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1st Cowan Heights Scout Troop

  1st Cowan Heights Scout Troop  

    This is a page that explains the significance of Scouts and different parts of the scouting movement. My name is David and I'm in the 1st Cowan Heights Scout Troop. This is my third year in Scouts and I'm trying to get my Chief Scout Award. I have a few gold stage badges and a few silver. I have my green cord with 12 challenge badges.


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The Official Scouts Canada Web page
The Official North East Avalon Scouts Web page
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A Scout Web page
Scouts Canada <<Francais>>
My Friend's Page
Brotherhood of Scouting
Statistics on the membership of Scouting
Milestones in Scouting
World Scout Jamboree
Chat Room

I hope you enjoyed this introduction to Scouting and I hope this page encourages you to join Scouts. If you need anymore information about scouts, please contact your nearest scout shop.


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