numbers.

Those numbers and their negatives (-1, -2, -3, etc.) are all called integers.

The integers and fractions made from them (1/4, 2/3, -7/5, etc.) are all called rational numbers (because they’re all simple fractions, simple ratios).

All numbers on the number line are called
real numbers: they include all the rational numbers but also include irrational numbers (such as “pi” and “the square root of 2”), which can’t be expressed accurately as fractions made of integers.

Now you can tackle the 3 rules of ugliness:

1. Most things are ugly.

2. Most things you’ll see are nice.

3. Every ugly thing is almost nice.

More precisely:

Suppose you have a big set of numbers (such as the set of all real numbers), and you consider a certain subset of those numbers to be “nice” (such as the set of all rational numbers). The 3 rules of ugliness say:

1. Most members of the big set aren’t in the nice subset. (For example, most real numbers aren’t rational.)

2. When you operate on most members of the nice subset, you stay in the nice subset. (For example, if you add, subtract, multiply, or divide rational numbers, you get another rational number, if you don’t divide by 0.)

3. Every member of the big set can be approximated by members of the nice subset. (For example, every irrational number can be approximated by rational numbers.)

In different branches of math, those same 3 rules keep cropping up, using different definitions of what’s “ugly” and “nice.”

The rules apply to people, too:

1. Most people aren’t like you. You’ll tend to think their behaviors are ugly.

2. Most people you’ll meet will appeal to you, because you’ll tend to move to a neighborhood or career composed of people like you.

3. The “ugly” people are actually almost like you: once you make an attempt to understand them, you’ll discover they really aren’t as different from you as you thought!

How math should be taught

I have complaints about how math is taught. Here’s a list of my main complaints. If you’re a mathematician, math teacher, or top math student, read the list and phone me at 603-666-6644 if you want to chat about details or hear about my other complaints, most of which result from research I did in the 1960’s and 1970’s. (On the other hand, if you don’t know about math and don’t care, skip these comments.)

Percentages Middle-school students should learn how to compute percentages (such as “What is 40% of 200?”); but advanced percentage questions (such as “80 is 40% of what?” and “80 is what percent of 200?”) should be delayed until after algebra, because the easiest way to solve an advanced percentage question is to turn the question into an algebraic equation by using these tricks:

change “what” to “x”

change “is” to “=”

change “percent” to “/100”

change “of” to “·”

Graphing a line To graph a line (such as “y = 5 + 2x”), students should be told to use this formula:

the graph of the equation y = h + sx

is a line whose height (above the origin) is h

and whose slope is s

So to graph y = 5 + 2x, put a dot that’s a distance of 5 above the origin; then draw a line that goes through that dot and has a slope of 2.

The formula “y = h + sx” is called the “hot sex” formula (since it includes h + sx). It’s easier to remember than the traditional formula, which has the wrong letters and wrong order and looks like this:

the graph of the equation y = mx + b

is a line whose height (above the origin) is b

and whose slope is m

Imaginary numbers Imaginary numbers (such as “i”) should be explained before the quadratic formula, so the quadratic formula can be stated simply (without having to say “if the determinant is non-negative”).

Factoring Students should be told that every quadratic expression (such as x² + 6x + 8) can be factored by this formula:

the factorization of x² + 2ax + c is

(x+a+d)(x+a-d), where d=Öa²-c

For example:

to factor x² + 6x + 8,

realize that a=3 and c=8,

so d=1 and the factorization is (x+3+1)(x+3-1),

which is (x+4)(x+2)

As you can see from that example, the a (which in the example is 3) is the average of the two final numbers (4 and 2). That’s why it’s called a.

The d (which is 1) is how much each final number differs from a (4 and 2 each differ from 3 by 1). That’s why it’s called d. You can call d the difference or divergence or displacement.

Here’s another reason why it’s called d: it’s the determinant, since it determines what kind of final answer you’ll get (rational, irrational, imaginary, or single-root). You can also call d the discriminant, since it lets you discriminate among different kinds of answers.

Quadratic equations To solve any quadratic equation (such as “x² + 6x + 8 = 0”), you can use that short factoring formula. For example:

to solve “x² + 6x + 8 = 0,”

factor it to get “(x+4)(x+2) = 0,”

whose solutions are -4 and -2

Another way to solve a quadratic equation is to use “Russ’s quadratic formula,” which is:

the solution of “x² = 2bx+c” is b ± Öb²+c

That’s much shorter and easier to remember than the traditional quadratic formula, though forcing an equation into the form “x2 = 2bx+c” can sometimes be challenging. Here’s an application:

to solve x²=6x+16,

realize that b=3 and c=16,

so the solution is 3±Ö25, which is 3±5,

which is 8 or -2

Prismoid formula Students should be told that the volume of any reasonable solid (such as a prism, cylinder, pyramid, cone, or sphere) can be computed from this prismoid formula:

volume =

height • (area of the typical cross-section)

where “area of the typical cross-section” means (top + bottom + 4 • middle)/6, where

“top” means “area of top cross-section”

“bottom” means “area of bottom cross-section”

“middle” means “area of halfway-up cross-section”

That formula can be written more briefly, like this:

V = H (T + B + 4M)/6,

where V means volume,

H means height,

T means top cross-section’s area

B means bottom cross-section’s area

M means middle cross-section’s area

For example, the volume of a pyramid (whose height is H and whose base area is L times W) is:

H (0 + LW + 4(L/2)(W/2))/6, which is

H (LW + 4LW/4)/6, which is

H (LW + LW)/6, which is

H (2LW)/6, which is


The volume of a cone (whose height is H and whose base area is πr²) is:

H (0 + πr² + 4π(r/2)²)/6, which is

H (πr² + 4πr²/4)/6, which is

H (πr² + πr²)/6, which is

H (2πr²)/6, which is

H πr²/3

The volume of a sphere (whose radius is r) is:

(2r) (0 + 0 + 4πr²)/6, which is

2r (4πr²)/6, which is


In the prismoid formula, V = H (T + B + 4M)/6, the “4” is the same “4” that appears in Simpson’s rule (which is used in calculus to find the area under a curve). The formula gives exactly the right answer for any 3-D shape whose sides are “smooth” (so you can express the cross-sectional areas as a quadratic or cubic function of the distance above the base). To prove the prismoid formula works for all such shapes, you must study calculus.

Balanced curriculum Math consists of many topics. Schools should reevaluate which topics are most important.

All students, before graduating from high school, should taste what statistics and calculus are about, since they’re used in many fields. For example, economists often talk about “marginal profit,” which is a concept from calculus. Students should also be exposed to other branches of math, such as matrices, logic, topology, and infinite numbers.

The explanation of Euclidean geometry should be abridged, to make room for other topics that are more important, such as coordinate geometry, which leads to calculus.

