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real name: Meryl Silverburgh

sex: female

age: teens

nationality: USA

height: 175 cm

She is Campbell's niece. Joined FOX-HOUND the very day of the terrorist act. Born in a house of military tradition, from her childhood days she has trained herself to become a soldier. She¹s never fallen in love, for she was raised as a soldier. Her meeting with Solid Snake and the subsequent mission in Alaska makes a big impact on her view of life. Being a woman, she can still handle a gun with only one hand. She is a genetically superior soldier but with no real battle experience. Only simulator experience like other Genome soldiers.

Side info: Received minor genetic treatment to not fall in love. However, begins to be attracted to Solid Snake. Also begins

to doubt the military/soldier world.

Liquid Snake

real name: unknown

sex: male

age: 30s

nationality: UK (USA)

height: 183 cm

 IQ of 180. Born in the 70s.

Long, white hair. Dark skin.

At birth, Liquid was given from the US government to the British government. This was to measure effects of acquired surroundings and not only inherited traits. Under the tutelage of MI5 he was educated and received battle training. Fluent in 7 languages such as English, Spanish, French, Malay, etc. Speaks Arabic like a native. He does not serve in an official military organization, but instead in the dark world as a mercenary and assassin. He was recruited by the British information agency (SIS) to act as a sleeper in the Middle East for espionage and destruction activities. To further vitalize his skills, he was put in real combat in his teens. In his late teens he worked for the British special force (SAS) to destroy the mobile launchers of SCUD missiles in the Gulf War. During the mission he becomes a POW of Iraq and disappears. Due to his outstanding battle skills he was brainwashed and used for terrorist activities in the Middle East. Withstands the cold and heat due to his experience in the Arab nations and deserts. Fox hunting in the Middle East is actually jackal hunting. After the UPRISING OF ZANZIBAR (after Solid left the unit) he joined FOX-HOUND, an official unit for the first time. Becomes battle leader of FOX-HOUND.

Roy Campell

real name: Roy Campbell

sex: male

age: 60s

nationality: USA

Ex-Commander of FOX-HOUND. Though already retired from the armed forces, he has been called out because there was no other commander who could get in touch with Solid Snake. Accepted this mission in order to save his niece Meryl. Though civilian now, he shows up in a military uniform wearing a beret. Before entering the "former" FOX-HOUND, he served in the US Marine Corps, Green Beret and Delta Force. In Foxhound, he was assigned to X.O. of the unit for his strategic planning capabilities and his battle experience. After the death of Big Boss, he discarded the code name system in the unit, and had built up the "new" FOX-HOUND making full use of various hi-tech equipment including reconnaissance satellites. After being discharged, serves as special instructor of the Marines Boots Camp. Friends with Master Miller.Called to persuade Solid, but does not know of the true story at all. Was against the FOX-HOUND's introduction of genetic treatment and steps down from Commander post. After Campbell left, the commander less FOX-HOUND returns to the code name system. Gives orders from the nuclear submarine Ohio.

 Mei Ling

real name: Mei Ling

sex: female

age: teens

nationality: China (Kwangtung)

She is in charge of the communication data processing in this operation. A student of MIT. Her nationality is China (Kwangtung), though born in the U.S., she grew up in a Chinese Town. Specializing in the image and data processing operations of spy satellites, she also developed the new communication equipment and radar used by Snake in this mission. She was initially influenced by a fighter plane pilot movie and is fond of the Air Force. Participates in the ROTC program at MIT to become an officer, but gives up due to the lack of talent. She has poor vision and must wear corrective lenses. Has an inferiority complex due to her poor vision, but this also adds to her motive to develop a new radar system that would assist one's vision and thinking abilities. Was scouted by the military for her expertise in image and data processing. Works together with the technicians at NOR in Fort Mead and ENPIC in image processing and electronic and communication espionage with the use of spy satellites. Not good at dealing with people. Learns what "real espionage" and "communication between people" are through dealing with Solid Snake. The CODEC used by Solid Snake, codifying satellite communication system, anti-wiring coding, digital real time burst communication, sonar-utilizing radar, etc. were all developed by her. Normal communication (10s of seconds) instantaneously codified, compressed and transmitted in a burst (1 microsecond), received real time, unscrambled, and decoded. Incomparably more innovative than the conventional anti-wiring frequency scrambler. Made possible a 24-hour system unaffected by weather, integrating information from high altitude reconnaissance satellites and low altitude reconnaissance planes. She saves all information data in this mission and manages the communication systems.

