The Slayers vs. Frieza & Ginyu Force

     "Alex here. You ever have one of those days? Well, our girl Lina is having one of those lives. On top of being a busy college student she's also a sorceress supreme. Once afternoon some strange alien guy called Frieza came and challenged Lina and the Slayers, along with myself, to a battle to the end. With Frieza are five of his strongest mercenaries, the Ginyu force. Stay tuned to see who wins, who loses, and who dies."

     "So, you're the famous Lina Inverse," a short alien with pale purple skin, a big domed head with horns, and strange armor said as it stepped from its craft.
     "Yeah, that's me," Lina said in her nothing - surprises - me tone of voice, her right hand running through her flame red hair. "Who's asking?"
     "My name is Frieza, and I've heard you're one of the strongest people in the galaxy."
     "Your point being?"
     "I challenge you to a battle," Frieza said, levitating off of the ground and floating down to where Lina stood. Lina was dressed in a simple violet dress, a couple of small braids in her hair, a big yellow bow holding the rest of her hair back, and she looked at Frieza with her big purple eyes.
     "Oh, really now?" Lina said. "Just me, or me and my friends?"
     Behind Lina stood Zelgadis Greywords, wearing his usual outfit; Gourry Gabriev, who was dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and a letterman jacket; Amelia Will Tesela Seyruun, who was wearing a pink skirt, white shirt, and yellow neckerchief with her school bag on her back; Sylphiel Nells Raada, who was dressed in baggy black coveralls, a white T-shirt, and a dark colored flannel shirt; and Alex West, dressed in baggy brick red jeans, a black T-shirt, a denim jacket, his backpack and sword slung over his left shoulder.
     "More fun with a group," Frieza said, laughing at the thought of killing more than just one person, "Ginyu Force, come forth!"
     Five odd looking aliens emerged from the entrance of the ship, all striking poses before coming together.
     "Errr.... Lina, are you sure about this?" Zelgadis asked, poking the sorceress in the shoulder and whispering in her ear, "They feel really powerful."
     "I'm up for a good battle," Alex said, drawing his sword, "I have a bone to pick with Frieza."
     By now Frieza noticed Alex and remembered the first time they fought, "Why you... you're still alive?!"
     "I could say the same, freezer burn," Alex said, a sardonic grin on his face, "I'm surprised you were able to escape all that we threw at you."
     "I will defeat you now!" Frieza growled, transforming into his true form in a blinding flash of light.
     "If he's going to transform, so will I," Alex said, setting his sword in the ground before hoisting his right hand to the sky, "Star Crystal Power!"
     Ribbons of violet energy erupted from the jewel in the ring on his right hand, wrapping around his right arm and forming his gauntlet. From the jewels in the gauntlet a mass of violet ribbons erupted, wrapping around his body and forming the undersuit of his outfit. An amulet in the shape of a starburst formed on his chest and from that erupted more ribbons, which formed his armor, boots, left gauntlet, and utility belt. He finished his transformation in a battle stance.
     "Well, it seams like your power level has risen a bit," Frieza said, checking his scouter for a reading. He scanned his group, his jaw dropping when he read Lina's and Alex's combined. "How can any two humans have a combined power level of over three million?!"
     Alex and Lina looked at one another and shrugged. Lina turned to her friends and said, "Who has my equipment?"
     "Your cape and shoulder guards," Gourry said, taking the items from his backpack.
     "The Demons Blood Talismans," Amelia said, taking the four items from her own backpack and handing them to Lina, who, once she put her cape on, clipped on her talismans.
     "Your sword," Zelgadis said, passing Lina a small sword which he had clipped to his own belt. Lina clipped the scabbard to her own belt and turned back to Frieza.
     "Now take a power reading," Lina said, casting the Boost spell in her mind. Her talismans glowed a moment later.
     "If you insist," Frieza said, resetting his scouter. A moment later he gasped. "Your level alone is two and a half million!"
     "And still climbing," a short green guy said from behind Frieza.
     "Lord of darkness of these four worlds, I call upon thee," Alex chanted, boosting his own power, "Grant me all the power that you possess." A moment later the seven Chaos emeralds glowed as his power was boosted.
     "The guy in the armor has a reading of almost three million," a punkish looking red guy said from behind the green guy in a British accent, "How can this be possible?"
