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My Friends

Welcome to my photo album.
OKay, so I finally have a digital camera...
Now, I just have to find the time and energy to upload them to this site and then
put them on this website.. so you don't
have to look forward to seeing them very soon....
But, someday.. so just enjoy these pics for now...

This is me, Krystal, and Jessica,
In our younger years we use to call ourselves
The Three Muskateeries!! We're Best Friends!

This is one of my Best friends,
Jessica (Jess) Leigh Waterman.
She is in St. John's now attending MUN
Doing Phys Ed. Good Luck Babe... misses ya

This is one of my Best friends as well,
Krystal Karen Philpott.
She moved to NS a couple years ago to attend University
she is doing Social Work. I misses her when she's gone
But, she'll be home soon! Loves Ya!

This is Sarah Stockley and
Cristy Hynes. Sarah is a very nice person,
and Cristy is my cousin, also a very nice person!

This is my next door neighbour, Mark
He's been my friend since the day I came into this world!
Well I guess hes not my neighbour anymore, he's attending Marine doing Nautical Science... good luck buddy
Misses Ya lots!

This is Jane Hopkins
My Soon-to-be Sister In Law!
Her and my brother got engaged Dec 5, 2003
Can't wait til the wedding :)

This was our school sr. girls basketball
team like 5 years ago. They're all one big friend!

This is a fairly new pic..newer then the rest.. but
but there is more coming soon, now I have to learn how to make it smaller!!
This is my cousin Fallon, and I! She was all dressed up in my Grad dress for her Gr. 8 Grad
Ain't she beautiful :) Runs in the family, I know :)

Here is a pic of me and my bf, Guy... ain't he gorgeous!!
This was taken after we went to a Hockey Game
In Toronto, they played Ottawa and won! It was an AWESOME game
We had a great time!
I love you Babe! MUAHH!

I have a Digital Camera... so just give me time...I need to learn a few more tricks with it yet ;)
If you have any pics that you would like for me to include
in my webpage send them to me

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