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Miscellaneous Renaissance Festival and
Renaissance Web Site

Over the years, I’ve visited SKADZ of Web Site links for Renaissance Festival reference and Faire information. Since I also bookmarked them, I decided to list them here –
in case any of those who visit my site are interested!

All links on this page are listed in alphabetical order – NOT in order of my “favorites,” or anything like that! Also, these are links that I HAVEN’T listed elsewhere. And, lastly, these links do NOT link back to my site.

So BOOKMARK this site (if you haven’t already done so).
You’ll have to get back here on your own!

The first section is one of
Miscellaneous Renaissance Links
(festivals, fairs, costumers, and STUFF).

After that, come links to

And, at the very end, are links to
MISCELLANEOUS Real and Obnoxious
(sometimes BOTH)

(Visit these Sites …

Join something …


The Costuming Page
This is a page also accessible from the SCA’s Web Site. This site offers information about how to
“DO IT YOURSELF” and make all sorts of items from Renaissance Footwear to Chain Mail.
I haven’t explored this site as yet, but it luks promising.

Midieval (and Renaissance) European Costume Links
Yet another page also accessible from the SCA’s Web Site which I haven’t explored.
This site offers links to all sorts of Renaissance costume sites, and luks promising.

The Bristol Renaissance Faire
There seems to be difficulty bringing this faire-site up on the Internet! But, the above is a “2000” link! Saturdays and Sundays, 6/24/00-8/20/00. “Directly west of Interstate 94 on the WI / IL Stateline in Kenosha, WI.” Ded Bob & Smudj perform at this Faire, and Sir Clisto lists it on his “Calendar of Events.” (I haven’t been to this Faire, but I’m becoming more and more interested in going to it!)

The Daily Grail
An Internet Magazine that aims to “Celebrate the myths and legends of the British Isles, particularly those of King Arthur, and as you can imagine, that covers a fair amount of territory.”
A Daily Grail page that I’ve visited often, is the “Arthurian Costume” page

An Internet shop for Gypsy and Belly Dancer’s costumes, jewelry, accessories, and instruments.

Elizabethan Accents
“Meant for the faire worker, but suitable for the scholar...”

Elizabethan Life
An EXTENSIVE site, filled with information and educational references to Elizabethan lifestyles,
language, dress, et al!

The Garb Bag
This site is “devoted to fantasy costuming and associated miscellany (and) is designed to be both a ‘how-to’ resource, where I have posted my experiences with costuming over the last few years, and a compilation of links to my favorite sites on the web that deal with costuming and its various aspects.” A Gude Site.

Lars Lundegaard’s Web Site
Lars is an Amourer. More importantly (I think!), he’s the Master-O’-Membership-&-Order-Questions for The International Wenches’ Guild, AND for SEVERAL other guilds that I’ve linked at the end of this page!

The Michigan Renaissance Festival
I haven’t been to this festival – yet! But, I’m thinking about going. “August 14 - September 26, 1999” (Hope it encompasses similar dates in 2000!); Weekends and labor day, 10 am to 7 pm. (Sir Clisto lists this Renaissance Festival – likely, he might be there?!)

The Minnesota Renaissance Festival
I haven’t been to this festival – yet! But, I’m thinking about going because it’s the home-festival site for Puke & Snot! (That, and I have friends in the area!)
Weekends (and Labor Day), August 12th through September 24th, 2000.

ORB (The On-Line Reference Book for Medieval Studies)
A place to learn about Medieval Terms.

The Renaissance Faire Junkie
This site has a WEALTH of Renaissance Festival & Faire information! And, the Lady who built and runs the site seems to be incredibly cool! (Especially since she supports a chain-mail-wearing KAT!) I dearly hope to meet her some day.

The Renaissance Foundation
I haven’t explored this site to any extent! But, it appears to have all sorts of interesting and educational Renaissance offerings.

Renaissance Information Links
I just recently found this Web Site, and haven’t even BEGUN to explore all these links! Ton’s o’ interesting Renaissance stuff! Costumes, Guilds, history … you name it, it seems to be linked here

Renaissance Magazine’s Medieval Links
An EXTENSIVE listing of Links for Renaissance information about Medieval Art, Costuming, Armor, Historical sites, and on … and on … and on!

Rozani’s Medieval Costumes
This site includes costumes for sale, in addition to patterns and illustrations of costumes.

Scarborough Faire – The Renaissance Festival
Another Faire I haven’t been to – yet! But, I dearly want to go. (I tried in 2000, but got snaffued by my baby bro’s disinterest in lending me a car!) Saturdays and Sundays & Memorial Day Monday; April 15, 2000 - June 4, 2000 (Including Easter Sunday April 23). “We're only 30 minutes south of Dallas/Fort Worth, near Waxahachie, Texas.”

The Scottish Renaissance Group
“Clan Iain Abrach is a Renaissance Guild specializing in 16th Century Highland Historical Re-enactment. We excel in portraying everyday life. We have many artisans and crafts people in our group. Our home is based in the San Francisco East Bay. In a Fair Season (2000 Calendar), we participate in many events throughout California and Nevada.”

