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Buddy's Puppy Pictures

This is Buddy at 2 and 3 months old. Does he look fresh or what? LOL

"Please don't grieve for me so, old friend, I am still here.

When the winter wind howls around the eaves and through the tall fir behind the house, you'll hear me singing.

You will feel the brush of my fur in the soft warm breezes that come with the spring.

You will see my eyes in the summer skies or in the depths of quiet mountain pools.

In the autumn I'll be just up the hill by the filbert trees watching the squirrels gathering nuts.

And when the snow falls silently and deep, I'll be curled in a soft mound among the alders near the creek.

As long as you remember me, beloved friend, I am here."

Author Unknown

Buddy Doing Therapy Dog Work

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