Like Shakespeare, Euclid’s work is a classic that should be shown to students so they can savor it and enjoy geometric examples of what “proofs” are; but after half a year of that, let high-school students move on to other topics that are more modern and more useful, to see examples of how proofs are used in other branches of math.

Too much time is spent analyzing triangles.

For example, consider the experience of John Kemeny, who headed Dartmouth College’s math department (and also invented the Basic programming language and later became Dartmouth College’s president). When he was a high-school student, his teacher told him to master “trigonometry, the study of analyzing triangles”; but for the next 20 years, he never had to analyze another triangle, even though he was a mathematician. That trigonometry course was totally useless!

Finally, one day, he bought a plot of land that was advertised as being “an acre, more or less.” He wanted to discover whether it was more or less, so he had survey it and analyze triangles. (The plot turned out to be more than an acre.)

When he told that tale to me and my classmates at Dartmouth, he then went on to make his point: mathematicians don’t have much use for analyzing triangles, though they do have use for how trigonometric functions (such as sine and cosine) help analyze circles (and circular motion and periodic motion). So let’s spend less time on triangles and more time on other topics!


No bell prize

I’ve invented several new ideas. I figure I should get a Nobel prize for them, except the ideas are half-baked: they need further research to make them fleshed out, complete, and fully useful. So I beg you: improve on these ideas, so you can get a Nobel prize. If you mention me in a footnote, I’d appreciate that. We can split the Nobel prize: you get the Bell prize, and I get No prize.

There’s just one little hitch in our plan to split a Nobel prize:

The Nobel prize was invented by Alfred Nobel, who decided to award prizes just to achievements that are “practical.”

He thought math wasn’t practical, so there’s no “Nobel prize” in math. To get a Nobel prize, your achievement must fit into one of these 6 Nobel-prize categories: physics, chemistry, medicine, economics, peace, or literature.

Although my ideas are mathy, we must pretend they aren’t. We must pretend my first idea, “derived happiness,” is about economics, not math or psychology. We must pretend my other ideas, about infinity & infinitesimals, are about physics (infinite blasts & strange objects in space), not math.

… or else we must create our own “No” and “Bell” prizes for ourselves!

Derived happiness

What makes people happy? Several centuries ago, the “meaning of happiness” was considered a philosophical problem. Nowadays, it’s considered a psychiatric problem: happiness is whatever makes your happiness hormones increase. In the future, it will become a math problem; here’s why....

To begin our fancy-schmancy math analysis, let’s do the same thing physicists do when analyzing motion: oversimplify! Later, we’ll discuss all the complications of the “real world,” such as friction.

Physicists begin by assuming objects move in a vacuum, then later add the effects of friction. We’ll begin by assuming happiness consists of having lots of money, then later add the effects of interpersonal friction (good & bad relationships with other people) and God friction (good & bad relationships with the desire to have a meaningful life). I’ll start with money, rather than frictions, because money is easier to measure.

Zeroth-derivative happiness Let’s start with the simplest situation:

Joe has $200.

Tim has $100.

That’s all we know about Joe & Tim so far. They’re both American males, so we don’t know any cultural differences between Joe & Tim yet. On the basis of what we know so far, Joe is probably happier than Tim, since Joe is wealthier.

This explanation is going to get mathy, and I’m even going to say jargon from calculus! But to avoid scaring the anti-math part of your brain, I promise to explain all math jargon simply.

Using math jargon, we say that Joe is higher up on the “wealth function” than Tim. That stupidly simple explanation is called the zeroth-derivative function.

First-derivative happiness Now let’s complicate the situation slightly, by peeking at the past:

Joe had $400 yesterday — but now has $200.

Tim had   $50 yesterday — but now has $100.

Now the happiness seems different. Tim is happy because his money doubled. Joe is unhappy because Joe’s money halved. Even though Joe still has more money than Tim, Joe feels unhappy because Joe’s “life is going downhill,” so his future looks grim, whereas Tim is thrilled because Tim’s “life is going uphill” so his future looks bright.

Compared to yesterday, Tim gained $50, whereas Joe lost $200. In calculus jargon, we say:

Tim’s slope (gain divided by time) is $50 per day.

Joe’s  slope (gain divided by time) is minus $200 per day.

So Tim’s slope is better than Joe’s slope. Slope is also called the derivative. More precisely, it’s called the first derivative. So to figure out a person’s happiness, you should look at the person’s slope (first derivative).

Second-derivative happiness Now let’s complicate the situation further, by peeking further into the past:

Ann   had $200 then $300 but now has $305.

Sue    had $100 then   $60 but now has   $55.

Who’s happier: Ann or Sue?

Ann has more money than Sue (since Ann has $305 while Sue has just $55). Ann’s recent slope is also better than Sue’s recent slope (since Ann’s recent slope was $5 per day, while Sue’s recent slope was minus $5 per day).

But in spite of all that good news for Ann, she probably feels depressed, because her recent raise (the $5 raise from $300 to $305) is worse than her previous raise (the $100 raise from $200 to $300). Her raise decreased by $95 (since the $100 raise dropped to $5). She feels her life isn’t improving as much as it used to. She fears her life will, in the future, improve less and less and finally go downhill. She’s depressed that she has less pride now (going from $300 to $305) than she had before (going from $200 to $300). She feels she’s no longer a star on the rise. She’s a has-been with probably a depressing future. She wants to commit suicide, because the great part of her life is over.

Sue, by contrast, is feeling relieved. Although her money dropped recently (a $5 drop, since $60 became $55), the drop wasn’t as dramatically bad as the period before (a $40 drop, from $100 to $60). She’s happy she didn’t drop $40 again. She’s happy her drop this time was just slight, almost insignificant, so her losses are “stemming” (becoming less significant). She feels her life is “turning the corner” and might soon rise. Her slope improved: it was minus $40 per day previously but became minus $5 per day for the recent day.

Comparing old slopes against new slopes is called
computing the second derivative. Since Ann’s slope got worse (decreased), her second derivative is negative, and Ann feels depressed; since Sue’s slope got better (not as bad as before), her second derivative is positive, and Sue feels relieved.

So according to that theory, happiness is the second derivative of the wealth function.

If you graph the history of Ann’s money and Sue’s money, you see that Ann’s graph looks like the left half of a cap (which has no visor); Sue’s graph looks like the left half of a cup (which has no handle). A cap graph means the second derivative is negative; a cup graph means the second derivative is positive. So according to that happiness theory, happiness is a cup.

To improve that theory further, we should make modifications....

Logarithms The first improvement is to use logarithms. Here are the details.

Compare these two people:

Bud   had $100 yesterday — but now has $115.

Sam   had   $10 yesterday — but now has   $20.

