Episode 30:
'Death and Rebirth: Chapter 1'

    "Guardian Orion, make my shot find its mark!!"
     A bolt of lightning flew through the air and struck Alex's arrow, enfusing it with energy.  He aimed the arrow at the creature's center and released, sending the shaft of death flying.  The arrow struck the creature dead center, the energy releasing and igniting.  There was an explosion and the creature increased in size by 1000%.
     "This sucks!!"  Alex said.
     "Hey, that's my line!"  Asuka whined.
     "We're definitely in trouble!"  Sailor Mars shouted, "Not even my fireballs can defeat that thing!"
     "And my thunderbolts are only making it more powerful,"  Sailor Jupiter said.
     "My crescent beam just reflects off of it,"  Sailor Venus said.
     "My locket,"  Serena whined, "my locket.... it's broken.  I... I can't transform into Sailor Moon any more."
     "We... have bigger problems,"  Warrior Night shouted, "no pun intended."
     "Where are the other children?"  Ritsuko asked.
     "No idea,"  Adderson said, "Asuka was the only one who came when we called."
     "What about Derek?"  Misato asked.
     "If I know him, he's planning something spectacular to make his appearance,"  Alex said, firing off another barrage of energy charged arrows.  The arrows didn't even dent the large creature.
     "Alex, do you read me?"  Derek asked, his voice distorted by the communicator.
     "Yeah, we read you Pluto.  What's you status?"
     "My status is critical.  I was ambushed by another angel and this one isn't letting me get a word in edge wise!"
     "Derek, try the progressive blades on the wrists of your Eva,"  Misato said, grabbing Alex's arm and whipping it backwards.  Alex winced from the pain until Misato saw what she was doing to the ninth child and released the pressure.
     "Progressive blades?"
     "Oy la bamba,"  Alex sighed, "those blades on the wrists are part of the progressive weapons system.  Unit 02 has a progressive saber, 01 has the progressive knife, 09 has the progressive swords, and 07 has the progressive axe."
     "How do I utilize these things?"
     "He doesn't know about the weapon systems yet,"  Ritsuko said to herself.
     "Ritsuko, if you have something to say, now would be a good time to say it,"  Darren said, "this angel is really starting to bug me!  Galaxia Gun...."
     Before Darren could collect enough energy to release the attack, the creature they were fighting released an energy beam which disintegrated Darren to atoms in a matter of seconds.  Darren's gauntlet clanged to the ground, some of the jewels shattering as it fell.  Neo - Sailor Jupiter looked up from where Neo - Sailor Mars lay and wailed, "Darren! NOOOOOO!!!!"
     "Lizz,"  Alex shouted, "Don't do anything rash!"
     "Do anything rash!?"  Lizz said, tears streaming down her face, "That... thing just disintegrated one of my dearest friends and I'm not going to stand for it!"
     The antenna in her tiara rose and immediately began to electrify.  She released one last wail, which sounded more like a battle cry, before charging at the creature, her tiara collecting electricity as she ran.  By the time she reached the creature she was literally glowing with electricity, the energy forming a sort of ghostly aura about her.  She leapt into the air and onto the creature's head, where she discharged the energy with enough force to create an expanding pillar of thunder.  When the smoke cleared they could see the creature was stunned, but no sign of Lizz.  They looked towards the monster's feet, where they saw her tiara, the antenna bent and the jewel cracked.  Alex gasped in shock, the memories of two of his best friends flashing through his mind.  His eyes began to glow red.
     Asuka noticed this and wrapped her arms around his chest, since she knew what followed next.  A violet light engulfed Alex and Asuka.  Alex crossed his arms in front of his chest and arched his back before throwing his arms to the sides.  He and Asuka then levitated, the light expanding and solidifying into Unit 09.  The Eva roared, sending chills up and down everyone's spines.
     "Oh no,"  Ritsuko exclaimed, "Unit 09 has gone rogue!"
     "No it hasn't,"  Asuka said over the PA, "Alex is in complete control of Unit 09, but he's totally pissed since two of his friends have died trying to defeat this creature."
     "What is she doing?!"  Misato exclaimed, "Asuka, get out of there!!  It's dangerous!"
