Episode 29:
A New Chapter Begins
Angel Attack Revisited

     "Why have you called us here Commander Ikari???"
     "I have called you here today to talk of the latest Eva pilots,"  Commander Ikari said, pushing his glasses further up on the bridge of his nose.  They promptly slid down a little.  "As you have seen from the file footage three new Eva pilots have appeared."
     "The seventh, eighth, and ninth children."
     "That is correct Misato.  However, they are not children.  They are adults.  Each is twenty years of age, each a couple months apart from the other."
     "So what does this mean?"
     "This means, Ritsuko, that there may be one more eva appearing soon."
     "You mean the new unit 10."
     "Yes, one and the same."
     "What do we do when it appears?"  Misato asked, rising quickly and slamming her hands on the table.
     "We simply have to wait until it appears, then act as our discourse allows."
     "What do we know of the new Eva pilots?"  Ritsuko asked, sipping her coffee.
     "The seventh child is Adderson Ross Martin."
     Commander Ikari pressed a switch which brought up a picture of Adderson taking a nap in the lounge of the Union Building.  He then continued.
     "Birth date is May 20.  He currently lives in an apartment off campus from the university and commutes every morning in a white Saab sedan.  He hangs out with an Alexander West and a Derek Taylor and their friends.  His parents currently live in Belfast, Maine."
     "So he has a family?!"  Misato exclaimed.
     "Yes, he has a family and a lot of friends.  He currently lives with his girlfriend.  We have reports of the synch ratios with his Eva and they're in the 70% category."
     "Outstanding," Ritsuko exclaimed, "his synch ratios are higher than Asuka's, Rei's, and Shinji's."
     "Yes, but I am not sure why, since he has had trouble with substance abuse."
     "Can we move on to the next child?"  Misato asked, sighing, "I have stuff I need to do."
     "Moving on.  The eighth child is Derek James Taylor."
     Commander Ikari pressed the same switch, which brought up a picture of Derek wearing clown makeup and getting bashed around in a mosh pit.
     "Birth date is March 9.  He currently lives in a dorm room on campus and has a roommate.  He mostly hangs out with a group who are not important, but is good friends with Alexander West.  His mom lives in Newport, New Hampshire, with his grandmother."
     "Another with a family, and a mother at that,"  Misato said, "not like Rei, Shinji, or Asuka."
     "His synch ratio with his Eva is also in the 70% range, with variances up to 90%."
     "Another outstanding pilot,"  Ritsuko said, "and another 20 year old pilot.  I can't understand how this can be."
     "Any trouble with this one?"  Misato asked, chugging her coffee.
     "None what so ever.  He listens to loud music, though, which really bugs the ninth child."
     "Let me guess, Alexander Mathias West."  Ritsuko said, beating Commander Ikari to the punch.
     "Um... yes, the ninth child is Alexander Mathias West."
     Commander Ikari pressed the same switch again, bringing up a picture of Alex wearing only a pair of green wind pants and  stretching before his first floor window, looking out on the campus.
     "The ninth child, pilot of the powerful unit 09.  Birth date is June 22.  Lives on campus, but has trouble with roommates moving out and leaving him alone.  He is much like Rei, since he doesn't speak that much or get out that much.  He spends much of his time listening to dance music, playing video games, working out, reading, studying, or writing, with heavy emphasis on studying..."
     "Sounds like a real bookworm,"  Misato whispered to Ritsuko.
     "Take a close look at the picture,"  Ritsuko whispered back.  Misato squinted at Alex's picture and gasped, since he reminded her of an old boyfriend.
     "His synch ratios are always in the 90% to 100% range,"  Commander Ikari said.  Misato and Ritsuko gasped.
     "Is it even humanly possible to be able to have a 100% synch ratio!?"  Ritsuko exclaimed, dumping her coffee all over the table.
     "Yes, and with unit 09 backing him up he's pretty much unstoppable."
     "So if unit 09 were to go on a rampage..."  Misato began to say.
     "We would probably have no way of stopping him.  Not even the combined power of units 00, 01, 02, and 03, plus 07 and 08, would be able to stop his rampaging Eva."
     "Does he have any weaknesses?" Ritsuko asked.
