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Car Madness 77%

This game ha a lot of potential. I really like the graphics, which are all original. The ground, however, looks a bit too much like tiles. In Car Madness you have to drive around your car, which has spikes on it, into other cars. The last car standing is the winner. You play against the computer against five other cars. The computer controlled cars have pretty good AI, and they go after your car and other computer controlled cars. This game would have been better, if Clubsoft could work some more levels and arenas into the game. Once you defeat all the enemies, the game is over and it quits out. It has nice music, I not sure if it's original or not. The sounds are nice and loud too. I like this game, but it could have been better. It's just doesn't last that long. Just add a few more arenas and your set.

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Car Madness