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Welcome to the only website dedicated to the players and fans of the Spring Lake Football League!

Why you ask??? And I know your asking. I can almost sense your belwiderment through the phone line! Well there are a few reasons why I built the site.

Those of us who played in the glory years of the SFL remember how much fun we had playing the game. More importantly we all enjoyed the friendships that were built both in school and on the field.

So there's a few of the reaons. But mostly I was just bored as hell one night and got this wild hair up my ass to build this site!

Anyway, I designed this site to give us all a chance to catch up and to promote a possible reunion game! That's right a reunion game! It could be fun. Of course it could be dangerous as all hell too.

On the site you'll find both a message board and a contact page. Feel free to post whatever ideas you may have for a reunion game or use it to chat about old/new times. If you want me to list your name on the contact page drop me an email. I'm guessing by this point you're wondering who I am - my name is Todd Gillespie.

Also, if you run into anyone who played in the old SFL, let them know about the website. The only way it will work is if we get the word out. I apologize for the lengthy URL and the unsightly advertising, but Angelfire and the company that hosts the boards make their money this way, and besides some freaking Frenchies have locked up!

So get to it, check out what's left of the site and let me know what you think about having a game. Also if you have any old pictures that you think might liven up the place a little, email them to me at