Dark Warrior Saturn
common name: Alexander Mathias West (Alex)
age: 21 years (actually 1020, but has the appearance of a 21 yr old)
birthdate: June 22
birth sign: Cancer
birthstone: Alexandrite
favorite color: black, violet, dark green, dark blue, gold, silver
favorite animal: cat, rabbit
least favorite animal: dog, snake, SPIDER
favorite food: pizza, salad, ice cream, CHOCOLATE, pasta, "glitter berries"
least favorite food: corn, prunes, anything canned or stewed, most cafeteria food
favorite subject: English, science, computers, Phys Ed
least favorite subject: foreign language, math
likes: computers, reading, writing fan fiction, video games, watching tv, dancing, singing, friendly people his age, ANIME and anime music, shopping.
dislikes: riny days, rude people, people who bother him, bad hair days, deadlines, Rap Music.
favorite sayings: "Get crucial!" "Peachy!" "No way!!"
hobbies: video games, writing fan fiction, watching anime, reading comic books watching MTV's     DARIA, hanging out with his friends, working out, roller blading.
special strengths: low level telepathic powers, energy manipulation (can create energy weapons like shurikens, darts, etc.) acute hearing.
weaknesses: sonic attacks and mental attacks, claustrophobia in crowds, physical exertion on a grand scale.
fears: spiders and snakes, being late for anything, crowds
has trouble with: telling what's on his mind, shyness, anger management.
dream: to be a famous writer or work in a comic book store.
personality: as a mortal he gets along with everyone, be they mortal, warrior, or senshi, unless they get on his bad side; then his powers quadruple in strength.  At that point one tiny energy ball can take out an entire wall.
physical description: Alex is about 5'11" tall, 150 lbs, somewhat muscular and a small to medium frame.  He has short brown hair, which is longer on the top than on the sides and a long braid down the back which hangs 6" short of his waist when unbraided, 8" when braided, dark brown eyes, a slight tan (he has a dark spot on his right shoulder which is the result of a bad sunburn at the age of 4), and clean cut.  As a mortal he wears jeans (mostly name brand, some tight, some loose and baggy), t-shirts with logos and stuff on them, work shirts (denim or flannel), occassionally a denim vest or a collered shirt with a zipper neck, and black boots or black hi - top sneakers.  As a warrior he wears black armor with violet highlights, black gauntlets with gold trim, baggy black slacks, and black boots with gold highlights.  On his back he has a scabbard of black leather with intricate gold work which holds his shadow sword.  On each hip he has a smaller scabbard of the same leather and gold working which hold his death daggers.  On his back there is a catch for his Thunderhawk bow, and he usually carries around his glaive.  His left gauntlet houses a powerful mini computer, a communicator, and an assortment of tools. In his gauntlets and in the hilt of his sword rest the CHAOS EMERALDS, gems which possess incredible power. The orange, silver, and light blue gems rest in his right gauntlet, the green, violet, and dark blue gems rest in his left gauntlet, and the red gem rests in the hilt of his shadow sword.
History: Dark Warrior Saturn is one of the many people who are out for revenge on the Moon Kingdom. He was about to avenge his family's death and destroy the murderer, who was from the Negaverse, when Queen Serenity sent the royal court to earth.  Since he was part of the royal court of Saturn, he was sent to Earth.  He was reborn as Alexander West, and from an early age he and his parents knew he was different.  His powers of telekenisis and energy manipulation appeared at an early age when he levitated a stuffed animal to his crib.  As he aged his powers matured also, increasing in strength to the point where his powers are affected by his emotions (example: if he gets really angry one tiny energy ball can blow out an entire wall of a building).  He is now on a quest to find the Sailor Senshi and make them pay for teleporting him away when revenge was so close at hand.  In a dream one night a woman with ankle length magenta hair in a flowing black gown gave him an amulet and his powerup phrase.  She told him to use his powers to avenge his family's death by destroying the senshi and warriors.
    He recently moved to Tokyo with his cat, Star, who is a pure black cat with a star shaped white patch on his forehead surrounding a gold / black inverted crescent moon.  Though Star bares the mark of a guardian, he cannot speak to Alex, but Alex speaks to Star and Star understands what his master is going through.  The reason for the move to Japan is the stories of magical girls fighting the forces of evil, and Alex figured where there are magical girls and the forces of evil there is bound to be the Sailor Senshi and the forces of the Negaverse.
**** Here's a little spoiler - the woman in his dream was his mother from Saturn, but he got the message wrong.  It is true she wanted him to avenge her death and the deaths of his father, sister, and brother, but she wanted him to join the senshi, not destroy him.
Love life: absolutely none at the moment, but he has a MAJOR crush on Keiko / Crystal / Sailor Callsito.


Weapons: shadow sword, dark glaive, thunder hawk bow, death daggers.
vehicle of choice: jet cycle (a motor cycle like the one in AKIRA)