September 11, 2001
Against an early morning azure sky
A country watched two giants die.
Not from David's mighty sling,
they fell to earth lingering
so that human souls could live and tell
Their human journey through hell.
Giant buildings, giant planes became
tools of evil's game.
No creator god could want to see
the destruction of his creations by
men who could only be
the final tools of evil's call
and so they died one and all.
From the rubble and the dust
appeared heroes from among
the rest of us.
Men and women who answered the call
When proud giants began to fall.
Something greater than each of these,
something beyond saving our species
drove these souls to heroic acts
to save a Mother, a Father, a Son, a Daughter
or protect a comrade's back.
Defiant against this evil score
victims became so much more.
Attacking the attackers they saved
our governmental enclave.
Sacrifice, courage and honor shown
by people the world has never known.
No history books can ever tell the scope
of the fearing courage that in their hearts dwelled.
And where the giants lay,
rescuers worked beyond that day,
beyond that night and on without rest
they showed the world our citizens at their best.
Finally when the work was done,
a quiet moment for the ones
who never kissed their families again,
who gave their lives fro strangers
that became their friends.
Now rising from the wreckage clump
a new giant rises up.
Against a clear blue azure sky
this beautiful thing will again defy
the evil that lives in the hearts of men
when they believe that they may murder
without committing sin.
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