We don’t know enough of the past to compute a second derivative. According to the previous theory, Bud should be happier than Sam, since Bud has more money ($115) and a bigger slope ($15 per day). But in reality, Sam is more thrilled than Bud, since Sam’s money doubled (from $10 to $20), whereas Bud’s money went up by just a small percentage of what Bud had before (15%). Sam can brag to himself & friends that his money doubled, whereas Bud hasn’t much to brag about. Bud is happy (since Bud’s money went up, not down), but Sam is thrilled.

So to measure happiness, we should measure the percentage by which money increased. To do that, we can choose two methods, each giving the same result:

Percentage method Instead of computing the simple slope (the money increase per day), compute the “slope as a percentage (or fraction) of the money”: take the slope and divide it by the amount of money. In calculus, the wealth function is written as f(t), its slope is written as f'(t), and this method is written as “f'(t) divided by f(t).”

Logarithm method Instead of using the simple wealth, use the wealth’s logarithm (base 2 or e or 10 or whatever you please), by using a calculator or by graphing the wealth on log-graph paper. When you do that, you see the distance up from $10 to $20 is the same as the distance up from $20 to $40, which is the same as the distance up from $40 to $80, which is the same as the distance up from $80 to $160. That’s because going from $10 to $20 feels as good as going from $20 to $40, since each means your wealth has doubled. Then find the slope of that vertical distance. In calculus, that can be written as “the derivative of log f(t).”

The two methods give the same result because, according to calculus, “the derivative of log f(t)” equals “f'(t) divided by f(t).”

Use the percentage method (or the equivalent logarithm method) to compute first-derivative happiness and second-derivative happiness.

Blended derivatives If your second derivative and first derivative are both negative, you might feel depressed. But if you start whining about them, your friends might remind you that you shouldn’t feel so bad, because you still have enough money to live on. For example, if you had 4 billion dollars but then had just 3 billion and then just 1 billion, your second and first derivatives are both negative; but your friends might remind you that you still have a billion dollars left and you’re still better off than most other people, so cheer up!

How important to your happiness are the first and second derivatives in relation to the amount of money you actually have? Your happiness is actually a blend of all that data. Your happiness might even be affected by the third derivative (which measures how much your second derivative is better than it was before). Maybe the happiness of people (and other animals) having impaired memory isn’t influenced much by derivatives, second derivatives, and third derivatives. Experiments should be done to determine how much the various derivatives contribute to the happiness of various kinds of people.

Beyond money Besides money in your pocket, these other things can give you happiness: investments, things you own, food, shelter, health (and being pain-free), beauty, intelligence, good relationships (with people, pets, and the environment), love, sex, feeling useful (in your career or by volunteering or by helping friends & family), feeling powerful, feeling moral, and — alas! — taking mood-enhancing drugs (alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, heroin, and beyond). Your happiness is affected by how much you have of all those things, how much more you have than your neighbors, and how much fame you have for what you do. Your happiness is a blend of all those factors. Experiments should be done to determine how important those factors are in the blend.

Focus Maybe most factors in your life are okay, but one factor is bugging you at the moment. Maybe it’s a test you must take tomorrow (and you haven’t studied for yet), or a friend who’s dying, or a lover you’re in the middle of breaking up with, or you’re being arrested and transported in a paddy wagon to the police station, or you’re having a medical emergency and need help fast.

Or maybe one factor is thrilling you at the moment. For example, maybe you’ve just won an award, or won a lottery, or had an orgasm.

During those especially bad or good moments, your attention focuses on one thing and nearly ignores everything else; but those other things still have some effect on your happiness then, though maybe just slightly. To compute your overall happiness in that situation, we must invent a formula that’s a weighted average of your feelings about everything: that formula must emphasize (give more weight to) the extreme feelings (feelings that are extremely positive or extremely negative) and de-emphasize the feelings that are closer to neutral (and therefore nearly ignored).

Please finish this explanation and get a Nobel prize.

Simplest infinitesimals

In elementary school, you learned how to count: 1, 2, 3, etc. Later, you learned about other kinds of numbers: zero, negative numbers, and fractions. If you took 2 years of high-school algebra, you also learned about “imaginary” numbers, such as “i”, which is the square root of minus one.

During the last 3,000 years, whenever new kinds of numbers were invented, critics laughed at the inventors:

When zero was invented, the critics laughed and said “How can you have zero? If you have zero, you don’t have anything at all, so you don’t have zero.”

When negative numbers were invented, the critics laughed and said, “How can you have less than nothing?”

When “imaginary” numbers were invented, critics laughed and said, “How can minus one have a square root, really?”

The critics got silenced when inventors drew pictures:

Zero is the height of an Egyptian pyramid before you start putting the bricks on it. Zero is also how much money you have before you start getting some.

Negative numbers are what you see on a thermometer when the temperature is colder than zero degrees. When you draw a vertical number line that shows how far up something went, negative numbers represent going down instead of up. When you draw a horizontal number line that shows how far something went toward the right, negative numbers represent traveling to the left instead.

Imaginary numbers became believable when Caspar Wessel and Jean-Robert Argand drew pictures including them. Those pictures, called
Argand diagrams, are drawn on graph paper, with the “real” numbers on the horizontal x axis and “i” on the vertical y axis, so the “i” sits above 0.

When Germany’s Gottfried Leibniz and England’s Isaac Newton invented calculus in the 1600’s, they thought about an “infinitesimal number,” which is a number so tiny that it’s less than every fraction of integers (less than ½, less than 1/10, less than 1/100, less than a millionth, less than a trillionth, etc.) but is still more than zero. But since an “infinitesimal number” was hard to picture, it was hard to discuss confidently, so mathematicians later did calculus a different way, involving “limits” and awkward phrases such as “for every epsilon there exists a delta such that….” Those long-winded phrases make students want to cry, or give up and just sleep through the calculus lectures, or snore.

Mathematicians wish there were an easy, confident, pictorial, accurate way to mention infinitesimals, but that goal has eluded them. In 1966 at Yale University, Professor Abraham Robinson became famous for inventing what he called
non-standard analysis, which is his own way to do calculus by using infinitesimals, but it’s hard to understand. In the year 2000 at the University of Wisconsin, Professor H. Jerome Keisler invented a simpler way to explain Robinson’s work, but mathematicians complain that Keisler’s explanation seems sloppy.

Here are my own 2 ways to explain infinitesimals: the
zillions method and the minimal method. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Neither is completely satisfactory. I hope someday you or your friends can improve on what I’ve done and get a Nobel prize.

Zillions method This way to start doing calculus is understandable even to kids in elementary school. Just use the word “zillion.” As most elementary kids already know, “a zillion” means “a lot of,” “ridiculously many,” as in “I have a zillion chores to do.”

The word “zillion” has been popular for many years. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary
(at, the word “zillion” has been used for many decades, even back in 1934, and some folks have been saying “jillion” instead, beginning in 1942.

