My World

A little bit about me

Hi everyone!  I suppose I should tell you a little about myself:     My name is Katie, I am 18 years old, and I am a freshman at the University of Maine--Farmington Over the summer, I had 2 jobs, one part-time (1 night a week) at McDonalds, and a full-time/weekend shift job as a Machine Operator at Teradyne Connection Systems.  Here at school, I have a job at ARAMARK, my school's dining service provider.  I work about 35 hours over a span of two weeks, so I keep myself busy.  When not working, I like to spend time out with my friends, otherwise I can be found either chatting or working on my pages here on the computer
           Other than being accepted at the University of Maine, I was also accepted to University of Connecticut, Barry University, and Massachusetts College of Pharmacy/Health Sciences.  It was a very hard decision to make, but I am sure now after thinking it over for months that I definately made the right decision.
         In my free time, there are several things I like to do, such as:
  • Listen to music
  • Go to Concerts
  • Play trumpet or piano (I have a trumpet again!!! I borrowed one from someone here, and I am now in the UMF wind ensemble.)
  • Talk with friends (online or on the phone)
  • Hang out with friends
  • Swim
  • Hike
  • Ride bikes
  • Rollerblade
  • Ski

         During my Senior year of High School, I kept myself busy; filling my time with extracurricular activities, such as:

Frequently Visited/Cool Websites.

The Weather Channel
Brunching Shuttlecocks (lots of fun/funny things to do here)
Concert Schedule-Tweeter Center
SciFi.Com Inspirational Weight-Loss Page
Compatibility Test (this is funny if you choose the right names)
5 Minute Personality Quiz
Tribute to Charles Schultz
Quotes from "Illusions"

Other Sites to Visit (created by my friends)

Al's Page
Anita's Page
FY Site; Toni, Krista, and others
Gary's Page
James's Poke/Digimon Page (Work in Progress)
Mel's Page
Stacy's Page
Teah's Page

What's New?

My Other Pages

All About Me: Enter if you dare  This page is a continual "work in progress."  I add to it when I have new information, or new pictures to post, or just when I feel like it  :-)
Collected Quotes  This page is exactly what it sounds like.  I have posted quotes that I have gotten by mail, quotes I have found on people's AOL profiles (with their permission of course), and quotes that my friends have given me.
Cool Pictures  These are a few pictures I have found on the web, and I thought they were cool.  I figured that other people might like to see them too, so I posted them on a page, along with a commentary about the pictures.
NHS Music NYC Trip  A recount of my Senior year's band trip to New York City.  Page includes a phote of the Statue of Liberty, a photo from atop the Empire State Building, and also a picture of some of my friends in concert attire before our performance at the Music Banquet.
To All of my Friends  Yet again, exactly what it sounds like.  This page still isn't finished, but it is a page I started a few months before High School graduation as a tribute to my friends.  Mostly just a shout-out to them, some including personal memories.
Toni's Poetry  Hey, what do ya know?... this is just what it sounds like as well.  I have some poetry written by my best friend that I have, with her permission, created a page for and linked from this site.  Please go look at it, her poetry is GREAT!

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Special thanks goes to Heather Larsen and Emily Holland for helping me with the original HTML on this page as well as to my friends for providing me with quotes for my quotes page, and to those friends who allowed me to link their sites from mine.