     "Yes, his only problem is super sensitive hearing and acute balance.  He's skilled in martial arts and sources believe him to be an associate of Warrior Saturn's.  These three have powers beyond belief, meaning there's more to them than meets the eye."
     "So what do you want us to do?"  Misato asked.
     "I would like for you to transfer Asuka to his college."
     At this point Misato, who was in the process of finishing her cup of coffee, performed a very elegant spit take, spraying Commander Ikari, Ritsuko, and the table with equal portions of her coffee.  "WHAT?!??!?!"
     "What's the problem Misato?"  Ritsuko asked, stifling a giggle, "Jealous of Asuka?"
     "Why should that arrogant little.... I mean that sweet darling... get to have all the fun of college life?!!"
     "Shinji is still adjusting to school, and Rei is deeply absorbed in her studies.  Asuka knows German and English so she should get on there just fine."
     "I'll give Asuka the news as soon as I get home,"  Misato said, rising from the conference table, 'The minute she hears this she's gonna blow a major gasket.'

     "You want me to do WHAT????!!!!!"  Asuka bellowed when Misato gave her the news.
     "It's not my idea.  Commander Ikari wants you to enroll in the college for a little while,"  Misato explained.
     "Why can't the third child or wonder girl,"  Asuka said, glancing at Shinji and Rei, who were seated in the opposite room, both nursing soft drinks, "I mean, it's not fair.  I've already completed college."
     "And you proved yourself to be a very bright girl,"  Misato said in a comforting tone, "But we need inside info on the seventh, eighth, and ninth children, and you're the person for the job."
     "Oh,"  Asuka said, her eyes widening in amazement, a grin forming on her face, "I'm the right WOMAN for the job, right?"
     "You could say that,"  Misato said, giggling, a sweat drop forming on her head.
     "Cool.  So, when do me and Unit 02 leave?"
     Misato gave her the other news.
     "What do u mean that I'm not gonna have Unit 02 with me?!!?!  What am I supposed to do if an angel attacks!?!?  Use my bare hands and feet and kick it in the shins?!!!??"
     "With the warriors and senshi you won't need unit 02.... they'll neutralize whatever attacks before it becomes a major threat."
     "Ok, I understand,"  Asuka said, sighing.
     "We'll be waiting for you to return,"  Rei said as she sat down next to Asuka.
     "You would say that, wonder girl,"  Asuka snarled.  Rei simply blinked.
     "Asuka, if I could go I would, but I've got stuff to do here,"  Shinji said.
     "I figured you'd say that, hanging with Touji... where is the fourth child right now?!"
     "He's working with unit 03 right now,"  Misato said, "Ritsuko said there was some synch problems that needed to be worked out."
     "Great... maybe you should send him instead of me!"
     "Grow up,"  Rei said, "Commander Ikari chose you out of the four of us because you are better prepared for the mission.  Believe in his choice and do your duty.  We'll await your return."
     "Oh, all right wonder girl,"  Asuka snarled again, "I'll bring you back something from where ever it is."

     The following day, or night to be exact, Alex West was taking part in some prime time treats, namely something from the local Taco Bell Express.  As he was hiking back to his dorm with his dinner he heard a scream.  Following the first scream were several others, each more ear piercing than the previous.  Forgetting his soda was in his right hand, he raised it into the air.  Turning his hand so the jewel in his ring was pointing upward caused the drink to pop the top and cover him in raspberry ice drink.  Shivering from the cold and humiliation he sighed, set his dinner down, raised his hand into the air, and shouted his power up phrase.
     "Star Crystal POWER!!!!"
     Streamers erupted from the jewel, wrapping around his right forearm and forming his first gauntlet.  The jewels in the gauntlet glowed before releasing  more ribbons, which wrapped around his chest and legs, forming his black body suit.  An amulet in the shape of a star burst formed on his chest and released more ribbons, which formed his boots, his armor, and his left gauntlet, not to mention the scabbards which held his blades.  He finished his transformation in a dance move.
     The screaming continued, causing him to wince ever time.
     "Damn, whoever that is had a really piercing voice,"  he said to himself, "and it sounds like they're in trouble.  Oh well, nowhere else to go but up."