     "Wow, Miss Lina and Mister Alex are powerful, aren't they?" Amelia asked Zelgadis.
     "Considering the power level of that group we all had better power up," Zelgadis said, his voice wavering.
     "Your power may be great, but ours is still greater!" a blue skinned guy said from behind the red skinned one.
     "Go get them, my Ginyu Force!" Frieza said. The five members of the Ginyu Force leapt into the air before performing a lot of complicated moves. They introduced themselves.
     "Goldar!" the green guy said.
     "Jaice!" the red skinned punk said.
     "Berta!" the blue skinned guy said.
     "Rakoom!" a yellow skinned guy said in a very Arnold like voice.
     "Ginyu!" a purple skinned fellow said, presumably the captain.
     "Ginyu Force!" the five shouted, striking a pose. The Slayers and Alex stood in silence. A cricket chirped nearby.
     "That was.... " Lina began to say
     "The most embarrassing..." Alex added.
     "Thing that.... " Amelia added.
     "I have ever seen... " Zelgadis added.
     "In my life!" Sylphiel and Gourry finished. The Ginyu Force fell over. They then went through more complex moves, introducing themselves again.
     "That had some serious style!" Jaice said to the others.
     "Gee, I don't know," Rakoom said, "I thought we were off."
     "Think we should try again?" Berta asked.
     As the Ginyu Force tried to figure out what to do, Lina had Alex lob her into the air, where she hurled a Fireball into the center of the group. The Fireball exploded, knocking all five on their butts.
     "Hey, unfair move!" Goldar shouted.
     "Never take your eyes off of or turn your back on your opponent," Lina said, "you snooze, you lose."
     "Why I ought to!"
     "You ought to what?"
     A tree behind the Slayers suddenly lost all its branches and broke away from the ground. The tree sailed into the air before heading right at Lina, who was too paralyzed with fear to move. At the last possible second a fireball from off to the side blew the tree to ashes. Lina looked over to see Sylphiel's palms smoking from the attack.
     "Thanks Sylphiel," Lina said, turning to Goldar, "now you shall pay. Lord of the dreams that terrify, sword of the cold and darkness, free yourself from the heaven's bonds. Become one with my body, one with my power, and let us walk the path to destruction together. Power that can smash even the souls of the Gods. Ragna BLADE!!"
     The black blade of the Lord of Nightmares erupted from Lina's hands, a single blade instead of a double. She swung at Goldar, the blade passing through where the green guy's throat should be. Goldar stuck his tongue out a moment before his head separated from his body.
     "How? How were you able to hurt me?" the head asked.
     "Eeeeeaaahhhhh!!" Amelia screamed, her eyes bugging out of her head, her hair curling. Moments later she punted the head into orbit.
     "Nice shot Amelia," Lina said, turning back towards the other four members of the Ginyu Force, the Ragna Blade still in hand. As she approached Jaice the Ragna Blade fizzled out and she began to cough up blood.
     'Crap,' Lina cursed in her mind, 'I'm out of power and a recharge will take a while.'
     "Lina, catch!" Alex shouted, hurling a bottle of blue liquid at Lina. Lina caught it, popped the top, and chugged the contents. A moment later she felt refreshed.
     "That.... that liquid.... " Frieza stammered when he saw Lina's recharge.
     "... Is called Ether," Alex said, "it recharges magic power."
     The remaining four members of the Ginyu Force regrouped and decided an all out assault on the Slayers would be most effective, since it wouldn't be possible for any of them to use any of their big attack spells.
     "Ginyu Tornado!" Berta and Jaice shouted, flying back to back. They began to spin, pouring their energy into the attack. A purple whirlwind formed, destroying all that it touched, including tearing the ground open. Sylphiel and Zelgadis cast protection spells, which took the brunt of the attack. Yet as Berta and Jaice used their attack, Rakoom moved to the side and began his own attack.
     "Rakoom Kaboom!"
     Rakoom roared before smashing his fists into the ground, releasing a build-up of energy. The ground shook and split, throwing Zelgadis and Sylphiel from their feet, their protection spells shattering under the duel attack. The tornado struck the Slayers full force, inflicting massive amounts of pain. From the center of the storm came a single shout of an attack name.
