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My Home Page


(12/13/05) Talk about luck, I litterally found a Dell Dimension 2300 at the Town Dump on my birthday last spring. It ran Linux Slackware until I got DSL which it didn't like, and when the upgrade didn't have the Gnome Desktop, I switched to Fedora Core 4. Everything was much faster under Slackware and I do recommend it if you like KDE. The Slackware project is at: Slackware's website. Fedora, which comes out of the Red Hat distribution, is at: Fedora Project and I should say I never would have gotten through this project without my trusty Knoppix discs. Check out the Knoppix Homepage.

I've reorganized the gallery pages. Click on the elf below for the new look. (3/21/05)

I've added a new page about George Gurdjieff. I expect it to evolve.

If you don't know about it yet Where is Raed? is a funny and harrowing look at life in Iraq which has been going on since September of 2002.

6/19/03 I've put up a page of unaltered gifs of my pen and ink drawings in a new gallery you should see further down the page with my other pages.

2/07/03 Check out this interesting link for Slade Magazine Guernica. I almost decided to refer in my question of the week to both the British report casting doubt on the Bush Administration's Iraq/Al-Qaida link claims or the skepticism expressed by two NPR "experts" who claimed to be on different sides of this issue. When you can't convince your own side maybe you shouldn't act on your "convictions".

4/25/02 Hypnodog is down and gone, alas. Also I have divided my Art page into two and given it a slightly new look. Click the older image down the page to check out how it is supposed to better resemble the old pulp "information" magazines of the 'sixties.

3/28/02 I've added new links to the Atlantis and art pages. When I first put this up there were NO links to Harry Clarke pages available. Now there are four. There were also no versions of Ignatius Donnelly's or W. Scott-Elliot's Atlantis books online. Thanks to Sacred Texts, this has changed. Anyone for G.R.S. Mead?

October 26, 2001: I just put my resume on-line if you want to look at it. Follow this link: Resume

August 11, 2001. I've moved back to Wakefield,NH. Wakefield Chamber of Commerce is here.

June 8, 2001. Here is a link I just found while, believe it or not, searching for Atlantis. It is not to Atlantis links but to the exciting excavations of the city of Herakleion.

My Favorite Web Sites
Radio Links: Miscellaneous: >
My Pan Page.

More links.

My art links.

art links.

Computer Links

Computer-Related Links

My Atlantis page

Atlantis & Santorini links

Gallery of my artwork

A page of my artwork

Library Page

Library Page. All my book and text links are now here.

Pagan links

My Pagan page. Links to some alternative histories.

Snowboarding and Neandertal links

Why Snowboard? a very different look at snowboarding and paleoanthropology.

My furry page

Some Furry links

Programming in Linuxprogramming in Linux

All line art on this site copyright � 2000 by John D. L. Platt

Contact me at if you like.

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