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If I could write a song
I would write that song for you
With words so soft and beautiful
of a love so fresh and new

I would write about your eyes
the color of the sky
Your sweet and gentle voice
remembering, now I cry

I would write about those days
when we were so in love
When life was good, we understood
and we fit together like a glove

The sun shown brightly way back then
our days were filled with joy
We lived we loved we played we sang
together this girl and boy

Yes words of love we sang, our song
together just me and you
Now I wonder just what happened
was it something we didn't do

Was it we just got too old to sing
and our song played out of key
Was it you that did something wrong
or was it maybe me

Was it that we just stopped trying
and forgot how to love and live
Let our feelings just start dying
and no longer could we give

This song I write is for you
trying to find you again
The words the music and my heart
all together with a rose I send...

I miss you

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