     "She's ignoring you,"  Sailor Mercury said.
     "I know,"  Misato sighed, "but I wish she wouldn't do things like that."
     "Asuka is a smart girl.  She knows what has to be done."

     Inside Unit 09 Alex's eyes continued to glow red.  He clenched his teeth and blew steam from his nostrils.  He wasn't aware of Asuka being with him until he heard her reply over the PA system, then he turned around to face her.
     "What are you doing here?!"  he exclaimed, his eyes returning to their normal color.
     "You promised me a ride in Unit 09 some day, and I chose today to take you up on it,"  Asuka said, smiling.  Just then something struck the Eva, sending it crashing to the ground.  Alex whipped around in time to see the creature's claws tearing into the chest of Unit 09.  He gritted his teeth in pain and reached for the progressive sword.  Unfortunately the monster utilized a pair of razor sharp tentacles to snap the arms off of Unit 09, leaving it more or less defenseless.
     "This sucks!!"  Asuka said, holding on for dear life.
     "For once I agree with you,"  Alex said, grasping hold of the controls and flipping up the hidden catches on the handles, "what say we give this thing some heartburn it won't soon forget?!"

     The group on the ground saw puffs of smoke coming from the shoulders of Unit 09.
     "What's happening? What is he doing?"  Ritsuko asked.
     "He's utilized the rocket launchers,"  Jason said, "Alex always thinks of a backup plan."
     "I think his backup plan has hit a bit of a snag,"  Misato said, "Look!"
     Everyone looked to see the creature wrapping the tentacles around the rocket launchers.  With a sickening CRACK the rocket launchers broke loose, exposing vital electronics and leaving the Eva more or less defenseless.
     "They're doomed!"  Mike exclaimed.
     "And there is nothing we can do,"  Rachel said.

     "Damnit!!"  Alex cursed, "Where's Adderson, Rei, Touji, and Shinji when I really need them!"
     "Why are you asking me!?"  Asuka inquired, nursing a bump on her head.
     The creature assimilated the rocket launchers and aimed them at Unit 09's chest.  Alex and Asuka looked at one another before making the mutual decision to eject the entry plug.  They each put a hand on the lever and pulled, praying they would get away.  At the same time Alex set the self destruct sequence for Unit 09.
     "Good-bye my Unit 09,"  Alex said, "may your soul dance in eternal sunlight."
     They pulled the lever and waited, and waited, and waited.  They felt the entry plug shake as it tried to break free, yet there seemed to be a problem.  It was a matter of seconds before they realized the error.
     "WE'RE ON OUR BACK!!!"  they exclaimed simultaneously.
     "We need to get on our stomach or at least on our side,"  Alex said, frantically trying to flip Unit 09 over.
     "Do something!!"  Asuka exclaimed, panicking, "I'm too young to die!"
     "What do you think I'm doing?  The funky chicken?!"  Alex said sarcastically, "C'mon baby, turn over for daddy.  Turn over, turn over, turn over!"
     'Turn over, turn over, turn over!'  Asuka thought to herself.

     "What's happening?"  Shinji asked as he, Touji, and Rei showed up on the scene.
     "Asuka and Alex are trapped in Unit 09,"  Jason said, "And the self destruct sequence has been activated and is past the fail safe point."
     "This is my fault,"  Adderson said, bowing his head.  A single tear fell to the ground, "If Alex dies I'll never forgive myself."
     "What about Derek and Drew?"  Shinji asked, obviously looking for a ray of hope.
     "Derek's trapped by another angel, and we haven't heard from him for at least five minutes, so I think we should assume he's dead,"  Dennis said, "and Drew hasn't shown up yet so I don't know what's up with him."
     Just then sparkles filled the air near the creature who was pinning down Unit 09.  From the sparkles stepped Warriors Mars, Mercury, Draco, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, and Jupiter.  These seven leapt into the air and utilized a combined attack to free Unit 09 long enough for it to roll over onto its side and eject the entry plug.  Once the entry plug was ejected the seven tried to teleport away, but the creature released the same beam it used on Darren, vaporizing Dave, Ryan, James, and Tony.  Joss, Steve, and John managed to teleport to join the main group.