     "Winged Angel of Death!"
     A tornado of light was belched forth from the center of the Ginyu attack, fighting against the powerful energy twister and beating it back. At the center of the tornado of light stood Alex, holding a very long samurai sword with a glowing blade. He gritted his teeth in determination to beat back the tornado and give his friends enough time to prepare their own attacks.
     "Supreme king of all monsters with the watery soul, let your tidal wave wash these evil doers from the earth," Amelia chanted, holding a piece of red materia to the air, "Leviathan!"
     A portal opened and from that a stream of water, which swirled about and eventually formed the monster king, Leviathan. Leviathan roared before a massive tidal wave crashed over the area, striking the ground based people, weakening them a little bit. Leviathan vanished a moment later.
     "A whopping two points of damage," Jaice said sarcastically, "A new record."
     "Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows...."
     "Source of all souls which dwells in the eternal and the infinite...."
     "Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows...."
     "Ever lasting flame of blue...."
     "I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand...."
     "All power hidden deep within be called forth here and now...."
     "Against the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand...."
     "Rah TILT!"
     "Dragon SLAVE!"
     Zel's and Lina's attacks struck Jaice, first burning him with blue white flames, then blasting him with a beam of dark energy. Alex cast Gravitational Collapse, trapping Jaice in a pocket of high gravity which shrank and turned him into a pancake. A moment later Jaice exploded, the shockwave wounding Berta.
     "What kind of monsters are you?" Frieza gasped, "You beat Jaice in no time flat."
     "And you managed to best the Ginyu Tornado," Berta said, nursing his wound, "nobody in the past was able to do that."
     "We," Lina said, "are called the Slayers and you are going to be nothing but dust."
     "Wha!?" How dare you!" Frieza said before leaping from his perch. He made a beeline for Lina, an energy sphere forming in his outstretched palm. "You shall die for your insolence!"
     Frieza found a fist planted in his face a moment later. From that fist came a Fireball, which hurled Frieza back into the side of the ship. Frieza looked up to see not one, but two fists where his face had seen moments earlier, one belonging to Lina, the other belonging to Alex.
     "Wha? How? How could you move so fast?!"
     "We have been training at the virtual arena," Lina said, indicating herself, Amelia, Zelgadis, and Alex.
     "We destroyed a rather large source of evil," Sylphiel said, indicating herself and Gourry.
     "And we shall strike you down with the Hammer of Justice!" Amelia said, her energy hammer forming in her hands.
     "Sylphiel, Amelia, take down Berta. Zel and Gourry, pulverize Rakoom. Alex and I will take out Ginyu," Lina said to the others.
     "We're on it," Sylphiel said as she and Amelia took to the air.
     "Good luck Lina," Gourry said as he and Zelgadis went after Rakoom.
     "Don't get hurt," Alex shouted as he and Lina charged towards Ginyu.

<music: From A to B>
     Sylphiel and Amelia levitated up to the level of the wounded Berta, who showed a little bit of fear in his red eyes.
     "What are you going to do to me ladies?" Berta hissed, "Cry to your mommies? Dress me up? Have a tea party?" Amelia and Sylphiel both burst into flames over this incredibly macho pig attitude.
     "What we're going to do... " Sylphiel said.
     "Is beat you to a pulp," Amelia finished, swinging her hammer of justice and smashing it over Berta's head. Berta plummeted towards the ground, but before he was to impact he managed to flip backwards and land on his feet. He launched himself towards Amelia, who dodged fairly easily. Sylphiel took a piece of red materia from her belt and held it to the sky.
     "Holy warrior of light, come forth and beat back the darkness. Angemon!"
     A giant angel appeared in a flash of light, charging its fist with holy energy before punching forward and releasing the energy. The beam struck Berta, smashing into his shoulder and drilling through it. Berta's arm separated from his body, dropping from the sky and landing behind Frieza. The angel vanished a moment later in another flash of light, feathers floating about where it was.
     "How dare you injure me!" Berta shouted, firing energy ball after energy ball at Amelia and Sylphiel.
     "Balas Wall!" Amelia shouted, creating a force wall which absorbed the blows, "Sylphiel, zap him with a spell!"
