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Class of 2001

This page is dediacted to the J.M. Olds Collegiate Class of 2001. I would like to take this time to thank you all. You guys have all gave me so many wonderful memories to look back on. I know that the best days of my life are the ones I spent at J.M. Olds with all 55 of you!!

I will miss you all next year when we go our seperate ways. The past 13 years have been so wonderful and is going to be hard to give up. You have all made me laugh, and made me smile. There are so many good and happy memories to reflect back upon. There are many people I would like to thank for making the past 13 years the best of my life, but it is impossible to thank each person individually for all the unforgetable times! I love you all, and thanks a million.

Our trip to St.John's and St.Pierre are the most memorable of all. Even our little historic trip to Gander this year as many significant memories. Nice driving there Ross!! In St.John's while we were taped in our rooms, nice idea Mr. Pond!! Amanda, Lacey and Holly nothing like being a bit disturbing! Nice hair Greg! Dope, did you ever have to pay for that hole?? St. Pierre, so what if I cried, I am sensitive, leave me alone!! Oh, great job guys sneaking your smokes back home, especially you, Matt!!! Amy, the parties just won't be the same next year without you, I'll miss you dearly.

Here is a poem written by Turlough O'Carolan
I Dedicate it to my graduating class
We've Been Together Since...
We've been together since we were
Just barely more than babes,
Holding onto Mommy's hand,
Missing two front teeth.

Some of us now have to wear
A bra and some to shave,
Adults in what our hearts demand,
Still children underneath.

Together we learned how to read,
Together learned to play,
To add and multiply our friends,
To give and to receive.

Our teachers taught us how to lead,
To put our tears away,
To separate our means and ends,
To work and to achieve.

And now we step across a line;
Our childhood is gone.
Soon, just like a morning dream,
The memories will fade.

But if we turn out good and kind,
Rejoicing in the sun,
We'll know to thank these sheltered years
Where our first joys remain.


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