Big Boss

real name: unknown

sex: male

age: 70s

nationality: USA (assumed)

Former chief of FOX-HOUND. In Vietnam, participated as an "unofficial soldier" (mercenary) along with the Green Beret and ranger units at part of LRRP (Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol) and the US Scouting Unit. Worked in special units such as the SOG (Special Operations Group), Green Beret, Wild Geese, Delta Force. Took part in more than 70 missions.No records of him until his remarkable action in LRRP. From where and why he showed up is unknown. Big Boss lost sight in one eye as a mercenary and then left the battlefields and instead participated in military education. In the 90s he is appointed as chief of the unofficial high-tech special unit of FOX-HOUND and is brought back to the United States. Utilizing the huge funds, human resources, and connections acquired in his mercenary years, he establishes an independent military state of OUTER HEAVEN in Salzburg. However, OUTER HEAVEN was destroyed by Solid Snake. He escaped to the Middle East and built a military fortress called Zanzibar Land. He turned refugee camps into a military base and used the refugees and mercenaries to build Zanzibar Land. However, Solid Snake once again interfered and brought Zanzibar down. By this time, Big Boss was assumed to be in his 70s. He died in the UPRISING OF ZANZIBAR. His corpse was collected by the government, and his genetic information and genomes were analyzed using the remaining tissues, and then saved as a sample for the base (nucleotide) arrangements that constitute the "strongest warrior." Liquid Snake is asking for the corpse of Big Boss so he can extract his genetic information.

Jim Houseman

real name: Jim Houseman

sex: male

age: 50s

nationality: USA

Minister of the Department of Defense. Controls the whole operation from AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control System). A patriot who still believes in nuclear deterrence. He was in active service when the US enjoyed strong leadership over the world. Formerly belonged to the US Marine Corps and took part in the Vietnam War. Friends with ArmsTech president. Crew cut; still unable to leave behind his 30 years in the military. Advocate of "PAX ATOMICA" -- peace brought by nuclear deterrence, and considers nuclear deterrence to be the fundamentals of post-Cold War nuclear strategy.

Donald Anderson

real name: Donald Anderson

sex: male

age: 50s

nationality: USA

race: African-American

height: 185 cm

The chief of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). An advocate of the nuclear deterrence theory. A strategist from the days of the Cold War. He is currently in charge of the DARPA program. Secretly ordered the development of METAL GEAR as a black project. When he participates in training exercises, he uses a bio-transmitter-nanomachine which is digested in 12 hours (excreted and flushed down the toilet). He knows the PAL -- a cipher for disarming the detonation code of nuclear warheads. This is his main motivation to visit the Alaskan base. Worked as an analyst in the CIA for more than 10 years and was awarded the most honorable Intelligent Star Badge. Expertise in international politics and international military strategy. His analyses and opinion are very influential. DARPA is located in the IDA (Institute of Defense Analysis) building near the Pentagon in Washington D.C.

 Kenneth Baker

real name: Kenneth Baker

sex: male

age: 60s

nationality: USA

race: white

height: 168 cm

The President of ArmsTech and main person responsible for the Rex Project. A rotund, politician-like middle aged man. Walks with a cane. He has continued the development of METAL GEAR to survive in the stagnant military industry along with ARDEC (Army Research and Development Center). However, after the Cold War, the project was terminated, and this is why he approached the DARPA chief. (Army Research and Development Group) Due to the influence of military cutdowns and dual use after the Cold War, he was worried about drastic decrease in revenues. Tries to persuade the DARPA chief to realize the project by mentioning increased revenues for ArmsTech as well as lowering the unemployment rate. Became number 2 in the military industry during the Cold War. Took part in the SDI project and invested a lot of money and time to develop mass destruction satellite weapons but suffered a major loss due to the termination of the project. Lost the bidding for the next generation fighter plane F22 (ATF) and suffered even more losses. The technology of ArmsTech was far more superior but was not chosen due to its enormous costs. This defeat was what made Baker approach the Minister of the Department of Defense as well as the DARPA chief. His ambition was to become number 1 in the weapon development industry. He wanted to bring back the good ol' days for the industry. He was not at all interested in making civilian use out of military technology.

