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December 26, 2002
Well, MERRY CHRISTMAS on and all!! i hope u all got what u wanted and if ya didn't well its not the end of the world so cheer up! then go and download the new patch for aa, look at some porn, then go to bed. oh well, not many updates besides the new aa patch um, yeah thats it... OH wait! i almost forgot, we got a new member!! JMagger i believe but i think im just goin by his email. infortunaly i havent talked to him yet so if ya read this Mag talk to me i would like to get to know you better and formally welcome u to are nice clan. Members page should be up soon so until then plz send me some pics u want to get put next to your name for ur pic id make it something cool but if ya dont like it i can always put a new up. Send the pics to my email at comcast not hotmail, links
at the bottom where it says send email, ull see it. anyways bye for now!! enjoy the site!
November 29, 2002
Ok, it has been a long time comin but i finally got it all up and running and it looks pretty darn good to if u ask me. well anyways nothin much new here, um theres goin to be a member meeting on friday the 5 at 4:00 for all the clan mates that can make it. thats 4 eastern time by the way. i have nothin else to talk about, im goin to be gettin the rest of the site up shortly and i would appreciate it if u guys could send me some cool pics u have from anything just no porno, thats the last thing i need to be caught with on my computer. but the pictures dont have to relate to aa they can be anything u want them to be. well thats all for now, oh yeah and if u want some music on the site just send it to me and ill be happy to put it on. this is Zek, later.
Sunday, September 1, 2002
Well nothin much new here, i entered are team in a competition ladder so we can fight other squads and stuff so thats cool. Um we need more members so anyone who wants to take the liberty and get some of there friends into the game we would be glad to take them plus if u find anyone online that u like and become buddy buddy with ask him if he wants to join. Oh yeha the other parts are coming soon. :)
Monday, August 19,2002
Welcome!!!This is Chris comin at ya. i must say i have out done myself this is my first website i ever created with HTML which
i have just learned from a website called HTML This site is great!! I
would give it a 9 outta 10 if i was rating it. I would love to hear any comments u have about my site by emailing me at Thanks and ill talk to ya next update. Oh ipromise the other parts of my
site are coming soon.