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My Family and I

This is Pics that I couldn't include into
My friends page because they are my family,
They deserve a page of their own.
Well, there is one pic here of me and
Mark, but he's considered family anyway.

All start of by showing the two
people who brought me into this world,
My mom and dad!

This is my brother and I.
Jordan is the oldest, Justin is the baby,
and I am in the middle, but not on the picture,
I am the girl!

This is Mark and I,
We were best friends growing up!

This is me and my cousin,
Cristy when we were just

This is my brother, Justin
and I. He's 16 now!

This is my oldest brother,
Jordan. He's 22 now!

This is our truck (Dodge Ram 4x4 Club Cab)
and our Camper. Thats my dad in front of it!!

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