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Isidore's Fanfic Awards

Isidore is now back. Jasmin, thanks bunches for trying.

ATTENTION! I am looking for people who know hypertext mark-up language to help out with the website. Please apply to the e-mail address at the bottom of the page. YOU WILL BE CREDITED.

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{ Nominate | See the nominees | Links | Vote (not open yet!) | View and Sign Guestbook }

Special and HUGE thanks to Web Monster, who helped plant this possibly crazy idea in my head. Also, I borrowed some of the categories from her. But don’t worry, she has her own award from me coming up!

These awards are also for visuals: however, they will be in a separate voting section, so those of you who dislike visuals do not have read them.

If you are nominated, I will notify you through e-mail.

All nominations except those being entered in the visual section must be appropriate for all to read. I will not allow visual nominations anywhere but the visual section, because some readers are too young to read visuals, and other readers do not like to read visuals. Nominations end April 2002.

NEW: Please use the nomination ballot. Don't e-mail me personally. I will discard nominations sent from a personal e-mail address.

Nominees: you MUST post the banner sent to you before you are posted as a nominee. No post, no nomination. We are still new and still rely on ads and word-of-mouth. Thank you.

Got a 98 Degrees page? This is your link to link to this site!
Got an 'N Sync site? This is your link to link to this site!
Got a Backstreet Boys site? This is your link to link to this site!
Got an Aaron Carter page?This is your link to link to this site!

Don’t forget, I need EVERYTHING that is on the nomination ballot. Please copy and best your nomination for Best Kiss into the nomination ballot. All stories nominated must be posted on the Internet! If these things are not included, YOU DID NOT NOMINATE A STORY! Also, if you want to nominate something that doesn’t fit a category, send it anyway! I would probably make a category for it!

Please do not e-mail me at the boy_band_awards address. You can no longer reach me there.

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Best Overall Fanfic Page
This is for easy-to-read,well put together, fun pages with great stories
Best 'N Sync Fanfic Page
Same as Best Overall, except specifically 'N Sync
Best Backstreet Boys Fanfic Page
Same as Best Overall, except specifically for Backstreet Boys fanfic
Best 98 Degrees Fanfic Page
Same as Best Overall, except specifically for 98 Degrees
Best Author
Must have more than two completed stories written. Can nominate any author for any band
Best ‘N Sync Author
Must have more than two completed stories written.
Best Backstreet Boys Author
Must have more than two completed stories written.
Best 98 Degrees Author
Must have more than two completed stories written.
Most Versatile Author
Somebody that can go from drama to love stories to tragedy to happy . . . and do it well. Must have more than two COMPLETE stories up, and must have at least two different types. Can nominate any author for any band
Best Overall Story
Best completed story. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Tear-Jerker
A story that is so well written and dramatic (or sad) that it can make the reader cry. Must be COMPLETED. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Drama
Drama is a broad term, so let's say it can't be any fairytale. There's gotta be a conflict. Story must be COMPLETED. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Love Story/Saga
Must be a love story, and COMPLETE. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Mystery
Must be a COMPLETE mystery. Mystery is a broad term... Can nominate a story for any band
Best Comedy
A story to brighten any day through laughter and bring cheer and whimsy into the hearts of all who read it. Must be COMPLETED. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Happy Ending
A COMPLETED story with a happy ending. The entire story doesn't need to be happy, just the end. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Sad Ending
A completed story with a sad ending. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Bitter-sweet Ending
Is it happy or is it sad? Well it's neither really. Something that ends on an up note but in sad circumstances, or just seems . . . wrong, ironic . . . BITTER-SWEET. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Cliffhanger
For the best unresolved ending that keeps us wondering and hoping for a sequel. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Surprise Ending
An unexpected ending, something that will come as a shock to the reader; unpredictable, in a good or bad way. Must be COMPLETED. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Goodbye
Through death or leaving, the best goodbye. Story must be completed. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Kiss/Almost Kiss
Does NOT need to be part of a completed story, but must be on a website. Can nominate a story for any band Excerpt being entered must be included in nomination.
Best Villain
A character we love to hate . . . does not need to be part of a completed story, so long as the story is on the internet. Can nominate a character from a story for any band
Best Fictional Character
Any fictional character, meaning nobody famous. They may be based on people you know, but nobody in the public eye. Must be well developed, but not necessarily a 'good guy'. Can also be up for best villain. Can nominate a character from a story for any band
Best Short Story
Must be complete. Can nominate a story for any band
Sweetest Complete Story
Must be complete. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Overall Incomplete Story
Any type of incomplete story, as long as there's enough to read and make sense. Anything shorter than a chapter or two doesn't count. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Incomplete Tear-Jerker
Same as Best Tear-Jerker, except Must be INCOMPLETE. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Incomplete Love Story
Same as best Love Story, except must be INCOMPLETE. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Incomplete Mystery
Same as Best Mystery, except must be INCOMPLETE. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Incomplete Comedy
Same as Best Comedy, except must be INCOMPLETE. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Incomplete Drama
Same as Best Drama, except must be INCOMPLETE. Can nominate a story for any band
Sweetest Incomplete Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination. Mat nominate any story for any band
Best Non-Boy Band story
For the story where the boy band is not the boy band . . . Can nominate a story for any band
Best Setting
For the best described, most romantic, most dramatic.... If it can create a visual picture in the minds of readers, it qualifies! Can nominate a story for any band
Best Overall ‘N Sync Story
Can be complete or incomplete
Best Complete ‘N Sync Story
Must be complete
Best Incomplete ‘N Sync Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination
Best Justin Timberlake Story
Best complete story featuring Justin.
Best Incomplete Justin Timberlake Story
Best incomplete story featuring Justin.
Best Lance Bass Story
Best complete story featuring Lance.
Best Incomplete Lance Bass Story
Best incomplete story featuring Lance.
Best JC Chasez Story
Best complete story featuring JC.
Best Incomplete JC Chasez story
Best incomplete story featuring JC.
Best Joey Fatone Story
Best complete story featuring Joey.
Best Incomplete Joey Fatone story
Best incomplete story featuring Joey.
Best Chris Kirkpatrick Story
Best complete story featuring Chris.
Best Incomplete Chris Kirkpatrick Story
Best incomplete story featuring Chris.
Best Overall Backstreet Boys Story
Can be complete or incomplete
Best Complete Backstreet Boys Story
Must be completed
Best Incomplete Backstreet Boys Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination
Best Nick Carter Story
Must be completed
Best Incomplete Nick Carter Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination
Best AJ McLean Story
Must be completed
Best Incomplete AJ McLean Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination
Best Brian Littrell Story
Must be completed
Best Incomplete Brian Littrell Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination
Best Howie Dorough Story
Must be completed
Best Incomplete Howie Dorough Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination
Best Kevin Richardson Story
Must be completed
Best Incomplete Kevin Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination
Best Aaron Carter Story
Must be complete
Best Incomplete Aaron Carter Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination
Best Overall 98 Degrees Story
Can be complete or incomplete
Best Complete 98 Degrees Story
Must be completed
Best Incomplete 98 Degrees Story
Cannot be completed at time of nomination
Best Drew Lachey Story
Must be completed
Best Incomplete Drew Lachey Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination
Best Nick Lachey Story
Must be completed
Best Incomplete Nick Lachey Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination
Best Jeff Timmons Story
Must be complete
Best Incomplete Jeff Timmons Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination
Best Justin Jeffre Story
Must be completed
Best Incomplete Justin Jeffre Story
Cannot be complete at time of nomination