Hal Emmerich

real name: Hal Emmerich

sex: male

age: 30s

nationality: USA

race: white (Jewish)

height: 177 cm

weight: 62 kg

ArmsTech METAL GEAR Project chief engineer. Wears glasses, and has a friendly nature but he is a weapon development genius. He did not attend school but studied through the Internet and matriculated at MIT. Earned his PHD at an early age. Earned his bachelors and masters degrees at Princeton -- a genius too young. In his college years, he put together a program to solve the year 2000 digit changing problem in computers and drew major attention as the savior of the computer world. Came up with the idea but earned no money from it. Note: Today's Internet was started among researchers in DARPA for communication purposes in 1969. It is so ironic that Otacon got into college and lost his job as a criminal due to the Internet developed by DARPA and then being involved in this time's DARPA-related incident. Loves Japanimation (Japanese animation). His nickname "Otacon" comes from the "OTAKU CONVENTION" which is a fan event of Japanese animation held in the US, and of which he is a regular participant. He joined the METAL GEAR project for his love of robot animation.

Revolver Ocelot

real name: unknown

sex: male

age: 50s

nationality: Russian

height: 182 cm

Ex-Spetsnaz. After the fall of the Soviet Union, he joined the Russian police. Then he joined the special tactics division of the SVR, which was formally the KGB Administration Headquarters No.1. However, he did not adapt well to the old KGB system, and he was scouted by the US and joins FOX-HOUND.A gun nut who loves cowboy movies and spaghetti Westerns. He uses a revolver (single action army). He shoots with one hand (western style). He is an amazing gunfighter and uses all of the angles. He hates wasting bullets. He fought mainly in Afghanistan, Eritrea, Mozambique, and other local dispute areas in Central Asia. This is when he met and was scouted by Big Boss who was running his mercenary business in Africa. During his Afghan days, his helicopter was shot down by an Afghan guerilla with a stinger missile, to this day he suffers from PTSD.

 Cyborg Ninja

real name: Frank Jeager

sex: male

age: unknown

nationality: unknown

height: 181 cm

Little is known about this "cyborg ninja" He uses stealth camouflage and wields a Japanese katana that can cut through steel like butter and even deflect bullets.

Physco Mantis

real name: unknown

sex: male

age: 30s

nationality: Russian

height: 190 cm

Was a psychic secret agent for KGB. Losing his position in the Soviet Union after its crumble, he moved to the US and served in the FBI for a while. He was in charge of several cases in the FBI. He dove into the minds of serial murders and ended up uniting with such minds (after going beyond the threshold of the element of crime), becoming a serial killer himself. He then became a freelance espionage agent to be scouted to join FOX-HOUND. Has powerful psycho-kinesis powers and the ability to read people's minds. In his childhood, for the first time he dove into the mind of his father and found out his father hates him. His father hated him because his mother died when giving birth to him. He then finds out about the different facets (the "parasite") in one's conscience. This shock changes his personality. This feeling of despair within himself wakes up his subconscious and makes him kill his father. The power that was released from him during that episode wiped out a whole town of 1000 people. The KGB was impressed by his ESP abilities took him in and trained him. He is from the "dormitory school" known for training former Soviet agents. In order to prevent his own destruction with his ESP powers, he keeps another personality (the parasite) within himself. He is called Mantis because of this mental parasite in him. By mentally living together with this single-celled mental parasite, he can somehow manage to keep his original self. He wears a gas mask to hide his facial burns he suffered when wiping out the town. The mask is also necessary to protect his self from spiritual powers and thought powers in the air. In his youth he was a muscular athlete, but since the awakening of his ESP powers he had no reason to act physically, making him lose his muscles and leaving him with just skin and bones. Due to his childhood trauma, he has no happy memories. When he assassinates he dives into the target's mind and "deprives" the target of his likes. He is also known as the dream robber.