     "You got it Amelia," the priestess said, closing her eyes and beginning a chant, "Never underestimate the destructive forces of nature, for what is beautiful one minute can be destructive the next. I call forth the powers of thunder and lightning, wind and rain, to strike down all those who oppose me. Goddess of the sky, deliver your smiting blow...."
     As Sylphiel chanted the spell the sky above clouded over and darkened until it was as dark as twilight. The winds went from a gentle breeze to near gale force. A gentle shower began, which quickly kicked up to a driving rain. Berta looked around from the priestess, to the princess, to the storm that rumbled above. A loud crash of thunder caused him to wince, giving Sylphiel the chance to finish the spell.
     "Storm STRIKER!"
     Bolts of lightning split the sky apart, all coming together to form one giant bolt that tore a large gap in the sky as it struck Berta, zapping him with enough electricity to cause his head to explode. Berta's lifeless body plummeted to the ground a moment later. The storm ended quickly, the spell finished. Sylphiel and Amelia shook the water from their hair before flying down to lend aid to their friends, Amelia going to help Gourry and Zelgadis, Sylphiel going to help Alex and Lina.
     "Holy cow!" Rakoom exclaimed after Sylphiel and Amelia finished Berta off, "Where did they get their power?"
     "From exhaustive training and deep inside their hearts," Gourry panted, exhausted from the battle with Rakoom. He took the hilt from his sword and shouted, "Light come forth!", the sword of light forming and glowing a brilliant blue - white.
     "That's... " Rakoom began to say.
     "One of the swords of light!" Frieza exclaimed.
     "I don't care what it is, you're going down!" Rakoom said. Half a second later he launched an all out attack on Gourry, beating the swordsman to a pulp with an awesome 64 hit combo. Gourry flew through the air and into a tree a moment later, the sword of light landing in Amelia's hands.
     "Mister Gourry!" Amelia shouted.
     "Gourry!" Zelgadis shouted. He drew his sword as he turned back to Rakoom, "You shall pay for what you did to Gourry."
     "I shall do the same to you," Rakoom said, launching a physical assault on Zelgadis. Zelgadis split into six forms of himself, all shouting, "Godless!" before slashing Rakoom into submission and reforming as a single Zelgadis.
     "Where did that attack come from?" Rakoom asked, nursing six slashes to his body.
     "One I've been saving up for," Zelgadis said, a coy smile on his face, "and now for me to go on the offensive. Life Sprinkler!"
     Zel winked out, only to appear around Rakoom in four identical parts. Each part slashed Rakoom multiple times, blood spraying from every slash. The four parts slashed upward, sending Rakoom into the air. Moments later the four parts blinked out, reformed into one, and reappeared in time to slash downward, smashing Rakoom into the ground.
     "Wow, Mister Zelgadis, you're powerful," Amelia said, stunned.
     "I'll kill you yet," Rakoom said, rising to his feet, still woozy from the loss of blood an the attacks.
     "Sky Twister!" Amelia shouted, leaping into the air. As she dove at Rakoom she began to spin, creating a tornado which struck Rakoom and beat him within an inch of his life.
     "Gaav Flare!" Zelgadis shouted, hurling a blood red fireball at Rakoom. The fireball struck, finish Rakoom. Rakoom fell over a moment later, dead, a small tremor following the fall. The two turned their attention to Gourry, who was bleeding profusely from several wounds.
     "Mister Gourry," Amelia gasped when she saw how bad the wounds were.
     "Amelia," Gourry whispered, "get Frieza."
     "Mister Gourry, don't die," Amelia said, tears welling up in her eyes, "We can get Sylphiel to heal you and you'll be as good as new."
     "I'm too far gone," Gourry said, coughing up blood, "please protect Lina."
     "Don't die," Amelia said, chanting a Recovery spell to keep him from losing any more blood. As she was chanting the spell Gourry closed his eyes, his head falling to one side, devoid of life. Amelia stopped her chant at once and screamed, "Mister Gourry! NOOOOOOO!!" following with wails of anguish.
     "Damnit," Zelgadis cursed, punching the tree, "we killed Rakoom, but lost Gourry."
     Amelia stood up, wrapping her arms around Zelgadis, and sobbed into his chest. Zelgadis blushed for a moment before wrapping his arms around Amelia and holding her close. He put his chin on top of her head and said, "Everything will be fine. We'll be able to get him back. Just be strong."