     "What was that all about?"  Joss asked.
     "That thing vaporized Darren,"  Josh said, breaking the news to the others, "this is all that remains of Darren Wilder," he continued, handing them the beat up gauntlet.  As Steve took it one of the jewels shattered.
     "You have to be kidding me,"  Steve said, chuckling, "this is a joke, right?"  A sea of shaking heads told him it wasn't a joke.
     "You mean Darren is really gone?"  John asked.
     "Yup,"  Jack said, "as well as Lizz, Dave, Ryan, James, Tony, and who knows who else."
     "We have to destroy these angels,"  Touji said, "Misato, Ritsuko, where are the Evangelions?"
     "Units 01 and 03 are the only ones which still function,"  Ritsuko said, "Units 02 and 00 took the brunt of the attacks."
     "Attacks?"  Rei asked.
     "Yes, attacks,"  Misato said, "these angels came out of nowhere... there was no warning..."
     "We were almost finished prepping Units 02 and 00 for a training run when from out of the blue the first angel appeared... the one that Derek was battling.  He summoned Unit 08 to battle the angel after it tore Unit 02's head clear off of its shoulders.  The minute he left that creature appeared, except it was much smaller and being chased by the Sailor Senshi.  The creature spewed a massive was of acid right down the tube where the entry plug is injected and ate Unit 00 from the inside out.  The warriors showed up shortly after and a battle ensued.  During the first wave of attacks many of the Sailor Senshi were injured, some seriously, and...."  Misato sobbed, tears falling from her eyes like rain, "Sailors Saturn and Uranus, Neo - Sailors Venus and Moon fatally wounded.  This is the worst disaster since Second Impact."
     As Misato was sobbing, a form clad in violet armor was making his way across the battle field.  Draped over one shoulder was a smaller, female figure clad in a sky blue sun dress.  Both were in pretty bad shape, but alive none the less.  Steve, Joss, and John ran to Alex's aid and helped him and Asuka into the small bunker where everyone was gathering.
     "How are you doing?"  Steve asked as Alex and Asuka were lowered into the bunker.
     "I feel like there are 100 tap dancing elephants in my head,"  Alex said, chuckling and wincing from the pain in his head.
     "Just peachy,"  Asuka said sarcastically.
     "How much longer until Unit 09 self destructs?  Ritsuko asked.
     "Give it another five seconds,"  Alex said, "four... three..."
     Unit 09 took that moment to explode, engulfing the creature in an expanding shockwave of energy.  The missiles the creature had assimilated also detonated, destroying the creature in a brilliant array of fireworks.  Alex grinned to himself at his work and passed out from the shock.  Asuka sighed and began to cry to herself.  Everyone else was stunned by the day's events.  But the hardest was yet to come.
     "All right,"  Ritsuko shouted, taking control of the situation, "the first angel has been annihilated.  That leaves the one that Warrior Pluto was battling."
     "We should consider it armed and dangerous,"  Alex coughed, "no pun intended."
     "If that thing managed to get its hands on the progressive blades of Unit 08..."  Misato started to say.
     "Let's not even consider the trouble it may cause,"  Adderson said, charging up to summon Unit 07, "Alex, are you going to be ok?"
     "Yeah, I'm fine,"  Alex sighed, a tear rolling down his face, "I just hope Derek managed to hold off and hold on to life."
     "Don't worry,"  Asuka said in her no - nonsense attitude, "the eighth child can handle himself just as well as any of us.  He's probably just playing dead so the angel will stop attacking."
     "That's one thing to look forward to,"  Touji said, "all right Asuka, you're with me.  Shinji and Rei are together in Unit 01."
     "I'm going in Unit 07 with Adderson,"  Alex said, wrapping his arms around Adderson's chest.
     "Are you sure that's wise?"  Misato asked, putting a hand on Alex's shoulder, "You've been through a lot today."
     "I'm not about to abandon my best friend when he needs me,"  Alex said, tears welling up in his eyes, "besides, I want to teach that angel you don't mess with the warriors and senshi.  Adderson, take us up!"
