Topic: 239) Orthodox chants
Sung with the choir of the Uspensky cathedral, Helsinki, between 1979 - 1986.
1) Come, let us grastify the memorable Joseph (harmonisation by Bortnjanski)
2) Peace, our saviour ( harm. by Smolenski)
3) Cherubic song (harm. By Lvovski)
4) Let my prayer arise (harm. by< Glinka)
5) Your abode (Bortnjanski)
6) Your Resurrection, O Christ our Savior (harm. By Kastalski)
7) Cherubic song ( Simonovski, harm. Kastalski)
8) All-night vigil (fragments)
9) Cherubic song (harm. by Smolenski)
10) God is wih us ( harm. by Kastalski)
11) Who would not honour you, holiest Virgin (harm. by Miroljubov)
12) I don't trust (harm. by Miroljubov)
13) Glorification of the Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam (harm. by Miroljubov)
14) Troparion of St. John Chrysostom ( harm. by Balakirev)
15) King of Heaven came on Earth for men (harm. by Miroljubov)
16) Holy God ( Čajkovski)
17) Come let us worship, Save the Son of God, Alleluia, Glory, The Apostle (Čajkovski,
arranged by S. arov for Nicolai Gedda)
Updated: Tuesday, 24 September 2013 5:28 PM MEST
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