Sir Clisto Seversword, Knight of the Holy Blade of York
This is the “personal” Web Site of Sir Clisto, “an avid faire goer and medieval history enthusiast.” His site offers a wealth of Knightly information, including “the Nine Points of Knightly Virtue, Ye Olde Code of Chivalry or the Knightly Rules for Chivalrous Love.” He’ll be at several Renaissance Faires in 2000. Go to his site and check out his schedule – see if you’ll be able to meet him! (I’d certainly like to!)



We saw these guys at the TX Ren Fest in 1999.
(This photo doesn’t do them justice, but it
gives you a taste of how Wild & Bizzare they are!
The guy in jeans is an AUDIENCE MEMBER!)


Unfortunately, in 2000 they “quit” the
Renaissance Festival circuit and went to a
“Theatre-Show-Only” basis of performance.
If you’re going to be in Austin, they are
scheduled to perform at the Zachary Scott Theater
in Austin, Texas, Nov. 24th thru Dec. 31st, 2001


This is the terrifically Animated and Interactive web site
for the performer known as “Ded Bob” and his mysterious
(though rumored to be handsome) masked-human-side-kick,

“Smudj.” Ded & Smudj perform at (and have
links to) the Arizona Renaissance Faire, Georgia Renaissance Festival, Bristol Renaissance Faire (Chicago, Illinois /Milwaukee, Wisconsin area), Michigan Renaissance Festival, and the Texas Renaissance Festival.
Ded Bob’s SONG LYRICS are posted on his site!


OOH! I saw these guyz at the
Colorado Renaissance Festival in
Larkspur, CO years ago!
They are tooooooo, fun!
If you ever get a chance to see them,
DO IT!!! They perform at:
  • The Minnesota Comedy Club,
    Maplewood, Minnesota (651-770-7811)
  • The Colorado Renaissance Festival
    at Larkspur, CO
  • The Minnesota Renaissance Festival,
    Shakopee, Minnesota.


I’ve nevah seen these guyz.
But, they luk right gude!!!
[And, they’ve got a
Web Site for you
To Check out!]

MISCELLANEOUS Real or Obnoxious (or Both!)

(I think all of these Guild Sites are compliments of Lars Lundegaard!
Although I’ve nevah met Him, I know that He’s Tres HOT!!!)

The Assassins Guild
(a.k.a.: “The Cleaners' Guild & Association of Certified Personal Assassins” … “The Guild of Saint Nikita”) The Assassins’ Guild Motto: Nihil Privatus – “It's Nothing Personal!”

The Loyal Order of Himbos
To my understanding, a “Himbo” is the male version of a “Bimbo.” (I didn’t make any of this up – so, DON’T ask me, “Why?!” or “Wherefore?!”) “The Guild motto explains it all: To Serve & Protrude!

The Renaissance Mercenaries Guild
Yet another Guild of sword-whackers! The Mercenaries Guild Motto: In Omnia Paratus
“Ready for Anything!”

The Renrat Guild
(a.k.a.: “The Renrat Nation”) The Renrat Motto: Ars Longa, Vita Brevis
“Eat, Drink & Be Merry, for tomorrow, we may have to go back to work!”

The International Brotherhood of Rouges, Scoundrels, and Cads
The above Web Site seems to be having difficulties.
But, Lars Lundegaard’s Web Site has a page that describes this Brotherhood
The Motto: Fortes Fortuna Juvat – “Fortune Favors the Brave!”
“In a triumphant testament to testosterone, the IBRSC has been established to provide a union for those blokes who consistently dwell in that gray area between chivalry and misogyny. If your idea of a good time is risking life and limb to defend a maiden's honor (as long as the possibility of profit or nookie is in the bargain), then you're our kind of guy.”

The Vampyre Hunters Guild
(a.k.a.; The Guild of Saint Van Helsing) Guild Motto: Cinis et Cinis, Pulvis et Pulvis – “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust!” “The dead have no worthwhile business with the living, except to cause havoc, suffering and horrid fashion choices. Therefore, it falls to a handful of stalwart individuals (quite possibly like yourself...) to take a ‘stake’ in the welfare of our human society and stem the tide of un-wholesomeness waiting luridly at the edges of our perceptions for their next chance to feed. The members of the Vampyre Hunters Guild carry on the proud tradition of undead removal and spectral expunging from the very first recorded Slayer, Saint Abraham Van Helsing. Remember; you don't have to be buff to be a slayer, but it helps.”

The Renaissance Veterans Administration
The Veterans’ Motto: Construo Id Et mundanus Volo Venio – “Build It and The Mundanes Will Come!” “Being a RenVet is not quite unlike going to a kinder, gentler Valhalla or Disney's version of a medieval Vietnam. We work our asses off building, maintaining and performing in funny clothes in the hottest/coldest/wettest of weather, often for nothing more than the food in our bellies or the opportunity to ‘kill’ some of our comrades.” And, so on…

The International Wenches’ Guild
OH! Like you haven’t already been there via links on OTHER PAGES of my site!


If you have suggestions for MISTRESS CHAS’ RENAISSANCE WEB SITE,
Plz Email the “WebMistress” – Ms. Chas!
and those are now hyphens/dashes
(instead of the “old” underline marks)
between the “c” and “d” and “miller”

This COUNTER was started on January 5th, 2001.