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Welcome to my specialty....rabbits!
I am a proud member of the ARBA, NMRRC, NEMRBA, director for the New England Show Circuit and founder of the TSRBA of NH.
I raise Mini Rex rabbits, often referred to as the "Velveteen Rabbit" with their crushed velvet-like fur, in black, broken, castor, chocolate, lilac, red and white.
My rabbits are fully pedigreed and from Grand Champion stock.

Super Doe is now in residence at Briar Patch thanks to my good friends Gerry & Norma Westgard.
I was lucky enough to spot Super Doe sitting in her coop at Convention and immediately knew this was the doe for me!
I purchased her the day before judging and imagine my surprise when it came down to the wire and she took Best of Breed!

I enjoy showing rabbits in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecuit, New York & Massachusetts. I am listed 3rd in the National Mini Rex standings for fur and 40th in sweepstake points, nation-wide. My rabbits consistantly place BOB (best of breed) BOS (best opposite sex) and B4C (best 4 class). I also have a BIS (best in show) and RBIS (reserve best in show) with my Mini Rex.

1997 ARBA Convention in Wisconsin (over 1,000 entries)

I have Show quality, Breeder quality & Pet quality Mini Rex available at all times, at very reasonable prices. Shipping IS available.
Email me for rabbits available for sale.

Broken Mini RexCastor Mini Rex buck

If you'd like to exchange banners and links with me send an email with information to the webmistress of this site.