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Everything You Need to Know About Me!!
updated March 24, 2004

Hey everybody!! Welcome to my page. Mmmm..So you wanna know a bit about me...Well you probably don't but I'll tell you anyway. My name is Jocelyn Bath however a couple of my friends refer to me as Joce/Stumbles/Squint, but most people still refer to me as Jocelyn. I am 20 years old and I am a recent graduate from the Practical Nursing Program, I am employed as a casual LPN at the Local hospital, but due to my VERY few shifts, I have decided to further my education. And, I will be attending school in Corner Brook April 5, 2004 to do the Primary Care Paramedic Program. I will be back in Twillingate the end of November with a real job... back with my bf, Guy.

When I was in High School I was involved in the school basketball team, where I played center and I was Koby Bryant's number, good ol' 8 (it's too bad that I can't play like him)! I am 5'4'' and you don't need to know my weight. I was also the Secretary of our 2001 Graduation committee.. which I must say was a stressful position.. but thats over and done with now, the good ol' high school days are over :(

My parents names are Beverley and Derrick Bath they're wonderful, but a pain at times, like most parents I guess. But I still love them. I don't need to blab on about my family again, I done that enough in the Family section!

Let's see what else there is to say about me...Oh yeah, I have two brothers one older, Jordan (24) and one younger, Justin (18). Well what else is there...I can't forget my lovable friends have a great bunch of friends Jessica Waterman and Krystal Philpott are my bestest friends and we call ourselves the "3 Musketeeries" we've been close friends basically all our lives. Unfortunately though Krystal had to go to Post Secondary in Nova Scotia so, I only get to see her Christmas time and Summer time, I really miss her when she's gone, but she'll be home for awhile soon! We still talk on the phone, when she's away. Then, there is Nik (Nichole Stockley), me and Nik DID know how to party! But, then she went to Yellowknief for the Summer last year and is going again in a few weeks, working and spending time with her Sister and Nephew. And, she's still sluttin' it up!!! Hehehe, just j/k. She's having a good time tho, enjoying the single life :) Then, we have Jane, she's basically a sister, she's been in the family for 7 years. And, finally she is engaged with my brother Jordan... Can't wait till the wedding! She's great, we went through some rough times, but what can I say.... all for good reasons!! Jane, you helped me find the light at the end of a dark tunnel, and you probably didn't even realize it. Thanks :) Well, I can't forget my neighbour and my life long buddy who has been my friends every since I have been in this world, Mark Justin Bulgin! He is just like a brother to me, I lou's yet that we are family, I don't know what I will do next year without him living next door!! Well I do have other friends but they're my "main" ones. OOOhh my..... Cristy and Fallon!!! My cousins and great friends, I love you guys!

Yes, I Have a boyfriend, and an amzing one too. Last May I met the love of my life. I have been so happy since our first date. And, I know I will be happy with him for the rest of my life. I love you so much Guy. You are number 1!

What else is there to say about me.....Liscence!! I passed my road test May 9, 2000. I haven't stopped Driving since!! I HAD a 2000 Blue Metallic 3.8 litre, V6 Ford Mustang! Actually, it's my families, but I drove it all the time!! Needless to say, it was too expensive, Now I have a 1999 red 2 door Coupe Sunfire, Thanks Dad. I love it :)

Thats all I gotta say for now, I'll just conclude my saying a special thanks to...

Jessica, for being a great friend!
Krystal, for also being a great friend!
Nik, for all the memories...Peddlers and Benders... we wore out the dance floor:)
Jane, for telling it like it is
Cristy, for always listening and being
not only a cousin but a great friend too!
Guy, for being a great bf and always cheering me up when I am down. I love you babe :)
Mark, your always a tremendous help!
Thanks everyone!

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