     A light of black and gold surrounded Alex and Adderson.  They levitated, the light solidifying into Unit 07.  Unit 07 took its progressive axe from its thigh and powered it up to a mighty battle axe.  From beneath the streets came Unit 01 and 03.  The three Eva's seemed to look at one another, nod heads, and take off at a high speed, leaving everyone else in a cloud of dust.  From down the street a loud honking could be heard.  Everyone whipped around to see Alex's and derek's friend, Andy Rollins, driving Alex's mustang.  He pulled up before the group and said, "Anyone need a lift?"
     The response was alarming, for almost everyone tried to pile in.  Those who couldn't fit in the mustang opted for Darren's ferrari and Ryan's pickup.  The three vehicles followed the Evas to the next battle site and the damaged Unit 08.

     "Do you see anything?  Alex asked Shinji and Touji.
     "Nothing yet,"  Shinji reported in.
     "Everything appears nominal,"  Rei chimed in in her own monotone way.
     "Nothing on my screens,"  Touji said.
     "This is a total snore,"  Asuka sighted.
     "Asuka, might I remind you some of us are under a great deal of stress since these angels took a great toll on the senshi and warriors,"  Rei said.
     "Sheesh, take me on a guilt trip why don't ya, Wonder Girl!"  Asuka sneered.
     "Asuka, Rei, don't make me have to break you up,"  Adderson said, turning his Eva about and tapping the axe in the palm of his left hand.  Asuka and Rei got the point, as did Shinji and Touji.  They then resumed the search.
     After some digging and tripping they came upon the ruins of Unit 08.  The mangled wreckage lay here and there, the progressive blades missing, the forearms torn away from the Eva.  The chest lay in pieces here and there, and did the great hulking shoulders.  A short distance from the wreckage they found the mangled remains of the entry plug.
     "I think I'm going to be sick,"  Alex said, covering his mouth with his right hand.
     "Beginning life sign scan,"  Rei said, "scanning... nothing on infrared... nothing on heat scan... nothing on heart beat monitor..."
     "Nothing on visual,"  Shinji said, 'What kind of an angel can cause so much damage??'
     "I swear I'm going to be sick,"  Alex moaned.
     "I think I'm going to hurl as well,"  Asuka gasped.  Just then the radio came to life.
     "Alex... this is Derek...."
     "Derek!!"  Alex exclaimed, "Where are you?"
     "That's not important, my friend.  I'm too far gone to be worth saving.  What... you must know... is the angel has the progressive blades..."
     "I know.  We all know."
     "The angel vanished and then reappeared out of nowhere and pretty much tore the crap out of Unit 08.  When I ejected it crushed the entry plug and more or less got me good."
     "We can get you help,"  Adderson said over the radio, "Where are you?"
     "You'll see in a moment.  Good-bye my friends."
     From the woods in front of them came an explosion of light and energy.  Alex screamed, "DEREK!! NOOOOO!!"  He then broke down in sobs.  "Noooo!"
     "Alex... I..."  Asuka stammered, "I don't know what to say."
     "We must find the angel in a hurry,"  Rei said.
     "Yes, we must,"  Alex growled, "Shinji, do you know the location?"
     "Checking scanners,"  Shinji said, "it's over the mountain, in a small lake."
     "I swear,"  Alex growled, tears welling up in his eyes, "Those angels are going to pay!!"
     "Alex?"  Adderson asked, turning his head, "Are you ok?"
     "They'll pay!"  Alex snarled, his eyes glowing red.  He then teleported outside.  A light of violet and blood red surrounded him, expanding and forming and Evangelion unit of violet, blood red, gold, and black.  It still had a demon - like face, but sharper teeth than Unit 01's.  On its back was a twin scabbard with twin progressive swords, on its thigh an axe like Unit 07's.  In its hand rested a large spear or sorts.
     "It's Unit 11!"  Asuka shouted, deafening Touji in one ear.
     "No way!"  Touji and Shinji exclaimed.
     "This may be the beginning of the end,"  Rei said cryptically.
     "Let's move out!!"  Adderson said, "Evangelions, check in!"
     "Unit 01 go!"
     "Unit 03 go also!"
     "Unit 07 go as well!"
     "As is Unit 11!"
     "Evangelions, move out!!"