     He took to the air, utilizing his mutant flight ability.  He was careful not to draw undue attention to himself, since he didn't need Luna, Artemis, Spirit, Star, Tara, and Chloe harping at him for causing a ten car pile up.  He followed the screams to their source, the source being a tenth floor room in his dorm.  He tapped on the window, causing the female occupant in the room to scream and throw a boot his way.  Luckily the window was in the way to block the toss, which pissed off the female.  She motioned for him to descend a little so they could speak.
     "Hey there cutie, what's your name?"  the girl asked, brushing some stray locks of auburn hair from her face.
     "Warrior Saturn,"  Alex said, "I heard your frantic screams and came to your rescue.  What seems to be the problem."
     "The problem is this ROOM!!!"  the girl exclaimed, waving her arms about frantically at hundreds of boxes which filled the room, "I don't have enough space for EVERYTHING I own."
     "Didn't they tell you anything??"
     "And just what is THAT supposed to mean!?"
     "You don't bring EVERYTHING you own to college.... just a select part of it.  Otherwise you'll never have any space in your room."
     "Thanks for telling me,"  the girl said sarcastically, "By the way, you look familiar.  Aren't you Alexander West?"
     Alex gasped, turned red, and stammered, "Um.... nope... never heard of him."
     "Funny... you resemble the ninth child to a T, as in TOTALLY BOGUS!!!!"
     The girl then slammed the window shut, which startled Alex so he lost his concentration and plummeted to the ground, creating an impact crater a few feet in diameter.  Once he recovered he detransformed and returned to where he set his dinner, only to find the campus fox had raided his food.  Tired and hungry he returned to his room where he dialed for take out.

     The following morning Alex was aroused from bed by a knock at his door.  Pulling on a pair of wind pants and a black henley shirt he opened to door to face the same girl from the previous night.  He yawned and asked, "What do you want??"
     "Eeeewwwwww," the girl said, "Gross me out."
     "I bet you don't look so hot first thing in the morning yourself,"  Alex said, blinking sleep from his eyes, "What time is it anyway?"
     "Oh, it's around seven."
     "What do you want at this hour?"
     "I just came to introduce myself.  I'm Asuka Langly Sohryu, and I live up on the tenth floor."
     "I thought you looked familiar,"  Alex said, 'She's the pilot of Unit 02.  Oh brother, what does NERV want here?'
     'Does he suspect something?'  Asuka thought to herself during the pause, 'He hasn't said anything and he's just staring off into space.  Why didn't they tell me the ninth child was such a LOSER!'
     "Pleased to meet you Asuka,"  Alex said, snapping Asuka back to reality, "but you picked a really bad time to come calling."
     "I figured as much by the way you are dressed,"  Asuka said, making a face, "How about I stop by later when you get cleaned up and are more presentable."
     "Fine with me,"  Alex said, yawning, "Later Asuka."
     Once Asuka left and Alex secured the door he pulled out his communicator and contacted Derek and Adderson.
     "WHAT DO YOU WANT AT THIS HOUR!?!??!"  the pair bellowed over their communicators.  A sweat drop formed on Alex's head.
     "The second child is on campus,"  Alex said, being cryptic.
     "Who's the second child again?"  Derek asked through a yawn.
     "She's Asuka Langly Sohryu, pilot of Eva Unit 02."
     "Oh, her, the one who Dan has a crush on."
     "That's the one."
     "And what does this information have to do with us?"  Adderson asked, yawning and wiping sleep from his eyes.
     "She just stopped by.  I think she suspects I'm Warrior Saturn."
     "And she probably knows who we are also,"  Derek said in perfect clarity.  He then yawned again, causing sweat drops to form on Alex's and Adderson's heads.
     "I wouldn't doubt it, but that means we have to be careful."
     "Ok, cool.  We'll catch you later,"  Adderson said, punching out.  Derek punched out a couple seconds later, leaving Alex wide awake and very suspect of Asuka.  After looking at the clock he decided he should get dressed and get a jump on his work.  But the entire time he couldn't help but think of Asuka and wonder why she was there.

