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Character Classes Under 3rd Edition

3rd Edition Leaked Info....Official 3rd Edition Page


No longer are fighters just the basic character: they are now death on legs. They keep weapon specialisation, but they gain a myriad of combat options, including unarmed combat. They will retain d10 for hit dice. Apparently, people will want to play fighters if they love combat, butothers will be overwhelmed by the sheer weight of options.


I would be surprised if the Paladin kept all its powers, given that now you could play one with crap scores. The word is that paladin fans will love the new class, and that while you can play one with a low Cha score, it would be a baaaad plan. They still have to be Lawful Good. Now get bonus spells for high Wisdom, although I think it should be Charisma. They keep d10 hit dice, but of course they can now be any race. They can also multiclass, although with restrictions. For example, if you start as a Paladin, and go to 3rd level, then add mage, you cannot add any more levels to your Paladin class. Right now we don't know if the same holds true for starting as one thing then switching to a Paladin. Paladin/Ranger with a Holy sword in each hand? Death.
New ability! Smite Evil enables the Paladin to attack evil creatures with a to hit bonus equal to his Charisma modifier, and a damage bonus equal to his level. No news on how many times a day it can be used, probably once.


The big change here is the removal of the good alignment restriction. At the moment we think they may lose the armour restriction, or maybe have it changed. 2 weapon style and chosen enemy are both in, although 2WS is now available to all classes. I still like playing Wood Elf Druid/Rangers.


Now here's a class that is long overdue. They get d12 for hit dice, and will probably have large penalties for multiclassing with anything requiring thought, e.g mages. They will probably also have an armour restriction, but will get some sort of bonus for certain weapons. Look for a beserker-style ability too. Have to pay to read and write their native language, while others get it free.


Good to see them back, though hopefully they won't be as disgustingly broken as they were under 1st edition. They get an AC bonus depending on their Wisdom in addition to Dex. Should be interesting to see the reasoning behind them not getting spells.
Update! We have the complete list of the Monk's amazing class abilities, although we don't know what order they will be gained in. It appears that the Monk has the most class abilities of any class, and they kick ass! They will use the rogue/cleric combat chart, have d8 hit dice, and 4 starting skill points. From the looks, they cannot wear armour. They do not provoke an attack of opportunity when they attack unarmed,which they do for 1d6 damage, and even when you do manage to get an attack of opportunity on them, they get a +4 bonus to their AC. Nasty. The class abilities are as follows:

Stun Attack 1/day, gained at 1st level. On a succesful hit, the target cannot act for one round unless they make a Fort save vs DC10 + level of the Monk
Evasion Gained at 1st level. Same as the rogue ability. Any reflex saves for half damage, if made, mean the damage is negated.
Unarmed Strike 1st level. Can take extra unarmed attacks at -2 to hit, which is cumulative we think. 1d6 damage.
Still Mind Either 2nd or 3rd level. Gives bonuses to Will saves.
Slow Fall Between 3rd and 7th level. Similar to Feather Fall?
Purity of Body Between 3rd and 7th level. Immunity to all diseases (Paladin style?)
Wholeness of Body Between 3rd and 7th. Fortitude bonus? No info on what this does for sure.
Leap of the Clouds Between 3rd and 7th. Similar to a Jump spell maybe?
Note:On the Official 3E page Monk closeup, it appears that at 7th level, the Still Mind skill has disappeared.
Abundant Step Unknown level. Similar to Dimension Door.
Deflect ArrowsBetween 3rd and 7th. Sources called this a class ability, but the Official Character Closeup lists it as a feat.
Diamond BodyUnknown level. Poison immunity. It seems as though a high-level monk would have to work very hard to die...
Diamond SoulUnknown level, hopefully very high. Gives the Monk Magic Resistance (!)
Empty Body Unknown level. Grants temporary insubstantiality (phew, big word), enabling the Monk to walk through walls and the like.
Improved TripBetween 3rd and 7th. See deflect arrows.
Ki Strike Unknown level. Enables the Monk to hit creatures who can only be hit with +1 or better weapons, and improves with level.
Perfect Self Probably 20th level. Not sure what it does, but it sounds scary...
Quivering Palm Unknown level. The horrible 1E ability is back, probably unchanged. I want a Monk!
Timeless Body Unknown level. Probably prevents againg, or at least slows it.
Tongue of the Sun and the Moon Unknown level. Speak with all living creatures. Man oh man!


