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Cool Character Quotes

Here are some awesome character quotes that I found throughout the game. Some of these are inspiring, meaningful, and memorable while others are simply funny. If you have any quotes you feel should be added to this page, email me and I'll post them here. I will be adding quotes often, so keep checking back.

Serious or Meaningful Quotes:

"No! Ayla like Kino BEST! No more do bad stuff, okay?! That wrong!"

"That's what you get for thinkin' that you're the only ones fighting for your country!"
-Chef (600 AD)

"Glenn, there're times when people simply have to grit their teeth!"

"Am I a butterfly dreaming I'm a man...Or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of sashimi? Never assume that what you see and feel is real!"

"Lower thine guard and thou'rt allowing the enemy in."

"Ten years hath passes... Can I really do it? I've changed so much. Alas, poor Cyrus...!"

"Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win..."

"I don't know... I think I'd really lose it if I had to hurt someone."

"Save money. It'll do ya good. That's my motto."
-Item seller at Trann Dome

"Machines aren't capable of evil... Humans make them that way."

"Ours... was a short youth!"

"The weak always strive to be weaker."

"The past is dead. It was all just a dream."

"You fools! I only 'summoned' him! He lives in the inner earth, absorbing the land's power and growing ever stronger!"

"Let's wage peace from now on!"
-Man from Truce Village 600 AD

"I didn't 'pick up' anything! It's called 'common sense!'"

Just because I have a title doesn't mean I'm not a person!"

"No way! I refuse to believe it! This can't be the way the world ends."

"You can't even understand something as simple as that. That's why you're human."

"Weapons...If there weren't any evil in this world, there would be no need for weapons. What a sad state of affairs..."

"This weapon represents considerable power... Your actions may either save or destroy life. Wield your sword with full knowledge of the consequences!"

"Humans are so... silly! It's how you use the sword that's important... not who owns it!"

"The Juggler in Magus' Castle... strengthens his guard when attacked. Beware!"
-Note Written in Blood (Magic Cave)

"People wouldn't know what to do with themselves in a truly peaceful world!"
-Nun (Actually a Nagetta)

"I shan't be defeated! No form of attack will break MY barrier!"

"If you're strong, I look strong. If you're weak, I look weak."

"Magic needs power of the heart. It needs inner strength."

Memorable Quotes:

"Ayla respect strong people. Men and women."

"Rare red rock sign of power. Ayla strongest in Ioka village. So Ayla's rock!"

"Ayla fight while alive! Win and live. Lose and die. Rule of life. No change rule. Old man breathe, but dead on inside."

"Ayla's word. "La" mean fire. "Vos" mean big..."

"Azala... not forget..."

"But remember, WE Reptites will rule the world."

"Red star... Fall!!!!! Stain the earth... RED!"

"So... you are here at last. This is it. The showdown. Today there shall be a conclusion. Will it be the Reptites, or you silly apes who end up ruling the world?"

"No... It can't be...! Could the heavens truly have sided with the apes? Listen, primates, and let it be known. We Retites fought bravely to the bitter end!"

"Absolutely not! The powers that be have spoken."

"We... have no future..."

"Mwa ha ha! With this Black Tyrano I can finally exterminate those flithy apes!"

"Tell that fool... He had better come back alive!"
-Chef (600 AD)

"You're a marshmallow, Glenn!"

"As long as there is life in these bones I shall return!"

"R... run... Glenn... The Queen. Take care... of... Leene..."

"Forward Dragon Tank! Crush those rebels!"
-Fake Chancellor (Present)

"True-form CHANGE!"
-Fake Chancellor (Past)

"Male... female... what's the difference? Power is beautiful, and I've got the power!"

"Poor little Froggie! You must be so lonely now that Cyrus is gone. And to be turned into something so hideous! Dreadful!"

"Yet there's nary a thing I canst do against Magus. The legendary Masamune is required to fight Magus. And I have no right to wield it."

"I rather enjoy this form. And I oweth it all to you!"

"Death to the Mystics' enemies!"

"You outsiders... But Ayla give party. Why?"

"You strong, me weak. Ayla good chief!"

"Ain't it the truth!"

"This is what happens to fools who challenge the mighty Lucca! Ha-ha ha ha!"

"Nothing can beat science."

"Neuga, ziena, zieber, zom... Now the chosen time has come... Exchange this world for...!"

"If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh."

"Ah... The Masamune!!! I bet you're just dying to use it! The Black Wind begins to blow... Okay... give me your best shot... If you're prepared for the void!"

