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Developing Clairvoyance

Telepathy is from two Latin words meaning "Feeling at a distance" and many of the people you know may have this wonderful gift - in fact, you may already be a 'Telepath' and not even realize it! However, even if you do not yet posses telepathic powers, with the proper training, many of you can learn to develop your natural gifts - and even those who already posses telepathic skills can improve their capabilities.

We cannot guarantee that you will become a gifted psychic - we can only show you the basic techniques which have been proven successful. The results which you obtain will be relative to who you are and consistant to your particular beliefs. Keep in mind that not everyone will be able to develop telepathic skills - a fact that is all so true.

The basics:

    A belief that telepathy is possible is essential.
    A comfortable environment (not to hot or cold) is desirable.
    Dim background lighting will help with the training excersize.
    Eating a light meal prior to beginning the excersize is desirable but not essential.

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