     Amelia's cry of anguish drew Lina's attention from the battle with Ginyu, who was throwing punch after punch in the direction of the trio. who dodged every attack. Lina took a punch to the gut which sent her flying across the ground and onto her butt. She gasped for air, cursing herself for letting herself get distracted. Alex used a Solar Flare attack to blind Ginyu before he and Sylphiel ran to her side. It was this point when Lina looked over to see Gourry's body against the tree and Amelia sobbing into Zelgadis' chest. At that moment she knew he was dead.
     "Gourry?" Lina said, the thought running through her mind. When a connection was made she screamed, "GOURRY!"
     "Lina?" Alex said in disbelief when he felt Lina's power level growing, "Oh boy. Sylphiel, stand back."
     The priestess stepped back as Lina regained her feet, her eyes hidden by shadow. Lina took a bottle of Ether from Alex's belt and downed it before she tossed it off to one side. Her talismans glowed brilliantly, indicating she was about to cast a spell.
     "Lord of the dreams that terrify, sword of the cold and darkness, free yourself from the heaven's bonds. Unite with my strength, with my body, and let us walk the path to destruction together. Power that can smash even the souls of the Gods. Ragna BLADE!"
     The black blade of darkness reformed in Lina's hands, the power of the spell even more intense.
     "Since Gourry is down, and the one who hurt him has been destroyed, now I turn my attention to killing you," Lina said, tears in her eyes, "Prepare to die for what has transpired!"
     Lina charged at Ginyu, waving the Ragna Blade about before her, most her slashes missing their mark, but a couple of blows landed, cutting into Ginyu's armor. Ginyu formed his own energy blade and began going on the offensive, leaving Lina to fall back to defense.
     "You will never beat the captain," Ginyu snarled, slashing at Lina.
     From behind Ginyu came a chant of a spell, the voice belonging to Sylphiel. Ginyu turned his head in time to see a blinding flash of light.
     "Flare Lance!"
     The string of Flare Arrows struck Ginyu in the shoulder, breaking away part of his armor and giving him a taste of the priestess' pain. He stopped slashing at Lina, whose Ragna Blade fizzled out a moment later, before turning to Sylphiel.
     "Now DIE!" Ginyu shouted, charging at Sylphiel with his sword aimed at her midsection. He crashed face first into a force dome a moment later, his eyes crossing as he stumbled backward. Sylphiel took the sword of light from Amelia, the blade coming forth and growing in size to three times normal.
     "Prepare to pay for hurting my Gourry!" Sylphiel screamed, tears streaming down her face. Ginyu took a look at the read out on his scouter, his eyes bugging out as he saw Sylphiel's power reading. Sylphiel stepped towards Ginyu, who began stepping back as she advanced.
     "Light beyond the whitest dawn, brighter than the brightest sun. Lord of Light who shines like silver amid a sea of stars. I call upon thee and pledge my allegiance to thee. Let all the foes who stand before be be vanquished by the light of judgment..."
     As Sylphiel chanted the spell, the sword of light began to glow a brilliant silver white as more and more light energy was poured into the blade. Sylphiel leapt into the air and shouted, "GOD SLASH!", swinging the sword downward and releasing the accumulated energy in a brilliant beam of white light, which struck Ginyu and weakened him.
     "What the heck!?" Ginyu exclaimed, stumbling back, a large portion of his armor destroyed, "How can you wield such great power?"
     "In case you haven't noticed," Alex said, appearing before Ginyu and delivering a sharp, energy charged punch to his face which sent him sprawling, "We're sorcerers and sorceresses."
     "That's right," Lina said, punching Ginyu in the gut before firing off a Fireball into his stomach. Ginyu sailed through the air and into the side of the craft.
     "And we're going to defeat you," Amelia said, appearing over Ginyu, "Bomb Spread!"
     A large rondo of fireballs fired from Amelia's hands, all striking Ginyu with the force of a Burst Flare apiece. When the smoke cleared Ginyu pitched forward and collapsed, falling flat on his face, his life energy exhausted. Amelia gave a victory sign to the others.
     "How were you able to defeat my Ginyu Force?!" Frieza asked as Lina, Alex, Zelgadis, and Amelia moved into battle positions around him.