Now get bonus spells for high Int. Can master spells, enabling them to cast without memorising. This is probably one of the most sensible rules I've seen. A 15th level mage who has memorised and cast magic missile every day of his life should not need to keep memorising it, they know the damn thing by heart! Still wimps. Now, if they cast spells during melee, anyone near them gets a free swing, and connection will break the spell. Keeps 'em at the back of the party where they belong... Mages have a feat called concentration which looks as though it will enable them to withstand a bump, probably on an Int check, and maintain their spell. Creation of magic items is available throuh feats, one for each type. 2 spells at first level.
Update! You will not believe some of these metamagic feats! Silent spell and still spell remove the need for verbal and somatic components (useful to prevent opposing mages countering). But the real killers are Maximise spell, which makes the spell take up a memorised slot 2 levels higher (e.g fireball would be memorised at 5th if maximised), but guarantees max damage, and Quicken Spell, which lets you take a second action in the round after casting a spell, even casting a second spell!!! No more Gods of Magic prohibiting it then?


Huge changes, mostly in the spell area. Cleric spells now go up to 9th level. If heal/harm is a 7th level spell, imagine what a 9th level could be? Chances are, though, that new spells will be added in the middle, and 7th level will become 9th. Clerics can now trade a spell for xd8 points of healing, with x = spell level. Spells are now divided into domains, with each God's cleric having access to a few of these domains. It also looks now like most Mage spells are available to clerics, though some in different forms. No word as to if there will be a generic priest who can access all domains, as before, but it is unlikely.
Update! Big news from Eric Noah's site...Power Word spells are available to Clerics! Also on their revised list are a form of Wish, Create Greater Undead, and Mass Heal.


Now called Rogues. Since all classes now use the same XP table, players will no longer be playing a Thief just to get up to the higher levels quicker. I must confess, that's the reason behind my current Gallant Bard character. Thief abilities are now available to everyone, but apparently classes will never be as good at them as thieves are. Backstab is changed, not sure how yet. Probably the key element in the assassin prestige class.
Update! We know a lot about the options available to rogues now. They are basically dedicated to obtaining things they're not supposed to have, whether it's information, trust or money. I want to play a spy. Spies are cool. Their ability list will be wide-ranging, and will probably include some of the stuff available to 2nd Ed Charlatan Bards, amongst others. If you've read any David Eddings stuff, think Silk or Stragen.


Me play, me play! Looks like a toned-down fighter/mage. If you can remember Basic D&D, think of the elf class. Restricted spell access, but better combat than mages. They do not hav to cast spells from books, rather they memorise them. Bonus spells based on Charisma. Likely to have d6 for hit points and to use the rogue combat values. Sorcerer/Psionicist could be fun. They get more spells per day than a Mage of the same level, but have access to fewer, and get newer ones slower. Sounds like a pretty fair trade-off.


At last, their own spell list. It takes out some of the more offensive spells, preferring practical and dazzling spells instead. Their cantrip list looks pretty solid, however. They still look like a mix of classes, but more emphasis has been placed on the performance side. No word on alignment restriction or hit dice. An elven bard is still the most sensible combination outside an elven druid/ranger. Some of the skills available to Bards: Perform (CHR), Spellcraft (INT), Use Magical Item (WIS), Gather Information (CHR), Listen(WIS), Decipher Script (INT), Diplomacy (CHR), Knowledge (area specific) (INT), and Pick Pockets (DEX).


True Neutral restriction is no more! All they need now is at least part neutral. Oh hell yeah! Spell list is now their own, not just bits of Cleric lists. Druid abilities include: lots of shapechanging, stealthy movement in natural environments, an animal companion, the ability to stop natural aging, a different "core spell list" than clerics with spells that deal with nature, and immunities to natural poisons. Kick ass!