     Later that day Alex, Adderson, and Derek met with Jack, Dennis, Jordan, Jason, Tod, Alison, and Alyssa.  Since it was Saturday and the fall festival was in full swing they decided to hang out around the midway rides.  As they were enjoying themselves, Alex began to pick up on some bad vibes, but paid close attention to where they were coming from.  Throughout his entire being he felt an evil presence close by.  At that moment Asuka grabbed his arm and dragged him onto the SCRAMBLER.  As the ride picked up speed he felt a slight tremor in the ground.  Another soon followed, shaking the ground around them.  From behind a mountain came a large spider - like creature.  The creature fired off some sort of laser, which tore up Main Street and caused people to scatter.
     "Shit!"  Alex cursed under his breath, "It's an angel!"
     "You know about the angels!?"  Asuka asked in disbelief.
     "Yeah, and hold on," Alex said, standing up in the car.  He held his right arm above his head and a sword of yellow energy appeared in his hand.  He slashed through the air, severing their car from the ride and sending it on a trajectory which carried them into a nearby volley ball court.  Alex helped Asuka from the wreckage before turning his attention to the mass of panicked people.
     "I have to do something,"  he said to himself, reaching into his jeans pocket and grasping his transformation wand.  He took it from his pocket, spun it around in his hand a couple times until the top was pointing upward.  He then crossed his right arm over his chest so the pen was level with his left shoulder.  He then shouted, "Saturn Super Nova POWER!!!"
     The symbol of Saturn glowed violet before spinning and releasing a mass of purple ribbons, which wrapped around his right forearm, forming his gauntlet.  The jewels in the gauntlet glowed and released more ribbons, which wrapped around his body, forming his body suit.  An amulet in the shape of a star burst formed on his chest, which glowed and released more ribbons which finally formed his boots, his armor, his left gauntlet, and his weapons.  He finished his transformation in a dance move.
     "I knew it!" Asuka exclaimed, "You really ARE Warrior Saturn!"
     "Keep a lid on it,"  Alex said, putting his hand over Asuka's mouth, "I have enough troubles without the world knowing I'm a warrior."
     "Are you going to use Unit 09 to defeat the angel?"
     "ALEX!!"  Derek and Adderson shouted from behind.  Asuka and Alex whipped around to see Derek and Adderson running from a laser beam.
     "Split off and let me handle it,"  Alex said, standing in front of Asuka.  Once Adderson and Derek had moved out of the way he spread his legs shoulder - length apart and his arms out to the sides.  He then closed his eyes and braced for impact.  There was a tremendous explosion as the beam struck, yet Alex held his ground, gritting his teeth and silently praying for the shield to hold.
     'This had better hold for another five seconds,'  he thought to himself, 'Otherwise I'll be responsible for the death of the second child and that's something I don't need on my conscience right now.'
     "Get out of the way!"  a voice shouted over a PA system.  Alex turned his head to see an Eva of blue and gold standing, combat ready, with its gun aimed at the angel.  He took a second to activate his headset so that he might speak with the pilot.
     "Adderson, is that you in there?"
     "Nope, this is the tenth child.  I don't know who Adderson is, but I'm willing to say he's the seventh child."
     "Oh brother,"  Alex said under his breath, "another Eva pilot."
     "Move already,"  the pilot said, activating a power shield, which he set between the angel's laser and Alex, "Get Asuka to safety and then power up your angel armor."
     "Will do,"  Alex said, picking Asuka up and taking to the sky.  Unfortunately the angel had more than one laser bank, which it proved by firing off several more volleys at Alex and Asuka, one striking Alex's left wing and sending them tumbling toward the ground.
     "I'm going to hate myself in the morning for this,"  Alex said.
     "Are you going to power up your Angel armor?!"  Asuka asked, excitement in her voice.
     "You guessed it.  Angel armor, power UP!!!"
     Alex's armor began to glow, only to stop glowing and a loud beeping began to Emitt from his wrist band.  He looked at it to read, in big flashing letters "NOT ENOUGH POWER".  He cursed under his breath and turned his head to face Asuka.
     "Um... Asuka... we have a problem,"  he said through a nervous giggle.
     "What do you mean we have a problem!?"  Asuka bellowed, "We're about to die in half a minute and all you can say is 'We have a problem'!?"
     "I can't activate my angel armor!"
     "Just great!  We're going to die and this angel is going to destroy the entire campus!  This really sucks!"
     "I have an idea.  Wrap your arms around my chest and start praying."
     "Alrighty,"  Asuka said, doing as she was told, "Whatever it is you are going to do, it had better be fast."