     "Like we said before," Zelgadis said, "we've been in training."
     From behind them came a chant of a spell a Sylphiel poured her energies into a Resurrection spell.
     "Humble, blessed will of God, life and breath of mother earth. I pray thee, come before us, show your great compassion unto this person and deliver him back to us. RESURRECTION!"
     White light poured from Sylphiel's wand, wrapping around Gourry and restoring life to the bruised and battered body. A moment later Gourry opened his eyes, gasping and coughing for air. Sylphiel's eyes lit up when she saw that Gourry was once again among the world of the living. She hugged him for a moment before casting a dome of protection around him. She then ran to join the others.
     "Ok Miss Lina, let's kick this jerk's butt!" Sylphiel said, her face taking on a look for battle.
     "Prepare to die!" Frieza said, launching himself towards the group. The five scattered, Zelgadis fighting with Frieza first. They sparred for a few minutes before the galactic evil punched Zel in the gut, sending the chimera down and gasping for air.
     "Mister Zelgadis!" Amelia shouted before turning her attention to Frieza. Energy gathered around her fists, forming ghostly boxing gloves, which she used against Frieza. Amelia managed to land a few good punches before Frieza utilized a tail whip attack, smacking her in the head and smashing her into the ground. Frieza floated down and wrapped his tail about Amelia's neck, dragging her from the crater and holding her in the air.
     "And up," he said, waving his tail up so Amelia whipped upward. "Down girl!" he shouted, smashing the princess into the ground. "And again!" he shouted, repeating the process a couple more times before tossing Amelia off to the side. "Who's next?!"
     "I guess I'm next," Alex said, drawing the samurai sword again, the blade glowing with energy, "Winged Angel of Death!"
     Alex held the blade above his head before slashing downward and waving the blade to the side, creating a gust of wind which quickly formed a tornado of light and wind. Frieza battled against this attack, eventually hurling a fireball into it in an effort to counteract the attack. A moment later the fireball detonated, breaking down the attack and knocking the sword from Alex's hands. In the blink of an eye Alex and Frieza were going head to head, face to face, fist to fist. They switched from offense to defense and back several times as they sparred, each punch countered or blocked. They eventually split and launched beam attacks towards one another, the beams meeting in the center in an even match. After several moments Frieza's beam over powered Alex's and engulfed him. Alex shouted in pain as the energy flowed over him, his mind reeling. He gathered the remainder of his magic power and began to chant a familiar spell.
     "Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows. Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows. I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand against the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand. Dragon SLAVE!"
     There was an explosion at the point in Frieza's beam where Alex stood. From this came a beam of dark energy which broke through Frieza's beam and drove it back, much to Frieza's shock and horror. The dark beam reached Frieza's hands and exploded, burning Frieza's palms. When the smoke cleared Alex fell to the ground, somewhat conscious and severely drained of energy, blood oozing from his nose and mouth.
     "Mister Alex!" Sylphiel shrieked, running to the young warrior. Alex sat up, leaning on his shoulder, and coughed up a wad of blood, which splattered to the ground at Sylphiel's feet.
     "You're hurt," Sylphiel said, "Let me heal you."
     "Save your energy," Alex said, "I'll be fine in a bit. Go, fight Frieza."
     Alex lay back a moment later, falling into a deep slumber. Sylphiel set up a protection spell around Alex, but not before she took his Star Sword. She looked from the Star Sword to Gourry's sword of light and decided both weapons would be needed. She strode across the battle field, her hair billowing in the wind behind her, her heart set on the goal at hand - the death of Frieza.
     Meanwhile Frieza and Lina were locked in battle. The duo were in the same kind of standoff match which Frieza and Alex had been in before. Lina eventually gained the upper hand, delivering a kick to Frieza's groin, causing him to turn blue in the face and crumple up. Lina followed up with a 12 hit combo which ended with Frieza being smashed into the ground. Lina floated down and stood on Frieza's back, casting a spell.
     "Supreme king of the frozen soul, grant me the power of your icy rage. Dynast Breath!"
