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Cool Neeraj's Site

My HomePage
 MP3 Songs
Screen Savers
Desktop Themes
 Chat Room
 Contact me
 View My Guest Book
 Sign My Guest Book

                 Welcome to my web site!

Everyone else has a web site these days, so I figured, why not me, too?

I'll mainly use this site to post lots of favorite pictures of friends and  family . I'll try to pick out the most flattering ones, but no guarantees!

I'm also going to use this web site to express myself what i like. I'll have a page with lots of mp3 songs and large collection of celebrities photoes. Very soon i will include pages that has some of my choice of screen savers and desktop themes.

I'll update this site frequently, so make sure to check back often.

We hope to update this page often with new photos. Please be sure to sign the guestbook on my homepage and let me know what you think.

A cat; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Here I might put a picture of myself or my pet, or just a picture that I like a lot.

What's New?

Here I'll add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the change.

I might use a format similar to this one for my entries:

 Added celebrities photos of my choice on "celebrities" page.

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