 Sniper Wolf

real name: unknown

sex: female

age: 20s

nationality: Iraqi (Kurd)

height: 176 cm

Genius in sniping. Has such incredible patience that she can keep aiming at her target for a long time (even a week) without eating or drinking. Learned sniping techniques from a Gurkha sniper from Nepal, known to be the world's best sniper. Scouted by FOX-HOUND as a sniper. Uses special mercury chips (bullets packed with mercury).

Vulcan Raven

real name: unknown

sex: male

age: 30s

nationality: USA

origin: half Alaskan Indian and half Eskimo (Inuit)

height: 210 cm

Handles a gatling gun (normally equipped on jet fighters) as easily as a small rifle. Has an Alaskan Indian (Athapaskan) and an Eskimo (Inuit) as his parents. Athapaskans: 12,000 people living in the Alaskan inland. Related to the Navajo Indians in Arizona, and anthropologically close to the Japanese, with the same ancestry. The tribal language shares some similarities with old Japanese. Hates the word "Eskimo" used by the white man. Calls the white man by the Yupik word of KASACK. Being an Eskimo, he can stand severe cold temperatures. An elite soldier who graduated from the University of Alaska. When frozen, he walked across the Bering Strait and visited Russia, making his connections with Russia strong. He knew Ocelot well in his GRU days. Took part in a special mission in the former Soviet Union along with this one secret unit. He was demoted upon the coup in Moscow in 1993. Like fellow members of this secret unit, he leaves Russia. He then joins the mercenary dispatching company "OUTER HEAVEN" and is introduced to FOX-HOUND by Revolver Ocelot. Can withstand extreme cold because of his amazing physical prowess. Has a birthmark of an raven on the forehead and a tattoo of circuit wiring (actually PETROGLYPHS) all over the body. Eskimos and Indians worship the raven as the creator. PETROGLYPHS: pattern carved into stone in the Indian culture from 2000 years ago.

 Decoy Octopus

 real name: unknown

sex: male

age: 30s

nationality: Mexico

A master of disguise utilizing cutting edge special effects techniques. Worshipped Hollywood and left Mexico to go to the U.S. Formerly a Hollywood actor and SFX artist. Scouted by the CIA for his disguising skills and then joined FOX-HOUND. During his agent days he disguised himself as government VIPs to divert attention to him. This is why he is called Decoy. Has good command of over 10 languages. Can also change his voice. His disguise goes into the person's habits, his country's traditions and culture, and history. People in this business call him "Mimic." To help his disguise, he has shaved his cheek bones, jaw, and nasal bones. He has also cut off his ears. Without his makeup he looks like no normal person. He has a flexible body, so he can walk in any way, and can also dislocate his joints to go through narrow holes. He has also mastered biofeedback and can freely control his senses of touch (skin). This quality has given him the name of Octopus. To assume the identity of someone else, he takes steroids and changes his physique as well as his metabolism. Sometimes he gets confused himself because he turns into a different person completely. In order to protect himself, every time he disguises as someone, he asks the military for a mental deprogramming.

Naomi Hunter

 real name: Naomi Hunter (Dr. Naomi)

sex: female

age: 20s (assumed)

nationality: half Japanese half Indian

The medical chief of FOX-HOUND. A beautiful woman, she is half Japanese and half Indian. In charge of gene therapy and gene strengthening. Her staffs affectionately call her "Doctor Naomi" and not "Doctor Hunter." She had formerly worked at ATGC. The name of the firm ATGC comes from the first letters of the 4 DNA bases: adenine thymine, guanine, cytosine. In charge of the upgrading and maintenance of FOX-HOUND members. Every half year, she integrates a newly discovered Soldier gene through "gene therapy" to all members and conducts additional programming. She discovered a spreading gene that could be used as a vector and contributed to the field of gene therapy. She also came up with the modern gene targeting method. She is also doing research for the cure of symmetry-ism (a disease) which is caused by gene therapy. She has spent a lot of time in Japan and now speaks Japanese fluently.