     A wave of ice flowed over the area, freezing Frieza in the crater and holding him. Sylphiel joined Lina a moment later and gave her one of the swords of light, which Lina took and charged with an Elmekia Lance. She then plunged the sword into the icy mound, a scream issuing from the frozen occupant. A rather large explosion issued a moment later, hurling Lina and Sylphiel through the air. The pair managed to land on their feet, each holding a blade of light before them. Frieza levitated from the hole in the ground, blood issuing from the gash in his left leg and where his tail ended in a stump.
     "You will both die!" he screamed, hurling a barrage of fireballs towards the pair. Lina cast her own protection spell utilizing the sword of light, which deflected the blasts off to the sides.
     "I tire of this battle Frieza," Lina said, the wind blowing her cape and hair about.
     "As do I," Sylphiel said, the wind blowing about her hair.
     "Us also," Zelgadis said from the other side of Frieza, indicating himself and Amelia.
     "I as well," Alex said, the samurai sword back in hand.
     "Then I shall kill all of you!" Frieza said, hurling blast after blast at people. Each blast was deflected by a mirror spell, which sent the blasts harmlessly into the air. Amelia and Zelgadis both cast Flow Break, locking Frieza in a mystical prison. Alex, Lina, and Sylphiel all held their blades of light before them, their talismans glowing, the blades glowing silver white. They spoke the incantation as one.
     "Light beyond the whitest dawn, brighter than the brightest sun. Lord of Light who shines like silver amid a sea of stars. I call upon thee and pledge my allegiance to thee. Let all the foes who stand before us be punished by the light of judgment..."
     The three leapt into the air, the swords above their heads. They shouted, "GOD SLASH!" before swinging downward, releasing the energy as beams of light which broke down the Flow Break and struck Frieza, engulfing him in purifying energy. An explosion ensued, blowing dirt and debris in a massive shockwave, which threatened to blow them away. Once the wave passed the five magic users regrouped and proceeded to see if Frieza was dead.
     "Did we get him?" Amelia asked as they approached the blast crater.
     "I don't know," Lina said as the last of the dust blew away from the crater.
     "No," Zelgadis gasped when he glimpsed a figure amid the dust cloud, "How could he survive a triple God Slash?!"
     "It's simple," Frieza's voice responded, "I'm far more powerful than you thought. There is no chance for you to win."
     "I don't think so," Alex said, interjecting with a waving finger, "according to my calculations you're really hurting after that attack, and getting weaker by the minute."
     "I won't give you a chance to attack me again," Frieza shouted, forming an energy ball which increased in size with every grunt until it was large enough to possibly blow the planet to pieces.
     "Oh crap!" Lina exclaimed when she saw the energy ball, "We're toast!"
     "Not if we can detonate that on top of him," Sylphiel said, holding the sword of light so the blade was in her palm, the light being consumed by darkness.
     "We might as well give it our all," Alex said, his chaos emeralds glowing as he boosted his power. He held the glowing blade before his body, the light being consumed by dark energy.
     "But you said not to use that spell any more," Lina said in disbelief, "you even engineered a spell that was safer to cast and was the opposite of that spell."
     "And that didn't work worth crap," Alex said, "the planet, even the universe, is at stake here."
     "If you put it that way," Lina said, charging up her talismans. The sword of light in her hands quickly absorbed dark energy. The three then began their chant.
     "Darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night. King of Darkness who shines like gold upon the sea of chaos. I call upon thee and swear myself to thee. Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess! Sword, accept this darkness and obey my command..."
     "That spell!" Frieza exclaimed, shuddering when he saw the amount of dark energy the three were absorbing, "What does it mean?!"
     "Your downfall," Amelia said, chanting a spell under her breath, "Rah TILT!"
     Blue white flames erupted around Frieza, engulfing him. The energy ball above began to shrink in size as much of Frieza's remaining life energy was drained.
     "Keep it up Amelia," Zelgadis said, drawing his own sword and charging it with dark energy. He chanted the incantation for the ultimate black magic spell, finishing just before the command words that would release the accumulation of dark energy were spoken.
     "Frieza, enemy to all who live and breathe in the universe, prepare to accept your punishment," Lina shouted, raising her sword above her head.
     "You fool!" Frieza said, breaking free of the Rah Tilt, "I'll kill all of you and destroy your puny planet!"