Best Overall Visual Page
This is for easy-to-read, well put together, fun pages with great stories
Best 'N Sync Visual Page
Same as Best Overall, except specifically for 'N Sync.
Best Backstreet Boys Visual Page
Same as Best Overall, except specifically for the Backstreet Boys.
Best 98 Degrees Visual Page
Same as Best Overall, except specifically for 98 Degrees.
Best Overall Visual
May be complete or incomplete. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Long Visual
Must be at least four chapters long. Story does not have to include sex in all the chapters! Can nominate a story for any band
Best Short Visual
No more than three chapters, completed. Story does not have to include sex in all chapters! Can nominate a story for any band
Best Complete Visual
Must be complete. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Incomplete Visual
Cannot be complete at time of nomination. Can nominate a story for any band
Best Overall 'N Sync Visual
May be complete or incomplete. May feature one or more of the guys. May be short or long
Best Complete N' Sync Visual.
Must be complete. May feature one or more of the guys. May be short or long
Best Incomplete 'N Sync Visual
Cannot be complete at time of nomination. May feature one or more of the guys. May be short or long
Best Overall Mixed Visual
May be short or long. May be complete or incomplete. Must feature at least two guys from two different bands.
Best Justin Timberlake Visual
Best visual featuring Justin Timberlake. Can be short or long.
Best Lance Bass Visual
Best visual featuring Lance Bass. Can be short or long.
Best JC Chasez Visual
Best visual featuring JC Chasez. Can be short or long.
Best Joey Fatone Visual
Best visual featuring Joey Fatone. Can be short or long.
Best Chris Kirkpatrick Visual
Best visual featuring Chris Kirkpatrick. Can be short or long.
Best Overall Backstreet Boys Visual
May be complete or incomplete. May feature one or more of the guys. May be short or long.
Best Complete Backstreet Boys Visual
Must be complete. May include one or more of the guys. May be short or long.
Best Incomplete Backstreet Boys Visual
Cannot be complete at time of nomination. May feature one or more of the guys. May be short or long.
Best Nick Carter Visual
Best visual featuring Nick Carter. Can be short or long.
Best AJ McLean Visual
Best visual featuring AJ McLean. Can be short or long.
Best Brian Littrell Visual
Best visual featuring Brian Littrell. Can be short or long.
Best Howie Dorough Visual
Best visual featuring Howie Dorough. Can be short or long.
Best Kevin Richardson Visual
Best visual featuring Kevin Richardson. Can be short or long.
Best Overall 98 Degrees Visual
May be short or long. May be complete or incomplete. May feature one or more of the guys.
Best Complete 98 Degrees Visual
Must be complete. May be short or long. May feature one or more of the guys.
Best Incomplete 98 Degrees Visual
Cannot be complete at time of nomination. May be short or long. May feature one or more of the guys.
Best Drew Lachey Visual
Best visual featuring Drew Lachey. Can be short or long.
Best Nick Lachey Visual
Best visual featuring Nick Lachey. Can be short or long.
Best Jeff Timmons Visual
Best visual featuring Jeff Timmons. Can be short or long.
Best Justin Jeffre Visual
Best visual featuring Justin Jeffre. Can be short or long.
Sweetest Visual Overall
May be complete or incomplete. May feature any guy from any band, or more than one.
Trashiest Visual Overall
May be complete or incomplete. May include any guy from any band, or more than one.

See the nominees! (Please make sure there are not other adresses for your question)

not forgotten


a l o n e

can't fight the moonlight

heaven in MY eyes

I want PEACE!

a l o n e

Straight But Not Narrow


yes they are.

ll True Colors ll

Not Ashamed

shut up you dont know me
shut up

Why shut up?

There is no fairy tale ending for abuse. In this, you must help yourself. If you are being abused, or you think someone else might be, please call 1-800-799-SAFE.

Why Would They Give A Rat's Ass?