Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living

with Secret Tutoring

This is the official Website for the Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living and Secret Tutoring. Those services and this site were created by Russ Walter & staff. Fans have invented hundreds of other sites about us, but just this site is up to date!

You can reach this site by typing "" (or "", "", "", "", or "").

Just this site gives complete help about computers, life, and tutoring. It gets you:

free help about computers, academic subjects, and life, by phone, immediately

24 free chapters from the newest Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living (fast-loading HTML)
free PDFs of the whole newest Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living

24 free chapters from the previous Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living (fast-loading HTML)
link to San Jose PC Club's website containing free PDFs of the whole previous edition

link to Internet Archive's website part containing free page-turnable copy of the whole newest edition
link to Internet Archive's website containing free page-turnable copies of newest & earlier editions

discounts on buying complete printed books
lowest rates on top-quality in-person tutoring
best free videos from YouTube & beyond


The 34th edition of the "Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living" is the fastest way to learn the new secrets of computers - and life! It's here now, for immediate shipping to you! It's the world's only complete tutorial about computers & life: it explains how to buy, use, fix, reprogram, and manage computers and deal with the rest of life.

Earlier editions were praised and used by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, PC World, and hundreds of other publications, for being the best computer & lifestyle books ever written. Over a million copies were sold. This 34th edition is even better.

It's a single gigantic book, totaling 703 pages. It includes more than 100,000 improvements over the previous edition.

It adds these recent topics:

Windows 11 and new versions of Windows 10
the 2020 Presidential election that got us Biden
emotional integers that make people go bananas
how BBC Basic for Windows is now the most pleasant way to program
thousands of other surprising changes about computers & tricky living!

You get 42 chapters, grouped into 7 mega-chapters:

Buying: use this book, how to shop, chips, disks, I/O devices, software, complete systems
Windows: Windows 10&11, Web, email, security, maintenance, repairs, command prompt
Handhelds: pure Android, Samsung's Android, iPad
Tricky living: health, daily survival, intellectuals, language, places, Donna's comments, arts, math, govt., morals, sex
Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Programming: Basic, Python, webpage design, challenges, Visual Basic, Visual C#, exotic languages, assembler
Parting: computer past, your future, resources

This site lets you read, for free, that new edition plus parts of earlier editions, online. The fastest, cheapest way to get complete paperbacks is to phone 603-666-6644 (day or night, 24 hours, we're usually in). We offer many other ordering methods, discounts, and shipping choices. For example, the 34th edition lists for $30, but you pay less by ordering more than 1 copy. We've reduced prices of all earlier editions; most are reduced to just $2, with free U.S. shipping.

How to get FREE phone help

Whenever you want free help about computers, life, or academic subjects, call Russ Walter's New Hampshire cell phone at 603-666-6644. Call anytime (day or night, 24 hours): he's usually in and sleeps just lightly. We charge nothing (though your phone company might charge for making a non-local call).

Ask anything, for free help! For example, Russ will help you deal with Windows 11 & predecessors, tablets, and smartphones, get discounts on hardware and software, use your software's tricky features, repair your computer, reprogram your computer, and develop your career. He also answers questions about personal relationships, homework, math, English, the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and hundreds of other topics covered in the "Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living."

Join the fun: call 603-666-6644 now! He's usually available. (If he doesn't answer, he's on a brief errand: try an hour later or leave a voicemail.)

Russ can answer most questions. If he doesn't know the answer to yours, he'll guide you to finding the answer elsewhere. He's a good place to start your hunt for the answer.

We make Russ obey just 3 restrictions:

He can't read his books over the phone (but he can tell you which pages answer your question).
He can't help you do bad things (such as use software that's pirated or inappropriate).
He's limited to an average of 7 minutes per call (but you can call often, and he lets some calls go longer).

If you want a help session that's longer (many hours), you can hire Russ & Donna to be your private tutors, cheaply! Click here for details.

Get FREE treats

Read for free all 7 mega-chapters of the 34th "Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living" as PDFs by clicking here
Read for free 24 chapters of the 34th "Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living" by clicking here
Read for free 24 chapters of the 33rd "Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living" by clicking here
Read for free 20 chapters of the 32nd "Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living" by clicking here
Read for free 17 chapters of the 31st "Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living" by clicking here
Read for free 20 chapters of the 30th "Secret Guide to Computers" by clicking here
Read for free 20 chapters of the second "Tricky Living" by clicking here
Read for free 16 chapters of older editions by clicking here
Test your knowledge of computers & tricky living, free, by clicking here
Get a free brochure about us by e-mailing your street address to
Get free consulting on all topics by phoning Russ at 603-666-6644 (day or night, 24 hrs., usually in)
See links to free fun sites by clicking here and here

Rated the best by reviewers

Thousands of reviewers worldwide have praised the previous "Secret Guide to Computers" for being the best computer book ever written. To see reviews, click here.

How to get the complete books

The "Secret Guide to Computers & Tricky Living" (34th edition) lists for $30, but pay less by joining your friends:

20% discount for 2 copies: pay just $24 each
30% discount for 3 copies: pay just $21 each
40% discount for 4 copies: pay just $18 each

We've reduced prices on all earlier editions (which explain classic computers & lifestyles):

editions 31, 32, and 33 just $7 each
all other editions just $2 per book

If you get the 34th edition, you should also consider getting earlier editions, especially the 27th edition (historic!), the 33rd editions (unabridged!), and Tricky Living's first edition (uncensored!). They include many classic topics that aren't in the 34th. To see how editions differ, click here.

If you order copies of the 34th edition, we assume you want them all printed on paper, unless you ask us to switch one of the copies to a copiable USB memory stick instead, which we do at no extra charge. The stick includes 7 copies of the text: 3 formats in "plain Microsoft Word", 2 in "Microsoft Word with embedded fonts", and 2 in "PDF with embedded font characters." It helps 6 groups of people:

blind people whose software lets the computer read the stick out loud
foreigners who avoid the printed book's international shipping charge
travelers too overloaded to lug the printed book, which is big & heavy
teachers who want students to read the book without buying printed copies
researchers who can search faster in files than in the printed book's index
authors who copy our info into their own books, handouts, and websites

We offer 3 shipping methods:

standard is free, available just to the U.S. (1 week to ZIP codes under 30000, 1½ weeks elsewhere)
rush costs just $7 total (even if your order is huge); it's slightly faster, available just to the U.S.
international costs $12 per printed book to Canada (1½ weeks), $18 per to other countries (2½ weeks)

Those approximate shipping times can vary by 50%, depending on your location and season. Phone 603-666-6644 if you want to check this week's shipping times & methods for your location.

We offer 4 ordering methods:

call Russ's cell phone at 603-666-6644 (24 hours, he's usually available) with your credit card

mail a check, money order, or cash (from any country)
to The Secret Guide to Computers, 196 Tiffany Lane, Manchester NH 03104-4782

wire funds from your local Western Union or MoneyGram agent (in most countries)
to Russell M. Walter, Manchester NH (then tell us you did)

resellers set their own prices but rarely match our discounts; to find resellers, call 603-666-6644