     "Just hang on,"  Alex said, placing his hands together like Sailor Mars would for most of her attacks, 'Great guardian Mars, grant me the power to save myself and the second child.'
     The jewel in his ring glowed red, signaling he had copied the fiery powers of Mars.  He then shouted, "Mars Firestorm FLASH!!!!"  A stream of flames erupted from his fingers, striking the ground and acting as a sort of retro booster.  As they neared the ground six forms familiar to Alex leapt into the air and assisted in the landing.  Once they had touched down Alex turned to see who his saviors were.  He was pleasantly surprised when they turned out to be Warriors Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Draco, and Night.
     "What are you guys doing here?"  Alex asked.
     "Saving your butt,"  Dave said, "Who's the beautiful lady?"  he asked, pointing to Asuka.  Asuka blushed.
     "Dave Early, meet Asuka Langly Sohryu, the pilot of Eva Unit 02 and the second child."
     "I'm confused,"  James said, "why isn't she piloting her Eva?"
     Asuka turned red, steam blowing from her nostrils.  She turned to James, grabbed him by the throat, and shouted, "DON'T YOU THINK I WOULD BE BATTLING THAT ANGEL IF I HAD MY UNIT 02?!!??!!?"
     "Um... yeah, I get your point,"  James said, one eyebrow twitching from the shouting he had received, "will you put me down please."
     "Sure thing, Warrior Venus,"  Asuka said, releasing James' throat, dropping him onto his butt.  Ryan and Steve helped James to his feet.
     "Will you guys hurry up and help defeat this angel!?"  the mysterious eva pilot shouted over his loud speakers, "I'm having a little difficulty!"
     Everyone whipped around to see the angel wrapped around Unit 10 and utilizing one of its lasers to bore a hole in the chest armor of the Eva.
     "We need to help him,"  Alex said, "he protected Asuka and me when that thing first attacked!"
     "We're on top of it,"  the warriors said, leaping into the air and attacking.
     "Mars Napalm Bolo ENGULF!!"
     "Venus Melt My Heart STRIKE!"
     "Jupiter Plasma Bolt CHAIN!!"
     "Mercury Ice Storm BLAST!!"
     "Nitro Bubbles BLAST!!"
     "Galaxia Gun FIRE!!!"
     Steve's bolos wrapped around one of the legs of the angel, burning through and cutting it off.  James' attack sent three chains at the angel, which wrapped around three of the other legs.  He then pulled with all his might, wrenching the legs free.  Tod, Jason, Alison, and Alyssa each took hold Venus' star staff and pulled, helping to free Unit 10.  Dave's plasma bolt struck the gun port which was drilling into Unit 10, knocking it away so that it drilled into the pavement.  John's attack froze the gun ports, causing many of them to explode due to the incredible cold.  Ryan's nitro bubbles caused a crater to form under the angel, dropping it a few feet into the ground so that it might free Unit 10.  Finally, Darren's attack blew off the last four legs of the angel, freeing Unit 10 and giving the mighty eva a fighting chance.
     Once Unit 10 was free, Alex activated his communicator and called Adderson and Derek.
     "Have you guys gotten your angel armor to work?"  he asked.
     "Not exactly,"  Adderson said.
     "What do you mean 'Not exactly'!?"  Asuka bellowed, grabbing Alex's arm and pulling it backwards, "We need Units 07 and 08 NOW!!!"
     "Yell a little louder why don't ya?!"  Derek shouted, "I don't think they heard you on Pluto!"
     "Will you quit fighting,"  Alex said, wincing as his arm was wrenched from the socket, "Asuka, take the communicator.  I'm going to take this thing out myself!"
     "You're going to do WHAT?!"  three people asked simultaneously.
     "You heard me, this angel is dusted!"
     Alex produced his glaive and ran towards the angel.  He pole vaulted in to the air, leaving his glaive stuck in the ground.  He drew his Star Sword, raised it above his head, and summoned all the energy he could.
     "Angel, I hereby banish you from this world,"  he said, landing on the angel's back.  He thrust his sword into the angel's back while at the same time releasing the accumulated energy.  The angel began to bulge outward from the energy buildup.
     "Unit 10, use your AT Field to shield the others from the explosion!"
     "Say WHAT?!"  the pilot exclaimed, "you're not going to...."
