My Graphics and Pet pages! :o) Welcome to my little page here! I am going to give you advice on how to better care for your pets... YES! PETS, plural. Cats & dogs. Cats don't require much in the way of grooming so pay attention that section will be small. I'm going to break things up, so that you only have to check out the stuff that pertains to you & your 4 legged loved ones. Feel free to check out all of the info that I offer, you never know when it might come in handy! :o)

OK... update time! I changed the look of my pages, I get bored with the look on occasion and would like them to be as user friendly as possible. I don't get tons of hits on my pages, but enough to really care about how things look. =) OK, on to the important stuff. A little about me... I will let you know that I have been a dog groomer & I have seen the best & worst case scenarios every day. The worst cases really get to me & thus this page was born. I would just like people to know what they can do to help us, themselves & most of all the little hairy ones!

I just want to state again that these pages are in the works... so If you get to a page that you feel is missing some info feel free to contact me. I am a wanna be computer geek & I love this whole web page creation thing... but I still have to spend time with my husband (we're newly weds ya know!) :o) work, eat & sleep. So I can't get these all done at once. :o) Please return if you want to see the finished product, or just email me if you'd like info that's not here! Thanks for dropping by... :o)

Just a quick note... I've also added an Art Gallery of Fractals to my little (but expanding) space on the web. If you'd like you can check out some of the stuff that I've made. I'm really proud of my work, & I am constantly expanding my galleries as I create more stuff. :o) I've got 6 or so pages so far & more to come.

Head to the Art Gallery... :o)

I have a links page too! If you are looking for good pet related links please visit my links page! I have pet related links as well as links to graphics programs that I like, and some fun ones thrown in for good measure. I will be expanding the links page so be sure to check back soon.

The Net Pets Webring

Feel free to email me with questions or comments. I would like to know that someone is looking at my page! :o) If you email please put regarding my page so I don't delete your mail thinking it's spam...LOL you know how that can be! Or you can just sign my guestbook if you would like to make a comment! :o)

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