To do calculus, consider a zillion to be more than a million, more than a billion, more than a trillion, more than every other “illion” you ever heard of. Make the symbol for a zillion be . You can call that number “infinity” if you like, but people get scared about the word “infinity,” whereas kids use the word “zillion” all the time.

Like a trillion, a zillion is a number that obeys all the normal rules of arithmetic and algebra. It pleases mathematicians because, like normal numbers, it all obeys the commutative and associative laws and all the other laws of an “ordered field.” It just happens to be even bigger than a trillion.

The only “law” a zillion doesn’t obey is the “Archimedes principle,” since you can’t reach a zillion by counting 1, 2, 3, etc. in a finite amount of time, though you can reach it in a zillion amount of time. In other words, a zillion can’t be generated by starting at 0 and then adding 1 repeatedly in a finite amount of time; it can’t be generated by multiplying two finite numbers together. But that disappointment about zillion doesn’t affect any computations used in high-school algebra or calculus, so don’t worry about it.

A zillion is not the biggest number, since “a zillion plus one” is even bigger (and written “∞+1”), and “two zillion” is bigger yet (and written “2∞”), and “a zillion times a zillion” is bigger than those (and written “∞∞” or “∞2”), and “a zillion to the zillionth power” is bigger than all those (and written “∞”).

An example of an infinite number that’s slightly smaller than a zillion is “a zillion minus one” (written “∞-1”). An even smaller infinite number is “the square root of a zillion.”

Just like a “million” has a reciprocal called “a millionth,” a zillion has a reciprocal called a zillionth, which is the fraction 1/∞. That fraction is an example of an infinitesimal, since it’s tinier than any normal fraction but still bigger than 0. Mathematicians like to call that fraction “epsilon” (which is the Greek letter for “e” and written “є”), but that Greek jargon confuses young kids and makes them complain “It’s Greek to me!” so obey the warning of AIDS advisors: don’t do Greek.

A zillionth isn’t the only infinitesimal number. A slightly bigger infinitesimal number is “two zillionths” (which is twice as big as a zillionth and written “2/∞”).

In elementary school, kids learn how to round numbers. Examples:

7.1 rounded to the nearest integer is 7.

7.9 rounded to the nearest integer is 8.

7.19 rounded to the nearest tenth is 7.2.


In calculus, mathematicians round using a method I call calculus round (cRound).

If a number is positive and infinite, its cRound is a zillion. Examples:

The cRound of “a zillion plus one” is a zillion, so cRound(∞+1) = ∞.

The cRound of “a zillion minus one” is a zillion, so cRound(∞-1) = ∞.

The cRound or “two zillion” is a zillion, so cRound(2∞) = ∞.

If a number is negative infinite, its cRound is “minus a zillion.” Example:

cRound(-∞+1) = -∞.

If a number is finite, its cRound is the closest number that’s normal (doesn’t involve infinitesimals). Examples (using є to mean 1/∞, assuming kids are old enough to do Greek):

cRound(7+є) = 7

cRound(7-є) = 7

cRound(7+2є) = 7

cRound(є) = 0

cRound(2є) = 0

cRound(є2) = 0

In old-fashioned calculus, the word “limit” is defined in a long-winded way, starting with “for every epsilon there exists a delta such that.” But in my zillion calculus, we can define “limit” to mean just cRound. More precisely, define “the limit, as x approaches p, of f(x)” to mean the result of this 3-step procedure:

Step 1: write f(x).

Step 2: switch the x to p+є, so you have f(p+є).

Step 3: cRound the result of step 2, so you have cRound(f(p+є)).

So here’s the definition:

limx®p f(x) = cRound(f(p+є))

That definition requires no “delta”! That definition works if p is ∞ or -∞ or a normal number (such as 7).

In my zillion calculus, we can define “the derivative of f(x)” to mean just the cRound of “f(x+є)-f(x), all that divided by є,” like this:

f'(x) = cRound( (f(x+є)-f(x))/є )

That definition involves no “delta,” no “limit,” and no “p,” so it lets you compute the derivative much faster than old-fashioned methods.

Minimal method Gee, infinity can be scary: so many kinds of infinite numbers! To do elementary calculus simply, fuck infinity: let’s have no infinite numbers at all! Let’s have just the minimal necessary to do elementary calculus: a special number, called epsilon (written “є”).

Epsilon is tiny. It’s tinier than any fraction you encountered in elementary school: it’s tinier than 1/10, tinier than 1/100, tinier than 1/1000, etc. It’s so tiny that when you multiply it by itself, it disappears, poof! Here’s the equation: є2=0. Physicists brag about “black holes,” where things seem to disappear, but we mathematicians have epsilon, whose square really does disappear!

So how do you make a number system that includes epsilon and lets you do calculus, all in a reasonable way? It’s easy! It’s even easier than the crap they teach in high school’s algebra 2 class about “imaginary numbers.” In algebra 2, they teach you to draw a horizontal ruler (an x axis) labeled 0, 1, 2, etc., and draw a vertical ruler (a y axis) labeled 0, 1i, 2i, 3i, etc. Do the same thing for my minimal method, but write “є” instead of “i"”, so the vertical ruler is labeled 0, 1є, 2є, 3є, etc. In algebra 2, they teach you to invent numbers of the form x+yi, such as 3+7i; in my minimal method, invent numbers of the form x+yє, such as 3+7є. In algebra 2, they teach you to add, subtract, and multiply numbers in the obvious way, but remembering that i2=-1; in my minimal method, you can add, subtract, and multiply numbers in the obvious way, but remember that є2=0.

Inventing “i” simplified algebra, by making the quadratic formula more understandable. Inventing є simplifies calculus, by making derivatives more understandable.

For you math nerds, here’s a formal explanation….

To use є, construct the extended real numbers, which consist of numbers of the form a + bє (where “a” and “b” are ordinary “real” numbers). Add and multiply extended real numbers as you’d expect (bearing in mind that є² is 0), like this:

(a + bє) + (c + dє) = (a+c) + (b+d)є

(a + bє) • (c + dє) = ac + (ad+bc)є

For example:

(9+12є) + (2+4є) = 11+16є

(9+12є) • (2+4є) = 18 + (36+24)є, which is 18+60є

You can define order:

“a+bє < c+dє” means “a<c or (a=c and b<d)”

Those definitions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and order obey the traditional “rules of algebra” except for one rule: in traditional algebra, every non-zero number has a reciprocal (a number you can multiply it by to get 1), but unfortunately є has no reciprocal.

If x is an extended real number, it has the form a + bє, where a and b are each real. The a is called the real part of x. For example, the real part of 3 + 7є is 3.

A number is called infinitesimal if its real part is 0. For example, є and 2є are infinitesimal; so is 0.

Infinitesimals are useful because they let you define the “derivative” of f(x) easily, by computing f(x+є):

Define the differential of f(x), which is written d f(x), to mean f(x+є) - f(x). For example, dx² is (x+є)²-x², which is (x²+2xє+є²)-x², which is 2xє (since є²=0), which is 2x dx (since dx turns out to be є).