     The four Evangelion units hiked up the mountain and in a matter of moments they were overlooking the lake.  As they took in the view Alex and Adderson began to pick up on bad vibes.  The angel seemed to materialize out of thin air, attacking quick and to the point.  Within the first thirty seconds Units 01 and 03 sustained moderate damage while Units 07 and 11 sustained minor scratches from the progressive blades the angel had stolen from Unit 08.  After the initial thirty seconds the four Evangelion units surrounded the angel, keeping a distance of at least 50 meters each, as to avoid further damage and keep out of each other's way.
     "This sucks!"  Asuka exclaimed as Unit 03 dodged a punch, "Touji, what kind of weapon systems is Unit 03 equipped with?"
     "I don't know,"  Touji stammered, "I've only been working on synch tests lately.  I haven't had any combat training or experience."
     "That's just peachy,"  Asuka whined, "I'm too young and cute to die!"
     "Calm down Asuka,"  Rei's gentle voice interrupted, "Touji, if I'm not mistaken, Unit 03 is like Unit 02..."
     "Which is my Eva,"  Asuka said, a cheerful tone in her voice, "thanks Wonder Girl."
     Rei's image appeared on the screen to the side, a smile on her face.  'Wow, Wonder Girl smiled,'  Asuka thought to herself.  Touji then turned around to say something, but ended up with a face full of Asuka's breasts.  Asuka shrieked, "You PERVERT!!!"  and decked him.  Touji went down for the count, leaving Unit 03 pilotless.
     "Oh my god,"  Asuka gasped, grasping hold of Touji's shoulders and shaking him, "Touji, wake up.  Wake up Touji.  Damnit!"  she swore, punching the comm button, "Guys, Unit 03 is out of action until Touji wakes up."
     "Nice time for him to take a nap,"  Shinji sighed, Unit 01 dodging more punches and standing in front of Unit 03, his AT Field to max.  The punches bounced off the AT Field, enraging the angel.
     "He looks pissed!"  Asuka shrieked, pushing Touji to one side and taking control of Unit 03.  The magnificent Evangelion drew its own progressive saber and leapt into the air.  Unit 03 then slashed downward, aiming for the angel's core.  One arm came up and deflected the attack with one progressive blade while utilizing the blades on the other arm to carve a deep gouge in the stomach of Unit 03.  Asuka screamed in pain and Unit 03 went down for the count.
     "Shinji, cover us,"  Alex called when he saw Unit 03 go down, "Adderson, prepare to eject your entry plug."
     "What do you have in mind?"  Adderson asked as Unit 07 kneeled down next to Unit 03.
     "You take Touji, I'll take Asuka,"  Alex said as Unit 11 tore open the back of Unit 03 and ejected the entry plug.  Once Unit 11 set the plug down and opened the hatch it too knelt down next to Unit 03.  The entry plugs of Units 07 and 11 simultaneously ejected, the hatches opening and the pilots shouting for Asuka and Touji to get inside.
     "I'm gonna need some help here,"  Asuka grunted as she lifted Touji's unconscious form from the cockpit.
     "Leave me,"  Touji moaned, awakening and wincing from the massive headache he received, "What hit me?"
     "Never mind that,"  Asuka sighed, "Just hang in there.  You're going for a ride in Unit 07, and I'm riding in Unit 11."
     Asuka helped Touji into Unit 07's entry plug.  Once he was in and secure the entry plug retracted Unit 07 regained its feet.  Asuka then ran to Unit 11, climbed into the entry plug as fast as she could, and secured herself before the entry plug retracted.  The minute Unit 11 regained its feet it drew its progressive sword and charged at the angel, roaring in such a way that the hair on the back of everyone's necks stood on end.
     "What's going on with Unit 11?"  Shinji asked.
     "It's gone rogue!!"  Alex and Asuka exclaimed, "GET US OUT OF HERE!!!"
     Unit 07 stepped in the path of the rogue Eva in hopes of slowing it down.  Unfortunately Unit 11 had other ideas, for it leapt into the air, the sword above its head and charged with energy.  Unit 11 slashed downward, meeting with the same progressive blade that took out Unit 03 and tearing through the alloy and the angel's arm.  The arm dropped to the ground, blue blood spraying everywhere.
     "All right!!"  everyone cheered.
