The Alexander Macwhorter Page

Welcome to the Alexander MacWhorter Page! We have acquired quite a bit of his published works, and also that of his esteemed younger associate, Edward Dorr Griffin, D.D.

MacWhorter, ( 1734-1807 ), was one of the luminaries of the Presbyterian Church who played a major role in the American Revolution, along with John Witherspoon, President of Princeton and a Signer of the Declaration, John Rogers, Pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church on Wall St. and the Greens, Jacob and Ashbel. MacWhorter was an important advisor to Washington while the army was active in the the New York and New Jersey area.

His academic career included Samuel Finley's West Nottingham Academy in Maryland, which is still thriving, a graduate of Princeton in 1757 under Rev.Aaron Burr, Sr., and studied Divinity under Rev.William Tennant, Jr. ( Tennant's Bio is included on our Princeton Page, Link 1. ) Later, he served as Trustee of Princeton, and was honored with a Doctorate of Divinity by Yale in 1776.

MacWhorter's Biography

Alexander MacWhorter, D.D. His Life, by Edward Dorr Griffin, D.D.

MacWhorter's Theology

Link 1. Sermon 42. The Eternal Dwelling Place
Link 2. Sermon 41. The Torment in Hell, Proved.
Link 3. Sermon 39. Life in the Hereafter.
Link 4. Sermon 40. Our Works in this life DO Count, for determining our Eternal Happiness, or Terror.
Link 5. Sermon 37. The Resurrection of all who have lived, proved. See where your eternity will begin.
Link 6. Sermon 36. Death. What it really is. It is not what you think.
Link 7. Sermon 21. The Soul, what it is, non material, yet real.
Link 8. Sermon 38. A Sure, and Shocking Future Judgement awaits every person.
Link 9. Sermon 23. Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd.
Link 10. 1791 American Preacher sermon on Honesty. Dishonest businessmen are.....Traitors!!!

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