Define the derivative of f(x) to mean (d f(x)) divided by є. For example, the derivative of x² is (2xє)/є, which is 2x. The definition of the derivative of f(x) can also be written as (d f(x))/dx, since dx is є.

Define the limit, as x approaches p, of f(x) to mean the real part of f(p+є). For example, the limit, as x approaches 0, of x/x is the real part of (0+є)/(0+є), which is the real part of є/є, which is the real part of 1, which is 1.

Define f(x) is continuous at p to mean:

for all b, f(p+bє) – f(p) is infinitesimal.

For example, the function “2 if x£=9, 3 if x>9” isn’t continuous at 9, since f(9+1є)-f(9) is 3-2, which is 1, which isn’t infinitesimal.

Define f(x) is differentiable at p to mean:

for all b, f(p+bє) = f(p) + b (the derivative of f(x) at p).

Then calculations & proofs about derivatives and limits become easy, especially when you define sin є to be є and define cos є to be 1.

I was proud I invented that minimal method. But recently, I discovered the same method was invented in 1873 by William Clifford and named the dual-number system. Damn!

Measure theory

People think math is impersonal, but it can get very personal. A math theorem changed my whole life and personality, in ways I didn’t expect. Here’s my story.…

When I was in elementary school, junior high, and high school, I was good at math, won many awards, got a perfect score on the math SAT, and so got admitted to an Ivy League college (Dartmouth), graduate school (Harvard), and intensely personal further graduate school (Wesleyan University in Connecticut). I invented new ways to do many branches of math and got praised for my discoveries. I thought I was hot stuff. I thought I’d become a top mathematician.

Most of my discoveries got kinda ignored, but finally, in 1973, I made a discovery I figured would make me world-famous: I discovered a way to reduce all of geometry to just 5 axioms, instead of all those stupid axioms Euclid’s gang invented. I figured: hooray, now I’ll definitely be famous! Wow! This is it!

My 5 axioms let you compute the length, area, and volume of anything, even if the thing is an object that’s bent or weird or split into many parts.

Moreover, I proved my 5 axioms achieved math’s holy grail, they were perfect, satisfying the 3 goals of math axiomatics: I proved my 5 axioms were consistent (they didn’t create any contradictions), complete (no extra axioms would ever be necessary), and independent (all 5 axioms were necessary, none were redundant).

Since I was still just a graduate student, I showed my research to my advisor. My research belonged to a math specialty called “measure theory,” but my advisor was not an expert in that specialty, so he told me to mail my results to the expert in that field. I mailed. And waited.

Finally, I got a reply from that expert, who was a professor at Brown University. His letter went something like this:

Yes, your results are very interesting. They were discovered by Kolmogorov in 1917, but don’t be discouraged: not everybody can be as great as
the great Kolmogorov!

I was crushed. I went to the library and looked up what Kolmogorov did. He didn’t actually say there were 5 axioms, but his thinking was very similar to mine; he just expressed his result differently. So he deserves at least 80% of the credit, and I deserve at most 20%.

What bugged the hell out of me was: here was a great result, which should have affected the teaching of geometry in a big way, but nobody knew and nobody cared. I noticed I could write the most profound things about math, and nobody cared, not even the math professors; but I could write the stupidest things about computers (such as where to find the power button), and everybody wanted a copy of them.

That experience convinced me that math was a dead-end occupation, so I switched my allegiance from math to computers and became famous for writing about computers, not math.

That was in the 1970’s, when math professors were losing their jobs (because people cared less about math and more about feminism, the environment, and antiwar protests), and so math professors had to learn about computers instead (which were just starting to become popular and personal).

But ever since, I’ve missed my old love: math! And now the tide has turned: everybody already knows about computers, but not enough people know enough about math, so I wish I could become a math guy again.

I’ll try.

Thanks for listening. Here are the 5 axioms.

But wait! The axioms are a bit hard for normal humans to understand, so (assuming you’re normal and not a mashed-up mathematician) I’ll start with a simplified version of the axioms first, then give you the whole gory story.

To simplify, I’ll start by talking about just area. (Later I’ll show how rewriting the axioms, just slightly, lets them also cover length & volume.) So to start, here are the 5 axioms about area.

But wait! I must confess: the axioms assume you own a sheet of graph paper, and you know how to plot points on it if I tell you the coordinates.

So here are the 5 axioms, as they apply to area:

Unit axiom: the area of the unit square, whose corners are at the points (0,0), (0,1), (1, 1), and (1,0), is 1. Here’s how that axiom is written in math notation:

area of [0,1][0,1] = 1.

Sum axiom: if S and T are two objects (sets), and they’re separated from each other (so the distance from S to T is more than 0), then the sum of their areas equals the total area of their combo (their union). Here’s that axiom in math notation: if d(S,T)>0 then the area of S + the area of T = the area of SUT.

Extended sum axiom: if you have a bunch of objects (which might overlap and might be infinitely many), the sum of their areas is at least as much as the area of their combo (their union). Let’s call those objects S1, S2, S3, etc. Here’s that axiom in math notation: the area of the area of S1 + the area of S2 + the area of S3 + … ³ the area of S1 U S2 U S3 U …. Here’s that axiom in fancier math notation, where the symbol “Ʃ” means “sum”:

Moving axiom: if S can fit in T (by moving and maybe stretching S, so all of S’s points become part of T, but the distance between S’s points doesn’t decrease), the area of S is no more than the area of T. Here’s that axiom in math notation: if S can fit in T, the area of S £ the area of T. Here’s that axiom in fancier math notation: if there exists a function f that maps S into T and such that “for all p and q in S, d(p,q) £ d(f(p),f(q)),” then the area of S £ the area of T.

Borel axiom: this axiom is relatively unimportant, and you can ignore it, since it won’t help you compute the area of any popular shape; but I had to include it to handle wacko shapes and make the list of axioms complete. It says that if the area of S is less than r, then S fits in some “Borel subset T of the plane R2” whose area is also less than r. What’s a “Borel subset”? That’s a long story! The axiom’s main effect is: if you’re debating whether S’s area is big or small, and the other axioms don’t answer that question (because S is weird), S’s area is big.

Those axioms get you the area of any shape, even if the shape doesn’t fit on graph paper (because the shape is infinitely big or is a 3-dimensional curve or a cube or even a science-fiction type that involves more than 3 dimensions), and even if the shape is just a bunch of scattered dots (such as all points whose coordinates are integers, or all points whose coordinates are rational numbers, or all points whose coordinates are irrational numbers).

In those 5 axioms, if you change the word “area” to “volume,” you get the 5 axioms about volume. If you change the word “area” to “length,” you get the 5 axioms about length.