     "We succeeded in taking out one arm,"  Adderson said, "Let's see about the other."
     Unit 07 drew its progressive axe and energized it, turning it into the mighty battle axe.  It spun the axe around and hurled it at the angel.  Though the angel dodged the first pass, the blade acted as a boomerang and succeeded in severing the arm on the second pass.  Unit 07 then caught the axe and returned the blade to its thigh.
     "That takes care of both arms,"  Shinji said as Unit 01 activated its progressive knife.  The minute the knife was dispatched everyone sensed trouble.

     "The angel is regenerating!"  Ritsuko shouted.  Misato, who was in the process of drinking a cola promptly spat the soda all over the ground, "WHAT?!?!"
     "The angel's regeneration is resulting in increased strength and agility,"  Tod shouted from a terminal.
     "This is not good,"  Ami said, "the arms are reforming."
     "We know that,"  six voices shouted, "WHERE THE HELL IS UNIT 10?!"
     "Don't worry about Drew,"  Matt said, "if he gets there he gets there."
     "The arms just finished reforming,"  Rei Ayanami said in her crystal calm tone, "and it appears to be a little bit pissed."
     "Holy crap!!"  Shinji shouted, "What is it...."
     The transmission died before he could finish his sentence.

     The angel took hold of Unit 03's lifeless body and hurled it through the air.  The body slammed head long into Unit 01, ripping one arm clear off the body and throwing Shinji and Rei for a loop.  Units 07 and 11 circled around the angel, each with weapons drawn and energized.  Unit 07 threw its progressive axe at the angel, but the angel dodged, the axe slamming into Unit 11's leg and cutting into some important electronics.  Unit 11 went into a crouch, leaning on the progressive sword in an attempt to remain upright.
     "This sucks!"  Asuka said, noting the look of determination on Alex's face.
     "You don't think I'm aware of that?"  Alex said, gritting his teeth in concentration, "Get up, get up, get up!"
     'Get up, get up, get up,'  Asuka thought to herself.  Somehow the Eva sensed her thoughts along with Alex's command and stood up, leaning on the progressive sword for balance.  Unit 11 took the axe from its leg and tossed it aside.  There was a flash of light from the wound and Unit 11 healed itself.  It then took the sword from the ground and held it before its body, blade to the sky.  The sword glowed with energy, light waves emitting from the blade.

     "What is Unit 11 doing?"  Ritsuko asked, peering through spy glasses.
     "Probably going to vanquish the angel,"  Misato said, sighing and taking a swig of iced coffee.
     "But what is it doing to the sword?"
     Misato sprang from her seat and grabbed the spy glasses from Ritsuko and peered through them.  When she saw what Unit 11 was doing she spat her coffee all over the table.  She then exclaimed, "What the hell is Unit 11 made of and how can it possibly energize its weapons with energy?"
     "It's pretty simple,"  Jess said from where she lay, "Alex is a Warrior, and his armor has magical properties, therefore his Eva would possess the same type of capabilities."
     "So, what you're saying is that thing could take out that angel, even if it has its AT Field up?"  Misato asked.
     "Yeah,"  Rachel said from where she was examining the gauntlets of the fallen Warriors, "we've seen Alex take out entire battalions with a single attack."
     'I just hope he has the power to do it,'  Misato thought.

     "EAT THIS!!"  Asuka and Alex shouted as Unit 11 leapt into the air, the progressive sword above its head.  The sword glowed with an aura of energy, rays of light cutting into the darkness around the angel.  Unit 11 arced the sword, successfully slashing through the AT Field and slicing the angel in half.  Rays of light shot from the cut and the angel exploded in a massive mushroom cloud and brilliant flash of light.  From the explosion stepped Units 01, 07, and 11, each with some battle damage of one sort or another.  The Evangelion Units marched towards the remains of NERV branch 3, each carrying its respective weapon.  Unit 01 carried the lifeless Unit 03 and its severed arm.
     "They're back!"  Jubilee shouted, running into the tent to alert the others to the return of the heroes.
     "What's the damage?"  Ritsuko asked, sighing deeply as she thought of the possible causalities and the destruction of the Evas.
