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OMG! Fan Art from Dark Horse readers!

Black Samy has agreed to host this page on her site.

All right! I have obtained permission to scan and upload images from the OMG Dark Horse manga! The reader fan art that is... I hope to add as much as I can from the Letters to the Enchantress section. (Until my server space runs out). 

Reprinted with permission from Dark Horse Comics, Inc. All images © their respective owners.

Please ask the image owner's permission to use any image on your web site! Please do not use these images for you page use. I have obtained permission from Dark Horse Comics to reprint these here for this page only. Thank you for your cooperation. -- Goddess Skuld 

WARNING!! Images are large! GeoCities server slow due to internet traffic! Please be patient!

Artist:  Artwork: E-mail:
Andrew Boey none
Eddy Brennan none
Cathy Yuan Li none
Chris Lai none
Bryna Connelly none
M none
Kristene Onyskow none
Tina Ho none
Beth Westmoreland none
Yung Min Lee none

Goddess Skuld's CG!

Here is some of my fanart.
Artist:  Artwork: E-mail:
Goddess Skuld Goddess Skuld

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