Instead of saying “length,” mathematicians often say “the 1-dimensional measure” or “m1”. Instead of saying, “area,” mathematicians often say “the 2-dimensional measure” or “m2”. Instead of saying “volume,” mathematicians often say “the 3-dimensional measure” or “m3”.

Those 5 axioms can be applied to k-dimensional measure, mk, no matter whether k is 1, 2, 3, or even (in science fiction) bigger than k. So here are those 5 axioms, written in the most general form:

Unit axiom: mk [0,1]k = 1

Sum axiom: if d(S,T)>0 then mk S + mk T = mk SUT

Extended sum axiom:

Moving axiom: Suppose S can fit in T. In other words, suppose there exists a function f that maps S into T and such that for all p and q in S, d(p,q) £ d(f(p),f(q)). Then mk S £ mk T

Borel axiom: if mk S < r, then S fits in some Borel subset T of Rk such that mk T <r

When written that way, those 5 axioms are brief but powerful.

Are they powerful enough to really replace all of Euclid’s axioms? No, because they have 3 kinds of limitations:

They assume you already know a lot: they assume you know how to add numbers, decide which numbers are bigger than others, make unions, plot coordinates, compute distances, and decide which subsets are Borel.

The axioms compute the length, width, and height of an object just if you know what the object’s coordinates are.

The axioms don’t compute the sizes of angles.


If you want to chat about any of that stuff, call my cell phone (603-666-6644) anytime (24 hours). I’ll be glad to give more details, explain more clearly, or listen to your objections.

Formal algebra

Here are the best definitions, axioms, and theorems for formalizing the elementary part of high-school algebra. It assumes you know the meaning of these logic words:

“and”, “or”, “it is false that”, “if”, “then”, “assuming” (which means “if”),
“iff” (pronounced “if and only if” or “is equivalent to”),“you can switch it to”, “it means”

To save you time reading this yukky stuff, I won’t bother writing “proofs” and “examples” here, but phone me at 603-666-6644 anytime you want free help!


In “a=b”, the “=” is pronounced “is” or “equals” or “is equal to”. It’s primitive (which means it’s undefined).

It leads to these definitions:

“a = b = c” means “a=b and b=c”

¹” is pronounced “isn’t” or “is not” or “unequals” or “differs from” or “is unequal to” or “isn’t equal to” or “doesn’t equal” or “is not equal to” or “does not equal” or “is different from”. “a¹b” means “it is false that a=b”.

Here are the axioms (fundamental properties):

Reflexive:      a = a

Substitution:  if a=b, you can switch “a” to “b”

Those definitions and axioms lead to these theorems (consequences that can be proved):

a=b iff b=a

if a=b=c then a=c

a=b or a¹b


Older books have two more axioms (“a=b iff b=a” and “if a=b=c then a=c”), but I prove those statements and make them theorems.


“1” is pronounced “one”. It’s primitive.


In “a+b”, the “+” is pronounced “plus” or “added to” or “more than” or “increased by”. It’s primitive.


“2” is pronounced “two”    and means “1+1”.

“3” is pronounced “three”  and means “2+1”.

“4” is pronounced “four”   and means “3+1”.

“5” is pronounced “five”   and means “4+1”.

“6” is pronounced “six”     and means “5+1”.

“7” is pronounced “seven” and means “6+1”.

“8” is pronounced “eight”  and means “7+1”.

“9” is pronounced “nine”   and means “8+1”.

“a+b+c” means “(a+b)+c”


Backwards: a+b+c = c+b+a


In “-a”, the “-” is pronounced “minus” or “negative”. It’s primitive.


“a - b” is pronounced “a minus b” or “a subtract b” or “a take away b” or
“a decreased by b”. It means “a + -b”.

“0” is pronounced “zero” and means “1 - 1”

“-a + b” means “(-a) + b”


Old-fashioned books leave 0 undefined, but I define 0 to be 1-1.


Disappearing: a+(b-b) = a

Simple theorems:

a+0    = a                                           a - a   = 0

a+b    = b+a                                       a + -a = 0

0+a    = a                                           -0       = 0

0 - a   = -a                                         a - 0   = a

Theorems involving the associative law:

a+(b+c) = a+b+c

2+2 = 4                                                 3+3 = 6

3+2 = 5                                                 4+3 = 7

4+2 = 6                                                 5+3 = 8

5+2 = 7                                                 6+3 = 9

6+2 = 8                                                 4+4 = 8

7+2 = 9                                                 5+4 = 9


Old-fashioned books give 4 axioms about addition: a+b=b+a, a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c, a+0=a, and a+-a=0. But I prove all 4 of those statements from the backwards and disappearing axioms (which I invented), so my 2 axioms replace the traditional 4.

Theorems about solving equations:

a=b       iff a+c = b+c                a-b=x iff x+b=a

a=b       iff a-c = b-c                 a+x=0 iff x=-a

x+a=b   iff x=b-a                      a+x=0 iff -a=x

Theorems about double negatives:

--a = a

a - -b = a + b

Theorems involving three negatives:

-(a+b) = -a + -b

-(a-b) = b-a

Theorems about negating both sides:

a=b iff -a=-b

-x=a iff x=-a

Theorems about solving simultaneous equations:

(a=b and c=d) iff (a=b and a+c=b+d)

(a=b and c=d) iff (a=b and a-c=b-d)


In the phrase “a is positive”, the “is positive” is primitive.


“>” is pronounced “exceeds” or “is more than” or “is larger than” or “is bigger than” or “is greater than”. “a > b” means “a-b is positive”.

“a > b > c” means “a>b and b>c”

“<” is pronounced “undercuts” or “is less than” or “is smaller than”. “a < b” means “b > a”.

“a < b < c” means “a<b and b<c”

³” is pronounced “grequals” or “is at least” or “is more than or equals” or “is more than or equal to” or “is greater than or equals” or “is greater than or equal to”. “a ³ b” means “a>b or a=b”.

£” is pronounced “lequals” or “is at most” or “is less than or equals” or “is less than or equal to” or “is smaller than or equals” or “is smaller than or equal to”. “a £ b” means “a<b or a=b”.

“a is negative” means “-a is positive”

“a is real” means “a is positive or negative or 0”

“a is full” means “a³1 or a£-1 or a=0”


Old-fashioned books make “a<b” undefined and write axioms about “a<b”; but I define “a<b” to mean “b>a”, which I define to mean “b-a is positive,” so I write axioms about “is positive” instead. My approach leads to fewer axioms.