Master Miller

real name: McDonnel Benedict Miller

sex: male

age: 50s

nationality: USA

race: white

Survival instructor. Contacts Snake via codec and gives information on survival and on battlefield strategies as well as hints.

Nastasha Romanenko

real name: Nastasha Romanenko

sex: female

age: 30s

nationality: Ukrainian

Military analyst, female, in her thirties, loves smoking. Specializing in hi tech weapons and nuclear weapons. Lives in Los Angeles. Born in Ukraine in the 1970s. In 1986 at 1:23 40 sec AM on April 26, when she was 10 years old, she and her family were showered by the radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster in a town 3 kilometers from Chernobyl. After losing her parents who participated in the cleanup at Chernobyl, she moved to the US. Her hometown is still severely polluted by radiation and is now a ghost town. Although it has been many years since the accident, the deep soils are still radiated, and agriculture of all kinds is still prohibited.


average age 28 (at time of accident)

population that left town 600,000 - 700,000

ill children 650,000

deaths in 1986-93: children: 12,000

cleaners: 97,729

Due to the radiation, people still suffer from thyroid abnormalities, sterility, and other symptoms. Although treatment has continued, cancer diagnosis is not conducted, and proper medical treatment is not given. She refers to nuclear fallout as the "invisible war transcending borders and generations." She detests nuclear weapons and prays for the abolition of all of them and joins the Pentagon. She is against the nuclear deterrence theory which prevailed after World War 2 (during the Cold War), opposed strategic arms reduction proposals such as SALT and START and sticks to the idea of total abolition. "What is necessary for the continuation of mankind is not the reduction of nuclear weapons but its abolition." She served in the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) and then in the NSA (National Security Agency) and was associated with a number of top security matters. The end of the Cold War deprived her of her position in the government organizations, just like other military analysts (who were referred to as military archeologists excavating the remains from the Cold War). She leaves the bureau to become a freelance analyst. She writes for a few information magazines and US Naval info magazines. In 1996 she attends the Canberra Committee, the world's first nationally hosted nuclear weapon abolition proposal group. She provides explanations and info on nuclear weapons, TMD, etc. She also gives info on the handling and capabilities of weapons. She hacks the mercenary/criminal databanks of the ICPO (International Criminal Police Organization) and US police force and can touch upon the newest data of mercenaries and criminals all over the world. Note: The ICPO of Paris has owned a list of world's famous mercenaries for more than 30 years. In this mission she acts as counselor of NEST (nuclear energy survey team). Role as person against the idea of "nuclear peace and nuclear deterrence."

 Solid Snake

real name: unknown

sex: male

age: 30s

nationality: USA

height: 182 cm

Ex-FOX-HOUND member. Single. IQ 180.

 Speaks 6 languages fluently.

Expertise in parachuting, SCUBA diving, free climbing.

"The man that makes the impossible possible".

The man who made the name FOX-HOUND known worldwide through his actions during the OUTER HEAVEN Crisis.

Since, he spent "rehab" time in deep Canada but was then brought back by Campbell to take part in the UPRISING OF ZANZIBAR, completing an infiltration mission to bring down the military state of Zanzibar. After the death of Big Boss, he went back to his solitary life in the Twin Lakes area in the Alaskan mountains.He talks about these peaceful days to Meryl. He lived in a log house and picked blueberries and salmonberries just like the wild animals around him. He was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which he got through the two chaotic missions. The abnormal experiences and trauma in the battlefields bring about illusions as well as guilt, causing him mental confusion while in solitude. He indulges in dog sleigh races to try and forget everything. He was preparing for the world's longest and toughest dog sleigh race taking place at Iditarod. Note: The race starts on the first Saturday of March. A 1,688 km (1,049 miles: Alaska being the 49th state) race between Anchorage and Nome with 60 contestants from all over the world.

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