     "Unit 01 is missing an arm, Unit 03 has deep slashes and is being carried on Unit 01's good shoulder.  Unit 07 and 11 have minimal damage, if any at all.  From what I've heard from Rich and Dan, everyone's a little shaken up, but all in one piece.
     "Brace for landing!"  Dan shouted, throwing himself over one of the cots where the injured sailor soldiers were resting.
     From outside the tent there was a resounding CRASH, which shook the ground like a 6.5 quake, throwing everyone into disarray.  Those who looked outside saw Unit 01 on its side with Unit 03 on top of it.  Units 07 and 11 were in crouching positions, the backs opening up and the entry plugs ejecting.  From the entry plugs came Asuka, Alex, Adderson, and Touji.  The four walked over to the tent and ducked before entering.
     "So, how was your battle?"  Misato asked, taking a four pack of cola from the refrigerator and tossing a can to each person.
     "It sucked,"  Asuka said, popping the top of her can.  She took a long swig of cola before spitting it all over the ground, "This isn't diet!!"
     "I'm still pissed,"  Alex said, "I didn't avenge half of my friends."
     "Well, I bet Rachel has some good news for you,"  Ritsuko said, "hey, Rachel, what have you discovered about those gauntlets?"
     "I have discovered that I can bring our friends back to life with the jewels,"  Rachel called from one of the smaller rooms in the tent.
     "Medic!"  Shinji shouted from where Unit 01 lay.  Everyone turned to see Shinji carrying Rei across the field to the tent.
     "I'm fine,"  Rei complained from Shinji's arms, "I assure you I can walk fine by myself."
     "I'm not taking any chances,"  Shinji said, "we almost lost you once and I'm not taking any chances."
     "Looks like Shinji has a crush on wonder girl,"  Asuka said, mockingly.
     "Can we pick on Shinji later?"  Adderson asked sarcastically, "Rachel was trying to tell us how we can bring our friends back from the dead."
     "As I was saying,"  Rachel said, "I can use the jewels in the gauntlets and tiaras in the revitalizer and that should bring them back."
     "But the revitalizer is on Death Mountain,"  Steve Huff said, "And we all know how dangerous the trip up there can be."
     "I don't care,"  Alex said, standing up and slamming his hands against the table, "We have to save at least some of them."
     "Like Derek,"  Asuka whispered to Shinji.  Shinji responded by kicking Asuka in the shin.
     "We've been through this before, like, twice,"  Jubilee said, "and it was hard enough to just save the Star Soldiers.  We have more dead here than just six or seven people.  We have ten or twenty down and our chances of saving them are getting smaller by the minute."
     "I'm going with them,"  Shinji said.
     "Me too,"  Asuka said also.
     "Same here,"  Touji said, "I may not have known too many of them, but I want to help out."
     "And I choose to go along also,"  Rei said in her own quiet way, "I feel it is my duty to help them out."
     "All right,"  Ritsuko sighed, "I doubt there is any chance of changing your minds."  The wave of shaking heads told her they wouldn't be turned back so easily.
     "Let's go,"  Sailor Pluto said, appearing out of a portal, "time grows short, no pun intended."
     As those who were barely injured or not injured at all entered the portal in preparation of the transport to the world of Mana, Alex and Adderson stopped to talk to Misato.
     "Take care of our friends,"  Alex said, "if anything happens, don't be afraid to give us a call."
     "All right,"  Misato said, sighing, "hurry up before you miss your exit."
     Alex and Adderson ran for the portal, waving to Misato, Ritsuko, and their friends.  Once they were inside the portal closed, transporting them to the world of Mana once again....

To be continued......

     "In the next episode the Sailor Soldiers and Warriors arrive in the world of Mana, only to have the guardians appear.  The guardians, though, aren't cats this time, but human, which really makes things interesting.  As they search the world of Mana for the path to Death Mountain the plug suits the children are wearing start to degrade, leaving them little choice but to get out of them and into some clothes.  Though some of what they end up wearing isn't the norm, they look good.  Before they can go any further, though, they must battle Dark Warrior Ganymede once again, and this time they have to battle his angel children and Unit 12.  Stay tuned for 'Dark Ganymede returns' and you should get more fan service."