One positive:       1 is positive

Sum positive:      if a and b are positive, so is a+b

Zero not positive: 0 is not positive

Sum real:             if a and b are real, so is a+b

Theorems about “positive”:

2 is positive                                    6 is positive

3 is positive                                    7 is positive

4 is positive                                    8 is positive

5 is positive                                    9 is positive

Theorems about “not”:

if a is positive then a¹0

1 ¹ 0

1 ¹ 2

if a is positive, -a is not positive

Theorems about “>”:

a>0 iff a is positive

a>b iff a+c>b+c

a>b iff a-c>b-c

if a>b>c then a>c

if a>b and c>d then a+c>b+d

if a>b and c is positive then a+c>b

“a>a” is false

if a>b then “b>a” is false

Theorems about “<”:

0<a iff a is positive

a<b iff a+c<b+c

a<b iff a-c<b-c

if a<b<c then a<c

if a<b and c<d then a+c<b+d

if a<b and c is positive then a<b+c

“a<a” is false

if a<b then “b<a” is false

a<b iff -a>-b


Theorems about “£:”

0£a iff a is 0 or positive

a£b iff a+c£b+c

a£b iff a-c£b-c

if a<b£c then a<c

if a£b<c then a<c

if a£b£c then a£c

if a<b and c£d then a+c<b+d

if a£b and c£d then a+c£b+d

a £ a

if a£b then “b<a” is false

Theorem about “³”:

a£b iff -a³-b

Theorems about “is negative”:

a is positive iff -a is negative

-1 is negative

if a and b are negative, so is a+b

a is negative iff a<0

Theorems about “is real”:

if a is real, so is -a

a is real iff (a<0 or a=0 or a>0)

if a and b are real, so is a-b

if a and b are real then (a<b or a=b or a>b)


In “a·b”, the symbol “·” (which is a dot, a raised period) is pronounced “times” or “multiplied by”. It’s primitive.

You can omit that symbol if there’s no confusion. Examples:

instead of “2·a”        you can write “2a”

instead of “a·b”        you can write “ab”

instead of “x·y”       you can write “xy”

instead of “2· (a+b)” you can write “2(a+b)”

instead of “2·3” you must not write “23”
(which looks like twenty-three)

instead of “2·-3” you must not write “2-3” (which looks like 2 minus 3)

instead of “2·-x” you must not write “2-x” (which looks like 2 minus x)


“abc”    means “(ab)c”

“a + bc” means “a + (bc)”

“-ab”    means “-(ab)”


Multiplication backwards:  abc = cba

Distributive:                        a(b+c) = ab + ac

Product positive: if a and b are positive, so is ab

You get these theorems (about multiples of simultaneous equations), which you can prove without using the multiplication axioms:

(a=b and c=d) iff (a=b and c+ea=d+eb)

(a=b and c=d) iff (a=b and c-ea=d-eb)


The symbol xa is pronounced “x up a” or “x to the a” or “x, power a”
or “x, exponent a” or “x raised to the a”. It’s primitive.


x + ya    means x + (ya)

-xa        means -(xa)

axb        means a(xb)

/ is pronounced “slash” or “reciprocal” or “reciprocal of” or “the reciprocal of”.

/a means a-1.

/a + b    means (/a) + b

/xa         means /(xa)

Ö is pronounced “root” or “root of” or “square root” or “square root of”  or “the square root of”.

Öx means x/2.

Öa + b   means (Öa) + b

i            means Ö-1


First power:            x1   = x

Add exponents:       xaxb = xa+b   (if x¹0 or b¹-a)

Zero power:            x0   = 1

Real power:            if x is positive and a is real,

                                xa is positive

Beyond one:            if x > 1 then xa > 1

                                (assuming a is positive)

Multiply exponents: (xa)b = xab (if b is full or

                                (x³0 and a is real))


Old-fashioned books have a crazy rule, saying you’re not allowed to raise 0 to a negative power. So in those books, the add-exponents axiom is restricted, by making its “if” clause say “if x¹0 or (a³0 and b³0)”. That long-winded “if” clause makes more theorems have long “if” clauses. My approach makes theorems shorter and easier to prove. My approach leads to surprising theorems saying 0 is the answer to most computations about 0. For example, 0 is the answer to 0-1 and 1/0 and 0/0 and 5/0. Most other books say such expressions should never be written or uttered (as if they were the Devil or Lord Voldemort or passwords for setting off nuclear bombs) or say such expressions are “undefined” or “infinity” or “plus or minus infinity” or “complex infinity” or “unsigned infinity”. Since those books fear dealing with zero, I call those books zerophobic. Those books restrict the multiply-exponents axiom also.

Most mathematicians, calculus teachers, and college textbooks agree with my zero-power axiom, which says x0 is always 1, so 00 is 1, which simplifies calculus and the binomial theorem. But stupid high-school teachers and most high-school textbooks say 00 is “undefined”; they restrict the zero-power axiom by saying “if x¹0”, creating another case of zerophobia.

Old-fashioned books don’t express the
multiply-exponents axiom’s “if” clause correctly. The equation “(xa)b = xab” is sometimes false (such as when x=-1 and a=2 and b=1/2), but most books don’t notice that or assume x is positive (though later they assume x is not positive when they talk about the square root of -1 being i).

Theorems about exponent notation:

x2 = xx

xa+1 = xax (if x¹0 or a¹-1)

x3 = xxx

x4 = xxxx

xa = xa-1x  (if x¹0 or a¹0)

00 = 1

Theorems about multiplying:

a1 = a                                          2·3 = 6

ab = ba                                        2·4 = 8

1a = a                                          3a = 2a + a

(a+b)c = ac + bc                          3a = a + a + a

2a = a + a                                    3·3 = 9

2·2 = 4                                        a(bc) = abc


Old-fashioned books have an axiom about multiplying by 1, but I use the first three exponent axioms to prove “a1 = a.”

Old-fashioned books have an axiom saying
“ab = ba,” but I prove that from the other axioms.

Old-fashioned books have an axiom saying “a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c,” but I prove that from the multiplication-backwards axiom, which I invented.

Theorems about exponent computation:

32      = 9

22       = 4

23       = 8

xax-a   = 1 (if x¹0)

xx-1    = 1 (if x¹0)

Theorems about 0:

0a   = 0

a0   = 0

0a   = 0           (if a¹0)

xa    = 0 iff (x=0 and a¹0)

Theorems about multiplying negatives:

(-a)b     = -(ab)

(-1)a     = -a

a(-b)     = -(ab)

(-a)(-b) = ab

a(b-c)   = ab - ac

Theorems about multiplying negativity:

if a and b are negative, ab is positive

if a is negative and b is positive, ab is negative

Theorem about reality:

if a and b are real, so is ab

The FOIL theorem:

(a+b)(c+d) = ac+ad+bc+bd

Advanced theorems about squaring:

(-x)2            = x2

if x is positive or negative, x2 is positive

if x is real, x2 ³ 0

(x+y)2         = x2 + 2xy + y2

(x+y)2         > x2 + y2     (if x and y are positive)