     "Now to see who the fool really is," Sylphiel said as she and the other three prepared to finish the spell. Four people shouted, "GIGA SLAVE!!" releasing the accumulations of dark energy, which raced across the ground, tearing it up as it arced upwards, passing Frieza on four sides and striking the energy ball. A massive explosion ensued, blinding everyone for miles around with the brilliant flash. The resulting shockwave broke windows, knocked down trees, and hurled objects for miles around. Once the light died down and the shockwave passed people began picking up the pieces.
     At ground zero of the blast a thick dust cloud existed, which slowly settled on the surrounding countryside. From beneath a large pile of dust came Amelia, coughing and gasping for air. From a nearby mound came Alex, also coughing. Next came Lina and Sylphiel, who were protected by Sylphiel's force dome. Zelgadis had erected a Wind Barrier when the blast occurred, shielding him from the blast, and he emerged from beneath a large mountain of debris. The five turned to where Gourry was sealed inside Sylphiel's protection spell, and saw that the swordsman was asleep.
     "Did we get him this time?" Amelia asked.
     "I think we did," Alex said, scanning the area with his visor. A moment later he deactivated it. "I can't pick up his life signs anywhere."
     "Well, we proved that we're the strongest people in the universe," Lina said, yawning and stretching, "and now I'm hungry."
     "Oh brother," Zelgadis sighed, "do you ever stop eating?"
     "Hey! Can I help it if fighting to save the planet makes me hungry!?"
     "I'm hungry as well," Alex said, his stomach rumbling loud enough to shake the surrounding countryside.
     "Me too," Amelia said, "I could eat a horse."
     "I'm also starving," Sylphiel said, "Let's go find an all you can eat buffet somewhere."
     "What are we going to do about Mister Gourry?" Amelia asked.
     "We can leave him here to sleep," Lina said, "he can find his way home and we can save him something to eat."
     The five wandered off towards town, pleased that they had made the universe a safer place for all people and also proven their strength in the face of danger. but at what prices was the defeat of Frieza obtained? They almost lost Gourry, the ultimate white magic attack spell didn't work, and they had to utilize a quadruple magically enhanced Giga Slave to defeat Frieza, which could have dire consequences if used again.
     "Hey narrator, can we go and eat all ready!?" Lina shouted into the air.
     "Yeah," Alex shouted, "I'm starving. I want something big, hot, and tasty!"
     <Oh, all right all ready.>
     The group, minus Gourry, who was asleep, went to the local International Hut of Pizza and gorged themselves on the all you can eat buffet. As Lina downed her twelfth slice of pizza her cel - phone rang. She took it from her cape and answered the call.
     "Yo, Lina here." a moment later a familiar laugh echoed from the phone and through the air. Alex's hair stood on end when he heard the laugh. "Naga, what is it?" Lina asked.
     "Lina, Fam and Ihrie and I have great news. The supermarket has been repaired, everyone says hello, and the three of us got jobs there."
     "That's good Naga," Lina sighed, making a face that Amelia giggled at when she saw it.
     "What's better," Naga continued, "is that all of us don't have to wear those ugly green shirts any more. Now we're all more.... professionally dressed. I'm even wearing a nice skirt and blouse. Fam and Ihrie also look rather well in their work clothes. We'll send you pictures soon. Alex, Kelley says hi, she misses you, and she'll visit you soon."
     "Thanks for the update Naga," Alex said, "tell Kelley I'm looking forward to her visit.
     "Will do," Naga said, "the apartment is still in immaculate condition. We've managed to keep it clean and disaster free. Fam is an excellent cook and Ihrie makes a mean omelet and some fantastic pancakes. We've been practicing our magic in the woods near here and all of us are improving, especially Fam."
     "Hi big sister," Amelia exclaimed.
     "Hey Amelia. Anywho, the three of us are off to meet some people from work to go see a movie."
     "Cool. Look, I gotta go as well Naga. I'll talk to you later."
     "Ok Lina. I'll catch you on the flip side. Buh-bye."
     Once the call ended, Lina put her cel - phone away and went back to eating, secure in knowing that Naga, Fam, and Ihrie were doing well, that the store got rid of its icky dress code, and that her friends were getting stronger. Alex was pleased that one of his friends from home would be visiting soon. All were secure in knowing they had saved the universe from evil.

To Be Continued....