Can't you take orders?"

"I'm the wind! Whoosh!"
-Mune (In human disguise)

"Hold it! This is a special place. The great place. The great Nizbel was defeated here!"
-Nizbel II

Dance, DANCE!! For tonight our leader is to be born!"

"Welcome, Glenn! Or should I say, Sir Froggy! Mwa, ha! Say, looks like you got some replacements for Cyrus!"

"Ozzie's in... a jam!!"

"Oh great Magus... why didn't you simply exterminate the human race 400 years ago?"
-Ozzie VIII

"You'd have fit right in with those boney fellows you just busted up!"

"But falling in the line of duty for Magus... ...leaves me with few regrets...!"

"Ipso facto, meenie moe... MAGICO!"

"For my dear departed wife's sake, I vow to keep both feet on the ground."
-Tata's Father

"All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ... at least for now."
-The Mystery of Life: Volume 841, Chapter 26

"Hey, no problem! 'Cause, like, I'm the mythical explorer."

Humorous Quotes:

AYLA: "Yummy frog! For Ayla eat?"
FROG: "P, perish the thought, lass! By the way, whither the blue-haired one?"
AYLA: "Only find you there. Blue-haired one more tasty?"
-Ayla, after the battle with Magus

GASPAR: "Be patient. Rushing won't bring him back."
AYLA: "Ayla understand. Now give 'Time Egg.'"
-Ayla harassing Gaspar for Chrono Trigger in one of the endings

"No! No! Stop the music!"

"Darn! BUUURRPP!" *characters get hit by poison gas*
-Dalton (defeated)

"Heal-thy? Got a nice ring to it!"

"Crono! So THIS is where you've been since the festival! You had me worried sick! Children THIS naughty... ...deserve to be punished
-Fake Crono's Mom

"Princess Nadia... I was wrong! Please return to the castle... as road kill, my dear...!"
-Fake King Guardia XXXIII

"Robo, don't waste your strength! No matter what you do, I'll break you!"
-Fake Lucca

"Frog, you're safe! I guess we'd better do something about that!"
-Fake Queen Leene

"Well, if it isn't Lucca! You're STILL alive, my dear?!"
-Fake Taban

"What the...? Hey I'm a GUY!"

"This is creepy.It's worse than Magus's place!"
-Frog (Referring to Lavos' inside)

Thanks for bringing, er, being the main course!"

"So, what do you think of my Zonker-38? Pretty cool, huh?"

"What? Liar! I was a perfect lady last night! But why does my tummy hurt so...?"

"We're from way after the day after tomorrow."
-Lucca, explaining where they are from to Ayla

"That guy was totally bent...
-Lucca, in reference to Ozzie

"Don't do that again, or we won't save you!"
-Lucca, to Crono after he is revived

"That fool sleeps a lot. We should wake him up and make him help us."
-Lucca, talking about sleeping Crono

"I... it's that stupid frog! Kissed any princesses lately?!"

"I'm not your mistress! I'm Marle!"

"We want nothing but world peace... Or a piece of the world, tee, hee..."
-Nun (Actually a Nagetta)

"That shore were an ugly Frog! Hardy har!"
-Old Man in Porre Cafe

"You fly eating, tongue flicking...!"

"Watch where you're aiming! Guwa, ha, ha..."

"How did you get past my cadaver pals?"

"Check out that hair! Where're you from, son? Are you one of Magus' troopers?"

"My son's the legendary Hero! It must have been all that oatmeal! And to think that I'mm his father...!
-Tata's Father

Inspiring Quotes:

"But Ayla no lose. Only when Ayla dead, give up!"

"Put end to this!"

"Ayla strong. No loss!"

"Strong survive. Ayla strong. Ayla fight!"

"Mine name is Glenn! Cyrus' hopes and dreams... And now the Masamune... Forthwith I shall slay Magus and restore honor!"

"Stop sniveling! It shames the Knights of the Square Table! We shall DESTROY Magus' troops and bring honor to our King!"
-Knight Captain (600 AD)

"Gotta seize the day!"
-Earthbound Man

"You're absolutely right! We're alive, and there's always hope."
-Enlightened Man

"You fight not just for yourselves, but for all living things... This is a battle between Lavos and the entire world!"

"We won't be beaten by a bad guy!"

In our world, every storm has an end. Every night brings a new morning. What's important is to trust those you love, and never give up... We must keep all hope alive..."
-Nun at the Cathedral Alter