(x-y)2          = x2 - 2xy + y2

(x+y)(x-y)      = x2 - y2

(x+u)(x+v)  = x2 + (u+v)x + uv

Advanced theorems about cubing:

x3 - y3   = (x-y)(x2 + xy + y2)

x3 + y3  = (x+y)(x2-xy+y2)

(x+y)3   = x3 + 3x2y + 3xy2 + y3


Theorems about “/”:

1/a     = /a                             6/2 = 3

0/a     = 0                              8/2 = 4

0/0     = 0                              6/3 = 2

a/a     = 1 (if a¹0)                 9/3 = 3

/1       = 1                              8/4 = 2

a/1     = a                              (-a)/b = -(a/b)

(ab)/a = b (if a¹0)                 a(b/c) = (ab)/c

4/2=2                                    a/x + b/x = (a+b)/x

Theorems about solving equations:

a=b              iff ac=bc                 (assuming c¹0)

ac=bc          iff (a=b or c=0)

a=b              iff a/c=b/c               (assuming c¹0)

ab=0            iff (a=0 or b=0)

ab¹0            iff (a¹0 and b¹0)

(x-r)(x-s)=0 iff (x=r or x=s)

x2=y2           iff x=±y

if ax=1        then x=/a

ax=b            iff x=b/a                  (assuming a¹0)

ax+b=c        iff x=(c-b)/a            (assuming a¹0)

ax+b=cx+d  iff x=(d-b)/(a-c)      (assuming a¹c)

Theorems relating exponents to “/”:

x-a         = /(xa)

(xa)/(xb) = xa-b                             (if x¹0 or a¹b)

Theorem about advanced factoring:

(ax+u)(ax+v)/a = ax2 + (u+v)x + uv/a    (if a¹0)

Theorems about “/0”:

/0   = 0

a/0  = 0

Theorems relating /a to 0:

a=0 iff /a=0

a¹0 iff /a¹0

Theorems about slashing different numbers:

//a      = a                              /(a/b) = b/a

/-a      = -/a                            a/(ab) = /b (if a¹0)

/(ab)  = (/a)(/b)                     a=b iff /a=/b

Theorems about changing a fraction’s denominator:

a/-b          = -(a/b)

(-a)/(-b)   = a/b

(a/b)(c/d) = (ac)/(bd)

a/b           = (ac)/(bc)                (if c¹0)

a/b + c/d   = (ad+bc)/(bd)          (if b¹0 and d¹0)

a/(b/c)      = a(c/b)

a/b=c/d iff b/a=d/c

a/b=c/d iff ad=bc            (assuming b¹0 and d¹0)

a/b=c/d iff a/c=b/d          (assuming b¹0 and c¹0)


 is pronounced “a over b” or “a divided by b”. It means “a/b”.

Using that definition, here’s how to rewrite that last batch of theorems:

Theorems about positivity:

if x and a are positive,  so is xa

if a is positive,             so is /a

if a and b are positive,   so is a/b

if a is negative,            so is /a

if a is real,                   so is /a

if a and b are real,        so is a/b

a<b iff ac<bc     (assuming c is positive)

if 0<a<b then /a>/b

a<b iff xa<xb     (assuming a and b real and x>1)

Theorems using the multiply-exponents axiom:

(xa)b = (xb)a

(if a and b are full or (x³0 and a and b are real))

1a = 1

x=y    iff xa=ya

(assuming x³0 and y³0 and a is positive or negative)

xa=ya  iff (x=y or a=0)

(assuming x³0 and y³0 and a is real)

a=b iff xa=xb

(assuming a and b are real and x is positive but not 1)

Theorems about square roots:

Ö0      = 0

Ö1      = 1

(Öx)2  = x

Ö(x2)  = x                     (if x ³ 0)

Ö4      = 2

Ö9      = 3

x is positive iff Öx is positive

x<y iff Öx<Öy              (assuming x³0 and y³0)

Ö(x2+y2) < x + y          (if x and y are positive)

Theorems about solving quadratic equations:

x2 = a                 iff x = ±Öa

x2 + 2bx = c       iff x = ±Ö(c+b2) - b

x2 + 2bx = c       iff x = -b ± Ö(b2+c)

ax2 + bx +c = 0  iff x = (-b ± Ö(b2-4ac))/(2a)

(assuming a¹0)

Theorems about i:

i2          = -1

i3          = -i

i4          = 1

(i+1)2    = 2i

(i+Ö3)3  = 8i

i is not real

i            ¹ 0

/i           = -i

(x+yi)(x-yi) = x2 + y2

a = 0 iff a and ai are real

a+bi = c+di iff a=c and b=d

(assuming a, b, c, and d are real)

Logarithms The symbol “logx a” (pronounced “the logarithm, base x, of a” or “log, base x, of a”) leads to these definitions:

logx a + b means (logx a) + b

logx ab     means logx (ab)

logx ab      means logx (ab)

Here are the axioms:

Log: xlogx a = a    (if a¹0 and x is neither 0 nor 1)

Log real: if x and a are positive, logx a is real

What’s different:

Most other books require x to be positive if you write “logx a”. My log axiom is more permissive: it lets x be any number that’s neither 0 nor 1, so x can even be negative or imaginary.

Those definitions and axioms lead to these theorems about logarithms:

logx xa   = a  (if a is real and x is positive but not 1)

log2 8    = 3

log3 9    = 2

log2 4    = 2

logx x    = 1           (if x is positive but not 1)

logx 1    = 0           (if x is positive but not 1)

logx /x   = -1          (if x is positive but not 1)

logx /a   = -logx a   (if a and x are positive and x¹1)

logx a    = 0 iff a = 1

(assuming a¹0 and x is positive but not 1)

Those definitions and axioms also lead to these theorems about exponents:

 (xy)a = xaya              (if a is full or x³0 or y³0)

Ö(xy) = (Öx)(Öy)       (if x³0 or y³0)

Ö-x     = iÖx               (if x³0)

Ö-4    = 2i

Ö-9    = 3i

(/x)a   = /(xa)              (if a is full or x³0)

Ö/x     = /Öx               (if x³ 0)

Ö(x/y) = (Öx)/Öy         (if x³0 or y³0)

(x/y)a = xa/ya             (if a is full or y³0)

if 0£x<y then xa < ya   (assuming a is positive)

x<y iff xa<ya

(assuming a is positive and x³0 and y³0)

Theorems about the logarithm of 2 variables:

logx ab  = logx a + logx b

(if a, b, and x are positive and x¹1)

logx a/b = logx a - logx b

(if a, b, and x are positive, and x¹1)

logx ab   = b logx a

(if b is real, a and x are positive, and x¹1)

Theorems about changing the log base:

(logx a)(loga b) = logx b

(if a, b, and x are positive and neither x nor a is 1)

loga b = (logx b)/(logx a)

(if a, b, and x are positive and neither x nor a is 1)

log4 8 = 3/2

loga b = /logb a

(if a and b are positive and neither is 1)