     "Like hell I'm not.  Just do as I ask.  I'll be fine!"
     "All right.  Stay groovy!"
     "Stay frosty!"
     Unit 10 leapt from where it was sitting, leaping in front of the group of warriors and expanding its AT Field to block the explosion.  From their position the group witnessed Alex and the angel being surrounded by tremendous rings of iron and stone, which teleported them into space.  There, Alex utilized his ultimate attack.
     "Giga CRISIS!!!!!"
     The energy wave ripped the angel to pieces, and for a brief instant there was a second sun in the sky.  Once the explosion died down, Unit 10 powered down and the entry plug ejected.  The hatch opened and out stepped a person dressed in a flight suit of blue, gold, and orange.  His glasses reflected the bright light.  In the center of his flight suit was what appeared to be a gem of some sort.  The person pressed this and he was instantly engulfed in a brilliant light.  When the light vanished he was dressed in airwalk shoes, jeans, a black t-shirt with 'Ghost in the Shell' on it, a denim jacket, and a PHISH hat.
     "Heyas," he said, "what's up?"  Everyone fell over.
     "Who are you?"  Jason asked.
     "The name's Drew Dubois, and I'm the tenth child."

     "The tenth child is an anime junkie!?"  Misato exclaimed.
     "That's what I said,"  Asuka said, her voice distorted due to the speaker phone, "He's pretty cool, and he knows a lot about the Evas."
     "He will make an excellent addition to the team,"  Commander Ikari said, "his knowledge of the Evangelion units will come in handy."
     "He also knows all about the angels."
     "That's nice,"  Misato said, "But what of the 9th child?"
     "That's the strange thing,"  Asuka said, "I don't know what has become of him.  He transported the angel into the atmosphere, where he detonated it, and we haven't seen him yet."
     "Perhaps he was.... also destroyed?"  Touji suggested.
     "I doubt it,"  Rei said, "the ninth child is too powerful to allow himself to be blown up.  I have a feeling he will be reappearing any time within the next couple minutes."
     "And what is that supposed to mean wonder girl?!"  Asuka bellowed over the phone.
     Just then they heard a scream, then a loud crash, and then static.  A couple seconds later they heard Asuka and Alex arguing.
     "I said he would return in a couple minutes, and he did,"  Rei said, causing a sweat drop to form on everyone's heads.
     "And nobody doubted you Rei,"  Ritsuko said, 'What is with this girl anyway?'
     The arguing on the other end continued until the connection was broken by Commander Ikari.  He turned to everyone and said, "So, the tenth child has now appeared.  It will not be long before the angels return."  and left it at that.

     Back at the campus Alex, Asuka, Adderson, Derek, Dennis, and Jason were enjoying a night of Dominos Pizza, courtesy of the university president.  While eating, Asuka's cell phone rang.  She took it from her purse and answered the call.
     "Oh, Misato, it's you,"  she said, "So, when do I get Unit 02?"
     There was a long pause before her face turned red and steam blew from her nostrils.
     "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY I DON'T GET UNIT 02?!!?!  WE BATTLED AN ANGEL TODAY WITH ONLY ONE EVA, AND THAT ONE HAD TAKEN A SEVERE BEATING FROM THE ANGEL!!!!  THIS SUCKS!!!"  She then hurled her phone across the room.  Unfortunately Drew was walking in and was greeted by the cell phone hitting him in the head.  He collapsed to the floor, unconscious.  While the others were attending him, Alex and Asuka started arguing.
     "Will they never grow up?"  Adderson asked.
     "I doubt it,"  Dennis said, "and even if they do, I doubt they'll work together too well."
     "Oh well, there's always tomorrow,"  Jason said, "and tomorrow is the end of the fall festival."
     There was a resounding CRASH and when they turned around both Alex and Asuka were covered in deep dish pizza, each on the ground with a pizza pan on their heads.  Everyone groaned, bringing an end to this latest chapter in Sailor Moon W.

To Be Continued.....
    "In the next episode a journey of epic proportions begins when a pair of angels attack and take out half of the Senshi and Warriors.  Alex and company must defeat these angels and then set out to revive their friends.  Stay tuned for the first chapter of the "Death and Rebirth" saga and you're bound to get more fan service."